She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 221: 221 220 Starting tuning.

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Two hundred and twenty.

"I mean, the difference around here has prevented me from mastering."

Two hours and a little after I immersed myself in mastery clarification. Mira finally uncovered the part that would have caused her to fail to master "Conscious Syndication".

The big difference Summoning has against Yin Yang and Necromancer. That's in that not all the beings you summon are made up of mana.

The effect of "Consciousness Tone" taught by Kagra is the exclusive "..." created in Mana (...) squire.

Formula The body of God or the temporary first soul that moves the golem. These are due to the operator's mana. But not in summoning. Applicable to this is about a martial arts spirit summons. However, I have never been able to feel one hand before, no matter how many times I tried it on a dark night or something like that.

The cause lay in its original properties as a summoning technique. It is in the essence that the main body itself, such as Pegasus and Valkyrie, is summoned from the gates created in Mana, and the weapon Spirit summons, while considered the basis of the summoning technique, was an applied proximity technique. As a result, the conditions were so intricately intertwined that they could not be adapted as well as kagra.

Nevertheless, this is the part that was already foreseen around here. Importantly, it is another thing that I have become more aware of.

It is an element of "physical manipulation" that was incorporated into the tone of consciousness. As Kagra once moved around with "Consciousness Concordance" on Peacock's Peacock, this skill incorporated the effect of dominating the subject's body.

The Golem of Necromancery allows the operator to manipulate or order all of his actions. The Yin and Yang Formula God sets elements such as thoughts and behavioral principles when making foundations. Conversely, the summoning technique involves judging and growing all of them individually, including the Martial Spirit.

In other words, because the method of consciousness of the subject of the summons is not dependent on the operator, in order to master "Consciousness Tone" in the summoning magician, in addition to the part "created in Mana", it is necessary to change the "physical manipulation" together.

"Well, one more step."

Now that we have all the information we need, it was already a matter of time for Mira.

Mira began to deduce how to master for summoners based on notes and research books, and the causes found this time.

How to acquire skills. There are three main types of this.

The first is how to tame the body through repetitive training. It is more common in warrior class skills and has the characteristic that the more accustomed you are, the more effective you become. Mira's specialty in shrinkage is classified here.

The second is also the first spiritual version. Believing that is the case, it is not doubtful and fearless that it can. The types of skills acquired through such mental training are common in magician classes. "Mana Sensing" and "Observation Eye of the Magic Guide" are of this type.

The third way is to carve a special mark into the flesh, or into the magic itself. This type of skill is often special and rarely stretches its effectiveness. However, it is characterised by the fact that most of the products are more effective and many skills become trump cards. Among Mira's mastery, "Arcana Constraints", "Rosary Summons" and "Guide to Evasion" apply to this.

"Hmm...... This is getting harder inside."

Less than an hour since I started guessing. Mira shrugged so blurry when she finally saw how to master at Summoner.

Mira tweaked the effects of her skills to look like a summoner. Nevertheless, it is not an easy matter, but an adjustment that could be made because Kagra had taught me in detail the structure of the underlying skills.

Nevertheless, Mira's comprehension skills are considerable, as long as details are found.

The effect of "Consciousness Tone", where such Mira made changes as a summoning magician. It was the exclusive "..." of those who were contracted to possess their consciousness.

"Well, I hope it works."

The way to acquire this Mastery, Consciousness Syndication, is the mental repetitive training type. Mira slams the improved skill composition and acquisition conditions firmly into her head before gently closing her eyes. And slowly he concentrated his consciousness toward his inner self.

An inner world mixed with various elements. I can't even imagine it. While in it, Mira recognizes the strong contractual bond and hands it over.

Then a little, Mira is convinced, from a clear reaction, that this is it.

At the next moment, my vision gradually opened up, even though I was meditating on my eyes. What I saw was the earth and the horizon that stretched far. Blue rivers in lush meadows were clearly reflected behind Mira's brain.

(Good for you, good for you. Isn't that just it!

Another different view from through the wagon window. The point of view looking down at them was Garuda's, above the sky, winging the great sky.

Mira, who succeeded brilliantly in "Consciousness Synchronization" with Garuda, is pleased while at the same time realizing one discomfort.

I can't hear you.

This time, the composition of the skill was specially shaped, but the effect obtained was not at all handy in the first place. I mean, if you succeed, you should hear the sound again. But now I can't even hear the slightest wind noise. Even though the garuda can manipulate the wind, it is difficult to create silence.

Then there's only one reason.

(You only have training...)

I thought I totally grabbed the feeling, but apparently it wasn't enough. Having so decided, Mira was accustomed to the feeling of "Consciousness Tone," so she stayed put and enjoyed the view of the Garuda Perspective.

"Oh, I finally saw you."

Repeated practice hundreds of times to grasp the feeling of new skills. About two hours after the start, when the sky stained dusk. The figure of Haxthausen, the next destination, remained far within the sight that made him in tune with Garuda.

"I don't know if it's like this today."

Mira, out of tune, sighs a sigh of yogurt ole. And while savoring the refreshing acidity, he briefly summarized the results of the practice.

Mira was feeling a definite response. It crossed every time I repeated it, and now it's about ten seconds, from the start of tuning until my vision switches. Note that when I first tried, it took twenty seconds. Mira was satisfied that it was an intermediate achievement because it was shrunk to half in two hours of practice.

But even though I'm getting used to it, the only sensation I still get from Consciousness Syndication is vision. I haven't gotten to the point where I can hear the sound. We only have practice from here on out.

Next, it's a matter of distance. The tunable distance. Also, Mira was trying.

The easy way to do this is to summon a popot-wise who looks like a monkey and just release it out the window.

How far away can you stay in tune with Popotwise? After examining it in such a way, it was found that about five hundred meters was the limit. If it goes any further, it will be lifted.

(Kagra stayed in tune from her home base at Peasuke in St. Polly... How can you beat a boulder with freshly mastered boulders?)

Mira's limit now is five hundred meters. There. In contrast, the "Consciousness Tone" that Kagra had made him try was over a thousand kilometers.

How much did Kagra practice? Unlike when remembered by the body, Consciousness Tone, which needs to grasp the senses, often requires a little special talent.

(Well, if you've just mastered this, you're good)

Efficient ways of practicing are also floating. I'll have to repeat after that.

Above all, Mira grinned, knowing that the difference between the seasons was unfortunate and difficult. That's because it's also proof that if you keep practicing, you can get that far.

(Preliminary investigation into a major investigation from the sky. Dreams swell!

Consciousness has considerable advantages in gathering information. How to use it will be diverse.

Mira, imagining those possibilities, tries, one last time, to "synchronize consciousness" with Garuda. It connected in less than ten seconds, and Mira's vision showed a closer Haxthausen.

But now I think it's strange.

Mira, out of tune, squeaks so as she remembers. The words were a long time ago, not now.

What I imagined in my head appears as a definite effect. The strength of thinking helps. These are truly fantasy worldly phenomena from the present situation and can be described as very dreamy specifications (...).

It's just been a long time since Mira even remembered her previous training because she focused so much on training her mind.

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That was when this world was still a game. The more I trained, the more effective and influential I thought it would be, the easier and more powerful it became to handle.

And so much thought back, Mira felt fuzzy. I wonder if it was still an awesome technique to type (...) even if it just came to mind rather than clear input (...) such as words and behavior.

(When I was just out, I talked about thinking manipulation being a different field in the first place.)

Techniques for reading and reproducing thoughts. The immersive VR technology that was once prevalent in the world was the foundation, and Mira at the time also took it for granted. And I enjoyed that great technology a lot.

But for thought manipulation in the first place, it was stated in a textbook written about technology-related history that it was somewhat close to a medical relationship.

Early two thousand A.D. VR technology that emerged in full. Early on, they said that was a substitute that was no exaggeration when it came to something else, compared to what Mira knew.

Monitors shaped like goggles and controllers on both hands. That's the VR machine called the early type, and the shape and so on changed a lot as the technology advanced, but it didn't seem to change the point of looking at its basic structure, the monitor, and operating it physically.

It was about half a century before Mira was here that it evolved into an immersive type that directly connects the current type of thinking to the device.

Immersive was a technology that would completely synchronize the thought circuit with virtual reality, and even create such illusions, as if the other self were there, a revolution.

And it was the technology of thought manipulation that formed the basis for that immersive type. More than half a century ago, when the immersion type came out of the world. I mean, a century older than modern times. By that time, the technology on thought manipulation was to such an extent that it was finally possible to identify simple words.

However, a little later, VR technology will undergo further evolution. It swallowed up the art of thought manipulation. And it was instantly completed in complete form.

Yes, thought manipulation was a technique that was completed in the course of the rapid evolution of VR technology.

(Sure, after only five years of verbal identification, you can now read and reproduce all thoughts as input. Hmmm...... Awesome stuff)

It is rare in history that technological advances accelerate in this way. And while she felt the possibilities were immeasurable, Mira felt a certain discomfort.

I thought it might be too steep.

Simple word recognition. From there, is it really enough in five years to be able to fully read all of the brain signals that move into complex words and end up in the imagination? Yes, Mira felt it.

(Indeed, a scholar named Revolutionary Child of VR Technology wrote in the textbook. Well, what's the name?)

It was Mira trying to remember her name, but she didn't seem to like history, and her name didn't come up yet. At the time, however, I could only recall the part about the great genius who suddenly appeared at the head corner, but also a lot of secrets.

(Without that person, would it still have been an old-fashioned VR... I'm sure Arc Earth Online wasn't even out there. Even if it was out, did you indulge this far...)

Old-fashioned VRs have more limitations around them than immersive types where all operations are free. Mira was attracted to that world, where she could feel the game but overwhelming reality. Would it have been possible to reproduce that much reality in the old fashion?

The more I think about it, the harder it will seem. If so, weren't you obsessed until you were called the Nine Wise Men, etc. And I may not have even met friends like Solomon, Luminaria, or Seoul Howl on Kagra.

Having thought of it that way, Mira laughs, laughing a little bitterly at the connected edge, but not badly.

At the same time, mundane thoughts crossed my mind. Without the revolutionary evolution of VR technology, I wonder if I would not have been here now in the first place.

Even if I were there, would I have fought as satisfactorily as I do now because the old style and immersion type operate much differently? That's what came to mind.

(Because it was immersive, I can handle my current body without feeling uncomfortable, which may not be an exaggeration)

Leaving aside the fact that it is the girl's body first, Mira now tries to "synchronize consciousness" with Garuda once.

The tune is done. In addition to this exercise, the experience of mind training, which has been repeated many times since the age of the game, is the result of being fully alive.

(I wonder what this world is...)

Previously, I just enjoyed the present without daring to touch it. Whatever it was, it made no difference that it was a beautiful and enjoyable world.

But this is the world that used to be a game. A virtual world where immersive VR devices are used to connect.

And, thinking that far, Mira felt uncomfortable.

Really, even back then, I wondered if this world was, virtually,

No, no way. Mira laughs at the imagination with her nose. I was wondering if there was such a thing as a fantasy novel.

But most importantly, the present situation is itself a fantasy of great magnitude. There was a state here where the foundations could no longer be laid that no matter what fantasy events occurred, it was no longer surprising.

"Well, it's not time!

It doesn't matter how hard you think about it. Mira's head is not fit to think about that in the first place.

What is this world? I leave that to the people who are looking into it, and Mira switches her head. First things first.

So again, I want the front from Garuda's point of view. The sky was already past dusk, the moon was floating and the stars were beginning to blink. Under such a night sky, the city of Haxthausen is imminent there as soon as you realize it.

Most of the city is only lit by street lights and only a few household lights are leaking around. But in contrast, the store, which remained open, was still brightly dyed the boulevard, beating the darkness of the night. Decorated with colorful lighting, it is a brilliant line of light from the sky and continues all the way to the far ahead of the city.

The appearance of a city clearly divided in light and dark. Where is the busiest part of the big city is the sight at a glance.

(Well, I don't see a place where I could land.)

Mira looks for a square where the wagon can be lowered as she swirls over the city at night to Garuda. But there was something about what was going on, and there was something about people in a place of reasonable size, and I couldn't possibly keep them close.

And there seemed to be nothing in the city like a departure site for those with the means of flight, as it was in Granlings.

(Well, there were few dungeons around here. Is it cruel compared to that city with its ancient underground cities...)

Ancient underground cities that cater for all of the lower, intermediate and advanced and are so vast that they cannot be accommodated and always have a loot of more than a certain value. In contrast, there are four dungeons around Haxthausen, all of which are intermediate. Big beast-shaped demons make a lot of money in the main, but they are often swarmed and can easily be accidents from a little alarm. Therefore, the popularity of adventurers was also there and so on.

(Adults, shall we enter through the gate?)

Look, there was nothing but Mira in the city sky. Furthermore, the ground is hard to see because it is night, and it is important that there is something that was dark and invisible where I thought it was here and landed.

With that in mind, Mira instructs Garuda to stop the swirl and go down near the city entrance.

Garuda, who was flying in a loose circle, responded with a single voice and orbited a large gate at the edge of the boulevard. Then he starts descending on the outside of the gate and lowers the wagon to a meadow some way off the street.

Mira unlocked Consciousness Sync at the same time as landing. Then I went out to the wagon stand and said, "Thank you for your hard work today. Thank you," says Garuda.

Then Garuda spreads her wings with majesty, her throat rattling with nothing to this extent. As soon as possible, a breath like the spring breeze swung the perimeter.

"Next time, please."

While appreciating the reliable appearance, Mira sent Garuda back. Then he goes on, trying to summon the Guardian Ash, and stops the fudge.

"Hmm...... Have you had enough today?"

The time is already around 7: 00 p.m. Because I felt it was too late to go to the city and gather information and find a place to stay. So Mira decided to go to the wild house on this occasion.

Nevertheless, Mira's boarding house is not the same as the rest of them. It is not a commonly recognised wild boarding house that burns fires, puts down sleeping numbers, and sleeps on a simple bunk bed. It is a comfortable night in a well roofed and well-equipped house.

Mira, who summoned the Spirit Mansion next to the wagon, smiled with satisfaction at its standing every time. He said my home was still a good one.

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