She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 213: 213 212 Continuous and world secrets

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Two hundred and twelve.

"I see. I mean, the devil has unsealed it... Doesn't seem like a big deal. '

The story of the Spirit King, who came out not only of the spirits, but also of angels, demons, and even gods. It was truly a myth and also a truth. Having finished listening, Mira dares not touch the situation, but thinks about the current situation based on it.

The wreckage of a god who unites demons, emitting spooky sounds. To disperse the temper, it was divided into six parts.

A first seal is applied to dampen the sound and weaken the power to engage. But the seal will be broken by the accumulating temper as it is, and it will start to make creepy noises again.

The seal to prevent it was found in the basement of Nebrapolis this time.

'The question is, where is some of that that was sealed up now? Has Lord Mira's companion recovered anything like it?

"Hmm. I didn't say I found anything in particular...... Let me ask you something."

There must have been part of the wreckage in the sealed site that should naturally have been sealed. But Solomon didn't say anything about finding something there. I don't know if there was really anything, or if I decided it was needless to say.

So Mira quickly asked Solomon. In the underground space of Nebrapolis, I was wondering if you'd found any part of the carcass.

"Suddenly, you're asking me something meaningful again... Uh, the only thing I found in that place was a dead flower garden, and nothing else. I classified each flower, and I surveyed it without scraping to the bottom of the big hole, so there shouldn't be any overlooks. - So, what? Could something really have happened there?

Solomon, who replied that there was nothing particularly suspicious, went on to return voices of intrigue and so on. Mira, who had been talking to the Spirit King in the back about something, suddenly asked if some of the carcasses were there. It would also be natural to be concerned.

But it's still early.

'I'm just asking a lot of questions. Just wait. "

When Mira replies so, she returns to conversation with the Spirit King again. Behind it was the voice of Solomon, who wholeheartedly envied Mira, who could talk to the Spirit King.

'That's what I mean. Apparently we haven't recovered anything like that.'

We were listening together, but Mira tells the Spirit King yes again. Solomon had not recovered any part of the wreckage of God that would unite the demons. I mean, the seal was unsealed, and now it's somewhere in the world I don't know.

'Are you saying it was after they already brought it up? You're in trouble. "

He said it was quite troublesome in the circumstances, and concerns seeped into the Spirit King's words. If Solomon had recovered it, he could also have been re-sealed by a white pillar with the power of the Spirit King. But now that we don't know where some of the wreckage is, he says it's pretty hard to find it.

'Nevertheless, it would not be the worst thing that could happen more than the first seal is alive. I just can't purify it anymore, so it's just a matter of time.'

The first seal is to weaken the power to associate with the sound of mystery. As the Spirit King put it, it still seems to be alive. I can't hear the sound, he says, is proof of that. The mysterious sound had the characteristic of being heard wherever, no matter how far away. The inaudibility of that also means that the first seal remains.

But the seal is sooner or later broken by the temper that accumulates over time.

"If that state is divided into six parts, it could be fifty years. Unless they rendezvous with other parts. '

Martel, who presented the time remaining, simultaneously suggested factors that would shift it. It is now divided into six parts, but it is said that the seal of another place is also unsealed in some way, and that if they are put together, the accumulation of temper will also accelerate. And when all the parts gather in one again, that creepy sound will restore its original volume.

'Right. Then it's troublesome. "

That's a condition that should never be allowed to be achieved because the demons are after them today who want a catastrophe.

I don't know how, but the devil found a seal that only the gods are supposed to know. Maybe the same thing is happening elsewhere. Yes, King Spirit and Martel seem to think.

"Sometimes, isn't there anything else you can do to unseal it?

Except for temper, that is, using special techniques, demonic powers, and artifacts, to break the first seal. I wondered if Mira could do that.

'I'm sure it won't. The first seal was imposed directly by God. I can't think of a factor other than God figuring it out for himself or temper...... Either way, you're just wondering how it was brought up and where it is now'

It is better to keep it sealed than to know who the sound is. But now, it is in a state where we do not know where some of the skeletons at the heart are. And most importantly, the question was where the hell are some of those skeletons that only old spirits and angels know about demons and gods?

"It sure is."

"Lord Mira, may I ask you in detail what happened when you met the devil?"

When Mira responded to agree, the Spirit King, after a bit of silence, asked. I guess I had something to think about. Mira, who felt so, explained the situation in detail at the time.

The lowest level of the ancient temple of Nebrapolis managed by the General Union of Adventurers. Lake by the castle of White Ya. The devil jumped out of it. Mira told me that she had fought with that demon with the title of third Earl, and that she had destroyed it.

'I see. And in the lake, there was an example horizontal hole.'

The Spirit King, who finished asking about Mira's story, grunts so, he also shuts up. And after a while, the Spirit King uttered some predictions that come to mind.

One is that some of the wreckage was taken out before Mira and the others arrived at the lowest level. But this, they say, is the lowest probability. For there is no reason for the devil to be there, if he could bring up some of the wreckage.

"Be not as good as the seal which God has imposed, neither is the seal by the white pillar so easily broken. And most importantly, the power of purification is considerable for demons today. No matter how many columns were extinguished, the purifying power that had been there for a long time would have swept into the surroundings and made space a sanctuary. I can't imagine staying in a place like that."

The Spirit King, who explained so briefly, went on to start talking about his next prediction. That means that after Mira and the others left, they were taken out before an investigator sent by Solomon came in.

'I can't say enough about this. I can't tell you how hard it is to predict.

The Spirit King put together his pondering and thoughts with a few ideas.

First, the fact that part of the wreckage was recovered also meant that he knew it existed. And the fact that it was in the basement of Nebrapolis is something that not even the Spirit King or Martel knew about. But the method is unknown, but the demon that Mira defeated knew. Maybe there's someone else who knows.

It's just that the devil is individualistic, and whether it's the same devil or not, he won't talk about this. If there is, they are demons of subordination.

"Does Lord Mira know what the Devil's Throne indicates?

"No? It's called the title, so I guess it's noble..."

To the abrupt question of the Spirit King, Mira leans her neck. The Devil's Throne. What makes the devil a nobleman?

When Mira replies that she is refreshed, the Spirit King announces the solution. He said the title of the devil is determined by the number of subordinations of his fellow countrymen won by power.

"Now that the Count, the head, has been defeated by Lord Mira, there will be no one to follow the instructions of the time, but there will be others to sidestep the operation that was underway. Well, if it stays. '

Beyond being third in the count, subordination exists. But it is unclear whether that subordination still exists in this world, the Spirit King said. They say the number of subordinates who determine the title is cumulative and life and death have nothing to do with it. In other words, it seems possible that even in the third place of the Count, there is no distribution.

"I see... You mean the power that could have achieved it over the number of heads is the criterion? Satanic terms."

Conditions of the Devil's Throne. Mira, knowing that, was just convinced. It is an easy criterion to understand.

"Sometimes, I've been touching all the existence of subordination since earlier, but can't you imagine that the devil I fought was the subordination?

Think of it. The Spirit King spoke of the devil of the third Earl as his head from the beginning. But by the title, the top still exists. Haven't you received any orders from the devil above the Count, then? Yes, Mira thought about it.

Then the Spirit King answered Mira's question instantly, 'It won't be there'. The reason for this is that it is in the rank of the devil.

"The title of the devil now is like an undefeated medal. You lose that title when you lose and you lose. In other words, if the devil Lord Mira met was undoubtedly third in the count, it would prove that he was not under anyone's command '.

'Is that what happened? increasingly demonic conditions of meritocracy.'

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I read about the title of the demon at the time by examining (...) it. The Eye of Investigation is now a special skill for former players. From what I have ascertained by its power, there is no doubt that it held the title.

If so, Mira is convinced, as the Spirit King says, that there doesn't even seem to be a need to care about the existence above now.

"Therefore, if it was the former subordinate who brought it up, his strength would be inferior to that of the third Earl. So, about the union and its management, but apparently the connection between the entrance and the entrance is quite powerful. As far as my family is concerned, isn't it like a demon less than third in the Count can be torn? '

Somehow the voice of the Spirit King began to play a little. Anything seems to be using Spirit Networks these days to also listen to people's living conditions, etc. Naturally, the information also included the matter of the Adventurers' General Union, and the Spirit King even grasped the strength of the junction as only the officials and so forth knew. Bright knowledge not only of the past, but even of modern civilization. The Spirit King was aiming to tease Mira of it.

"Ho, did that junction get that far?"

'Looks like it. Plus, they need permission to get out of this junction. I mean, why don't you contact the unions and we can narrow it down a bit?

Mindful of Mira, who looked surprised, the Spirit King suggests confidently.

The ancient temple of Nebrapolis is a dungeon. For this reason, the entrance is marked by a union-managed junction. And this juncture seems so powerful that it cannot be broken through by the power of the demons who are less than third in the count. That means you need a permit to get inside, and there's no other way to get a permit than to have it issued by the union.

I wonder if it can be identified by examining the history of the issue. That's the Spirit King's idea.

It was certainly a good idea. But only one important condition was missing. It's a local situation.

'Hmm, that's right...... But that may not be necessary. It's not like there's a demon in the boulder. Nebrapolis was sealed off until the investigation was over. "

Mira recalls hearing a little about it from Solomon before. He said he was temporarily sealed off because he couldn't release the dungeon where the devil came from. As soon as the investigation finishes further, they plan to release it again, but they'll raise the rank they need just in case.

'Mm, yeah, is it... Then the line that it was brought up between them is thin...'

So murmured the voice of the Spirit King was somewhat of a sad sound.

Note that there was also anticipation that a hole might have been dug from outside the dungeon and broken into the inside, but that was denied when Solomon asked him again. The investigation team seems pretty good. After he discovered the lake hole, he also searched the entire dungeon. And the result was that there was not a single other suspicious hole. That means there's nowhere to put it except for regular entrances and exits.

For that reason, there should almost certainly be no one who stepped in there between the time Mira and the others left and the investigation team arrived.

'... then will it be the last one? For Lord Mira and Lord Solomon, it's a less favorable prediction.'

So far, no one can bring out any part of the wreckage. Then there was only one more time I could do that.

"Investigation team...... right?

"I guess that's the only way."

Among the investigative teams sent by Solomon were those who took out some of the wreckage. As a result of cutting the story off, the prediction got there.

But things are not so simple, just things. Because in this case, depending on the reason you bring it up, it changes dramatically.

"Sometimes, Lord Spirit King. What does part of the wreckage look like?

appearance. It is one of the indicators of why If you just look at it, and you know it's amazing, you can get greedy. If you can tell it's horrible, you shouldn't be anywhere near cheap.

'You look... Right, if it stayed that way, it shouldn't be any different than those stones there. But the shape is the same as each part of a person, so at best it's something like a shard of a stone statue.'

"I see..."

If I mistake it for a shard of a stone statue, would the place be an offense aimed at historical value solely at the place? But will there be those driven by such greed in the investigative team chosen by Solomon?

"He said the investigation team was accompanied by Luminaria. See you. I don't think a golden man would commit the danger of scratching that eye and bringing out something that I don't even know if it would be gold '.

Yes, Mira expressed her thoughts. Sometimes the place where the devil appeared, and in case the investigation was accompanied by Luminaria, one of the Nine Wise Men. Is there anyone who can risk that much while such a big man is beside him?

"Lord Luminaria was only as powerful as Lord Mira. Sure, for gold, it might not fit the bill. If you think about it, it means that whoever brought it up was quite prepared to challenge it."

'Right. The killer brought it up with firm will, not for vague reasons.'

What we discussed is still only hypothetical. But the odds of being so seemed very high.

"It must not be the first thing that a person knows about this existence. If so, it would be reasonable to assume that this disconnected demon's subordination was aimed at embezzlement '

Who brought up part of the wreckage for what purpose? The answers that came together after thought still aggregated into the presence of the devil.

And Mira and the Spirit King discuss that with emphasis.

The first method I mentioned was that one of the investigation teams had been replaced with a demon. Demons of various abilities, but there is a transformation in them. This was used to replace one of the investigation teams, who entered the site with the investigation team and took part of the wreckage by looking in the gaps. After that, we just have to keep running, without anyone noticing.

The second way is to take over and manipulate the personality of one of the teams. The devil has the terrible ability to enter the spirit of man and manipulate him as he pleases. Although there is a condition that the subject is mentally weak, once fitted, it becomes a pawn that is really easy to handle.

But the two above had shortcomings. It means that an individual's personality will be separate.

I asked Solomon and he said the investigation team has strong individual connections. I mean, whether you look the same or take over your personality, it's hard to fully imitate that person. Within that, someone should have noticed discomfort due to differences in speech, behavior, etc.

If you are more suspicious than there is luminaria, it should be extremely difficult to take the wreckage out at that point.

If so, there is still one means the devil takes.

"It's not blackmail to stay."

'Oh, think circumstantially, that would be the best'

Contact one of the investigation teams, threaten him, and have him bring some of the wreckage. It was devilish and a very effective way for people.

And there will be a lot of blackmail. Family, friends, lovers. If you put your precious life on the scale, you have to obey. It is a good reason to risk it.

'The question is, at what time did the devil come into contact with the investigation team? When the devil is in the city, it's important. "

All you need to do to intimidate is find something that the target person cares about. And don't betray me. If it was a family, acquaintance, lover, etc. as expected, a demon might have lurked in the city to confirm or keep an eye on them. It is a terrible situation, such as the presence of a demon right beside it.

'Hmm, right... Let's teach Lord Solomon the Spirit Active Formation. This includes increasing the spiritual power in the field, while also slightly purifying the action. This purification becomes painful for the devil. Even if you were lurking in the city, you wouldn't be able to stand it inside'

"Oh, how awesome!

Spirit Activity Formation. The Spirit King said that it was originally used to resurrect the devastated and cut earth. It was a special formation for the Spirit to create a habitable environment, and it also helped to rebuild a once exhilarating continent, he said.

The Spirit King will teach such a formation. Mira thanked him joyfully for this.

'In order to maintain it, you need to pour out your spiritual powers once a week, but can you guess? If not, I will speak to you.'

"Ahhh...... Probably fine. Beyond is the Spirit of Light and the Elf Half. Spiritual skill is inside."

Hearing of the spiritual power, Mira immediately thought of Cleos. He is a summoner, but also a brilliant man who can manipulate the power of the Spirit of Light.

'Hmm. Then there won't be a problem. Then, Lord Mira, let us first convey to Lord Solomon the conclusions we have just reached'.

"Um, I guess so."

The role of the white pillar, Forty-Eight Columns of Heaven and Earth Conversion, which was a mystery, and the six more hidden pillars. And to the existence of a god who can unite demons, its wreckage. The presence of a hidden demon. Mira explained them in detail to Solomon when she took the receivers for the communication devices. Along the way, I even asked the Spirit King back what part I had forgotten.

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