She Loves Me Too Much!

Chapter 5: Vol 1, Chapter 3: First Talk

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Volume 1, Chapter 3: First Talk


By the time had passed while we were talking, we were already infront of the classroom. As we entered, there are some students that are already inside, most of them are girls having their own social bubbles...but for some reason...they're looking at us...

Oh wait...they're looking at Ryu, seriously? He is still popular even to rich girls? *Sigh* the charms of this dude is scary...

"Hey Shun, don't you think they're looking at us too much?"

"I don't think they're looking at me at least, I don't have much to show anyway"

"Huh?! Then that means..."

"Yep, good luck around this time of year too man!"

I smiled to him as he felt several chills down his spine

"S-S-Shun! You wouldn't leave me behind...right?"

"I don't know man, we're high schoolers now so I think you can handle them now!"

"In that case, I just have to sit infront of you like I always do!"

And that folks, is why he and I, never changed our seating positions ever since elementary. It was practically for this sole reason that I knew he can't change his seat even if he wanted to in the first place

"You should try to overcome your fear of women to be honest"

I said that as he squirmed and looked disgusted to that suggestion. He's wary of women yet he wants to get close to Hoshizawa for his infinite chocolate fantasy...I really don't even know what's going on in this guy's head anymore

"Hoshizawa san! Sit here with us!"

While I was "Encouraging" Ryu, Hoshizawa apparently already came in into the classroom. She was instantly greeted by our fellow classmates. She chose a seat in front of the center of the class, where our other classmates asked her to sit

"Hoshizawa really is something huh, Shun?"

"Mostly its because of her background. More than anything, she's still just a normal girl like anybody else"

"You really don't have an eye for any women at all, do you, Shun?"

He's not wrong, I've never been interested in a girl in my entire life. Dont get me wrong, I want a girlfriend that's for sure! But I've never set my sights on any girl before. Probably because I've set my standards too high for my ideal girl. All thanks to anime. Anime, saikou! (the best)

 "You know me too well Ryu. Perhaps too much"

Ryu looked at me confused as I try to gave a cheesy cool line that came from an anime. I'll try to not give any more of those lines to him since he's making me embarrassed whenever he doesn't get it

"Alright, settle down, its time for homeroom class, get back to your chosen seats"

Our homeroom teacher said that as he closed the door to start the class


Homeroom class started with our homeroom teacher introducing himself, and then us introducing ourselves. Few minutes had passed and it was finally Ryu's turn to introduce himself

"Nice to meet you all! I'm Ryuuto Ito! 18 years old, my hobbies are eating chocolate and my favorite thing to do in my free time is to eat chocolates! I don't like around women very much, so I hope you do respect that, thank you very much for listening!"

Oho? Aside from him rambling about his obsession to chocolates, he finally got the courage to say that last bit? He's never done that before so I was a bit impressed. That should help him a lot

But I was too late to realize that not everything will go his way. Because of his charms, the girls in our class probably didn't even heard that last tidbit of what he said, only the chocolates part...I felt pity for once for him and felt responsible but I guess this is just God's way of saying that not everything in life is fair...

Aside from the sharp glowing red glares of the girls' eyes to Ryu, Hoshizawa on the other hand, didn't even looked at Ryu even once...oh wait, that's not possible, she may had been listening at some point, but stopped looking after Ryu was done, maybe...


Few more minutes had passed and now last, but not the least, or maybe I am the least, It was finally my turn to introduce myself

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Shun Amagasa, 18 years old, I don't have any hobbies to begin with nor anything that I do in my free time, I'm just helping out in the house when my mom gives me chores. That being said, I hope that you'll be nice to me!"

What a weird way to do a kind of introduction like that, weird as it is, but its better to say less than saying I like anime and playing games here! I don't want to be viewed as a nerd or a creep like I saw in one of those anime shows! I prefer to be just labeled as an average guy, even antisocial as a label would work!

I sat down happily knowing that I did quite good on that introduction yet everyone around me seems to be in shocked. Its like they're seeing me for the first time...don't tell me that they thought this seat was empty?! Am I really that unpopular?! On second thought, this could work, I wouldn't want that much attention to be honest

While forming my resolve, I had a feeling like someone was watching me, someone in our class. I looked around and saw Hoshizawa glancing at me...or wait, maybe she was glancing at Ryu? I mean, there's no way she's glancing at me right? 

Hoshizawa stopped glancing as if she had seen me looking at her, I'm still pretty sure that glance she gave was for Ryu. No doubts at all


Homeroom class just got finished and we were told that we have the whole day to look around the school and go home when the bell rings for the third time

"So I'm guessing that the second bell is for break time and the third bell is the bell for the end of our school day"

"That's right Shun! I'm also waiting for that yakisoba bread like you promised!"

Promised? What promise? You basically shoved it in me before we even got to school!

"Yeah sure, when the second bell rings"

After I said that, the bell rang for the second time

"'When the bell rings' huh?"

"Shut up! I'm going already!"

"I appreciate it man! I'll be waiting at the rooftop!"

"Alright" he going to be fine? He's going alone in the rooftop...I hope whatever I'm imagining right now doesn't happen later when I come back...


I went down to buy me some lunch and Ryu's yakisoba bread to the cafeteria. The cafeteria wasn't an exception at all, its also expensive-looking and the inside are perfectly furnished as if it was imitating a 5 star restaurant

"Whoa- a lot of people are packing up to that yakisoba bread. I'm suprised it's even that popular in this type of school, on second thought, it was even shocking that they had yakisoba in this place!"

I said that out loud while looking at the neverending uncoordinated crowd that were "lined up" that wants to buy the same thing as me

"At this rate, I'll think they'll ran out before I could even get ahold of one..."

"Are you perhaps...also wanting to buy one?"

"Ah, yeah, but it seems like I won't even make it-"

I suddenly turned around to look at someone who asked me, and I was surprised, because that person was-

"Hoshizawa san!"

I couldn't kept my mouth from blurting out her name, but it seems that it's because of what I did that all of the people inside the cafeteria got suddenly quiet and looked not at me, but to Hoshizawa

"I-Its...H-H-H-Hoshizawa san!"

"Quick!, Make a way for her you idiots!"

The group of students that were packing in like wolves seem to came in unison and decided to create a clean and organized line with the center widely open for Hoshizawa

Hoshizawa, being embarrassed and all due to the students making a big deal about her apparently, thanked the students, walked through the counter, and bought 2 yakisoba breads. She then walked towards me and gave me the other yakisoba bread

"Here you go, Amagasa kun"

"Uh, thanks for buying on my-WHOA!"

I was surprised to see how big the yakisoba bread was. a yakisoba bread?! This is even nowhere close to the usual yakisoba bread! No wonder the students wanted this, this thing is huge! 

Hoshizawa chuckled softly as she saw my eyes popping out in disbelief

"Is this your first time buying yakisoba bread?"

"Uh no, I've bought many yakisoba bread before, but I'm just amazed how huge this thing is"

"Is it not usually that big?" this type of size is normal for rich people? I guess they'll be even more shocked than I am when they see a smaller version of this

"Yeah, its even more smaller than this thing"

"Really? Is that even a yakisoba bread?"

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No, no, no, you got it all wrong Hoshizawa! Is this big thing can be even called a yakisoba bread?!

"Well to be honest, I don't know which one is anymore after I saw this"

I wryly smiled while she gave out another chuckle, I assure you I'm not hitting on her or anything so please don't give me those deadly stares! The boys around me we're giving me that kind of stare, I'm probably already dead in their eyes from what I know!

As i tried to clear my dried throat, I almost forgot to pay her

"Oh yeah, the money! How much did it cost?"

"Oh thats okay, the lady said its on the house so I thanked her"

Damn, must be nice to be someone who's that influential huh? She probably would've bought it if the lady in the counter didnt said its free, not knowing that the lady did it because she's the daughter of the ChokoChoko Company

"Ah is that so? Thanks again for your trouble"

"Its nothing, I also wanted to get one as well and saw you standing near, so I asked you"

Glad that she came in the right time or otherwise I wouldn't had got any! Thanks God! 

"Well I guess I got lucky this time. Thanks again for going out of your way to buy one for me, I have to go now!"

"Sure, no problem, I'll be going now then too"

I gave a bow to Hoshizawa to show my gratitude as I left from the cafeteria. The eyes of students especially the boys' gazes were fixated upon me. They're probably thinking right now that I'm too lucky to even get Hoshizawa to do something for me. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't happy about what happened just now since I was the lucky one who got to talk to Hoshizawa, but I surely don't want this kind of attention...especially this atmosphere of being wanted to get killed by the boys...


I've gone upstairs all the way to the rooftop to meet up with Ryu, but oh boi, I was right on the money...he's getting hitted on by a lot of women...*sigh*


Seriously...I just left this guy for a few minutes and he's already having a greatest meltdown in his entire life. This is what I meant when I said that he can't mostly do anything by himself, he always somehow manages to bind himself in a pool of women

I quickly grabbed his arm and left the rooftop, luckily he was near through the door so we were able to get out quite easily

"Thanks man, I don't know what would've happened to me if you had come late"

"That's why I always told you to stick by my side! Here, I got you the thing you asked for"

"Oh! Thanks man! I've been waiting for- WHAT'S THIS?!"

I knew he would react the same as I did earlier

"That's what you asked for"

" a yakisoba bread?! This thing is huge!"

Yes, yes, yes, I also said the same thing earlier

"Yeah, apparently that was the normal size, Hoshizawa san said so"


"You're voice is too loud! And you're too close! Yeah, she also got one for me since she said she saw me standing near, she asked me if I wanted one after that"

"Urrrrk...of all the didn't even crossed my mind that my own bestfriend could've been my enemy!"

Say what now? Enemy? To what?

Oh...I get it now...he's really thinking that I had such "genius motive" since from the beginning...

"Just stop whatever you're thinking, I'm not even that crazy enough like you to think of a scheme like that!"

"Oh do you now? I don't know if what you're saying is true or not"

This guy, he's pissing me off right now, surely he doesn't mind getting kicked in the face right now, right?

"Why you're even doubting me in the first place?! You know, if I happened to have such plan, I wouldn't had even bought you that yakisoba bread and just talked to Hoshizawa san instead"

"Oh...that's true..."

I'm so glad that this guy's line of thinking was so simple to the point that he's so guillible 

"Sorry that I doubted you for second there man! I just don't want my chocolates to get taken by others first!"

"'re seeing Hoshizawa as a chocolate factory and not even Hoshizawa herself!"

"Eh? Why? Is that wrong?"

Ryu looked at me as if that's a common thing to do. This a lowkey maniac! How could he say that with a straight face?!

"By the way Shun, did you already ate your lunch?"


I just realized, I didn't even bought one for myself, Ryu and I looked at each other

"I forgot...hey, since that's big, how about we share it?"

"I don't mind, its too much for me anyways. Lets break it in half after we find a spot to eat"

Sometimes I'm glad Ryu's my bestfriend...although he always pisses me off

We looked around the parts of the school that we can use as a spot to eat. Luckily, after a few minutes of searching, a big tree behind the school was a good spot since nobody often comes there. We ate the yakisoba bread behind the tree as Ryu started to carefully explain to me how he would execute his plan to get close to Hoshizawa


Time flied by and the school bell rang for the third time. Ryu and I walk home together since we live in the same street and our houses are literally facing each other

"Man! Hoshizawa san really is something! She goes to school with her limousine and her bodyguards and goes home with her limousine and her bodyguards"

"Its already expected from someone like her. More importantly, aren't you talking about Hoshizawa too much lately? Are you sure you aren't in love with her or something?"

"What are talking about man? I'm only in for her chocolates!"

"Dude, you literally sounded like you don't even care at Hoshizawa at all"

"I do though, I keep thinking about what should I do to get close to her in such a short period of time too" get close not to Hoshizawa, but to the ChokoChoko Company I assume, actually no, I'm certain for once!

"Does it need to be in a short period of time? I think that you should just take your time with her to be honest"

"You really don't get it at all do you Shun? The earlier I got more chocolates, the better! You wouldn't get my struggle since you already got a chance to talk with Hoshizawa san! And even made her do something!"

No, I actually don't get your thought process at all! And don't make it sound like I was the one who made her do that!

"Yeah sure, I'm sure lucky to get a chance to talk with the Hoshizawa san. Yay"

"Just help me create a better than!"

I gave out a flat, emotionless, sarcastic reply as Ryu asked me to help him with his "Diabolical Plan" of his


Sun has set. Ryu and I already parted ways and got into our homes. I already took a shower and ate dinner. All thats left is for me to go to sleep

"This is one heck of a day for a first day of school not gonna lie..."

Me and Ryu getting in, the opening ceremony, the cafeteria, the big tree behind the school, the other parts of the school, our classmates, the headmaster, the secretary, and lastly, me and Hoshizawa's first chat...

To be honest, it wasn't even that much of a big deal, what she had done for me today that is...anyone could do it too... was really a hectic day...I can't believe how beautiful Hoshizawa was when I first saw her. I also can't believe all the students in the school were good looking I really being left out? *Sigh*

"Argh, now I'm thinking about it too much! I should just sleep, I need to wake up early tomorrow anyways"

I said that as I went to bed, still thinking how much hectic of a day this was...


End of Chapter 3

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