She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 4: Vol 1, Chapter 2: Introduction

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Volume 1, Chapter 2: Introduction


As I listened to Ryu's ramblings, we got ourselves handling in our documents to our homeroom teacher. We were then told to find our classroom and look around the school until the bell rings for opening ceremony to know more about the school. 

"Thank you very much, Homuro Sensei"

"Alright then, if you guys have any more questions or inquiries, just talk to me after school, I have a lot to do so I won't be able to entertain all of you guys when class starts"

"Yes sir, will do"

I close the door and find Ryu standing beside the window hall

"Already done?"

"Yeah, its just us giving our documents so it didn't take that much time, and it seems like all of the teachers inside are busy. That's probably why our sensei just took the documents and gave a brief message"

" is the first day of school so that may be the case that they're busy. Not to mention the upcoming opening ceremony as well"

"Oh yeah, sensei said that we still have time to go find our classroom and look around the school"

"Yeah, he also said the same thing to me as well when I was handling out my documents to him"

"Lets find our classroom first so that we won't need to waste time finding it later on, and then look around the school"

"No! I suggest that we should go look for the principal's office first! It's necessary to know where the head of the school is just incase for our safety measures"

I looked dumbfounded as Ryu said that. This dude, he doesn't even know who were the principal is in our elementary and middle school, and now he's taking interest in the principal of this school? I exactly know what he wants but he obviously knew I wouldn't agree on it, that's why he thought of an another reason

"You just wanted to eavesdrop in Hoshizawa-san and the Principal's discussion aren't you?"

"Hoshizawa san?! She's in the principal's room?! Now we gotta go to that place first man!"

Did he really thought that I was born yesterday? He obviously acted out that he didn't knew Hoshizawa was in there. Dude, you were literally next to me when they were talking! 

"No. Our classrooms first, then the parts of the school before your schemes"

"You're really mean today man! That's it! I'm leaving you! Good luck finding our classroom by yourself!"

Ryu said that as if he's already won with his "threatening" words, but he always forgot that he cant do most of the things by himself without my help. I'm basically like he's second parent. He's practically useless when you left him alone with these kinds of things, not to mention, with girls too. Such a guy with good looks squirming around girls...I can't believe that what I wanted were actually got by this guy...*sigh*

"I dont mind searching for our classroom alone but, are you sure going to be fine by yourself?"

I smirked as he exactly knew what I was referring to, his expression changed from threatening me, to me threatening him. Although I don't think he'll be that much popular in this school since we're just nobodies...

"Urk! F-fine, you win this time! Glad you have a friend who doesn't want to leave by your side. Otherwise I would've gone somewhere else right now!"

"Yeah, Yeah, I get it you womanizer. Lets go now before we waste any more time"

I said that to him as we walked down the hallway to find our classroom


"Oh! Its in here Shun!"

"Yep, it is A-3 alright"

After for a few minutes, we were able to find our classroom easily. Probably because of the map that our sensei gave to us that it made so easy to navigate through the school

We entered the classroom because Ryu wanted to choose where he wants to sit

"It's hard to choose man! Hey, where will you seat though?"

Is it really that hard to choose a seat? Ryu always chose to sit wherever I chose to sit infront of me. I, myself don't actually have a preference when its about choosing seats but...

"I'll take the seat in the back near the window I guess"

Yep, I always chose the seat that's near the window and furthest from the board. It's perfect for an average guy like me, especially at this type of school

"That seat again? Don't you get tired of that location man? You've always sit near the window ever since elementary!"

"And your problem is?"

"My problem is that don't you want to change your seat? Like this time, in front of or near the door of the classroom?"

"Dude, I'd stand out more if I chose those seats!"

"And your problem is?"

Did he really just gave back my question to him just now?

"It's not that its a problem on its own, its just that I don't want to be the center of attention"

"What are you talking about Shun? There's no way girls would talk to you in the first place! They always talk to me for some reason"

"Hey, you're hurting me while making a full of yourself"

"Eh? I don't even wanted girls to fawn over me! I don't know what I did to even make them notice me..."

Is this guy pulling my leg right now? Is he hearing himself? He really doesn't know? Man...I didn't know it exists but apparently guys like Ryu have this "Popular Guy" problems, although it doesnt seem to be a problem to me...if I were the one to have that issue...*sigh*

"Sometimes, I ask myself how I became friends with you"

"Hehehe, destiny is really something man"

"Uegh, its one thing if a girl said 'We're destined to be together' but a guy saying it to another guy? I can't even imagine it, you sounded like we have something more in common than being best friends"

"Oh? Don't we?"

"Seriously, stop"

"Just kidding man stop being so serious! Hahaha!"

I know it was a joke, but the thought of it immediately sent a chill down my spine


We then left the classroom and look around the school. The map made it even more easier to know every rooms and buildings that it represents. It also seems that some certain places have its own time and day where its open and closed, I thought to myself that I should remember those time frames since it'll be useful in some situations

After looking around the school for about an hour, Ryu and I heard the bell rang, it seems that it was time for the students to gather up in the gym for the opening ceremony. As we walk through inside the gym, we saw many decorations that lined up in the gym, even when you look up, there was also decorations that were hanging. There is also a red carpet in the center between the seats. 

"Whoa, they really put an effort into this stuff"

"Yeah, our elementary and middle school opening ceremony was nothing like this"

I'm not even kidding, it really was that extravagant for just an opening ceremony. I can't even imagine the things that they will do to the other events that they have to offer. This one was already enough to amaze me. Although I'm pretty sure this is normal to the rich students here

And after I said that, I wanted to take my words back after what I've heard from them

"Wow! This is the gym?!"

"This is luxurious! I don't even feel like I'm inside the school!"

"Hehehe, I expected this school to have good venues, but this one far exceeds my expectations!"

Wait, wait, wait, those rich students were mesmerized to this?! So that means Shiri High really is far more than just a prestigious school...not to mention, their backing from the ChokoChoko Company as well made this possible...

We made our way through the third-from-the-front seats since that's where our classroom number was assigned, we're in A class after all

As we took our seats, Ryu mumbled to himself while looking around 


"What is?"

"Hoshizawa san isn't here"

That's the strange part?!

"She's probably still in the principal's room"

"Well, even if she is, I don't think she'll be sitting next to us"

"And why's that Ryu?"

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"I don't see a vacant seat near us"

Curious like him, I decided to look around too and saw that there was no vacant seat for Hoshizawa. Did they make a mistake? No, that's unlikely considering the principal's warm greeting to her earlier...

While we were wondering where she would be sitting if she was already here, the lights suddenly go off and a light turned on at the stage. In the stage, the principal was standing to where the light is

"Mic test, mic seems to be working fine...Good morning and welcome to all of the students here in Shiri Houdou High! I'm the headmaster of the school, Llarc D'Mitri, I'm here standing in front of you today to not only congratulate the freshmen, but also congratulate the sophomores and seniors for advancing to another grade level. Freshmen, I'm really happy to see that each and one of you who are here right now to be able to finally attend at this school. Shiri Houdou aims to hone you freshmen to be skillful, knowledgeable, and adaptive to many situations. Work hard and you shall be able to achieve your dreams! Sophomores, I'm glad that you were able to overcome many hardships in your first year, I hope the same thing goes well for you in this year. And lastly, seniors, Shiri Houdou has done its best to apply the aims to each and every one of you. I hope that we were able to be the stepping stone to reach and achieve the dreams that you have in the future. Live your last year in this school to the fullest!"

Us freshmen and sophomores gave a round of applause but the seniors were the ones who kept crying and applauding. You can see through them just how much Shiri High has treated them. I wonder if itll be the same to us when we reach our senior year?

Just as I thought about that kind of thing, a big smack sound echoed through the gym, and that sound was created by none other than-





All of the seniors kept quiet as she said that, but instead of them getting scared, they were...actually happy? Wait... don't tell me...that...they weren't crying and applauding to what the headmaster had said, but that woman?!

The beautiful and mature woman that was standing near the principal was apparently Ms. Emille, she has blue ponytail blue hair, sharp, blue  eyes, curvy body waist, and good looking legs. Now that I think about it, every one here is actually good looking am I the only one here who's not even worth looking at?!, even the headmaster is good looking! With his brown hair, brown eyes, seemingly 6 pack abs, and a good body proportion, I personally think the principal and Ms. Emille are dating, well...maybe not...not when she did "that"

"Ow! What did you do that for?!"

"You took way too long! Make it snappy! We don't have time to waste!"

"Geez, is this how a secretary treats his headmaster? I could fire you, you know!"

"Sure do that, but after you do that, get ready when you leave the school's premises"

The headmaster got the goosebumps from what Ms. Emille had said to him. Apparently, Ms. Emille is the headmaster's secretary...but from what I'm seeing, I think its the opposite...

"I-I'm just kidding Emille! I wouldn't do that to you! You're my favorite secretary after all! Haha!"

"Tsk, just introduce the next guest already!"

"Alright, alright, geez..."

Next guest? There's more?

*Ahem* "That's all I had to say. Now then, lets welcome our Student Council President, Nomanai Shea!"

Oh, The student council president was the next guest. I wonder what she looks like...

As I wondered, footsteps were heard from a girl who went up to the stage. It was a girl with purple hair, pink and round eyes, and same body curve and legs as Hoshizawa. 

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Shea Nomanai, I'm a sophomore this year and will continue to serve as the student council president of this school. Rest assured that if you follow the school's rules and regulations, I won't have any issues with whatever else that you want to do. That's all, thank you"

So thats the school's student council president? She's so confident and fierce, I wouldn't be surprised if even the seniors are scared of her...or so what I've thought...

"MS. SHEA!!!!!"



Ms. Emille gave a death stare to the seniors that was enough for them to shut their mouth, and apparently they're happy about them getting scolded by Ms. Emille

I'm starting to think that this school really didnt gave the "aim" they were aiming for these seniors...and I'm also thinking right now that the "kindness" that they're talking about is the president kicking them, god I hope not...

After I gave a big sigh, the headmaster added something

"And now lastly, we have the daughter of the ChokoChoko Company. Ms. Hoshizawa Miu!"

The crowd went silent as Hoshizawa went up to the stage and took the mic from the headmaster

"Nice to meet you everyone I'm-"

Before she could even start introducing yourself, the seniors butted in 




The sound of a whip echoed throughout the gym and the seniors went silent while happily smirking to Ms. Emille. I'm not even surprised anymore to the seniors' outbursts and reactions, but where did even Ms. Emille pulled out her whip from?!

*Ahem* "Are we good? Okay, please do the honors, Ms. Hoshizawa"

"Thank you headmaster"

The crowd went silent again and this time, no outbursts from the seniors, the whip that Ms. Emille holding on is really handy right now

"Nice to meet you everyone! I'm Miu Hoshizawa, you probably already know my background so I'll skip that part, please don't be shy if you want to talk to me, I'll try to talk to each and everyone of you as much as I can! And I hope that our sophomores and seniors treats the freshmen like me well!"

The smile that Hoshizawa left behind made the sophomores and even us freshmen feel warm. Of course that goes without saying that the seniors were the ones who felt more of that emotion, some were even crying in their seats.

I for one were shocked to know that ChokoChoko Company was that famous, I always thought their chocolate was only popular to kids and some adults, but I didn't knew it was too popular even now. Now I really can't blame Ryu's addiction to their chocolate because of this fact

As Hoshizawa came down the stage, the headmaster gave its closing remarks and stated the school's rules and regulations. The rest after that we're mostly achievements and accomplishments of the school


The opening ceremony was over. Ryu and I exited the gym to go to our classroom while talking

"The first minutes of that ceremony were really interesting huh Shun? After Hoshizawa san's message, the next thing that came after that were boring"

"It was probably too boring for you since you only focused on Hoshizawa"

"You got me there, Ms. Emille and Ms. Nomanai were too scary for me to handle, I hope I wouldn't get on their bad sides..."

"Same here, but its not like we're troublemakers so we're definitely out of their radar"

"Yeah...and also another thing...I feel like, I have a lot of enemies in my way to get close to Hoshizawa"

"Enemies? What enemies? She said it herself right? Just go up to her casually and she'll talk to you. The only enemy that I can think of is the girls surrounding him since you aren't really good with a swarm of women"

"Yeah that too, but I'm also concerned about something..."

"Concerned about what?"

"I'm concerned that someone might get too close enough to Hoshizawa and use that as an advantage to get more chocolates from her company for free!"

Huh? What? Is this guy really that dumb? And wait, isn't he lowkey talking about himself?

"I'm pretty sure that 'someone' could only be you and no one else Ryu"

"I'm flattered that you say that Shun, but you can't deny that possibility!"

No, no, no, you shouldn't be even flattered by what I just said! I'm not complementing you at all!

"No one can top off your greed for chocolates Ryu, and I really doubt someone like you exists and is getting close to Hoshizawa for that stupid reason"

"Stupid?! It's a foolproof plan man! Nobody in this school has thought of that!"

Yeah he's probably right that no one has ever thought of that, probably because NO ONE HAS A DUMB MOTIVE LIKE THAT

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say you Chocolate Freak"

"Hehehe, praise me more Shun! Tell me more about me and chocolates!" 

"What are you talking about? I'm not praising you at all!"

He laughed while I got slightly pissed as we get ready to go in our classroom for the first day of class


End of Chapter 2

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