She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 238: 238 237 Secret Waterways

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Two hundred and thirty-seven

(Sounds like it worked somehow...)

Mira laughs bitterly that it was a much too forceful explanation, to think. Bonding is important as a summoning magician, and the word that you have done so is not a lie.

However, just because someone engages you, doesn't mean you can't have a strong bond with it. Not a fateful romance, but a happy enough family, even in a prepared matchmaking marriage.

Mira survived that part with only a strong momentum. And finally, using the reason of fringe, in the form of a gift of spiritual crystals, we diluted the purpose of looking for water spirits and deluded them so that they would not think deeply.

(Well, where are you hiding...)

Having survived the difficulty, Mira returned to the Baron Hotel first with confirmation. And look in the wagon. There, only the ash knight in the role of escort remained, and the figure of Antine was gone.

And I would have ordered the Ash Knight to protect the Antine, but there was no sign of any action taken. We still need to adjust the order system.

Also, the writing on the torch had fallen into the shadow of the ash knight. Apparently, it fell on some kind of clap and Antine didn't notice.

And, out of those circumstances, the water spirits that the adventurer was still looking for were definitely considered an antine.

Something I wish you would have stayed still. It was Mira who thought so, but I reflect that I was the one who enjoyed sightseeing while leaving Antine unattended.

(I should have let you hold it in your hand.)

With that in mind, Mira summoned Undine. And when he asks where Antine is, Undine answers by gently pointing him in that direction.

If you can figure out which direction you're in, the rest is easy. The sensing range due to the protection of the Spirit King is still not that wide. But if you look for it as you head there, it will come within its boundaries.

When Mira thanked Undine and sent her back, she quickly rushed out in that direction.

Moving off the boulevard for a short time, he went out into a quiet residential neighborhood. The stone apartments and street lights lined up at equal intervals there, somewhere relaxed and the appearance of the children playing around seemed to emerge more vividly.

It is a very calm atmosphere in the area of Haxthausen for the general public, full of a sense of life unrelated to the bustle of the boulevard.

From time to time, however, I see him as a flirtatious adventurer. From the way it looked, I could see that you were looking for an antine.

That's pretty sharp, isn't it?

ANRTINE is hiding near here. By sensing by the shelter, Mira, who is grasping it, proceeded there, taking care not to be noticed by anyone.

As she relies on sensory reactions, Mira finds herself uncomfortable. I didn't know it from afar, but the closer I got, the more I could feel the reaction coming from below.

As a result, that was still not a mistake. As far as residential is concerned, there's nothing but residential. A small vacant lot near the center of the residential district. Mira, who had come that far, kept her eyes on her feet. Apparently, Antine is underground.

(Hard to find for sure, not a good place. But this again, what should I do?)

I don't remember seeing anything on the road that looked like an entrance to the basement when I got here. What can I do to pick him up? I was just starting to think that way, and there was movement in the underground antine. Apparently, they noticed Mira was right up there.

It seems that Antine is trying to get here. But there's nothing around that looks like an entrance or exit from the basement.

What to do. That's what I thought. And water overflowed from the trenches of the earth. And the water had accumulated in 3D, slowly becoming the shape of a person, turning into a familiar figure, an antine, in the next moment.

"Oh......! The boulder is not the Spirit of Water."

Turn your body into water and through the gap. Mira is very fantastic and impressed with the watery sight. And, Antine quickly looks around and then rushes over to Mira like that.

"Long time no see, Mr. Mira. Then, as promised, give me the contract quickly!

Greetings are there, so imminent, Antine. Looks like we're in a hurry, but maybe we can't help it either. At any rate, many adventurers are now leaping towards a subpoena.

"Uh, um. Long time no see."

Mira, who replied so, controlled by hand not to rush so quickly, then summoned Words Lambert.

"Oh, it looks like you're safe to see me. No, it's good."

Similar to his abilities, Words Lambert, who emerged from a very discreet magic formation, such as visible or invisible, smiles as if relieved to see the figure of the Antine who was there.

"Well, yeah, but let's put it in a little bit."

To escape the eyes of the adventurers first, Mira prefaced so much in an attempt to ask for an optical camo. Then.

"Yeah, let's just hide ourselves for now"

Words Lambert said that just because he knew everything, he covered up Mira and the others before Mira asked him to.

"... you talk a lot faster."

A peaceful residential neighborhood that was neither enemy land nor infiltrating nor anything, yet was convinced of its need before Mira spoke. Why was there such certainty? Mira laughs bitterly when she doesn't have to ask.

"Because King Spirit and Master Martel were happily talking about the situation."

"Well, I guess so"

If you think it's a little quiet, it looks like Spirit King and Martel were finally starting to live through the Spirit Network.

Mira thinks it's an advantage to be able to save explanations at a time like this, even though she laughs a little at the way the two people are enjoying themselves for a long time. In the case of a battlefield where only a few moments are at war, it is very easy to move when you understand the situation from the beginning.

"Well, shall we sign a contract?"

The power of Words Lambail prevents them from being found visually. But it's about the adventurers. I don't know what kind of sensing method you have. If the search party had a mix of fairy magicians, they would notice the discomfort caused by Biosensing.

Either way, you'd better finish your contract fast. As Mira moves to the corner of the small open space, she puts her hands on the forehead of the antine, which is quickly and just offered.

"Are you ready?

This subpoena is special. Dual agreement with the same attribute, which is otherwise impossible. It is the power of the Spirit King that makes it possible, and the cooperation of the Spirit King is essential.

'Um, I'm ready. I'll be all right any minute.'

Come on, the voice of the powerful Spirit King echoes in his brain. Only the live ones, and the action seems swift.

[Summoning Skill: Engraving Contract]

As Mira's palms glow pale, the Spirit King's protective crest rises all over Mira's body. Unlike previous subpoenas, it clearly showed that this contract was special.

It feels like there's another body. It was then an indescribably strange feeling that made me more aware of myself than I am now.

Mira and Antine. An edge born between the two forms a bond. It dissolved in Mira's whole body via the Spirit King's protective crest, trying to lean in.

"Oh... you're a success!

Though surprised by her unprecedented first physical sensation, Mira was aware that her connection to Antine had become familiar to her body without any problems. Until now, there was only one, and there was nothing to choose from. But now, when we become aware of the Spirit of Water, the images of Undine and Antine come to mind.

As the Spirit King said, he was also able to make a contract with Antine, without affecting his covenant with Undine.

I'm sure the double contract with the same attribute exposes Mira's joy by making sure she jumps, whether she's her first successful.

"Oh, Mira, your voice...!

Moment after moment, I blocked Mira's mouth like Words Lambert panicked. shortly thereafter. Didn't the adventurer peek into his face for something from the roof of the building facing the vacant land? Looks like she reacted to Mira's voice.

Adventurers looking around the open spaces. I don't see Mira and the others. But he began to stare carefully as he seemed to feel something.

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Mira and the others, by contrast, kill their breath in the corner. It's a hassle to be found here. The Spirit of the Water I was looking for was meeting the Spirit Queen in hiding, and had become a covenant. What happens if the female adventurers find out about it?

Trembling Mira asks Words Lambail to activate a complete cover-up. One of the irregular classes that scratches all senses, but so time is limited. Save it.

Complete cover-up prevented anyone from capturing the presence of Mira and the others. The adventurer disappeared somewhere after a little while to see if it had played its part.

"Phew... sorry. Extra joy..."

Mira apologizes that way in a low voice, exploring her surroundings in Biosensing. And when I made sure there was no adventurous reaction, I asked him to switch from full cover-up and only to optical camo.

"Oh, Spirit King, Master Martel!

While this was happening, the Spirit Network also seemed to have been opened. Looks like Martel and the Spirit King heard each other, and Antine smiles in an extremely impressive way. Also, Words Lambert smiled somewhat happily.

Now we're finally out of company, Antine. Was that all the more delightful, not only with the Spirit King and Martel, but also with Sanctia and the Words Lambert in front of him began to talk through the Spirit Network.

It should be noted that Mira has not heard the conversation. In a nutshell with the Spirit Network, there are actually currently two types. It's a special line for Spirit King and Martel to watch and speak to Mira, and a dedicated line for Spirits to talk to each other.

This dedicated line, but this was extended at will by the Spirit King in the name of expanding the sight and hearing, and is not connected to Mira. However, if it is connected, it will be quite noisy, so rather it is not connected.

By the way, among the spirits, if Mira had business, she was supposed to ask the Spirit King or Martel to tell her the story.

And while Antine was being briefed on one of those streets, it was just a time of silence for Mira. And Mira, who met the new subpoena, couldn't stand it.

"Well, the contract means it's a big success. Can you tell me about Lord Antine's abilities?"

I don't know what you're talking about behind the line. But the most important thing is Antine's ability to help. Mira had already approached Antine with impatience.

"Oh, right. That's what comes first."

Finally to myself. Before Mira approached the situation with a mad grin, Antine, who remembered when Sanctia and Words Lambert signed the contract, turned to Mira so that she could change and explain her abilities.

ANLTINE's ability described by ANLTINE. That was, after all, very different from Mira's battle-specific undine.

First of all, the ability to do what Antine is best at. They say it's a dive. The day we first met, we took Mira into the lake, that ability. The effect is to take everything in the range of effects, deactivate the water pressure, and dive deep everywhere.

Antine says you can dive fine even at a depth of ten kilometers. It's an unknown world, like ten kilometers deep. It's not flashy, but like Words Lambail, it can be described as a pronounced ability.

Again, she says she's not good at combat. But he seemed to know the art of defense, and he said some of it.

Among them, a particularly powerful ability was the coating of water. The effect stays intact, the plain thing about stretching highly compressed water like a membrane. However, its performance was outrageous.

Words Lambert knows a lot about Antine, like physics and magic, but most importantly, it performs tremendous defense against fire and heat. The point is that it is highly compressed, and because it compresses a tremendous amount of water, Words Rambale boasts that it has proven that it can be prevented from being a flaming dragon dragon brace.

And, in the meantime, no heart or an antine was smiling bitterly. Flaming Dragons and Words Lambail, and Antine. What has happened in the past is only known to the parties.

It should be noted that the only means of attack she had was to trap her in a high water pressure water bead and crush her.

"Hmm. I generally understand! It's amazing, my heart starts pounding!

Antine's ability seems to be largely rooted in operations such as water pressure. The boulder should be called an existing Spirit with excellent diversity of abilities, with only unknown effects, and the mood of Mira, who had been able to make a covenant with such a Spirit, had now reached its culmination.

"A sinking ship in a submarine ruin...... The adventure has spread all at once."

There are countless rumors and stories about the sea, such as submarine ruins and sunken ships, as Mira said, in this world as well. However, the way to follow it was extremely limited. That is the essential cooperation of water spirits with abilities like Antine and of surgeons who can use similar techniques. Now, such beings are not what they are.

Thus, in this world, the untouched submarine romance is still rolling.

Mira shook Antine's hand vigorously when she thought of the new adventure.

"I'm sorry you had to come all this way. How about going home? Should I send Lord Words Lambert outside the city like this?

The aim was achieved. All you have to do is go back to where you belonged, hiding from the adventurers looking for Antine. A way to do this would be to make sure Words Lambert takes the antine out of the city while hiding it with his ability.

That's what I thought, Mira, but Anltine replies, "No, it's okay here now".

"The place I've been hiding until just now is a big underground waterway, and it's like it's spreading all over the basement of this city. After a little exploration, it was connected to the river outside, so I think I can get out of the city without a problem."

Antine just went on to say that he had no problems at all, with his eyes on his feet.

"Ho, with the underground waterway. I see."

When I thought I was here, Anartine was in the basement. And it's coming out of there sliding through thin grooves. I mean, that's when the ditch was connected to the underground waterway. Sure, if it's a water spirits, it's going to be easy to get out there without anyone finding you if you go down that waterway.

But Mira thought about it. Something when it comes to the waterways in the basement.

"By the way, isn't that like a sewer?"

Sewer with various sewage drains. I'd still rather have them send me to Words Lambert than let me go through that. Yes, when Mira said what she thought, the word came back from Antine that it had never happened.

"You weren't particularly dirty."

Anltine, who did not have the luxury to think about it and responded so quickly, briefly told me about the state of its underground waterway.

When he found the underground waterway, he asked how far it could be used as an escape route. Anything water spirits say that if they are connected by water, they can perceive the area. Not everywhere, though. The range is limited by individual differences and poor proficiency, but if you still have about one minute of the city, you can see enough (...).

Oh, my God, did you also have the ability to do that? Mira is surprised by the ability of Antine, which was not described earlier. I didn't think it was necessary to mention that Antine is more or less what a water spirits can do.

And what I found out by such ability. It was the special nature of the underground waterway.

According to Antine, the underground waterway is a stream that draws water from upstream of a large river and passes downstream. There are also several other places in the aqueduct where water is gushing, and later to the extent that rainwater is mixed. There's no place for dirty water or anything else to pour in, and they say it's more beautiful than I don't think it is in the basement of people in terms of water quality.

Also, they are very occlusive, as well as the aqueduct has an unusually complex intertwined structure. Antine, I hear there's a waterway going through the waterway.

Also, the entire waterway is covered in moss and dim. And from what I've seen, there's no place where people seem to be able to get in and out, and if there were, it would be cleverly hidden, says Antine. However, it was said that there may be a non-mossy location in the northeast direction than the current location, and that there may be a hidden passage or something nearby.

"It's strange, isn't it? I wonder what people built such a vast and complex waterway for."

At first glance, there is no indication that it is being used as a waterway. If it's for rainwater drainage, it doesn't have to be so complicated. From the moss state, there is no way people went through it other than some. And it's not even a sewer. Now, it's huge enough to go all the way across town.

"Hmm...... I sure do. I wonder what that means."

After all, who built this underground waterway for what? Mira tilted her neck again at such an antine question, but never even came up with that prediction.

"Bye, Mr. Mira. Thank you. Call me whenever you need me."

"Welcome back. Best regards,"

After exchanging greetings to that effect, Antine entered the underground waterway from the ditch and returned to his former residence. We were in a big hurry when we came, but when we slowly went back for sightseeing, Antine looked really fun.

It should be noted that while sightseeing seems to be the request of the Spirit King and Martel. Through the antine, they both seem willing to enjoy sightseeing again.

"Lord Words Lambert has had a hard time too. Oh, and soon, we'll be dealing with thieves. Maybe we'll get help then."

Before sending Words Lambert back. When Mira said so, it seemed that she had already heard and grasped it from the Spirit King, and Words Lambert answered "I'll take care of it" with sufficient motivation. If the opponent becomes a thief, it is sure that elements other than pure combat power will also become important. It is then that the ability of the silence of a strong special nature glows greatly. And Words Lambert seemed to think that.

And Mira also thought Words Lambert could even be a trump card.

I'll see you later.

"Yes, I understand"

Tonight or tomorrow when we settle down, we'll all have an op against thieves meeting. That's what I told him, Mira sends Words Lambert back. And he walked out for the Baron Hotel.

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