Serina: The Alpha's Mate


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"Is that really Lambert?"

"Is he wearing contact lenses? His eyes are so beautiful. It shines."

"I can't believe that Serina is going to spend lots of time with him."

"That bitch again. I heard she didn't come home last night."

Serina yawned for the nth time that morning as she walked with Lambert to their next class period. Many students were looking at Lambert with hearts in their eyes but the man beside her was dead serious. He didn't even smile at them. He looked handsome with a straight face, she could only imagine what the girls would be like if he smiles at them.


"What are you laughing about?" Lambert asked while knocking her forehead. "Don't forget the point that you left without saying anything last night and just came back this morning. Nicholas was worried about you. He called me late into the night just to find you."

"I was doing something good. It's for the humanity's benefit."

"Humanity's benefit my ass. You are still a student. You should focus yourself on your studies. Also, you have a boyfriend – "

"Not my boyfriend yet."

"Anyway, you already have someone in your heart, right? Why were you still going out with another guy?" Lambert whispered while throwing deathly glares at her. This was what she likes about him. He was very honest and would rather say these things right in your face instead of talking behind your back.

"Like I said, I was doing something very important. Also, I wasn't going out with him for a date. I'd never date anyone except Nicholas."

Lambert raised his eyebrow but he didn't say anything to her. He just turned off his phone and put inside his pocket. Little did she know; their conversation was heard by Nicholas on the other side of the line. She had no idea that Lambert was making a phone call right beside her.

"Lambert." A girl who was of the same age as him called for his name which halted him and Serina. "Are you going to the next class? Did you guys do your assignment already?"

"We did."

"Really? Uhm…do you mind…can I copy three items? I missed three items because I don't understand it at all."

Serina looked at her in silent while being scornful deep inside. She can't tell anyone that she was reading the woman's mind and know that the woman intentionally erased three answers just to strike a conversation with Lambert and spend more time with him. Based on her expression, she was like those any other woman she met in the hallway.

"Sorry. I don't like other people copying my works. I don't want to be blamed in case my answer is wrong." Lambert refused, blushing from embarrassment but Serina grinned at him which made him frown. "Stop grinning, you idiot."

"Excuse me? I'm not an idiot. You are! I am the top of our class remember?"

"Tsk! Such overconfidence."

"Bleeh!" She stuck her tongue out and ran away from him.

"Hey! Wait up! I don't want to carry your bag anymore. It's heavy with stupid things like you."

"What stupid things? You are the stupid one. Hurry up!"

Lambert chased after her with Serina's bag in his hand. It wasn't really heavy but he was glad he was carrying it for her today. He found a good excuse to avoid someone.

The woman was left alone in the hallway, fuming in anger that her plan was ruined. Now, she has to sacrifice three answers for nothing.

Serina and Lambert arrived in their classroom and sat on their chairs. Both of them were huffing and puffing for air, sweat covered their foreheads but they were smiling like idiots. "It was the first time for me to run that fast."

"It's because you don't know how to turn down a woman that I thought of such lame strategy. You should be thankful of me no matter how lame it was."

"Yeah. Yeah. Thanks a lot."

"You should be aware of your surroundings because there will be students who will come after you for your looks. They ignored you when you had those thick glasses but now, they are swarming at you like rogue vampires."

"Rogue vampires? Not bees?"

"Are you a flower?"

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"So, why should I use bees on you?"

Lambert couldn't really catch on with her logic, just shaking his head and let her be. He took out his assignment, book and pens to prepare for class and Serina did the same thing. However, the moment she placed her book on the desk, she laid her head on it and closed her eyes to sleep.

"Dimwit. Stop sleeping during class. You slept during the first period already." Lambert commented while poking her cheeks.

"I can't help it."

Three days later, Damon came to pick her up again and the two of them headed for Z country in order to stop the gathering of rogue vampires. Stephen was with them and the fight ended quickly compared to the battle last time. For one, there weren't that many enemies. Two, there were three of them fighting.

This time, after the battle, Damon and Serina left the place in haste. It would be a huge trouble if someone from the werewolf clan finds them there.

Sensing something was wrong, his gut feeling was telling him to find Serina. Kiro was restless as well ever since the last time he got in touch with her. They didn't know how it happened but Nicholas was able reach her mind again. It was the third time. He wanted to establish connection with her but she shut him off and pushed him out of her mind.

He wasn't sure if Serina recognized him but he was sure that it was her.

"Dad, with the report of the dragon princess being recently active against vampires, I'd like to take this task and check it myself. I know I'm not that strong against her but I won't fight with her. I'll just ask if there's a way to lift mom's curse."

"Nicholas, this is not a child play. With the hatred that she holds against me and your mom, I don't think she'd lift the curse voluntarily. I don't want to risk your life. You have your mate and you needed to focus on her. The successorship ceremony will be held in two years and if you can't establish link with her, when will you?"

"I promise I'll be able to do it before I take over the pack. Just give me this chance to supervise the mission."

Riordan looked at his son in worry and he knows that Nicholas only wanted to help. He just didn't want the risk of losing the only heir to the pack since Yiran can't do it specially with her age. That's what he thought.

In only Nicholas knew the exact reason why he didn't want anyone else to supervise this task. He needed confirmation. He needed to reassure himself without jumping to conclusions.


"Fine. I'll ask Michael to manage the company for us. In any case, he'd become our family in the future. It's good to establish good relationship with him. Besides, he's a very good employee. He brings so much profit to our company with just his knowledge of all our products."

"That would be great. I'm sure Rina will be happy."

"I'll be taking care of your mother. I hope you'll find the dragon princess soon."

Nicholas nodded his head and left. He needed to leave as soon as he can, speak with the head of the Du Lac family and asked for his help to trace the movement of this rogue vampires. He didn't know what his stand is regarding this matter but he hopes that the man won't oppose him.

Meanwhile, Damon finally got the chance to investigate the owner of the earring he picked from the first battle with Serina. The royal vampires are holding a party for their third princess's coming of age ceremony. She looks like thirteen but in truth, she was already one hundred years old.

Vampires don't age like humans but it also applies differently to the corresponding ranks of vampires. Royal vampires aged the slowest of them all. They're pureblooded and their origins dated back to thousands of years ago. They don't drink and eat any other food except the blood of virgins. Next to them are elite vampires. They're still pureblooded but they learn to drink from ordinary human; be it man or woman. They eat and drink normal food like humans do so, their blood is already tainted with other things. Damon belongs to the elite.

His family received the invitation and he was etching to go. He can finally start checking with the royal family. It's best to start with them to avoid suspicions before moving to the elite vampires. He also needed to ask if there's any kind of spell that requires a voice of a human. Why else would the vampire take Corrine's voice if she has no use for it?

"There has to be a spell or something." Damon told himself while looking at the earring in his hand. He thought he had seen it somewhere but he met lots of vampires who wear different accessories. He couldn't really remember all of those tiny little pieces they wore.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

"Come in." Damon kept the earring inside a small box and placed it inside his vault.

"Master, I am not sure if this should be said to you but I heard Mr. Nicholas Vallardi will arrive tomorrow and he requested audience with your father."

"Hmm? What for?"

"It's regarding the recent attacks of the rogue vampires and recent battle involving the dragon princess."

Damon spun around and narrowed his eyes at the man. 'You are not allowed to mention Serina being with me during those battle. You are the only one who knows about her being a dragon princess. I'd rip your heart out if others know about this.'

'I understand, young master.' The man bowed his head and left immediately. He was Damon's trusted aide which was why he knew a lot. He burnt his own memories after leaving Damon's room, making sure that no traces of Serina will be left in his mind.. Not even the fact that Serina and Damon are friends.

You can find story with these keywords: Serina: The Alpha's Mate, Read Serina: The Alpha's Mate, Serina: The Alpha's Mate novel, Serina: The Alpha's Mate book, Serina: The Alpha's Mate story, Serina: The Alpha's Mate full, Serina: The Alpha's Mate Latest Chapter

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