She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 3: Vol 1, Chapter 1: Encounter

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Volume 1, Chapter 1: Encounter


As Ryu and I keep talking, we eventually reached the gates of the school. It isn't even my first time seeing the school, but it feels just new to me now that I'm a student at this school starting today

"Finally, we're here, Shiri Houdou High (Extent Knowledge High School, yea...unique name for a school I know.)"

"I know that we passed the entrance exam and are officially a student at this school, but I still can't believe we got in Shun!"

I can't blame Ryu, this school, Shiri High, is a prestigious school that only rich people can go to. "If it's that kind of school, why we're able to get in" you asked? Well, let me explain to you all. 

Although Shiri Houdou High is a school for the rich, its actually welcoming to people who aren't in that status. The school has 2 enrollment options. The first one is well, you already know, paying the tuition fee per semester or annually, whatever the rich people prefer. The first option doesn't need for you to take an entrance exam, it just enrolls you in immediately to the school. 

On the other hand, the second option is to take the entrance exam and hope that you pass to be a fully fledged student at this school. Before you can take the entrance exam, you first need to have a grade average that the school needs. Luckily for me and Ryu, we we're already eligible for the first condition. The second condition was to pass their exam with a score of 90% and up. Me and Ryu aren't exactly that stupid, heck we always helped out each other in our studies since elementary school. Ryu teaches me the subjects I'm bad at, and I teach him the subjects that he's bad at. We've been doing that kind of thing even now and I mostly think that's the reason we we're able to get in at this school.

"Well, we aren't exactly that stupid Ryu. Sure we're just average and nobodies in other rich people's eyes, but if we work hard, we'll have a chance to a school like Shiri Houdou"

"And that chance really did came in our favor! You're lucky you have a friend like me who's good at subjects you're bad at"

"The same thing could be said to you too you know!"

We looked at each other with a smug face and laughed happily prior to us both getting in

After a short while, we both looked up at the board to look for our classrooms, and what do you know, I'm in the same class as this guy again. I'm pretty sure now God up there is the one who keeps making these miracles...but then again, I'm happy that we're in the same class

"Oh! Looks like we'll be in the same class again Shun!"

"Yeah... I'm not even surprised anymore at this point..."

"Hey, hey, hey! What's with the look on your face? Aren't you happy that your bestfriend is in the same class?"

"I wish I could say that but after all these years, I'm more tired seeing your face everywhere, and you're still my classmate? God, what did I do to deserve this?"

"You're being mean man! Do you secretly hate me or something?"

"Yeah, I hate you, really hate you, so much that I wanna kill you in your sleep"

"S-surely you're kidding, right Shun?"

"Oho? Am I right now?"

"Uegh! That face! Okay, okay I get it! One yakisoba bread is enough for me man!"

"Hehe, I'm glad to be in the same class as you Ryu"

I gave him a victory smile

"So you were aiming for that? *Sigh*"

I'm lying about hating and killing him...well...maybe a bit, but I'm not lying about him being glad to be in the same class. I actually prefer that way since I don't have to waste time searching for him. This guy doesn't want to get fawn over by the ladies so I always acted out as his scapegoat, though that's always been true, I doubt he'll be popular in a school full of rich, beautiful girls

As I was thinking of those thoughts in my hand, suddenly Ryu spoke something

"Oh man, oh man look!"


"Hoshizawa Miu! She's in the same class as ours!"


"What?! Didn't you know Shun?! She's this school's most beautiful girl"

Oh really now? Wait...Ryu getting interested in a girl even though he's weary of them? That's new

"I'm surprised that you're interested in a girl for once"

"Who wouldn't man?! Thats Hoshizawa! The. Ho.Shi.Za.Wa!"

"I get it what?"

"Man you don't know how much I've gambled on this day to happen before I even told ya- Uh-oh...I mean...nothing..."

The reason why we chose this school is because Ryu told me that the school will pay for the expenses of those who passed the entrance exam until they finished their high school. The way this works is that the school uses its budget that it gets from the students who chose the first option to fund the students who passed the second option. I myself thought that the school's system is too appealing and good to be true, but apparently they weren't lying. So I agreed to Ryu and we both chose Shiri High with that reason

But wait, what did I just heard? Didn't Ryu chose this school because of the same reason as I did? I doubt he would have another reason than that...

And yet...he did...

"Ryu...don't tell me..."


"You chose this school because that girl Hoshizawa is in here right?"

"I-I-I don't know what you mean..."

*Sigh* "You're like an open book. No wonder you were into studying so much than usual"

"W-w-whats the problem?! We still got in, and I didn't lied about the free expenses!"

Well... he's right about that but I still can't believe Ryu chose this school for a stupid reason

"You know Ryu, we would be skipping a year without going to school if we failed at the entrance exam right?"

"Huh? Ah, yes, that's right-"


I shouted at him as he backed off like a scared dog begging for its life

"I'm sorry okay! We still got in man so calm down a bit, okay?"

This guy...I even forgot that he's always like this, I should've known that he had some ulterior motive other than the school offering free expenses

*Sigh* "So? You like Hoshizawa?"

He looked at me while being dumbfounded

"Eh? Not really"

Eh? I really thought that was the reason, I wonder what

"Seriously? Then what was the reason you're interested in Hoshizawa?"

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"You know the chocolate bar that's produced by the company named 'ChokoChoko' right?"

"Yeah, we've been eating it since our elementary days, but what's that got to do with anything?"

"That's the thing! Hoshizawa is the daughter of the ChokoChoko Company!" I get the whole picture...this dude, made me go to this school just for his crave for chocolates. The ultimate ulterior motive of his...

Ryu here is known to be as the "Chocolate Destroyer" I gave him that title because he always loves to eat chocolate whenever he can, heck he even asks me to eat my chocolate if I'm not planning to eat it. He's been eating many times of chocolates, but ever since in our 5th elementary grade, he's stuck on one chocolate, and that chocolate happened to be the chocolate created by the ChokoChoko Company. He loves it so much that he told me that one day, he'll get ahold more of that chocolate until he's got endless stock of it...if that's not a childish dream, then I don't know what is

"You couldn't have thought more of a good reason to enter this school could you?"

"Huh? I'm pretty sure that was a good reason though"

"Where's this 'good reason' you're referring to? I'm not even seeing it"

"Hoshizawa man! Hoshizawa! She's the key! If I can be friends with her, or even better, close friends, then I'll have access to my endless chocolate paradise!"

I've heard many, many stupid things, but what this guy said takes the cake. How stupid can you be to think that way? Now I'm making myself surprised that he even got in to this school...

"Is that so? Then I guess good luck handling the ladies before you can even get closer to that girl Hoshizawa"

He had a disgusting look on his face as I said that, he probably now rethinks the consequences that will happen if he wanted to execute his plan

"You know what man? I'm just happy to see thinking that I'd get to see Hoshizawa in class everyday"

"You change your mind too quick! Not even a shred of backbone!"

After I said that, a lot of people cheered as if an idol showed up in our school

"H-Hey... that's..."

"It's Hoshizawa-san!!!"

Before I even heard that name, what I saw at the front of the gates was a beautiful girl with long, black hair, black eyes, smiling and kind looking face, good and proportional body waist, perfect and long, slender legs. I found myself thinking that such a girl exists

"So that's... Hoshizawa Miu..."

I couldn't even hide my expression to Ryu. He took it as a chance to tease me

"Seems someone's got eyes on Hoshizawa"

"Shut up! I'm just amazed that you weren't lying about her being beautiful"

Yes...I was shocked, you would be the same if you saw her with your own eyes, but thats just it, I don't feel a thing like getting infatuated or interested in Hoshizawa. I'm merely just fascinated by her beauty

As she walked inside the school, the school principal greeted her

"Shiri Houdou High Welcomes you Ms. Hoshizawa! We're honored that you chose us!"

"Oh please, don't be. There's no need for formality. It isn't me who helped the school countless times, it was my father. You should be thanking him instead!"

Hoshizawa said that while trying to ease the tension between them. She looks like a high and mighty girl outside, but inside, I think she's just a normal girl like anybody else

"Yes that's true, but I also wanted to thank Ms. Hoshizawa for choosing our school. That's just saying that you trust our school that much. You have my upmost gratitude"

"Oh no, no! Please don't be! And please raise your head!"

Hoshizawa said that to a principal who's bowing his head sincerely

"Now that I think of it, wasn't Hoshizawa the only one that the principal greeted personally?"

"Well you see Shun, the ChokoChoko Company helped Shiri High a lot of times now. Whether it be financially or anything. It has been that way ever since, hence that's why the school felt indebted to the ChokoChoko Company"

"I see...that explains why they care too much to Hoshizawa"

The principal wanted to say something to Hoshizawa but Hoshizawa interrupted him

"Ms. Hoshizawa, you're class is-"

"Wait a moment please. I want to see it for myself in the school board"

"O-Oh, then please, this way Ms. Hoshizawa"

The other students including me created a way for Hoshizawa as an instinct. We instantly moved on our own accord as she looked up through the board

"So I'm in class A-3"

The same as me and Ryu

"Yes Ms. Hoshizawa. Now then, please follow me to the principal's lounge to accompany you and discuss some other matters in hand"

"Ah, yes, please"

The principal said that as he and Hoshizawa started walking inside the school

"Man! So that's the daughter of the ChokoChoko Company! Its  definitely their daughter! Yep!"

"Why did you repeated that as if you're assessing her from the start?"

"Eh? I didn't, but man I'm glad to be in the same class as her!"

"Yeah, yeah, stop fantasizing and get your ass walking! We have to get our documents pass on to our homeroom teacher"

"Oh? What's this? Acting like a Tsundere now?"

"Say whatever you want but I'm not interested in her"

Well it its true about what I just said just now, but Ryu didn't seem to believe me

"Hmmm? Alright, if you say so. Let's get it over with"

"Yeah, I wanted to see where our class is after we hand out or documents too"

"Sure man, lets do that after"

And thus, we also walked through inside the school to hand out our documents to the teacher faculty room while Ryu keeps talking about how much chocolate he'll get even more if he'll be able to get close to Hoshizawa...*sigh*...seriously...this guy's crave for chocolates has little to no end at all...


End of Chapter 1

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