Serina: The Alpha's Mate

Chapter 99: FOUND DAMON

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Serina and Nicholas ate their lunch together. She was still blushing from what she did earlier and she couldn't look at him in the eyes. She was so ashamed of what she did to him.


"Hm?" She replied. Her eyes were focused on her plate, as if it was the most interesting to see at the moment. She didn't have the guts to look at him at all. Her heart has been hammering her chest down and she couldn't control it no matter how she wanted to. Even hearing the way he spoke her name brought another shade of blush on her face. 'Ahh! I'm an idiot!' She screamed mentally but kept wearing a straight face despite her bashfulness.

"I was just thinking of – "

"Of what?"

"You look tense. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. What were you thinking of doing again?"

"I forgot about it already." Nicholas responded, just wanting to see her restless reaction as he teased him. "Anyway, we'll go to your sister after lunch."

"I'll wash the plates after we eat."

"Okay." Nicholas grinned, not letting her know what was in his mind. After they ate, Serina piled the plates from biggest to smallest and brought them to the sink. Nicholas also carried the glasses for her. "The husband cooks and wife washed the empty plates. Good partnership of a warm home." He commented and stole a kiss on her forehead.

Serina stood rooted on her spot, eyes unblinking and her face turned to a deeper shade of red. "Go away!" She pushed him away from her and he did walk away with chuckles echoing inside the house. His hearty laughter made her blush even more. "He will be the death of me."

Nicholas, with his amazing hearing, was able to hear her whisper and that made him smile like happily in his living room. 'Now, I can confirm that she likes us.'

'I already told you she will like us.' Kiro replied smugly.

'We have to be strong to protect her. With the power she's carrying, many powerful clans will aim to get her. It's our duty to protect her. What else can we do to make ourselves even stronger?'

The two of them thought of ways to protect Serina. As a werewolf, he can only rely on his strength. They didn't have a lot of spells but they are intelligent creatures with strength surpassing human's imagination and quick reflexes that is almost equal if not better than vampire's teleportation.

They have great sense of killing intent as well. They can point out someone's location based on bloodlust alone. They were great when they hunt alone but they were greater if they hunt together.

After lunch, Nicholas accompanied Serina to visit Corrine. They didn't call beforehand because Serina thought of surprising her.

She didn't expect to be the one getting the surprise instead. Corrine can finally talk. Although her voice was hoarse, what matters to Serina was the fact that she can speak now. However, she couldn't ignore the fact that Damon was there with her. He was hiding from the world inside Corrine's home.

"Care to explain what happened?" Serina told Damon which put Corrine on a difficult spot. Because Damon did his best to get her voice back, her hatred has lessened a great deal. Now, seeing him being questioned and looked down upon by Serina, she felt a little trepidation in front of them.

"I'll get something to drink." Corrine stated, wanting to escape the tense atmosphere.

"Aren't you going to help me?" Damon asked, holding her hand to stop her.

As if electrocuted, she yanked her hand immediately while glaring at him. "It's not my obligation to help someone who belongs to the group of specie that caused my misery. Why should I?"

Damon felt a sudden pang of guilt. Not only did he come from the same specie but he was brother to the person who caused it.

If he could, he would turn back time, find out what his sister was up to in order to prevent the tragedy from happening. That's only if. And there's no if in this world.

He watched her leave and felt Serina's gaze on him. "I didn't come here to cause more trouble. I just wanted to make sure that her voice works fine and that there are no traces of vampire energy on it."

"Really? How come I'm not believing your words?"

"It's up to you whether you believe me or not."

"I helped you, idiot! Are you denying me of my rights to know the details? If you continue this path of lying to me, I will never ever help you again in the future."

"What do you want to know?"

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"Who took her voice?" Serina asked without going around the bush. It will only waste more time she tries to go around in circle. Damon didn't speak up. He looked worried and anxious but he was silent for few seconds. "That person is someone you knew and someone you valued, too."

"How did you know?" Damon looked surprised and his eyes turned a deeper shade of red when he looked at her. "Do you know that I'd have to silence you if ever you have an idea of who the person was?" His sharp fangs showed out and he looked really scary in front of Serina.

Under this threat, Nicholas pulled Serina closer to him and his hands started to transform into sharp claws without her noticing it. He was blocking her from seeing the transformation.

"You better think twice because I'd protect her at the cost of my life." Nicholas warned and his eyes turned dark blue with a small glow of ember that corresponds to the anger he felt.

"Uh..We don't really have to fight." Serina commented, once again appearing between the two of them. Nicholas retracted his claw before she'd see them and Damon also returned to his normal human self. "I'll pretend that I didn't know. I will not say anything to anyone."

"How can you be so sure that no one will be able to read what's on your mind?"

This time, Serina was the one who looked uncomfortable. She looked towards Nicholas but he was still straight-faced like usual. He didn't show any reaction or any expression of curiosity on his face.

"I just know that your secret is safe with me."

Corrine came out with two glasses of juice for Serina and Nicholas.

"Where's mine?" Damon inquired when he saw that there wasn't any juice for him.

"If you want to have some. Go and get it yourself." Corrine retorted which left Damon speechless. He felt jealous of Corrine's treatment when it comes to other person compared to him.

Although he had been living under the same roo as him, she never really cared and she even tried using her power against him. Thankfully, whether it was his fortune or not, Corrine's voice doesn't have any effect on him.

"When are you leaving?" Damon returned his attention to Serina and Nicholas instead.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question?" Corrine answered him with a question. "You've been lodging in my home for several days now. You have to go home. Natalya will be back tomorrow."

"Why can they stay but I can't?" Damon fired back like a child throwing his tantrum.

"First of all, this house is given by Serina to me and Natalya." Corrine stated as a matter of fact and this made Serina grin victoriously at Damon. "Second, she's my sister."

"How's that even possible?"

"A family didn't have to be related by blood. Anyway, I'm favored of Nicholas and Serina getting together so Nicholas is welcome here."

"And I am not?"

"Exactly." Corrine answered resolutely. 'Let's not forget the fact that you vowed to yourself, that you'd never associate your life with me. You promised you'd break any connection with me as long as I get my voice back. You said it yourself; you cannot be fated to a human.'

Damon looked at her. The two of them weren't talking with their mouth so they appeared to be looking at each other with calculative gazes. Only both of them knew what they talked mentally.

Damon nodded his head and stood up from his seat. "I get it. I'll leave today. I wish you good life and happiness."

"Thanks." Corrine smiled at him. The very first genuine smile that she ever showed him.

'Do you really want me to get lost?' Damon asked while walking away from her. He sounded lost and unhappy but Corrine didn't fall for his tone at all.

'Nothing good comes out between the love of a human and vampire. One day, with the long life you have ahead of you, you will be able to find a vampire who is fated to you.' This came from her heart. She really wished him happiness because a human cannot live long to enjoy happy moments with him.

It's already fortunate enough if someone reaches the age of 80. With the human's average life span of 72, it will only cause him pain to watch his partner dying of old age.

Damon didn't look back. He walked inside the room that he has been using and from there, he transformed to a cat. He leaped out of the window and left her home.

With the disappearance of Damon, Corrine felt a little empty inside she ignored this feeling since Serina and Nicholas was with her. It's seldom that the two would visit her together so, she wanted to spend every second she could with them.

However, none of them knew that Damon decided to stay. For her, he decided to be a cat she can keep. He will see how long she can stay single without him to keep her company. She's a human. She's weak against the pull of fate. He was confident that she would look for him in no time.. Well, that's what he thought.

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