Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 88: WHAT IFS

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"You are coming with me, right?" Serina asked Lambert as the two of them walked to their dormitory building. "I got a bad feeling about their invitation especially that I walked away with Damon last time. I think they're going to scold me. And if you are with me, I think they won't be very harsh. So, you come with me, okay?"

"Fine. I'll go."

"Thanks." Serina grinned at him but deep inside, an unsettling feeling was bothering her. She felt that she won't just be scolded but there's something else to Corrine and Natalya's dinner invite. "I'll meet you at the gate."


When she arrived at her room, she held on to her necklace as if it was giving her strength while she slowly closed the door. It was the one that Nicholas gave her. "What if they ask me about Damon? They would know if I'd be lying."

'Just tell them that you are helping him about some personal matter.' Brittislava answered nonchalantly since she wasn't really worried for her at this point. She knew that Serina won't be scolded and in fact, they have a surprise for her. She was just overthinking because of her guilt.

"How about I tell them the truth?"

'I know you want to be honest with your friends but I don't agree with that for now. Maybe next time?'

"Oh." Serina nodded her head and turned silent. She walked to her closet to get a change of clothes before heading out again to have dinner. Lambert wasn't there yet when she arrived at the gate so she waited for him. "How can you let a girl wait for you? Be thankful I'm your friend and not a date or you will have a minus points already." Serina blurted out when Lambert arrived after ten minutes.

"I had to look for decent clothes to wear. I forgot to wash my laundry yesterday."

"I see. That's a good excused."

"Hey! I'm not making an excuse."

"I know. I know. I was just kidding. Let's go and get this over with."

"I don't think they'd be scolding you, though. Just think about it, it's dinner not a visit to their home." Serina stopped walking and thought he was right. She didn't think about it at all. She felt like she was getting stupid with all the things she's been doing. She felt so tired, too.

The restaurant that Corrine and Natalya booked wasn't really far from her school. This was to make sure that she'd be able to get back quickly to her dorm. Before getting inside, she took a deep breath and let out in order to calm her nerves. Lambert opened the door for her and the two of them got inside. She spotted two vampires eating at the table but they only looked at her for few seconds.

She wasn't really worried of their presence. However, it wasn't the same for the vampires. Just looking at her and the necklace she was wearing, the two people were already shivering in fear. After all, vampires have bad reputation and people won't bother themselves to identify whether you are a good or a bad vampire. They will categorize the specie as a whole. One mistake committed by a bad vampire will be the mistake of everyone in their brethren.

"What's the occasion?" Serina asked while pulling a chair to sit. "Or are you going to interrogate me with my disappearance last time with Damon?" The smile on Natalya's face faltered and Corrine shifted her eyes past Serina. She didn't know what she did wrong again but she stopped asking. She was just about to pick the menu when she caught the familiar scent she likes the most. Her hand stopped midair and she slowly turned her head to look who's behind her. She blinked her eyes, trying to see if she was seeing an illusion or if he was really the real person. "Nicholas."

"So, where did you go with Damon?" Nicholas asked and the intensity of his gaze brought a lump on her throat. She wanted to lie to him. "I won't be angry. I trust you but I don't trust Damon so, I want to make sure that you are fine after going somewhere with him."

"Ah…well…I'm okay. I'm not wounded or anything. I just went to help him on something personal." Serina muttered in one go, avoiding his gaze which told Nicholas she was partly lying to him. "It's not really a big deal and he made sure I'm safe from any harm."


"Yeah. Ahahah.." She laughed awkwardly which made Natalya covered her face with the menu. Her best friend didn't know how to lie at all.

Nicholas sat on the chair beside her and handed her the bouquet of flowers which made her felt even more embarrassed towards him. Nicholas leaned closer and whispered. "I saw it."

Serina pretended not to hear anything and picked the menu on the table. "Anyway, when did you arrive? You didn't tell me that you are coming." She asked, wanting to change the subject as soon as she could.

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Well, yeah. I'm surprised." Serina mumbled.

"But that doesn't change the fact that you went out with Damon even though you have me."

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"Ha? What are you talking about? Just like I said, I went out to help him. Besides, I didn't really fight that hard. Damon was the one who – hey!" She punched Nicholas on his arm and bit his shoulder. "Stop asking me questions."

"Fine. I'll be meeting with Damon tomorrow anyway."

The menu fell from her grasp and she turned to Nicholas, wanting to observe if he was joking or not. "Why would you be meeting with him?"

"Because we are business partner."

"You are lying."

"You lied to me first."

His retort shut her from responding and she was starting to worry for her identity exposure. She cannot reveal to Nicholas that she's a dragon bearer yet. His feelings for her isn't that deep as she thought. Well, that's what she thought. She was one-sidedly thinking of his feelings without even asking him. And even if she asks and he answers, she would still doubt him. She cannot really trust him because of his affinity and loyalty to the werewolves.

"I'm losing my appetite." Serina whispered and stood up from her seat. "Let's all have dinner next time. I think I'll go back to the dorm and rest. I've been feeling sluggish lately." Nicholas raised his eyebrow and placed his hand on her waist. "Don't even think about it. Damon won't do it to me. He owed me too much for him to harm me."

"I'm not letting you go unless you eat with us. I won't ask you questions anymore." Nicholas stated. He knew what was happening which was why he wanted to supervise the task in finding the dragon princess. He was just testing her a little. "Anyway, I have some questions for you later."

"I thought you won't ask me anymore."

"It's not related to you." That's what he said but in fact, it was well connected to her. 

Serina ate with them. She slowly forked her pasta and put it in her mouth. From time to time, she would steal glances at him while he spoke with Natalya. As for Lambert he was learning sign language with Corrine even though she won't be using it soon. Not that she has idea of what Damon was doing for her. Even if she knows, she won't believe Damon either.

'Kiro, since you are a wolf, what would you do if your best friend turns out to be a dragon bearer?'

'Nicholas can't be a dragon bearer.'

'I'm not saying it's Nicholas. Let's just say, I turn out to be a dragon bearer. Will you hate me?'

Kiro was silent for a moment because he was relaying messages to Nicholas. He wanted to know his opinion as well. 'Then, I have a question, too.' Kiro commented when he got back to her. 'What if you turn out to be Nicholas' mate?'

'Mate? As in the person meant for him?'

'Yeah. The person destined for him by the moon goddess. What will you do?'

'Wait! Are you saying that Nicholas is a werewolf?'

'Just what if.' Kiro reiterated to make sure that they were just talking about the possibilities.

Serina thought about and took a sip of her juice before answering him. 'I love wolves. I believe in werewolves. If I turn out to be his mate, there's really nothing I can do about it right? I'd be happy if that's case.'

'Likewise. If you turn out to be a dragon bearer, I cannot really do anything about it. I won't be happy with that news but I won't hate you either. I'm sure Nicholas feels the same way. There's no way she'd hate you no matter what kind of specie you turn out to be.'

'Are you sure?'

'Of course. I know Nicholas more than anyone else in his life. I bet you don't know much about him even though you are his mate.'

'Huh? It's an if. If I am his mate. It's not like it's a fact.' Serina corrected but then, Kiro turned silent once again. 'No way! You can't be serious!' Horror was evident in his voice and she even trembled beside Nicholas. She turned pale and her hands were shaking.. "It must be a joke."

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