She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 17: Vol 2, Chapter 3.5: Hoshizawa’s POV 3

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Volume 2, Chapter 3.5: Hoshizawa's POV 3


"EHHHH? Seriously Hoshizawa san?! its Amagasa kun?!"

"I expected that someone would be in this class...but I didn't think it would be Amagasa kun too..."

"Love really is strange, isnt it? Hoshizawa san?"


"Hoshizawa san blushing! Soo cute!"

"Quick! Maki! Take a pic!"

"I'm on it!"

"E-eh? Please don't... it's embarrassing..."

Me and my friends got to school early as usual, but unlike any other day, Amagasa kun and his friends aren't at school yet. My friends kept controlling themselves to ask me who's the guy I'm interested in. Since today's the start of me approaching Amagasa kun, I decided to tell them who I'm in love with

The one who reacted first was Risa Sakai, the second person was Fay Fujiwara, and the third person was Maki Imai. They were among the students who apologized and felt sorry for me ever since I've told them about my past. The next day after, they approached me to my desk. Not to ask for my help, but instead to restart as friends. We've been good friends since then

"Since when, Hoshizawa san? When did you start developing feelings for him?!"

"You're too loud, Risa! What if there were other people happen to pass by and heard you? You'll cause a rumor!"


"Fay's right, Risa, You'll cause trouble for Hoshizawa san"

"I-I don't mind but...I also think we shouldn't be talking too loud..."

"Ah, Fay, Hoshizawa san's melting"

"Hoshizawa san?!"

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed when I recall the day that Amagasa kun and I met on the rooftop. 

After I regained myself, I told them everything, every bits and pieces, and everything that I had done, including me and Amagasa kun eating on the rooftop together

"Now I see why our maiden here's totally into Amagasa kun!. Even I would fall in love with him if he had done the same thing to me! To have such romance exists! Ah, youth!"

I looked at Risa with blank, starry eyes as she said that, I, myself didn't knew that I gave her that look but thats what Risa had seen herself

"I-i-its just a joke, Hoshizawa san! A joke! Please don't take it seriously!"

"Those are the eyes of a killer, Risa, Hoshizawa san gave you a warning just now"

"E-eh?! That wasn't my intention at all!"

"We get it, Hoshizawa san! Amagasa kun is only yours, right?"


"Ah, Fay, Hoshizawa san's reached the boiling point"


Mine...huh? Amagasa kun's...only mine? Is it really okay for me to say that...?

"Hoshizawa san's blushing too much! I can tell that this is her first love!"

"Y-yes...he is..."

'Hoho?' They all gave me that look in unison.

"I don't think you'll have much to worry about, Hoshizawa san, as far as I know, Amagasa kun isn't really popular with girls"

"Its his bestfriend, Ito kun, and his friend, Ishimoto kun who's popular in our class after all!"

"'re right..."

Its unbelievable how Amagasa kun's not popular with girls... he's so kind, considerate, and helpful to I the only one who've seen him this way...?

"Oh! Here they come"

I quickly looked around at the door as I heard Fay say that, and saw Amagasa kun with his friends. I was glad that he wasn't late for class and happy that he showed up. That made my day, but...

"Hey, Maki, Don't you think Amagasa kun and his friends besides Ito kun are...kinda off today?"

"Yeah, I heard one of them yawning when they passed by us. They might've been staying up late last night"

"Guys and their anime waifus! Seriously just get a girlfriend already! Why are they so hung up on fictional characters that don't even exist?"

"Its because they're guys, Risa, they're guys..."

"Boys will be boys after all"

I wasn't listening to what my friends were talking about at all, I was looking at Amagasa kun the entire time since he got in. I've noticed that he had bags under his eyes...oh! That's because last night was a 5 hour long episode of his favorite anime! ends at 11pm...did he do something after that? Perhaps studied after watching? If he did, that explains his repeatingly yawn right now...

"Hoshizawa san? Hoshizawa saaan"

I got surprised by Risa who blew my name into my ear closely

"You're staring at Amagasa kun too much, he'll found out if you don't hide it very well"

"About that, I don't think Hoshizawa san needs to be careful today, Risa"

"Eh? Why?"

"Look, Amagasa kun's out of it. He's looking down at his desk with not a care in his surroundings at all"

"Oh you're right, Maki. But he's even sleepier than Ishimoto kun, Murata kun, and Fujioka kun"

"He's probably not used to staying up late"


"Amagasa kun..."

I kept looking at Amagasa kun while thinking of a way to help him somehow

"Take your seats! Class is about to start"

I looked back at the front while I've kept thinking on how can I help Amagasa kun to fend off his sleepiness


It was time for recess and I still haven't thought of anything that I could do for Amagasa kun. Amagasa kun was told by our homeroom teacher to take a rest in the nurse's office since he dozed off in his class. I was so caught on, on that scenario that I blanked out while me and my friends were eating. My friends noticed that I was spacing out and suggested something

"You know, Hoshizawa san, you don't need to do anything anymore to be able of help to Amagasa kun. Just being by his side for a while should be enough"

"Yeah, Hoshizawa san! Go at him! Make his heart beat fast!"

"I don't think that's the right action here, Risa"

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"Risa...Maki...Fay...thank you!"

"We didn't do anything at all, we're your friends Hoshizawa san, its natural that we'd help and support you out whenever we can!"

"Fay's right for once, Hoshizawa san! Go now! We'll wait for you here!"

"You made it sound like I've never said anything good up until now, Risa"

"E-eh?! Y-youre... probably imagining it..."

"Thank you, everyone! I'll have to go now, I'll be back!"

"Good luck!"

I left the room quickly to find and look for Amagasa kun in the nurse's office


Few minutes had passed and finally I got into the nurse's office, I took a deep breath and steeled myself before opening the door

"I'm...coming in..."

I've entered into the nurse's office only to see that there was nobody in there except for Amagasa kun, who was having a hard time sleeping peacefully

"Amagasa kun?!"

I quickly rushed in to see what was happening, embarrassed as I am, I reluctantly put my hands in his forehead to check out his temperature

"Ah! He's hot! Amagasa kun has a fever!"

I felt powerless when I saw Amagasa kun's state and couldn't help but keep crying for him. It was the second time I've seen someone's struggling in their illness. The first time I've seen something like this was from my mom, who already had passed away 

Hang in there, Amagasa kun! I'll do something! So please don't give up on me!

I quickly grabbed a washcloth and some cold water. I then used the washcloth to soak the cold water and applied it to Amagasa kun's body. I washed his arms, hands, face, and lastly, his body. I was reluctant at first, but I steeled my resolve and wiped his front without looking

After I was done wiping his whole body out, I checked again his forehead to see if had gone down

"...He's still hot, but not hotter than it was before. I'm glad..."

I felt relieved as i saw his face not struggling anymore to his illness. I felt as if I had saved him from something so drastic even though it was just a fever that he had

"I'm so glad that you're fever's gone down...but I was really worried about you the whole time you know! I don't know what I would've done if your fever didn't had gone down..."

I was a bit angry at him for not taking care of himself, but I realized that its Amagasa kun after anger disappeared and was replaced with infatuation as I looked at his sleeping face

"I know you love that anime so much so you just had to watch it but, they're is someone who's worried about you, you know!"

I leaned my face closer to him as I whispered something into his ear

"I'll let it slide this time...but...Please...don't do it again anymore, I love you..."

I got embarrassed and couldn't stop blushing after I said that. I know he's asleep right now but still! I couldn't believe I was able to say that!

"Oh! Break time! Amagasa kun hasn't eaten yet, has he?"

I looked at where he was and saw a plastic of yakisoba bread lying next to him on the desk

"I Ito kun already gave you one and eaten it... I'm glad that Ito kun's your friend, Amagasa kun"

I smiled as I quickly got up and was about to leave from the nurse's office

"Next time... I'll definitely be able to say it to you next time...when you're awake, Amagasa kun!"

Following those words, I left the room and closed the door. I came back to my class, back to where my friends are and quickly told them what I did as I smilingly narrated everything


It was after class and I told my friends that I'd be staying behind to check up on Amagasa kun. They were smirking at me being lovestruck and all as I waited for everyone to leave the school

After for a few minutes, I went to where Amagasa kun to check if he had woken up. My plan was to sneakingly check up on him while not making him find out about it

"I hope Amagasa kun got recovered now. He slept throughout the entire day after all"

I was rushing upstairs to where the nurse's office is when suddenly I heard something

"Man! I really thought you're a goner for a second there! If you were though, I would've also hanged back and stayed there"

"Same here, I'm glad that my fever had gone by the time the classes were done"

That voice...! It's Amagasa kun! He's finally recovered! I'm so glad!

I looked at him at the end of the hallway near the stairs when suddenly he looked straight at the hallway, I quickly turned back while making a loud noise in my foot steps

"Hey, Shun, you did heard that, right?"

"Yeah, is anyone still here in school, Ryu?"

"No? I'm pretty sure all of the students had left by now..."

"Oh no! I have to get out of here right now before he sees me!"

I quickly rushed downstairs, changed to my outdoor shoes and left the school as fast as I could


"That was nerve-wracking! I hope he didn't saw me leaving by the window..."

I got home from school while thinking about what had just happened today

"A lot of things happened today! I can't believe all of that happened in a single day..."

Recalling all scenarios, I was holding up my cheeks while thinking about how I was helpful to Amagasa kun today. The fatigue that I've built up from school today were all gone after I saw Amagasa kun getting fully recovered

"Although I wanted to approach you to get to know me better, I'll just take the opportunity when it comes..."

And...when it indeed comes...

"I'll make sure that you won't forget about me every single day!"

I blushed embarrassingly while pointing myself at the mirror. I then smiled brightly while I got the hints of Amagasa kun smiling at me back on the mirror

"Maam, your father wants to say that dinner is ready, he wants you to join him"

"I'll be there in a minute, thanks!"


I changed my clothes and had gone to the dining room to have dinner with my father as my mind was constantly up in the clouds, thinking of Amagasa kun...


End of Chapter 3.5

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