She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 12: Vol 2, Chapter 1.5: Hoshizawa’s POV

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Volume 2, Chapter 1.5: Hoshizawa's POV


We're focusing on Hoshizawa's point of view this time. Three days had passed since their last talk with Shun, and they haven't communicated ever since

On Hoshizawa's side, there was a reason why she hasn't talked to Shun yet. Its not that she's embarrassed or shy to try and talk to him, but instead she wanted not to talk to him at all. That's because she wanted to know more about him before she starts approaching and talking to Shun

"I wonder if he's already in the classroom?" Hoshizawa thought to herself as her mind is filled with nothing but Shun as she walk through the school with her friends


As Hoshizawa entered the room, she immediately looked to where Shun was seating and immediately smiled to herself as if seeing Shun in the morning already made her day even better

"I've been thinking if he arrived already earlier, but I didn't expected that he would! He always comes late before class starts so seeing him arrive earlier for once was unusual" she thought to herself as she sat down and glanced over Shun's direction

For some reason, Shun also seemingly looked at her direction. Flustered getting caught, Hoshizawa immediately looked away and started blushing

"E-eh?! He looked this way! W-why?! Did he notice that I was looking at him?!"

Getting redder by the minute, the girls thought Hoshizawa was feeling hot and was taken downstairs to get a drink from a vending machine to cool her off


"Um...can you tell can I make myself more noticeable to someone I like?"

At downstairs near the vending machine was, Hoshizawa asked her friends for some advice. The girls were shocked at first but then was happy and excited from what they heard

"Ehhhh?! Hoshizawa san has someone she likes?!"

"That's a first time I've heard that from you, Hoshizawa san!"

"Me too!, hey tell us!, who's the lucky guy who stole Hoshizawa san's heart?!"

"U-uhm...I prefer not to say his name for now...not yet..."

Hoshizawa looked down while feeling embarrassed saying that. She doesn't want to say his name because she doesn't want anyone to let Shun know about it if someone happened to pass by and heard it, let alone have another girl get interested in him

"Hoshizawa san being secretive? Now you don't see that every day! He must be that important to you if you don't want us to know him, isn't it?"


"We get it very well, Hoshizawa san! As a fellow woman, I too don't want my man to be snatched away by another woman! We know your worries!"

Hoshizawa san was surprised that they know and felt relieved that they understood. She was grateful to have such good friends

" how do I get him to notice me more?"

"Hoshizawa san's so cute when she's blushing really hard! I really thought that you had a fever a moment ago!"

"P-please stop teasing me..."

"We aren't, Hoshizawa san, we just couldn't believe that you can get even more cuter when you're in love!"

"But still, making him to notice you more, huh?"

"Why don't Hoshizawa san just approach him? No guy can resist Hoshizawa san!"

"I can't! It isnt the right time for that yet...I have to know more about him first before I start approaching him!"

"You really love him that much don't you, huh, Hoshizawa san?"


Hoshizawa gave a sulking face as one of her friends smirked at her

"Hmm, making him notice you without approaching or talking to him, huh? That's something already impossible to do if you think about it..."

"I-is that so..."

"No, there is one way..."

"Oho? Lets hear about it in great detail"


Hoshizawa and her friends leaned closer as they talk about on how Hoshizawa should do it. Hoshizawa thought that it was a pretty good idea, and started doing it today. Whether it'd be on the hallway, downstairs, and even upstairs, she tried to made sure so that Shun sees her anywhere he looked every now and then until it was time for the break to start.

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Hoshizawa temporarily left her friends and immediately came downstairs through the cafeteria to buy one yakisoba bread. She bought one immediately because she wants to give it to Shun through Ryuuto. 

But after minutes of searching, Hoshizawa wasn't able to find both Shun and Ryu. 

"They probably already bought one and ate it together if I can't find them anywhere...*sigh*"

Just as she was about to give up, she saw Ryu standing infront of the restroom

"Ito kun!"

"Oh? Hoshizawa san! What's up?"

"Oh, uhm, I wanted to give this to you..."

"Oh! This is...!"

She handed over the yakisoba bread to Ryu

"Lucky! Shun and I decided not to eat this time because they ran out of yakisoba bread when we came in, but because of you, we can finally eat something!"

Hoshizawa became worried as she heard that Shun haven't eaten anything yet. She was glad that she was able to find Ryu because of it

"Oh, yeah! The pay! I don't have money on me, but Shun can pay you! He just got in the restroom, but he should be getting out any minute now"

"A-Amagasa kun is?! Oh no, its okay! You don't have to pay me! I got it for free, the lady in the counter gave it to me for free!"

Hoshizawa didn't know that Shun was in the bathroom, she didn't want him to see her because she isn't ready to talk to him yet

"Is that so? Shun and I appreciate it but...if you ask me...I wanted to get chocolates from you instead..."

"? Did you say something just now, Ito kun?"

"Ah, nothing. Thanks for the yakisoba bread, Hoshizawa san!"

"Its nothing! I have to go now, my friends are waiting for me, see you later!"

Hoshizawa ran off before Shun got out from the restroom. She was happy that she was able to give to Ryu what she wanted to give to Shun indirectly. She came back to her friends in class and ate with them while chatting about what she just did earlier


School was done for today, Hoshizawa did what she had done previously to make Shun notice her in PE as well. She hoped that what she did today was enough for Shun to notice her even if its just a little bit

Hoshizawa walked home together with her friends while they talked about what happened today

"So, Hoshizawa san, did my suggestion helped you at all?"

"I hope that it did...even if its just a little bit...I'll also do it again tomorrow too!"

"That guy sure is lucky to have Hoshizawa san fall in love with him so much. I mean look at Hoshizawa san! She's lovelier than usual!"


Hoshizawa couldn't deny that fact, she's been like that ever since her last talk with Shun. After that meeting, she couldn't stop thinking about it, about him...

"So, what're you gonna do tomorrow Hoshizawa san? Are you finally gonna approach him?!"

"No...not yet...I have so much to learn more about him, about his likes, dislikes, hobbies, and other stuff...I wanted to know more about them before I approach him..."

"Speaking like a maiden in love, I see!"

"She's really into him, you can see it in her eyes that she's only focused on him"

"No matter what happens, please don't hesitate to ask us Hoshizawa san! We'll support you!"

"We want to see Hoshizawa san's first love to bear fruit after all!"

"Everyone...thank you very much!"

Hoshizawa smiled brightly as she deeply thanked her friends for helping and rooting for her love life. Her friends also talked about their love status, and thus became the center of their topic as they walk home from school


End of Chapter 1.5

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