She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 222: 222 221 The heart of the commotion

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Two hundred and twenty-one.

"Well, I don't know what to do with this one..."

Once back in the wagon, Mira sees the antine that was rolling in that corner. Happy sleeping water spirits never woke up all day after all. It was Mira who worried me along the way because it was so neat, but I feel relieved by the Spirit King's explanation. Said he just drained a lot of spiritual power to come in a hurry. In a few days, he'll wake up fine.

So Mira decided to leave the antine intact. In the meantime, get the bath sheet out of the break-in and hang it on the sleeping antine. Then, Antine's hand moved out and wrapped the bath sheet in a tight grip.

When this happens, the figure of Antine, who sleeps easily, is very much the same as that of a person.

Mira makes sure she doesn't have any more problems before she leaves the wagon. And he concentrated his consciousness in order to summon the Instrument Spirit instead of his sleeping shift.

A little more than the magic formation appeared two knights with holy swords. It is an ash knight completed by synthesis and the patronage of the Spirit King.

This summons of the Grey Knight was very convenient in order to familiarize the body more with the feeling of exercising the synthetic technique and the protection of the Spirit King. For this reason, Mira regularly summons her as a sleepover during Nojuku.

"Uhm, that's a pretty good finish"

Mira observes the ash knight carefully, checking his completion. In fact, this technique has just been done, and even with Mira's strength, I couldn't summon her as if she were breathing. Summoning requires concentration in order to fully synthesize and connect.

After that, make sure there are no deficiencies. In this way Mira does not loosen her hands there because the new procedure has been completed. Next, trials and errors will begin to complete perfectly.

(Hmmm... the part I adjusted when I was a dark knight for thickened armor is slightly swollen. This is going to need to be verified and readjusted.)

In this way, one problem at a time, we repeat the correction and bring it closer to perfection step by step. The tunnel, but it's a sure way.

"Sooner or later I'll finish it perfectly. We'll do our best together."

Mira speaks to the Ash Knight that way before entering the Spirit Mansion. The unspeakable Ash Knight began patrolling around the wagon and Spirit Mansion to execute the instructions given when Mira disappeared behind the door. Although there is a special provision called Sanctia, it is basically assumed that the Martial Spirit has no self. But strangely, the footsteps of the ash knight carrying out the patrol guard were somewhere light.

Mira began bathing quickly. Prepare a cup of hot water while storing water. Then, just finish your business and wait while I think about dinner tonight.

So when I was ready for the bath, I immediately took off my clothes and jumped into the tub.

On this day, the exterior wall of Haxthausen, which could be swept wide from the window, could be desired. I can't see it now, but on the other side of it is a city that many people live in. The sight floated brilliantly in the wake of the moonlight was a secluded, yet reliable, feeling of definite breath.

Mira, who rose from the bath on this day, did not walk around with a single pair of pants and was immediately dressed. I thought you'd finally worn something called femininity, but it's a little different. The reason for this is its current location.

From the entrance of Haxthausen, there is now the Spirit Mansion not so far away. In other words, if it comes from near the entrance, it's in a state where we know there's more or less something.

Why did you summon the Spirit Mansion to such a place? It was also part of Mira's summoning preaching.

Where there was nothing, there is a mysterious mansion. If so, I'm sure someone will come and look into it. At that time, he smiled and welcomed, 'This is a summoning technique, and when you have gone through your training and your ordeal, and you have fulfilled your destiny encounter, you will be granted this favour,' Mira intends to say. Since Mira herself and the Spirit Mansion Summoning are aware of the considerable difficulty, this publicity suggests that there are high hurdles.

I just want you to know that these possibilities exist for summoners. That was Mira's goal this time.

After getting ready so whoever could come, Mira, had dinner. Today's menu is a ready bowl of beef.

Use the item box to stand up at any time. Mira cheeked up other bowls of beef as she thanked her for the favor.

After dinner, Mira was studying vigorously by perusing Seoul Howl's research book and also looking through her skills. In the meantime, he also shared the vision of the Ashes Knight on the table after training in "Consciousness Tone," and checked to see if anyone was coming to look into it.

(At night on a boulder, won't people gather...)

About five hours after summoning the Spirit Mansion to this occasion. Time to fight drowsiness and get hard.

You will look like you suddenly appeared on the side of the street, this mansion. But it was already time covered in the darkness of the night that I stood, and there were few people outside the city. Maybe they won't notice until the sun rises. In fact, to the extent I looked around with the eyes of the Grey Knight, there are no shadows approaching.

The only ones visible are the gatekeepers, far away at the entrance of the city. Just wondering if it was time for a change, nearly ten people got together and I could see how they were discussing something.

After a while, half went back to the city, and the other half remained at the gate of the outer wall. The time is already midnight.

Thank you so much for coming so late.

Mira de-conscious them, working in her heart, wondering if they were on the lookout for the night ahead.

Then Mira, who had cleaned up all her research books and skills, closed her armor tightly and snuck into a special sleeping bag and fell asleep.

The morning at the Spirit Mansion is truly comfortable. I woke up a little after seven o'clock. Mira opened the armor door and welcomed the morning sun indoors after finishing her use.

The light of a bright day is a good stimulus and wakes Mira's head neatly.

And, as she awoke, Mira's ears captured the hustle and bustle that echoed farther away.

Early in the morning, it's a busy day. It was Mira who felt that way, but the next moment, I think. He said that where he is now, where the Spirit Mansion is located, should have been outside the outer walls and at a point some distance from the street.

That being the case, isn't it strange to hear the hustle and bustle? When she realized it, Mira giggled damned if she had done her job as planned.

I'm sure someone discovered this spiritual mansion early in the morning, just when it got brighter. And I was interested in the Spirit Mansion, which suddenly appeared, and I wondered what that was all about.

As planned. So convinced, Mira initiates action to raise awareness of the subpoena.

For starters, I was fully dressed. Even so, I just wore a piece, the usual samurai pieces, and weaved my coat.

Mira had learned one thing from her previous experience. That's the difference in perception due to the gap. I once learned from the reactions I've seen that it's easier to impress someone by using the same technique as it is now than when it was Dumblrf.

And I see, sure, and I was convinced. It's obviously more surprising that a beautiful girl who doesn't seem to do so at all can easily do something amazing than someone who seems to do something sophisticated and amazing easily.

Therefore, in order to make great use of it, Mira was plotting it.

(This liveliness. That's a good number of people.)

This is the biggest summons ever, enchanted by so many beautiful girls. And the convenience of the Mansion Spirit. I'm sure you'll get a better impression of summoning too. Mira believed that and didn't doubt it.

Thus, subjectively neatly dressed, Mira opened the door only to be revealed and went outside the Spirit Mansion in graceful footsteps.

Shortly afterwards, Mira stops with her eyes open and feet stopped as surprised.

"What, then...?

The sight in Mira's eyes was slightly different from what I had imagined. Mira's prediction was that the intrigued gathered like wild horses, wondering what this mansion was. But those who were gathered there were only soldiers and armed adventurers. Moreover, he is uniformly vigilant, armed, and in a complete state of war.

Mira shook her shoulders in unexpected circumstances and looked around.

However, Mira wasn't the only one who was surprised.

"Hey, what's going on, what's that?

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"There's a pretty girl out there, huh?

Soldiers and adventurers arranged to circle the Spirit Mansion. They exposed their agitation in front of the beautiful girl who came out of the unidentified mansion. This is what everyone thought inside. It's not what I was hearing.

"What are you gonna do, you're scared?

One adventurer speaks to the soldier next door. The soldier wore more fine armor than any soldier here. Apparently, he's the soldier leader in charge here.

The girl who appeared from the mansion, probably because she was suddenly surrounded by armed groups, looked around in a bewildered manner with a trembling shoulder.

The soldier in charge, while heartbroken by the way it is, says it with an expression. The other party has a strong fear of being a major thief or an associate of the same. He wants to stay alert more than he knows what means to use.

After telling those gathered on the spot so, the soldier chief slowly walked over to see who the girl was.

Surrounded by a mysterious armed group, Mira wondered what the state was now. And that's the time. Whether it was a message or something, there was a word that could lead to a cause in the words that those people would secretly interact with.

(Somehow, I thought I heard the word "thieves"... This is if…)

Somehow, but as I began to understand the current situation, I saw the soldier chief, who would be the most intimate, summary of this occasion, coming this way.

(If as expected, this situation is…)

The ash knight moved to automatically block and eliminate those approaching as the soldier leader moved. "Good, back off," said Mira to such an ash knight, daring her to speak up and refrain. To suggest around that there is no hostility here.

The ash knight, who retreated as instructed, took a standby position beside the return Mira.

Then apparently, what Mira intended was conveyed, the soldier who saw it put his sword away himself and walked over to Mira again.

"Would you be willing to have a discussion?

At a distance of about five meters between the two sides, the soldier stops and says so. There was some dangerousness missing from that expression, which instead showed a peeping and discerning color.

"Um, not even a wish offer."

Mira nodded straight across from such a soldier chief. 'Cause I assumed that would solve it. He said the situation was the result of a misunderstanding.

"Well, that helps."

When Mira agreed to the discussion, the soldier chief loosened his expression in such a way as to reassure him. But it's a flash, too. At the next moment I continue my words with a tight face again.

"Let me know first. Are you an associate of Fuzzy Dice?

The words were as Mira expected. This is why they suspected it had something to do with the Thief Fuzzy Dice and they were under siege like this.

"No, I'm just an adventurer. This time, I heard a burglar appeared in this city. It depends on what you do to get him."

With that said, Mira lets her adventurer ID be put up like an imprint. It's an adventurer's badge in a cute card case. The soldier leader, who walked over further, gazed at it at a distance of about two meters.

"Sure...... Oh, what an A-rank!

The soldier chief, who confirmed it was indeed real, went on to marvel at the fact that Mira was A-ranked. At the same time, as soon as those who waited around heard the soldier's chief, they whispered out.

Anyway, is that natural too? When it comes to A-rank, it is even higher among the advanced, and for the adventurers, it can become a longing.

"And he said he'd help me get rid of the thieves. No, this is comforting that you can come to A-rank! It's really helpful because you haven't been here much lately."

Adventurer ID and A-rank. Apparently these are substitutes with considerable reliability. The color of vigilance had almost disappeared from the soldier's chief and had changed to a much welcomed attitude.

"Ho, really? I rather thought it was an event where A-rank was likely to gather."

A-rank adventurers don't come much these days. To the words of the soldier chief, Mira tilted her neck. The emergence of the Thief Fuzzy Dice is such a major incident as to reach the extra city. And in the General Union of Adventurers, they say its captivity mandate is sticking out as an urgent requirement.

Because the rewards are broken and high-profile, it can be considered a good opportunity to gain further fame. This is a great opportunity to pull one out of the A-rank competition if we succeed.

And Mira was thinking somewhere, with a sense of event. But it actually seemed a lot different.

"I heard that in the beginning, they were quite a bunch. And in an attempt to see the A-rank adventurer at a glance, he said many other spectators had gathered. I already asked the officials at the time that it was as busy as an annual festival."

Trying to remember that, the soldier chief told me about Fuzzy Dice that he had asked someone he knew and what had happened in a city.

That, he said, was too vibrant and too overwhelming.

There are a total of ten A-rank adventurers gathered in response to a mandate from the Adventurers General Union or a request from a targeted person. It was as much force as it could crusade, be it a vicious warcraft over A-rank, a level opponent that would put one city in crisis.

Everyone therefore believed in the victory of the A-rank adventurers and hoped for their work.

But if you actually open the lid, they say that ended in an overwhelming defeat. At the time, it seems that the ten A ranks, which had considerable momentum, were torn apart by one Fuzzy Dice opponent. Besides, the story is that all ten of them were rolled under the union house.

"Ten A-rank opponents, I don't know that much... Sounds pretty hands-on."

I've seen A-rank adventurers several times before, Mira. And those they met were real brave men with glittering things within them.

The A-rank of meeting the various screening criteria laid down by the Union and finally getting it is definite as an indicator. Fuzzy Dice defeated the ten who challenged him with such an A-rank on his back. Apparently, he's stronger than I expected.

"Yeah, I'm talking about how incredibly strong it was. And most importantly, I heard that the ten people lost a lot of trust because they had lost a lot of hope. In addition, there are various targets targeted by thieves…"

"Then this is the villain," the soldier chief chuckled, sighing bitterly.

"That's right, not the thieves."


When I was just beginning to come out, Fuzzy Dice was considered just a burglar. But every time the target became exposed, Fuzzy Dice evolved into a common star.

That common denominator is the bad guy. The only person Fuzzy Dice targets is the bad guy, who has all the bad rumors, and that's the fact. For this reason, in public perception, Fuzzy Dice was the only thing that did justice.

If so, a relationship is formed that whoever is hostile to this is evil. For A-rank adventurers who are more influential than others, this is why they become quite a negative image.

After that, the A-rank Adventurer is now almost gone on the Fuzzy Dice capture mission. From time to time, they say it's an arm test or a tour, so let's throw Fuzzy Dice in jail.

(That's not why I was praised too.)

Mira's goal is to find out where Artesia is likely to be from Fuzzy Dice. I'm gonna catch you. I didn't think about not catching you at all. Rather, it depends on what I was even going to miss as I was if I could hear the information.

Nevertheless, you won't have to bother talking about it. Mira faced the soldier chief with her body that she was only here to catch the thief.

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