She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 212: 212 211 The Secret of the World

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Two hundred and eleven.

What's wrong with you?

All of a sudden he heard Mira whining, stunned by the words the Spirit King had spoken. Solomon called out worryingly.

"No... I don't know what it is... I see Lord Spirit knows something. Wait a minute."

When Mira said that, a little bit of a pleasant laugh came from the other side of the receiver.

'Oh, my God, I see. I knew it was awesome. You're already a knowledge cheat. Okay, I'll wait! I've been waiting for you!

Existence of a truly rattled Spirit King that goes beyond effort with ease. Some people don't enjoy the process of unraveling the mystery one by one and find it troublesome, but it is. For Solomon in the position of king, he seems to be thankful above all else. Solomon's voice, which I said was waiting for, was playing really bright.

"Then, as for the white pillar, let's just call it the white pillar between us."

Is the 'Forty-Eight Columns of Heaven and Earth Conversion', which the Spirit King said, truly identical to the white columns we were talking about now? In order to scrutinize the matter closely, Mira told him as far as she knew where the white pillars were.

The answer, which came back a little bit from the Spirit King, was certainly that it was definitely in The Forty-Eight Pillars of Heaven and Earth Conversion. Looks like the place Mira remembered matched everything the Spirit King would know.

'Oh, my God... it's still the same thing!

White columns again, forty-eight columns of heaven and earth conversion. I think Mira was intoxicated by the feeling that she had drained the scholars. I wonder if there are 48 white columns. But as far as Mira knew, twenty there was. Where are the remaining twenty and some?

When Mira asked the question, the Spirit King replied that half of the forty-eight bottles were set deep underground and the other half were set deep underground. It should be noted that all Mira knew was that everything was only on the ground.

The pillars in the basement are all hidden. It won't be easy to find. "

"I see. There are twenty-three more columns in that state... '

I can't find it yet, twenty-three. As soon as you ask the Spirit King, you will know where it is, but what matters now is not where it is, but why it exists.

"By the way, what is that pillar after all?

Mira asked yes, straight in. The pillars that would have been beneath the ancient temple, are not now. It is expected that the demon who appeared at the time vanished for doing something. In other words, if we know why the pillars exist, we can also predict why the devil behaves.

'Okay, then let's answer. Forty-eight pillars of Heaven and Earth conversion are meant to purify the world. The gods became the dominant ones, launching them everywhere with our spirits and angels and the devils.'

The Spirit King went on to give more details after he prefaced.

Forty-eight columns of heaven and earth conversion. The cause that led to its creation goes back to the battle against God, who united demons that once spanned the entire continent.

That battle involving not only mankind and spirits, but also demons and gods in angels, was so intense that it involved the survival of the world. For this reason or after winning, many problems arise as scars.

A particularly serious case among the problems was the contamination of the spiritual vein with the company on the other side of the Heavenly Tsu, where the soul returns.

With the contamination of the company on the other side of Tianzu, the circulation of the soul did not work well and stillbirth increased dramatically. Moreover, he did not have more heart than he was born, and he harmed everything as he wanted, and a child was born as if he were a demon.

And the effects of contaminated spiritual veins caused much damage to the natural world. Rivers dried up, the earth cracked, and what could be termed a natural disaster wielded fierceness everywhere. Moreover, I wondered if the mountains had withered, and said that there had been a flourishing of disastrous plants that did not seem to belong to the world. Besides, it seems that the plant was something Martel didn't even know about. It seemed outrageous not to admit such a thing as a plant.

"Forty-eight pillars of Heaven and Earth conversion were created to purify this pollution. And the role will be different on the ground and underground '

Having completed a brief explanation of the cause, the Spirit King goes on to explain that it is at last the core from here on out.

Firstly, the pillars erected on the earth are meant to purify the company on the other bank of Heaven, and they have the effect of interfering with the soul. Slowly, but surely, they say, they will restore contaminated souls to normal.

And it seems that the pillars erected underground have the effect of interfering with mana in order to purify the spiritual veins and, at the same time, improve their flow. They say the pillars stand directly above the spiritual hole where the spiritual veins gather, purifying the contaminated mana and slowly returning to normal.

And because of this purifying power, it seems that the herb called Angel Drop, which can be collected around it, also has a purifying action. And about this herb, Martel was welcoming that this kind of change was what he was looking for as the original spirits of plants.

"This is the role of the forty-eight pillars of Heaven and Earth's conversion."

After finishing his explanation, the Spirit King shrugged somewhere nostalgic that he was so tight and busy back then.

"I see, that pillar has such a role..."

Turned out the truth about the mysterious white pillar. Mira is convinced that the purifier of the world is a substitute for the devil to snort at.

And Mira came up with one answer. About what the demons who once defeated were up to in that place.

'I mean, bye. Does it mean that the demon who wiped out the pillars underground was trying to disrupt the purification of the spiritual veins and bring a natural disaster to the earth again'?

Mira conveyed her predictions so that she would seek affirmation of the Spirit King, yes. It's already a site now, but Solomon has an excellent team of investigators. There must have been a white pillar there. If so, the devil's aim is still the white pillar that was there, and because of the role of that white pillar, we can also foresee the plan.

But the Spirit King denied the answer, which seemed almost certain: 'No, I guess not'.

"Quite a few years have passed since that battle ended and the pillars were launched. Though the purifying action of the pillars is slow, there is already no contamination of the company and spiritual veins on the other side of the Heavenly Tsu, either '

The forty-eight pillars of Heaven and Earth conversion are finishing their service, the Spirit King said. In other words, now that the forty-eight pillars of Heaven and Earth conversion have collapsed, there is no effect on the company and spiritual vein on the other bank of Heaven and Earth that has returned to its former state.

And the Spirit King went on to say that the devil could not have known about it.

'Oh my God... Then why is that demon...'

From previous currents, Mira leans her neck first and foremost, thinking there was no doubt in this answer.

There was no point in turning off the pillars. And the devil understood that. But the devil was certainly in that place, supposedly wiping out the white pillars. If so, there must be some aim there.

"... you did put a pillar on the spiritual hole." Then what about the idea of doing something to the spiritual hole?

Instead of pillars, the purpose was underneath them. After spinning this and his unforgiving head in full, the Spirit King told him that the odds were extremely low, even though Mira would state the idea. They say mana around spiritual holes for everything is too vast and not like the devil can do something about it. What's more, even the Spirit King and Martel seem to be overwhelming substitutes. The Spirit Hole was a story of the scale that God and the Spirit, angels and demons could somehow handle by working together.

"Hmm. One thing I'd like to ask you, Lord Mira, is where exactly was the basement pillar where it was found?

After pondering for a while, the Spirit King asked that in how he had decided to do something.

"No? Where?

No matter how much I think about it anymore, nothing comes to mind. Mira, who was so shuddered, raises questions about the Spirit King's question. Now I wonder if the place makes sense. But if that's what the Spirit King asks, I guess there's something to it. So Mira used a map to elaborate on the location of the ancient temple of Nebrapolis, where the columns were found, and also talked about the underground space where the columns appeared. It seems the devil has opened a horizontal hole or something.

The Spirit King, who grumbled a little 'Again, well,' first corrected Mira's initial expectations as half correct and half incorrect.

"There is no doubt that the demon that Lord Mira defeated erased the white pillars that were there. But it seems that those reasons lie somewhere different '


After all, I affirmed that the devil's aim was a white pillar that would have been there, but the reason the Spirit King seemed to think is something else altogether. So what is the reason? Mira waits in anticipation.

A temporary silence flowed. And there came another voice that seemed to know the truth.

"Master Singh, more than the protection of Master Singh, we'll be involved soon, so why don't we just talk about it?

It was Martel's voice. Apparently the Spirit King was wondering if he would tell the truth about it.

The white columns found in the basement of Nebrapolis are matters that cannot be talked about. In other words, it is also connected to the secrets of the world.

But more than that, Mira cared about Martel's words. It involves more than the protection of the Spirit King. That's because every time we explore the secrets of the world, we have a future ahead of us that involves us undeniably.

(…… If we get here, we can't do this anymore…)

Mira tried to make it strong in her heart.

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'Right. I can't keep hiding more than things have moved. "

In response to Martel's voice, the Spirit King began to tell the secret, not to mention again.

First, what the Spirit King revealed was that six more columns were hidden in addition to the forty-eight columns of Heaven and Earth conversion.

Forty-eight copies so far, we've all worked together to set them up, but for those six copies, they said, the three gods were in charge of two of each, so that no one knew where to set them up.

The three most powerful pillars of God on the continent since that time. Six pillars concealed by gods symbolizing justice, courage and charity. Therefore, they didn't even know where the Spirit King was.

So I connect with what happened earlier. I went out of my way to ask for details of the location of the pillars. Yes, the basement of the ancient temple of Nebrapolis was the place where the Spirit King and Martel did not know, and where the three gods were in charge.

"I mean, it was one of those six that got erased..."

That's what I'm talking about.

Columns hidden by the hand of God. It could be called a secret equivalent to the vessel of God that Martel was protecting. Mira also asked what would still bother her her her the most in the future when something terrible came out. I wonder what role that pillar, which the Three Gods took charge of, had.

I wonder if you also know the role because you didn't know where it was. That's what I thought, Mira, but apparently all that was hidden was about the place. The Spirit King slowly began to speak of it.

"The characteristics of the pillars themselves are almost identical to those of the other pillars that have stood underground: purification and interference with mana"

Yes. When the Spirit King prefaced, he went on to talk about the difference.

Purification and mana interference. In these two other copies, the six in charge by the Three Gods, only one characteristic is said to have been added. They say it's a seal. It seems that mechanisms such as drawing mana up over spiritual holes by the power of mana interference, converting it into sacred energy by purification, and using it for sealing.

The role of the six pillars in charge of the Three Gods is to seal them. The question that goes on there will be what it was sealing.

"You must have spoken to Lord Mira a little before. About God Who Can Unite Demons'

"Um, not when I met Lord Martel... What if?

God who unites demons. The head of the demon, who led a number of specimens. The end of that period was a story of being defeated in one blow by the brave men of mankind. Mira nods and answers the matter as she remembers it, while realizing the sincerity of the Spirit King who deliberately touched on it at this time.

What are the six pillars sealing? That was almost the answer to the flow.

'That's right. These six bottles contain a god who can unite demons. Head, torso, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg and six parts.'

The Spirit King affirmed Mira's word "if". As expected, the six pillars were meant to seal the God that unites the demons. Besides, it seems like a precaution to divide it into six parts.

But here comes one question. I wondered why it was necessary to seal the opponent who had been defeated by a single blow.

'Seal it... What if God and his demons were immortal?

Seal. It's a common story in fantasy, and a few reasons come to mind. So Mira mentioned one of them first.

"Immortality…? Yeah, well, this is half right, too."

After putting aside just a little time to think, the Spirit King made me try to answer that. Immortality is half right. Well, what does half mean?

Spirit King, says. He did say that God, who could unite demons, was dead. But he said the problem followed.

A strange noise began to sound from the wreckage of the god who unites the demons, he said. And that's not just sound. It was a sound heard by everyone on the continent, regardless of distance or obstacle.

What the hell is that noise? I'll look into it, but even with the power of the gods and spirits, it's unknown. The sound never stops ringing, it keeps ringing.

'That sounded very strange. Yes, it's like, you're calling someone...'

You remembered that time, and Martel shrugs. When I asked what the sound was, Martel made me try to imitate the sound.

(... hmm, sounds like some kind of signal...)

All I could figure out was whether Martel was badly imitated or originally sounded like that was repeating certain sounds at a certain rate.

"It's unclear what that sound means, but it's still creepy, so we decided to destroy the remains on the spot."

There were many mysteries that remained in God that united demons. To investigate it, the wreckage was to be turned to research. But the noise that kept ringing was too creepy, and he said voices of anxiety were raised not only by mankind, but also by spirits, angels and demons.

With that in mind, he quickly decided to destroy the wreckage in discussions.

But the real problem came from here. Of course, baking, even with the power of the gods and spirits, did not completely destroy its wreckage.

"I see... So, you're half-correct?"

The anticipation that it was immortal is half correct. That means he's dead and the wreckage keeps staying.

"I even used a way that I could destroy God. It was the first phenomenon I had ever seen, such as reverting from dust '

The Spirit King goes on to say that that was still incredible.

We still don't know what the sound means, but because the source is the source, it caused all of us further anxiety.

But the wreckage cannot be destroyed. That's where the seal came in.

But if so, the seal failed. It should be noted that the seal at this time was not a white column, but something that used a coffin.

'I did seal it. I can't even hear the sound anymore. But it was torn from the inside just a moment later.'

The Spirit King said the seal couldn't stand the spirits leaking out of the wreckage.

At the same time that the seal can be unsealed, the sound begins to sound again. I guess this sound is quite important to God who unifies demons.

This result further increased the sense of crisis. And the Spirit Kings said they explored various means. And in the middle of it, I found one light. When the wreckage is cut apart, the temper is also dispersed.

At the same time, however, it turns out that the more division, the more power will be directed towards repair. At the point of division up to ten, each one engages with such a powerful force that it cannot be retained on the spot.

Based on that, the ultimate way to get there was to seal the wreckage in six parts. It was said that this number was somehow the limit on which it could be drawn apart.

'Again, this wasn't easy. I divided it into six parts, and the seal was no longer broken immediately, but my temper accumulated inside. "

Yes, he was the Spirit King who talked about his struggles at the time, but from there he gradually got better. How did you solve all these challenges? As if to brag about it.

Here's how the Spirit King spoke:

First, at the time, the three most powerful gods who were there were in charge of two parts each, individually sealed. Instead, each part was finally a substitute for being sealable with about three gods of power.

They say this seal has the effect of limiting the force each area engages, besides dampening the sound. The farther you let it go, the stronger that restriction, he said.

However, because of the problem of anger, the seal will eventually be broken and the seal will be returned to one of the contacts. I can't divide it any further. Because the power to engage becomes so strong that it can't be controlled.

So what appears is a second seal, utilizing white columns and spiritual holes. This seal, applied with the aim of reinforcing the seal and distracting it by the power of purification, is a brilliant success. He said that his temper was purified without accumulation, and he made sure to maintain the first seal.

'Oh, and the other day, we talked about the expression of the sacred marks, but I'm sure this would be the cause. Six bottles for sealing are poured more power of the gods than forty-eight columns. Enough to awaken the holy marks. "

'Oh my God... I didn't know another fact could be found here.'

The woman Seoul Howl is trying to help. She had holy marks that she had expressed by touching the holy power. The cause is apparently this pillar that was underground. Mira laughs bitterly that she can't do it somewhere to the fact that it popped up as if it were a supplement.

Such a white sealed pillar, but the foundation is the same as the forty-eight pillars of Heaven and Earth conversion, which the spirits and angels, and the devil, worked together to create. When the Spirit King said it was still memorable, Martel murmured 'You all were there back then' as he looked nostalgic again.

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