She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 16: Vol 2, Chapter 3: Sick

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Volume 2, Chapter 3: Sick


"*Yawn* I'm so sleepy..."

"Why? You didn't got enough sleep? What did do you last night, Shun?"

"The anime that I was watching had a 5 hours long special episode last night. I had to watch it in full to not miss any important parts of the story"

Not to mention, I had to stay late up night because I studied. I always teach Yuu in school, morning before class starts. As for myself, I changed my studying schedule to night, whenever I get home from school

"So that's why you have bags under your eyes, why didn't you just recorded it?"

"Dude, it's a 5 hour long episode! 5 hour long! Nothing would've change even if I did that! I'd still have to watch it in full after class!"

"Can't you just watch it in parts? Since its already recorded you can watch it anytime-"

I grabbed him by the shoulders as I justified my reasoning to him

"You don't understand it, do you?, Even if i watch it in parts, I'd miss the next episodes! And even if I did record those episodes, I would need to watch them all to catch up!"

"I don't see anything wrong with it? You still get to watch the anime whenever you want"

I tightened my grip to his shoulders to push my reasoning to him even further

"Its better to watch it in realtime! Than watching it pre recorded! It saves you from spoilers from the people on the internet! You won't gonna understand it since you always watch anime pre recorded!"

"Eh? Is there really a big difference? I'm still on episode 7 of yami chan's adventures, but I haven't encountered any spoilers about it"

That's because its a rerun! Nobody spoils you on the internet if the anime's a rerun! Since this guy really doesn't get it, I'll just have to give him a taste of it!

"Episode 7 right? I remembered that scene, the one where Yami chan's about to fight the mecha pig alone"

"Yeah! yeah! That scene! I can't wait to see how the fight's gonna turn out-"

"Oh you mean in episode 8? I remember that sad episode, Its sad that Yami chan wasn't able to defeat the mecha pig and is slowly dying as she was laying flat on the ground"


"And on episode 9, she had flashbacks from when she was younger and was training under her older sister"

"S-Shun? I haven't watched episode 8 nor 9 yet..."

Oh? Is it working? Man, he's too easy, I just need to put the finishing touches then

"Come to think of it, they haven't told Yami chan's older sister's name right? Ill spare you the trouble since you're my best friend! Her name is-"


"I accept your apology, do you know now how cruel it is to get spoiled?"

"I felt like the hype that I had before were gone now since I already knew what would be happening after..."

"That's exactly why I'm watching anime in realtime!"

"I think I'm starting to understand it better now, thanks, Shun!"

"Don't mention it! Its my duty to educate a fellow anime watcher after all!"

Although the 'spoiler' that I've told you just now didn't really happen...

I told Ryu what happened in the anime that I was watching last night as we walk together to go to school. Although Ryu doesn't watch the anime I'm watching, he still listened to my ramblings


We eventually reached the school and met with Yuu, Take, and Masa in the school locker

"Shun! Ryuuto! You guys are late than usual today"

"I could say the same thing to you, Yuu. I'm guessing you three also watched the anime last night, huh?"

"Of course we did! We wouldn't miss out on any episodes of that anime! Let alone a 5 hour long special episode!"

"Yuuchin's right, Shunicchi! I've never miss an episode with Amy chan in it!"

"So thats why you three have also bags under your eyes, just like Shun"

"Your Amy chan got blew up by a single swift attack from one the henchman, blondy! That's how weak she is!"

"Huh?! What did you just say, Masacchin?! What about your Risha chan?! Didn't she just stand by in the battlefield as Amy chan and Ina chan kept taking the blow?"

"The enemy used anti magic circle and targeted Risha chan, of course she can't do anything at that state! She still wiped out countless enemies in the field afterwards!, better than your weak Amy chan, you Amy freak!"

"What did you called me Masacchin?! No, Risha freak!"




"Both of you enough already! They all fought well in the end, right? Let's just leave it at that"


Take and Masa both looked away from each other after what Yuu had just said. I'm glad that Yuu managed to stop them from getting even more heated for their waifus

"Those two don't really get along when it comes to their waifus, huh?"

"Couldn't said it any better, Shun. If there's one thing that I've learned from what you've said last time, I think its the one where we should be like our waifus! Ina chan is the leader, so its only natural for me to be the one in control!"

"Huh? Uhh, yeah, sure...but I didn't said anything like that last time..."

"There goes the meathead, spouting nonsense once again"

"Say what you want, but I'm not going to fall for your provocations!"

"I'm not even provoking you! And why you're talking like a general or something all of a sudden?!"

I was kinda out of their conversation because I was too sleepy. Pretty sure Yuu, Take, and Masa are too, but they don't seem to be as sleepy as I am, are they used to it? They probably are if they even have the energy to chat and argue...

I spent my time quietly listening to my friends as we got into the class and took our seats. After a few minutes, class started and I've tried to kept myself awake the entire time. I was amazed by how Yuu, Take, and Masa are handling off the lack of sleep. Because of that, I was also determined to do the same thing...

...yet unlike them, I dozed off with my right arm holding up my chin. Luckily, our homeroom teacher, Homura sensei, was kind and understandable enough to woke me up gently and told me to take a rest to the nurse's office. I reluctantly agreed and stepped out of the classroom


"You didn't had to stepped out the classroom as well you know"

"What are you talking about man? What if you collapsed out here?"

"I'm not that klutz! But thanks, I appreciate it, Ryu"

"Don't mention it man, its the least I could do"

Ryu accompanied me to the nurse's office, all the way to a vacant bed nearby. 

"For countermeasures, I've already checked up on you, and it seems that you also developed a slight fever as well. Your homeroom teacher already informed the other teachers just incase you aren't be able to come back in their class. You can just rest easy there and take much time as you want also, take these pills before you go to sleep"

I haven't noticed it myself, but the nurse said I had developed a slight fever, I don't know when I got it, but I assume I already caught a fever since this morning. I was wondering why it was cold than usual, that explains why...

"Yes, will do. Thank you, maam"

"And as for you, go back to your class, you're not excused"


"The nurse is right, Ryu, I'll be fine here. Here, take this"

I gave him the money that I had in me and told him to buy his yakisoba bread and eat by himself if I happen to sleep later than break time

"Are you sure, Shun? Aren't you going to be hungry when you wake up?"

"If anything, I just want to get as much sleep as I can. I can just eat when I get home anyways"

"If you say so...I'll come again and check up on you once its break time"

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"Yeah sure"

"See you later, man"

"I'll be off somewhere too, just leave the door closed once you've confirmed yourself that you don't have a fever anymore"

"Yes maam, will do, thank you"

The nurse left to do something elsewhere while Ryu left to go back to class quickly as I took the pills for my fever and quickly got some sleep


I don't know how much time had passed since I slept but it seems that it was already break time. I woke up at that exact time, but my body was hotter than it was earlier. I also felt a slight headache as I tried to stand up, is it the medicine? Did it just start working? As I think more about it, my head starts to hurt like as if it was pinching my brain. I couldn't stand it anymore so I laid down and covered myself up with the blanket

At some point, Ryu came in to check up on me, like he promised

"I'm coming in...Shun? How're you feeling?"

There was a brief of silence after he came in, for some reason, my voice wouldn't come out, or rather, I, myself chose not to speak at that time. Also, I can't see what he was doing since I covered myself up, but I think he already got the gist of what's happening to me

"So you're still not fine, I see... I'll just put this here, Shun. Eat it whenever you're hungry. I'll come again after class to pick you up"

He said that as he left the nurse's office and closed the door. After for a few minutes, my headache eased up and although my body was still hot, it wasnt as hotter than it was before. I popped my head out from the blanket to look at what Ryu had left for me. It was a half of yakisoba bread. He left it in the chair near me so that I can reach it without making a lot of movements. That guy...even though he's annoying to be around with, he's really kind and considerate when it comes to these things...I have to thank to him later for this...

I ate the half of the yakisoba bread and drank some water that I had left from drinking the pills earlier. I then went ahead and slept more to recover faster

"I think 3 chocolates is enough to say that I appreciate him worrying over me" I mumbled as I slowly put myself to sleep


After a few more minutes, I felt something warm emanating within me. A warm feeling that I know didn't came from me. At that time, I didn't know if I was dreaming or not because I was into a deep sleep. I felt the warmth continuously going up and down as if it was in a form of stroking something within me. I enjoyed the warm feeling for a while when suddenly it spoke something to me. I didn't quite got the whole thing but I've heard something that struck to my ears

"...Please don't do it again anymore, I love you..."

After I heard those words, the warmth feeling also disappeared slowly as I fell more into a deeper sleep


By the time I woke up, it was time for the students to go home. I woke up from hearing the bell ringing for after class. I stood myself up and checked my forehead to see if I still have a fever, it turned out that I don't have it anymore, my headache also seemed to had gone a while ago

While I was checking up on myself, the door suddenly opened, Ryu and the nurse came to check up on me

"Oh! Looks like someone's already recovered!"

"Yeah, just in time too"

"You really took your time there, boy. But before you guys leave, we have to check if its really gone. We don't want to get complacent now, should we?"

"Yes, maam. Thanks for letting me use the bed for today, I slept well because of it"

"Now, now, don't thank me just yet. We still haven't confirmed if you already got rid of your fever after all"

The nurse checked me out once again to see if I still had a fever. After for some time, it was confirmed by the nurse herself that my fever was already gone. Ryu and I were glad to know about it because I don't have to skip school for tomorrow

"Even though you've just recovered, don't do anything more than you can handle for today, okay?"

"Yes, maam, thank you again for today!"

Ryu and I bowed our heads together and left the nurse's office

"Man! I really thought you're a goner for a second there! If you were though, I would've also hanged back and stayed there"

"Same here, I'm glad that my fever had gone by the time the classes were done"

As we closed the door to the nurse's office, we heard some quick, loud footsteps from the right side of the hallway. Ryu and I immediately looked to where the sound was

"Hey, Shun, you did heard that, right?"

"Yeah, is anyone still here in school, Ryu?"

"No? I'm pretty sure all of the students had left by now..."


I quickly ran off to where we heard the sound from. As I turned around and look who it was, there was nobody there

"There's no one here..."

"Eh? Was it just our imagination?"

"Are you hearing yourself? If that was our imagination, then how could we heard the same sound just now?"

"Oh yeah, you have a point"

"Whoever it was, I'm pretty sure they just got away- Ah! the window!"

I quickly went to the window to see who it was, but apparently they already left

"They already left..."

"Just forget about them, Shun. Its probably nothing anyways"


"You guys are still here? Go home before your parents get mad"

"Ah, yes, maam"

Ryu and I left the school quickly and treated Ryu three chocolate bars as thanks for today


"ChokoChoko's chocolate bars are the best! Thanks for treating me, man!"

"Don't mention it, you were worried about me today after all"

"Hehe! Of course your best friend will get worried! And by the way, Yuu, Takeshi, and Masato wanted to come and checked up on you earlier, but I told them that they should be focusing on their study for now since the exams are coming up. Masato filled in for us, he taught Yuu and Takeshi for today. I came back and taught Takeshi after checking up on you"

"I they were also worried...and even Masa filled in for me..."

"Yeah, and its Masa we're talking about here! That guy doesn't even do favors for others!"

That's true, Masa doesn't do favors to anyone at all, he always declines when he gets asked by our classmates. For him to do favors for us...he really sees us as his friends...

"We're lucky to have Masa as our friend"

"And he's lucky to have us too, Shun!"

"I'm not sure if I can say the same at the opposite, but I hope he does"

"And I'm lucky to have you as my best friend, Shun! I get to eat this chocolate bars every once in a while! You should get more sick man!"

"Hey! You made it sound like you were waiting for this moment!"

"Huh?! No I don't! I hadn't thought of anything like that yet!"

"'Yet' ?! So if you did, you would've?!"


"*Sigh*...some bestfriend you are..."

"Don't be like that, man! I'm not that evil"

"I'm starting to think that you are one"

"Haha! I won't, not to my best friend!"

He laughed as he started to munch down the second chocolate bar that he was holding in his hand. Ryu helped me filled in on what happened today and gave me his notes that I've missed. I thanked him again for today as we walked home together from school


End of Chapter 3

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