She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 19: Vol 2, Chapter 4.5: A Day in the Life of Miu Hoshizawa

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Volume 2, Chapter 4.5: A Day in the Life of Miu Hoshizawa


It is sunday morning and I just woke up. I started the day getting up while thinking of that dream last night

"*Chuckle* Me and Amagasa kun...together...*chuckle*"

I quickly got off the bed, dressed myself up, and gone downstairs to join with my father in breakfast

"Good morning father"

"Ah, Miu, you're just in time. Let's have our breakfast and go out once we're done"

"Yes, will do, father"

I took my seat which was next to my father's seat

"We'll be going to the west area this time, I have to see the report of our branch from these past few months"

The west area? That's also the direction where Amagasa kun lives, right? I wonder if I'll see him today...

"Miu? Are you listening, Miu?"

"H-huh?! Ah, yes, father, of course I'll come with you"

"I see, you've been coming with me lately now, Miu, and I'm glad about that. I remember the first time you asked me that you also wanted to come last time, I was surprised"

"I wouldn't be able to do anything like that if it weren't for him..."

"Him? Who?"

"A-a-ah! I meant, for my friends! They encouraged me, they helped me overcome it! Yes!"

"I see, I suppose I owe them my gratitude some other time. If they want to visit, don't hesitate to do so, alright?"

"Yes! Father!"

Me and my father got along very good even my mother passed away. Ever since she was gone, my father always had his eyes on me. Whenever he always sees me crying in the past, he always blame himself for not being able to do anything. Thus why he was always considerate of me and lets me do whatever that I want. Although I don't get to say it many times often to him, I always tell him that I love him and what he does for me from time to time

I always come with my father on the weekends every now and then. It was for me to know more about different places and check out every types of branch that my father has. I always help out with my father's job whenever he asks me to, whether it be helping with the documents or organizing the files. This has been a weekly routine of mine especially whenever I don't have anything else to do at home on the weekends

Once we were done eating, we got prepared and head out in the west branch. It was already afternoon by the time we got there and as soon as we got there, I quickly got off to the production area and saw the people being as busy as ever

"Miss Hoshizawa! Glad you came here to check up on us!"

"Thank you for your hard work. Is there anything I could help you out with?"

"Oh no, no! Nothing at all! Miss Hoshizawa, we've got everything under control!"

"Ah, I see"

"Still, I can't believe that you've already turned into a beautiful woman, Miss Hoshizawa! Do you already like someone?"

"E-eh?! Uhm...that is...yes..."

"Haha! I see! I see! Our Miss Hoshizawa is already on that stage I see! I hope your love will bear fruit then! That is if your father also approves"

"Maam! There was a mistake in one of these boxes!"

"Again? Hold on, I'll be right there in a sec...Miss Hoshizawa, it seems that I have to go back to work now, please take as many chocolates over there as you want if you want to. Well then..."

"Thank you very much!"

My father's approvement...huh? I wonder how my father would react if I brought that up...

"Miu! Would you mind helping me out on my office on organizing the documents?"

"Yes! Father!"

I focused my mind at the matter on hand and decided not to think anything more about it for now. I did what my father asked me to do and organized all of the paperworks that were needed to be sorted

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It was already time for the sun to set and we're about to go home from the west branch when we were suddenly caught up in a slight traffic, going back from my thought earlier, I asked my father a simple question


"? What is it, Miu?"

"If I said that I like someone, would you be mad?"

There was a brief of silence inside the car before my father answered the question

"Didn't I told you before? I want you to be happy whatever makes you happy. That's why I've let you do whatever you want, right? If you like someone and that someone always makes you happy, then I, your father, have no objections"

I smiled happily as I heard those words from my father. Even though he looks strict from the outside, he's still the softest and kindest father ever to me

"Thank you Father! I love you!"

"Still, I can't believe the day already had come"

"Huh? Father...?"




"E-eh?! Um...okay, Father"

I was surprised to see the other side of my father, but on second thought, he was only like that because he was caring for me this whole time. I really appreciate him for that, for being my father, and for approving to me liking Amagasa kun

My father kept shredding tears while I was looking out in the window happily smiling until I saw a familiar face in the distance


What I saw was Amagasa kun, Ito kun, and Fujioka kun walking near the sidewalk. I was happy to see Amagasa kun the most, but that disappeared when I saw a girl that was walking with them

"Who's that girl...? I think I've seen her many times before...but where?"

While I was having mixed emotions from what I'm seeing, the traffic pulled out and the car started to move again. That was the glimpse of me seeing Amagasa kun out in the open

"That girl... there's no way...right?"

I shrugged off the thought as my father called out to me once more

"Miu? I've already contacted our maids, they should be prepping now for the celebration!"

"Celebration? For who?"

"For you of course! After all! Its the first time I've heard of you being in love! That calls for celebration!"

"Eh?! Is it really worth celebrating?"

"What are you saying?! Of course it is! It'll be a disgrace to my future grandson otherwise!"

"Future grandson?!- Father!"

"Hahaha! I know, I know, I was just joking, but still, I'm glad that you're starting to be more livelier than you were before, Miu"

My father genuinely smiled at me while saying that. I felt the warmth and replied back

"Me too father! Thank you!"

My father kept talking about the different dishes that he requested for the maids for me to choose to eat when we got back home. I also forgot the thing that I saw today. The thought of it slipped from my mind as my father kept on discussing about more things regarding the "celebration" in mind


End of Chapter 4.5

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