She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 11: Vol 2, Chapter 1: Presence

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Volume 2, Chapter 1: Presence


It's been a while since my last talk with Hoshizawa, time had passed by and day by day, Hoshizawa seemed to have more free time than usual. She's been making and hanging out with her friends, and she's having more fun lately. I guess she's been following what I said to her the other day. I'm glad that she gets to live the most of her life from now on.

Hoshizawa has been turning down not only love confessions, but also our classmates' request to her. Fortunately for her, they understood completely why Hoshizawa has been turning them down a lot...although they have been thinking about it too negatively. The other day, the students that Hoshizawa helped came rushing in to our class after school to ask Hoshizawa if she's starting to dislike them. Of course Hoshizawa was surprised by the question, but she smiled and gave them the answer that she always wanted to say to them for so long. The students that were listening to her backstory felt sad and sympathetic to Hoshizawa, some girls even cried listening to that, some even got angry to Hoshizawa about why she didn't told that sooner. But in the end, they assured Hoshizawa that they didn't see her like that at all, and will always be grateful and a good friend to her. After hearing that from them, Hoshizawa broke down to tears once again because she didn't expected this turnout at all. She tried to hold down her tears, smiled at them, and thanked them for being her real friends...I personally didn't expected everything to turn out like that so I was even more relieved and happy for her because she doesn't have to do anything anymore to please other people around her, and it will stay that way from now on

I'm in the classroom, recalling the past events that had happened while suddenly, I remembered the dream that I had since this morning

"*Sigh* if that was real, I wonder what my life is at right now..."

I slouched on my desk while thinking that as Ryu called out to me

"What's with the look on your face man? Seems like you regretted something that didn't happen that you wished happened instead"

Uwa- this chocolate maniac was on point on his assumption for once! His comment surprised me...

I decided to pretend like as if he had said something stupider than before

"Huh? What are you even talking about? I just feel unmotivated today for no reason"

"Is that so? Well I guess were in the same boat then, but unlike you, I've finally created my chance to get close to Hoshizawa san! I'm now able to get to talk to her once every other day! But that right there was the source of me being unmotivated right now as well, I wish I can talk to her once every day sooner..."

"Isn't you getting talk to her once every other day a feat already? I barely see Hoshizawa san alone in any parts of the school as of now"

"Don't you know Shun? The earlier you get to eat the chocolate, the fresher and more delicious it'll be! I have to get closer to Hoshizawa san sooner or later in that regard!"

Its still amazing to see that he's making a tremendous effort to get close to Hoshizawa just to use her for his cravings...I wouldn't even be surprised if he sees Hoshizawa as a walking chocolate bar at school to be honest 

"You know, Ryu...just because Hoshizawa san is the daughter of the ChokoChoko Company, it doesn't mean that she can get you all the chocolate that you want"

"Eh? When did I said that I'm going to get the chocolates to Hoshizawa san?"


I looked at him in confusion. While he looked at me with a dumb look on his face. Didn't he do all of this just to get free chocolates from Hoshizawa? I thought that was the case...until-

"I'm getting close to Hoshizawa san first, then the company's staffs, and lastly, the CEO of the company so that I can get all the chocolates that I want! I thought you already know my plan Shun. Did you forgot it already?"

I hate to admit it but, he really had thought that far...the only problem was, he's too dumb to think that it would work! Is this guy really that simple-minded?! I can't believe this is the same guy who's able to enter Shiri High...*sigh*

"Oh...uh...yeah...I remember...very well..."

"Why do you sound like you didn't remember at all?"

Its because I do! My brain had probably shut off my thought process the moment he spurted out outrageous things. I can't blame my brain, he did the right thing here!

"Shun! Ryuuto! You guys were early today! And here I thought that we'll be the first ones to come here"

"Oh, its you, Yuu. Yeah, better than being late, so we got off to school earlier than planned"

The guy that's in front of me and Ryu was Yuudai Murata, 18 year old. Black hair, brown eyes, big, muscular, and apparently, a good looking man. We became good friends after several days had passed. Despite his character, We hit it off easily because we had similar hobbies, mainly anime and video games. Because of that, I feel comfortable and didn't got awkward around him. Tells you a lot that you shouldn't judge a character based on his looks. 

He's also the captain of the basketball team. He used to recruit me once before but I declined because I prefer the way I'm living my life right now, although I used to play basketball, I just played it for fun and never really got serious, thats why I declined his offer because I felt like I shouldn't join if I'm not even serious about playing basketball

"I can't disagree with that kind of logic. What about you Ryuuto? Got any progress with Hoshizawa san lately?"

"Fufufu...I'm able to talk to her once every other day now!"

"Whoa, that's some progress you got there"

"That's not enough! I need to make it so that I'm able to talk to her once every day!"

"Isn't getting to talk to her once every other day already an accomplishment itself?"

"That's what I've been telling him, Yuu. But you know Ryu, he won't stop until he gets what he wants"

"Hahaha. That's definitely Ryuuto alright!"

"By the way, where's Take and Masa? I thought you guys always go together?"

"Yeah, we are. They're still downstairs arguing about who's the best waifu in that popular anime"

"They're at it again? Don't they get tired of it already?"

"I know right, I left them be as I already know that Ina chan is the best waifu, no doubt!"

"So you secretly declared it in your mind, huh?"

"What are you even talking about Yuuchin?! Amy chan is far better than Ina chan!"

"Huh?! What did you say you blonde brat?! Risha chan is far more better and more beautiful than Amy chan and Ina chan! You know that's a fact, right, Shun?"

The two other people who had just entered into the room were the people in question. The taller guy on the right is Takeshi Ishimoto. 19 years old, blonde hair, good looking, and has a fairly skinned, toned body. He's also popular with girls like Ryu, but unlike Ryu, he just doesn't like girls, nor does he want to get a girlfriend. The reason why is because this guy is only loyal to his waifu named Amy chan. We got acquainted with each other because of Yuu and easily became good friends

He's also the ace of the basketball team. I've also fought once against him the other day...the only thing that I can say is that he really lives up to his title, nothing more, nothing less

The one on the left is another friend of ours named Masato Fujioka. 18 years old, Green hair, green eyes, average looking face, and fairly skinned body. He's also the same as Ryu and I, who got into Shiri High through entrance exam. I also got acquainted with him through Yuu. Although we didn't talk much at first, we eventually did as time pass by, mostly because of a certain game that we had in common. He challenged me once on that game and we've been good friends ever since. You can say that we're also gaming buddies, the typical duo when it comes to that game

He doesn't go to the same club as Yuu and Take or rather, he doesn't have a club that he goes to. Masa himself said that he doesn't like to participate in any clubs. Masa's hobbies are mostly more on playing video games. But recently, he's hooked on to a certain anime, mainly to the waifu he mentioned earlier, Risha chan.

"Huh? What are you even on about? Its obviously Ina chan who's the best one here!"

"Now you've really said it, you meathead!"

"Who you calling a meathead?!"

"Oh?! You wanna settle this one outside? I'm not scared of you at all!"

"Ho? Do you really think you'll stand against me?"




Take shut himself up as the tension between Yuu and Masa built up. They're at it again *sigh* it's always been like this everytime we come to class. I guess I'll just have to be the one to stop their tails and horns from blazing off

"That's enough already, Yuu! Masa! I get what both of you meant, but do we really need to fight over this little matter? Whether if it'll be Ina, Amy, or Risha chan, it doesn't matter who's the best waifu right? Each and every one of them has unique characteristics that already separates them from one another. You three love them because of those distinctive qualities, right? Do you think your waifus will be happy if they saw you guys fighting?"


"Shuunichi's right guys, in the anime, Amy chan, Ina chan, and Risha chan were always together and never fights amongst each other..."

They seemed to rethink about what they have done was a little too much, although its just a squabble in my eyes...

"Shun's right guys! Seriously, fighting over something so little...grow up will ya?!"

Ryu stood up to them as if he wanted to deliver the final blow to the three of them. I'll let him be just this once since I dont think he'll say anything stupid afterwards-

"You should know that, Yami chan is the best waifu of all waifus! No one can top her!"

Me, Yuu, Take, and Masa looked at Ryu with a  dumbfounded face as he said that. I take back what I've said earlier, he's taken on the next level of being stupid just from what he said. The waifu that Ryu mentioned wasn't in the anime that we were talking about, he was talking about a waifu that's from another anime...

While we were in that state, Hoshizawa and her friends came in the room, they were laughing while chatting as they took down their seats

"Hoshizawa san is livelier than she was before, isn't she?"

"Yeah, I've also noticed lately too that she's been coming to school earlier than usual"

"You're right about that Masacchin! I wonder if something had happened?"

"Eughk! Stop calling me 'Masacchin' you blonde brat!"

"Oho? Is our little masacchin embarrassed?"

"Shut up! I'll really kick your ass if you don't stop!"

"Okayyy, okayyy, I don't feel like teasing you today anyways"

"What a surprise, I suddenly want to kick your ass right now!"

Take and Masa separate themselves from us as they took their seats while me, Ryu, and Yuu were still talking

"Hey Shun, I've already heard this from Ryuuto but I wanna ask you again. You were called out to the rooftop a few days ago, right?"

"Hmm? Ah, yea, by Hoshizawa san"

Both Ryu and Yuu couldn't believe what they heard so they came closer to me to confirm

"Hey Shun! Why didn't even I heard of this?! Hoshizawa san of all people?! I thought you were my best friend!"

"I tried to tell you that same day but you interrupted me with your chocolate talk!"

"Oi, oi, oi, Shun, I still can't believe it myself, but why did Hoshizawa san called you out?"

"Oh...about that..."

They already know about Hoshizawa's circumstances so it was easier for me to tell them that I was the first one to know about that situation

"I maybe that's why...that explains everything"

"Man, you got to talk to her first, got you yakisoba bread first, and now she called you out to the rooftop first?! Don't you run out of luck?!"

I wish I could answer that too but recently God up there is favoring me, you cant blame me if God's the one who's been doing this! Also, I was only called out by Hoshizawa san because of the answer that i gave to the question from the other girls, if she hadn't heard it, there wouldn't be anything happening drastically right now...

"Well what can I say? I'm just born lucky I guess"

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I chuckled as I said that while for some reason I instinctively looked at Hoshizawa's way...


It was just for a moment, but I'm sure I saw Hoshizawa was glancing in our direction, she quickly looked away after I looked at her direction

I shrug that kind of thought and was about to enter in Ryu and Yuu's conversation when suddenly-

"E-eh?! Hoshizawa san?! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah, Hoshizawa san, you're face is becoming red all of a sudden! Do you have a fever?!"

Me, Ryu, and Yuu immediately looked at Hoshizawa's direction to hear what they were talking about

", its nothing, really"

She smiled as she said that

"We shouldn't overlook it Hoshizawa san! C'mon, lets go downstairs to buy you some drink to cool you off!"

"E-eh? Uh...sure..."

Hoshizawa and the other girls left the classroom after that while Ryu started to say something

"Hoshizawa san getting sick...? Oh...I could use this to my advantage..."

Stop Ryu, it's written all over your face, you're planning something up to no good again!

"Just stop whatever you're thinking right now, Ryu, I'm certain that it'll fail"

"You're so mean Shun! You haven't even heard what I'm even going to do!"

"I don't even need to hear it at all, knowing you, its just something stupid again, ain't it?"

"Mmmff! Hey, Yuu! Help me out here!"

"I think Shun's right on this one Ryuuto, you should sit this one out"

"Ehhh? Even you too, Yuu? You guys are really mean you know!"

Glad Yuu didn't encourage Ryu or otherwise he really might do it. I sighed in relieved as I thought of what could've happen if we left him be by himself again

I dreaded on the thought of that while waiting for the class to start


Classes ended, and It was time for recess. As usual, Ryu and I walk down together to the cafeteria to buy yakisoba bread

"Yuu, Take, and Masa didn't come with us today again, huh?"

"It couldn't be helped, Yuu and Take wanted to use the break time to practice in court while Masa has his own lunch"

"Yeah, Yuu and Take are one thing, but Masa really doesn't like to move much at all, doesn't he?"

"Well he always plays games when there's nothing else to do, so that's another reason of his"

"Yeah...that's just how Masa is"

"Are you done chatting? We have to hurry up now or otherwise they'll ran out by the time we get there!"

"Alright, alright, I get it man, geez..."

We quickly gone down from the stairs, to the cafeteria, to buy yakisoba bread. But as we got to the cafeteria, they were already out of stock

"Agh man! We're already too late!"

"Well, nothing that we can do anymore, right? Lets just find other foods to eat"

We always choose yakisoba bread as our lunch in class because it was cheaper and fills our bellies faster because of its size. The other foods that other stalls display were really pricey and nowhere to the yakisoba bread. Thus why we always settle down for the cheapest

But since they didn't have in stock anymore, Ryu and I decided to skip lunch for the day. We weren't that much hungry at all so we both agreed in the end

"Hey, Ryu, can you wait for me here for a sec? I have to use the restroom"

"Huh? Ah, yeah, sure"

I quickly came into the restroom to take a leak and left shortly after. By the time I've come back to where Ryu is, I noticed that he was holding something

"Oh! Shun! Look what I got!"

He was holding a yakisoba bread in his hand, I was surprised to see that because I'm sure they didn't have any more stock in there...

"A yakisoba bread? Where did you get one all of a sudden?"

"I didn't. Hoshizawa san gave it to me!"

Eh? Hoshizawa did? She gave it to Ryu all the way up here? That's surprising. Is Ryu's plan to get closer to her working after all? 

"Well look at you, Ryu! I'm proud at you for once! You got something from Hoshizawa san! How does it feel man?"

"I was shocked at first but, I still think that it'll be better if she gave me chocolate though"

"Dude, you should be happy for once that you got something from her, it means that your plan is now bearing fruit!"

"Oh, you're right, Shun! If I keep going on with my plan, then maybe next time I'll get a chocolate from her, right?!"

"Huh? Oh, uhh, yea..."

"Why do you sound so uncertain right now?"

I tried to reply neutrally to his question, simply because I don't even know what to say to him anymore 

We ate the yakisoba bread in the classroom instead because going to the big tree behind the school would take us more time and possibly get us late for the next class by the time we get back


"Glad today's school was finally over! Aren't you too, Shun?"

"Yeah, not as hectic anymore though"

"Same here, I think we're probably getting used to it!"

"What happened to the old Ryu who said that school is about making friends and having fun, huh?"

"Eh? Did I really said that?"


We were walking home together just like any other day. If you're asking why Yuu, Take, and Masa aren't with us, its because those three live in the opposite direction from us. Ryu and I always go left as we leave the school gates while Yuu and the others take the right path. We always say goodbye to each other infront of the school gates

"I'm so glad that Hoshizawa gave me the yakisoba bread man, otherwise we would've spent the entire day with our stomach rumbling"

"'ll be embarrassing too if that were to happen during class or PE"

"All thanks to my plan! C'mon Shun! Praise me! I know you wanted to! Don't be shy! C'mon!"

Something within me wants to do something to Ryu, but that's not praising him, that's for sure

But still, I really didn't expected it. About Hoshizawa giving Ryu that yakisoba bread...come to think of it just me, or I've been seeing Hoshizawa a lot more lately? 

Aside from our classes and the cafeteria today, I always see her from the hallway when she passes by infront of me and whenever I'm at. Even in PE...wherever I look, I always happen to see her in the corner of my eye...

It might just be my imagination, but I can't seem to look somewhere else without seeing Hoshizawa in there...

I pondered over that thought as Ryu kept calling my name over and over again

"Earth to Shun! Are you even listening?"

"Huh? Uhh, what were you talking about again?"

"Seriously? *Sigh* I was talking about whether or not I should continue my plan!"

"Your plan? Wasn't it effective already? I don't think you should even change it to be honest"

"Shun, nothing in this world is permanent, if I keep reusing my plan without any improvements to it, it'll become dull and lose effectiveness overtime!"

Oh wow, he was making sense for once. That's actually what the companies do to their products, projects, and advertisements. They always renew and create new things to keep up with the trend

I was amazed to what he said just now and gained more respect to him

"Hey man, why you're looking at me like as if I had said something new to your ears just now?"

"Its nothing, it's probably just your imagination man"

"Why do I feel like you subconsciously insulted me just now?!"

Ryu's really good at reading people's minds, he should consider to become one to be honest

I imagined what would he looked like if were to become one...'Nah, he looks stupid to be in one!' I laughed to myself as I thought of that

I spent the rest of the day laughing to myself while Ryu keeps bugging me why I'm laughing so hard as we walk down the street to get home from school


End of Chapter 1

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