She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 20: Vol 2, Chapter 5: A wild “Kouhai” appears?!

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Volume 2, Chapter 5: A wild "Kouhai" appears?!


It was already monday, morning when I woke up and realized that today was the day they'll hand out our exam results. Still feeling lazy as I am, I tried to pull myself out from the bed to start the day. As usual, Ryu and I walk together to school and met up with Yuu, Take, and Masa who also arrived somewhat early to school

"Oh! Shun! Ryuuto!"

"Morning, guys, I thought for sure you guys would be early today, Monday and all"

"Well Masato here took way too long to prepare so we had to wait for him to finish"

"Oh shut up! Last night's event on the game was only up until 5 am! Of course I had to make use of it since it was a limited time only! I still woke up nonetheless so what's the problem?!"

"Yeah, you woke up barely, we would've been late if we hadn't woke you up you heavy sleeper"

"What did you say, meathead?!"

"Now, now, Yuu, Masa, the most important thing here is that you guys still arrived on time, right?"

"Fair enough"

"You lucky Shun made a good point just now, Meathead!"

Phew, I'm glad that they listened for once. Otherwise they'll probably cause a ruckus again too

"Oh, by the way, today's the day they'll hand out our exam results, right?"

"Yeah, I wonder if I reached 90% at least"

"Same here, Yuuchin. We could only hope that Ryuuchin, Shunicchi, and Masacchin's teaching paid off"

"Just to let you guys know that I don't care whether you reach it or not, I just taught you because Shun asked me to. If you guys fail to reach it, then you're to blame for it"

"Well, lets just hope that they reach it for now, otherwise our effort to teach them these past few days will all be for naught, right, Masa?"

"That's true..."

"You only really listen to Shun, huh, Masato?"

"Maybe if you beat me, I'll consider to call you by your name, dance freak"

"Seriously stop! I'm already fine with you calling me browny!"

Ryu, Yuu, Take, Masa, and I had gone upstairs to our classroom while talking. We took our seats and talked more about the questions that appeared in the exam when suddenly one of our classmates called out my name

"Amagasa kun!"

"Yeah? What is it?"

"There's someone infront of the door who wants to see you"

Someone? That's unusual, I don't know anyone from other sections, so someone who I probably knew wouldn't be the case on this one...but I wonder who could it be then?

"Ah! Shun! That's...!"

The moment Ryu was about to shout who it was, the door that our classmate was blocking view of suddenly showed a girl with bright pink hair and with bright pink eyes...almost the same with the girl who Ryu, Masa, and I have seen yesterday...or rather...

"Ah! Pinky!"

Yes, the one that was standing in front of the door, who also was looking for me, was none other than Maria Kaneko

"Eh?! Maria san?! Why you're here?!"

"Why? Of course I'm also a student here! I'm in A-2 Class! Also, calling me Maria's fine since I'll be calling you Shun from hereon out too!"

" did you managed to sneak yourself in here?!"



"Huh? Who's this guy?"

"That's harsh! I was with you guys yesterday!"

"Oh! Ito, right? Sorry my bad. It's hard for me to remember someone's name especially if they're insignificant to me"


Ryu was emotionally damaged and crawled himself in the corner of the classroom

"I saw you guys near the school's shoe locker and was surprised to see that you're also a student at this academy"

"I was even more surprised that our sections are next to each other if anything else"

"Don't you think this means anything? Huh? Giddeus- oops!, Shun?"

I looked at her with an disinterested look

"Um...what do you mean by that?"

"Geez! Do I really have to spell it out for you! We. Are. Destined. To. Be. To-ge-ther!"

"As if!"

As I was about to shrug her off with her baseless flirting, something snapped, like a pencil getting broken into pieces near the front of the class. The sound apparently came near Hoshizawa's direction

"Hoshizawa san! Calm down! Calm down! People are looking at us!"

"E-eh?! Ah! Um, sorry!"

I can't quite hear what they're talking about but it seems that Hoshizawa san was the one who made that noise, seeing that It was nothing relevant to us, I quickly shifted my attention to Maria, who was talking with my friends

"Oh! So you, Shun, Ryu, and Masa met at the arcade! I was wondering why you guys already know each other"

"Yeah, Pinky here and Shun battled each other and of course Shun won. I'm guessing that's why she's here, to have another rematch against Shun"

"Such sharp intuitions, Fujioka! No wonder you're the third best player! But sadly, that's not the only thing I'm after"

"Ho? So you got other motives as well?"

"Not exactly a motive, but its necessary if I want to beat Shun here, and that's being his disciple!"



All of us looked dumbfounded as to what Maria had just said

"You've seen it yourself, didn't, you, Fujioka? Only Gid- Shun here can use Poncho to the fullest. Since I want to be fully able to use Poncho, I have to learn from the best, and that's why I'm going to be Shun's disciple!"

"Stop right there! Maria, don't I get to have a say in this?! And second, I barely play! I'll also probably won't be coming back to that arcade anymore"

"You barely play? That's a lie"

"Yeah, a blatant lie, Shun"

"You too, Masa?!"

"Anyways, my decision still stands, I want you to teach me, Shun! I want to be able to use Poncho like you!"

"Even if you say that...I don't even have a reason why I should even waste time to teach you though..."

"Oh don't say that! I'm even willing to make it only once per week! Think of it know"

Pretending to get flustered and embarrassed, Maria said the following words

"You could...even think of it as a date..."

She said that while having puppy eyes straight to my face

"As if!"

Another snapping sound was heard after I said that, it also came from Hoshizawa's direction as well

"Hoshizawa san?!"

"No good, lets get her out of here!"


They quickly pulled Hoshizawa san out of the classroom for some reason. I wonder why?

"What's with Hoshizawa san?"

"I don't know, but anyways. Maria, if you're okay with me teaching you only when I have time, then I'll do it"

Maria perked up as she heard that and thanked me nonstop

"Thank you! Shun! Now I'll be able to use Poncho after I mastered it!"

"Hey! Pinky! That's unfair! Shun teach me too!"

"Sure, Masa, only when I have time though"

"Yeah! I won't lose to you, pinky!"

"I won't lose to the likes of you! You third ranking loser!"

"Now you've said it! Wait till I take your spot, Pinky!"

While I was talking with Masa and Maria, Ryu, Take, and Yuu were talking to each other about other stuff. We joined in on their conversation and reintroduce Maria to Yuu, and Take. Maria quickly fitted in within our circle and hanged out with us before it was time for the class to start


It was time for recess and our homeroom teacher handed out all of our results from each and every exam that we took. Yuu and Take got seven 90% grades while getting a 91% grade on one subject. Take got a 91% grade on literature while Yuu got a 91% grade on math. Ryu and I felt relieved as to see that our teachings paid off while Masa hide the fact that he was also happy for Yuu and Take. Ryu and I got the usual 90% grade on all subjects as we planned, while Masa got the highest grade in our class, which was 95% grade on all subjects except math being a 96% overall grade

"I don't believe this! Shun! Gimme your paper!"

"Huh? Uh, here"

"Masa took all of my exam papers and for some reason, he was comparing all the answers that he and I had, untill he settled down on math and history"

"I knew it...Sensei! Look at this!"

With my paper in his hands, Masa talk to the teacher about something that went on for a while. While he was doing that, Maria busted in on out section to show us her grade

"Sup guys! Already got your exam papers?"

"Yeah, what overall grade did you got?"

"Hehehe, behold! The fruit of my hard work!"

Ryu, Yuu, Take, and I looked at her results to see what grade she got...the only thing that we could say was that she got a good grade alright

"Nice work! Maria san!"

"85% is a hard grade to get too after all, great job!"

"Maria chan got an 85%? That's impressive"

"Yeah, that's great! Maria!"

"Why do you guys sound like you're pitying me?"

We all looked away from her direction, we shouldn't let her see our exam results after we saw that!

What about you guys? What grade did you got? Surely nowhere near mine, right?

She took Ryu's exam results since mine got taken by Masa. She then saw a devastating truth, Ryu getting 90% grade on all subjects

"...It can't be!...what about you, Yuudai?!"

Yuudai kept looking at the opposite direction while giving his exam results to Maria

"No way?! You too?! And a 91% on math?! What about you, Takeshi?!"

Takeshi was trembling when Maria called out to her, he obviously doesn't want Maria to get discouraged from the grade that she got that's why Takeshi was trying to avoid to show her his results

"A 91% on literature and 90% on other subjects?! Are you guys into studying that much?!"

We couldn't look at Maria's face at all, the fact that she worked hard to study for the exams just to get an 85% and seeing us getting a swift 90% on all subjects...we felt pity for her because of that...

"How about you, Shun?!"

"Ah, well, Ryu and I always have the same grade so I don't think there's a need for you to-"

"Shun! Great news! They changed your exam results from 90% to 93%! Sorry that I couldn't make it higher because they think that's the appropriate score already based from what I've said"

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"Oh, thanks Masa- YOU DID WHAT?!"

"? I pointed it out from our teacher that you should be getting a higher grade than the one you had right now, I'm glad I asked you to give me your papers!"

"I appreciate it, Masa but, why though?"

"Why not? Your answer was too precise so its only natural that it should get more score than it should be"

"Hey! Masato! Do it to me too!"

"Huh?! Do it yourself! Browny!"

"Hey! You're mean!"

I quickly looked at Maria to see her reaction but it seems that she was already starting to fade from nothingness 

"9...93%...I can't believe it...! Surely Fujioka can't beat me when it comes to this! Hey! Fujioka! What's your grade?!"

"Why you're asking that pinky? I got 95% from all subjects except math in which I got 96%"

"9-....95%...this third ranking loser got a higher grade...than me..."

"Ah...she's disintegrating..."

We watched Maria slowly disappearing from existence as she tries to grasp what had just happened. While that was happening, Hoshizawa called Ryu out for some reason

"Hoshizawa san calling Ryu? Now that's rare, I guess they're really getting closer than they were before then"

"Are you sad that your best friend was the one she called and not you? Of course you do right? But what can you do? You're just average after all!"

Maria said that, apparently she already bounced back from the blow that she repeatedly suffered from

"Not really, I'm rather happy for my best friend about him having progress to Hoshizawa san, his dream is a long one after all"

"His dream?"

I tried to avoid answering that question so that I won't have to explain to her everything about Ryu's plan

"Shun! Come over here!"

Ryu, with Hoshizawa san, was calling me over about something

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Hoshizawa san invited me to come to the rooftop to eat!"

"Oh? Is that so? Wait, why did you even called me out then?"

"Well...Hoshizawa san here said that she also wanted you to join us"

"Eh? Are you sure? Isn't this a good time for you guys to get close to each other?"

"Y-yes...I would also like you to come...if you can, Amagasa kun..."

"I mean I don't mind, but, are you really okay with it?"

"Yes! In fact I would be happy!-"

Hoshizawa stopped herself midway to what she was about to say

"In that case, can I also come along?"

"Ah! Maria! Its not good to eavesdrop like that!"

"Its fine isn't it? It wasn't my intention to eavesdrop anyway"

"But you still did..."

"Well then, can I? Hoshizawa san?"

Ryu and I looked at Hoshizawa who became silent for a few seconds

"Sure, Kaneko san, feel free to join us!"

"Thank you! Hoshizawa san!"

Hoshizawa gave her a smile but for some reason, the smile she gave to Maria was empty...I shrugged that thought and said to myself that maybe it was just my imagination

We also asked Yuu and Take, but even if they wanted to since it was a rare opportunity from Hoshizawa, they couldn't because they want to use the break time to practice. Although it was a different case for Masa, he also didn't want to go because he said he rather waste his time on games than socializing with people. That's Masa alright...

In the end, only Ryu, Maria, Hoshizawa, and I were the ones who'll be having lunch at the rooftop


We all gone upstairs to eat at the rooftop. We sat down in a form of circle, I sat down first and Hoshizawa took the initiative to sat down next to me, Ryu sat down next to Hoshizawa and Maria sat down on my left side and right side of Ryu

"Hey, Shun, gimme also some of your yakisoba bread"

"Don't you have your own lunch, Maria? We're lucky enough that Ryu and I got yakisoba bread from Hoshizawa san as it is"

"Aww! Just a bite wouldn't hurt! Now would it?"

"No can do, this is already enough for Ryu and I"

"Then, how about we exchange? I'll give you my food in exchange for some of your guys food"

"You really wanted to try this badly?"

"Well, I've never had it before so I was wondering why many people buy it"

"Then go! buy on your own next time!"

"Um...Amagasa kun...if you'd like, we could share with my food..."

"Eh? I can't do that! Hoshizawa san! Plus, you already gave us yakisoba bread, this is enough already!"

"I-Its okay! I happened to prepare a double deck set of lunch today...I can't finish it all since I've made too much, so I was hoping for something like this to happen..."

"Is that so? If you're fine with it, Hoshizawa san, then I'll gladly take your offer"

Hoshizawa san smiled warmly at me after I said that

"Well then, I'll guess I'll have to take this from your hands"

"Yeah, yeah, sure"

"Hey! No fair! Me too! Hoshizawa san!"

"*Chuckles* sure, Ito kun"

Ryu and I tried out Hoshizawa san's lunch and was surprised from the deliciousness that every side dish that we tried. We can truly see that Hoshizawa was no novice when it comes to cooking

"This is good! Really good! Hoshizawa san! Right, Shun?"

Hoshizawa was looking at me intensely to hear what my response to her cooking was

"Yeah, I could eat this all day, not going to lie"

"Do you really mean it?! Thank you! Amagasa kun! Ito kun!"

Hoshizawa gave out an even more brighter smile than before. It was nothing from the smile that she gave earlier

"Any guy would be very happy to have Hoshizawa san as their wife! Right, Shun?"

"Hm? Yeah, I mean who wouldn't?"

" kun?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah..."

I couldn't help but get flustered for some reason as she smiled over my response. We were like that for a few seconds until Maria spoke out something

"So, is Hoshizawa san and Shun are like, dating?"

Hoshizawa san and I blushed hard, I was trying to deny what Maria had just said while Hoshizawa san seemed to had self destructed already

"It isn't like that at all! Maria! Hoshizawa san and I are just friends you know!"

"Is that so? Then I guess I have nothing to worry about, I'm planning to make you fall in love with me after all"

"Oh please, stop with your pranks for once-"

As I was saying that, Hoshizawa was giving an immense aura over us, Ryu and I kept reaching out to her, but it seems that we're already had gone from her eyes while staring at Maria with dead eyes. I tried to understand the situation why Hoshizawa is acting like she is right now but nothing comes to mind, until Maria said something again

"Haha! I was just joking, Hoshizawa san! I don't really like guys like Shun anyways"

"E-eh? You don't?"

Hoshizawa came back to us like as if nothing had happened. Ryu and I were so confused but decided not to make that much of a big deal

"I don't. I only want Shun here to teach me how to use a certain character in the game, that's all. So don't worry about me about that kind of thing, okay?"

Maria winked at Hoshizawa to which to my surprise, Hoshizawa apparently got what Maria had meant by that and quickly got embarrassed while Ryu and I were still confused about what happened just now

"Still, Hoshizawa san, huh? Shun, you sly dog!"

"Huh? What're you talking about, Maria?"

"Nothing, nothing at all moreover, are you sure you guys aren't going your lunch?"

"Ah! That's right, Shun! Class is about to start!"

"Ah! We should hurry now!"

I quickly ate Hoshizawa's 2nd decker lunch and forgot to ask permission before I finish it first. Hoshizawa didn't seem to mind, she seemed to be happier than anything else from what I'm seeing but I still thanked her for the meal. We all quickly cleaned up our mess after and had gone back to the classroom to wait for the next class


"Shun! Ito! Fujioka! There you guys are!"

"Maria! What're you doing here?"

"I've been looking everywhere for you guys! I wanted to walk home with you guys even if its just until the school's entrance. You weren't in your classroom so I went and kept searching for you guys, glad I saw you outside from the window right away!"

"I see, well, we're still waiting for Yuu, and Take to finish, they should be changing now"

"Is that so? Where's Hoshizawa san? Doesn't she walk home together with you guys?"

"Huh? Hoshizawa san? Why?"

"Eh? Hoshizawa san doesn't walk home with you?"

"Of course she doesn't, why would she, Pinky?"

"That's weird...even though she declared you, Shun as her territory"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Nothing, just a word of advice Shun, girl's are even more scarier when influenced with something that's uncontrollable. Hoshizawa san is of course no exception, especially from what she showed you guys earlier"

"What are you even on about?"

"You'll get it once you get there, I feel pity for you already enough as it is...for whatever you'll be handling in the future"

"Seriously, what are you talking about?"

"Thanks for waiting for us! Ryu, Shun, Masa, and Maria too"

"Its nothing! We all go home in the same direction besides Ito and Shun, so I might as well go walk together with you guys!"

"Yeah, yeah, shut up for once, pinky, I'm dying to go home now as it is! I have to watch the newest episode of that anime today!"

"Wait! That anime?! I forgot! Its monday today!"

"Yuuchin, Masacchin let's meet up at my house once you got changed! The new episode should be a blast!"

"Oh yeah! That's suppose to air today! We gotta go home early too, Ryu!"

"I don't know what's the rush, but okay man!"

"Mens and their anime, huh? They really think alike from each other *sigh*"

Ryu, Yuu, Take, Masa, and I quickly got off the school gates and parted ways while Maria tried to catch up to The other three. Although I got curious to what Maria had said to me a while ago, it got overshadowed by the thought of an anime that I have to watch. Ryu and I ran off to our homes from school as I only thought of that anime and what Maria had said awhile back in the back of my mind as the sun had started to set


End of Chapter 5

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