Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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"Damon. It's you." A man with a gruff voice talked and in Serina's mind, he's got to be an old person. She wasn't wrong about that because he was considered hundreds of years old but appearance wise, he was just about forty in human age. "Why are you here?"

"I detected a faint trace of dragon energy coming from here. I'm checking it out." Damon answered and right on time, the officer came back with a young man following him. "This is Second Lieutenant Ogiri. I asked him questions earlier and he told me that he saw a woman standing at the cliff. He wasn't able to see her face clearly because she was wearing a hood."

The Second Lieutenant got the hint from his words and nodded his head. "The cliff was too far from us and we were busy rescuing the villagers and our comrades when the vampires swarmed towards her. We didn't pay much attention because we were more worried about our lives."

"A woman, was it?" the man questioned more to himself than to anyone else. "With this energy, I couldn't be wrong about her. It's the dragon princess. We have to tell the Blue Moon Pack all about this and let them decide what to do next."

"A dragon exists?" Second Lieutenant questioned with his eyes wide in surprise. "Seeing real vampires for the first time in my life and hearing dragons exist, I'm not really dreaming, am I?"

"Unfortunately, you are wide awake sir." The man behind him said and this made the officer smile wryly at them.

"Let's investigate the energy around the area." The old man said and left together with two other people that Serina didn't hear speak.

'Do not come out yet and do not reply to me.' Damon spoke through their mind link and sat on the chair beside the bed. He looked around and found a stick, picked it up and wrote something on the ground. 'Speak as if she isn't inside this room. I'll explain her circumstances later.'

The officer nodded and pulled the soldier behind him to stand in front. "This is Stephen Suleiman. He's the strongest soldier I have and the fastest as well. He moves like a ninja if I may say because of his speed. He's not an officer because he didn't like to have titles before his name."

"I'm Damon du Lac."

"Du Lac?!" The officer was stunned once again because he had heard so many things about the du Lac family. They have businesses every where and they were great philanthropist. He didn't expect to see one of their family members in person.

"I came from a branch family. I don't associate myself with those rich people." Damon lied through his teeth which made Serina snort under the bed. "Anyway, I'll start the evaluation now." Damon just looked straight into Stephen's eyes and smiled at him. 'You are from the leopard's clan. Great! I know someone like you.'

The man's eyes went wide but he didn't speak and just walked towards Damon. 'I'd be glad to have a great cooperation with you.' He said and raised his hand for a handshake.

"What's happening between you two?" The officer asked because he felt he wasn't comprehending anything at all. His world just crumbled down because of all the things that happened since few hours ago. "He's got magic or no?"

"He got. He's one of the rare people I've met. You are very lucky to have him." Damon answered and wrote something on the ground again. 'Do not tell anyone about him or his life will be in danger. You will lose a very good soldier who can defend your nation, then.' The officer nodded in agreement. "They're finally gone. You can come out now."

Serina crawled out of the bed and her clothes were really dirty from lying on the ground. "I'll make sure to practice my magic until I can kick those men out of my life. I can't believe I have to hide from them when I'm someone considered to be the most powerful of all beings."

"Just to inform you, they have lived their lives for more than a hundred years. They have practiced their magic every single day and fought lots of battle which hone their skills. What about you?"

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"Tsk! I know. I know. That's why I'll practice my magic even more."

"She is…?" Stephen inquired when he saw the beautiful woman crawling out of the bed.

"Don't be tempted with her appearance or you'll commit a sin. She's a minor and a student. Her name is Serina."

"Hi! Nice to meet you. Sorry for coming out like this."

"Oh! Not a problem." Stephen answered with a straight face. "So, why were you hiding there?"

"Well, I'm a very rare specie and many people wants to get their hands on me. Damon is helping me avoid them or I'll end up in captivity and will probably get experimented on." When the word 'experimented' came out of her mouth, Serina noticed how Stephen's expression changed. She didn't know why but she felt a dark energy coming directly from him. "I hope you can keep me a secret. Hmm. I'll probably wear a mask next time."

Damon and Serina explained their plan to Stephen since his help will be crucial to their battle plan. He needed to scout places, establish connections with other species so that they can report in time if a group of rogue vampires set foot on their lands. In that way, before they could attack villages or human habitat, Damon and Serina can stop them.

Of course, Damon has another important mission to do. It was to find out who owns the earring that he picked from the ground. His task sounded simple but if found out, his life and his family will be at risk. He needed to make a good plan.

"Well, that's it for now. Let's keep our communication open all the time." Damon handed the officer a pocket watch with blood-red numbers printed on it. It looked old and precious but he gave it without any hesitations. "The three of us can communicate without any device but you can't. I'm giving this watch to you because it's imbued with a spell. When you press the set button, I'd be able to hear you from miles away. Just make sure that you won't lose it."

"Thank you."

"Now, it's time to rest. I have to bring this student back school later. I wish you all for your great recovery."

Damon sat on the chair while Serina laid on the bed. She was still wide awake. She was thinking about Nicholas and how he was doing. She's been spending little time with him because of her mission to get Corrine's voice. Right now, all she wanted was to hear his voice.

'Nicholas.' She thought and hugged the blanket close to her chin. 'I wish you were here.'

'Rina?! Where are you?!'

She was jolted from her thoughts and sat up straight from the bed. Damon was also startled from her movement and thought something happened to her. 'Rina, what's going on? I'm seeing so many dead bodies around you. I can see it in your mind. I don't know how I'm pulled here because I didn't try to invade your thoughts.'

Serina didn't speak. She was afraid that if she'd talk, he'd think she's a werewolf because Nicholas only has affinity for wolves and can communicate with werewolves. She didn't want to give him wrong ideas. It never occurred to her that he can communicate telepathically with her because they're mates.. And it was her who pulled him inside her mind.

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