Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 82: NAUGHTY RINA

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"This quarter. We have Ms. Wentworth as the top student of this class followed by Mr. Ruchi and then Mr. Suede comes third. I hope you will continue to do your best in the next quarter. If you slack off," the teacher looked at Serina in the eye before shifting her gaze to the whole class "you will lose your position and someone might take your place. Be at your best always."

"Yes, ma'am."

Serina bowed her head a little in respect to the teacher but the moment she was gone, Serina jumped in happiness and gently pat Lambert's head. "We made it. I made it."

"Congrats." Lambert replied with a smile. "I thought I'd be able to snatch first place from you."

"I can give way next time."

"Tsk! Such overconfidence flowing in your body. I don't need you to give way. I can fight for that spot fair and square." Lambert answered as he picked his bag. "Are you going somewhere today again? You've been disappearing for quite sometime now. Your boyfriend was worried."

"Boyfriend? Who's that?"


"Hey! Don't be spouting such nonsense. He's not my boyfriend yet."


Serina sat back on her chair and sulked. "I don't know if I should really give in to my feelings again. I mean, you've seen what happened last time. If he breaks my heart again, what will I do?"

Lambert didn't say for a retort. He witnessed how hurt she was at that time. She shut off everyone in her life including her family. If she really gets hurt again, she'd isolate herself again. And if something bad happens, none of them would know about it until it would be too late. Thinking about it brought goosebumps on Lambert's arms.

"Just think it through. Nicholas isn't hurrying you anyway. You have so much time to think about it."

"And what if he won't be patient enough to wait?"

"Trust me, Rina, I don't see such thing to happen with Nicholas. If you really want my honest opinion, Nicholas seemed to be very possessive but he won't just show it because he respects your decision and choices. I believe that he will wait for you no matter how long you'd take. Although, I hope it won't take you a year." Lambert told her and carried his bag on his back. "Let's get something to eat first. It would bring you more energy to think about your boyfriend."

"I just said he's not."

"Your future boyfriend, then." Lambert teased and walked ahead of her. "Move your butt faster or you won't be able to get your favorite steak."

Serina was left with no other choice but to follow Lambert and get some food for lunch. It's been three months since the start of their class. She had been training with Damon for the past month and since the last time the two of them parted, she hasn't heard anything from him. It's been two weeks since they last saw each other. As for Nicholas, she tried to give herself some space. She wanted to make sure that she's ready to give her heart to him. She wanted to make sure that doing so would be the right thing. She seldomly meet with Natalya and Corrine, too.

"Are you going home during the winter break?"

"Winter? That's still few months away but yeah, I'd go back this year. I want to be with my sister since we missed winter together last year."

"Your sister? You never mentioned her before."

"Well, there are things that we don't like sharing to other people, right? I'm sure you have one or two."

Serina nodded her head and stopped probing about it. "By the way, last time you took off your glasses and it caused quite a stir in the school forum. Do you want to see without your glasses on?"

"Who wouldn't be?" Lambert questioned back with a faint smile on his lips. "But, my family doesn't have the money for surgery. Also, I won't be taking financial help from you so, don't bother."

"Who says I'm paying?" Serina chuckled and pulled Lambert to a halt. Many students were looking at them and most of them were girls who were eyeing her angrily. She let go of Lambert's arm and breathed a sigh. "I know a friend who can help you. She's very good when it comes to healing someone but her service was kept secret to other people. To see her, you need to have someone who can establish relationship with her. Also, during the session, you cannot see her. If you see her face, she'd kill you."

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"Where did you meet that kind of woman? That's shady."

"Tsk! Trust me, she will be the answer to your prayer. She will be able to heal your eyes. I thought you want to see the world without those thick glasses."

Lambert looked at Serina and she looked at him with anticipation reflecting her face. She really wanted him to see the world without those glasses because he looked really handsome. She wanted to open more opportunities for him and his family. As to why she's helping him, it's because Lambert stayed true to her.

"You are not scamming me, are you?"

Serina choked on her own saliva and almost hit him with her fist. She didn't expect that kind of response to come from him. "What would I get from scamming you? Tell me."


"See? You are not worth scamming. Stop being delusional. I just wanted to help."

"And why would you help me?"

"Because we are friends." Serina frowned and narrowed her eyes at him. "Or am I wrong thinking we're friends?"

Lambert put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close, half hugging her. "We're friends and you wouldn't find a friend who's very honest like me."

"Just so you know, all my friends are true to themselves and honest to me."

"How sure are you?"

"I just know. I don't make friends with deceitful people." Serina replied and pinched the back of his hand. "And stop hugging me because I don't want to be shredded to pieces by the women around us."

"Who cares about them? Hmp!"

"I care about me. Tsk!"

Under the eyes of everyone, the two of them continued walking and went to the canteen.

"She's really an eyesore."

"Just because they came from the same city, she's acting like she owns him."

"She's a big B."

"I know right."

"I heard she's going off campus recently and would only go back few minutes before curfew."

"I heard she's meeting up with a man outside campus."

"I know her kind. They're the type of women who seeks attention from all the men."

Serina could hear everything but she only looked back and smiled at them. This brought the women's anger to raise another level. She grinned upon seeing their reactions.. Since they're talking badly at her, she'd make sure they'd suffer from emotional stress.

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