She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 239: 239 238 Unregistered

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Two hundred and thirty-eight

Along the way, we stopped somewhat, and it was just before eight o'clock at night that we approached the Baron Hotel.

"In the meantime, two nights please"

Mira tells the Baron Hotel receptionist that.

As it stands, the Baron Hotel simply uses Julius' business card to keep the wagon, apart from whether or not to stay. But after running errands, I calm down and look inside and I can see that this looks like another fun inn. Until now, it seems like they're selling things that can be experienced like aristocracy.

As a result, Mira decided to stay here and checked in.

Then an employee in a butler-style costume leads me through to the room. The room was only called a boulder aristocratic style and looked great from condiments to small items. However, it is only aristocratic and all precious metals are imitations.

However, I checked all the way indoors and things like sofas and beds seemed to put fine things inside.

"Well. First of all, one puppy"

Instructions for use of the Baron Hotel, which was on the table. On settling in, after glancing at it, Mira left the room and headed straight for the bathroom.

Anything, Baron Hotel, the concept of a time like nobility, says there's a service that allows maids and deacons to take care of you all day for a fee.

Clearly taken care of by an exclusive maid. A man would be the treatment everyone dreams of. However, Mira did not avail herself of the service. Because those kinds are the maids of Alkite Castle who are on time.

However, since paid maids and butlers also have the aspect of hotel guides, Mira, who was freely progressing down the Baron Hotel corridor, was now somewhat lost. Because there are no information boards in the hotel due to the emphasis on atmosphere.

For this reason, Mira searches the bathroom and wanders around the hotel. Along the way, we found that a significant number of guests were using the maid butler service, unlike other guests on several occasions. It should be noted that most male customers are maids and female customers are deacons.

And that's how Mira finds someone she knows where she was wandering. Yes, the director is staying here as well. And pushing the Director's sitting comfort chair was a maid, not Julius. Apparently, he's using the service a lot, too.

Is it hot water, the wife-child director in the bathrobe had a conversation with the maid with a very pleasant face?

(Seems like you're enjoying yourself for a long time...)

Well, is there also a service in the bath? After dropping the director off from afar thinking such a wild thing, Mira walks straight out toward where he came from. If it's a bath, I'm sure there's a big bath in that direction. Believe me.

The prediction hit, and Mira was able to reach the Baths. Through the grand entrance for women, the chandelier shines in the dressing room.

(Deacon, I guess)

Even when it comes to paying for all kinds of help, boulders don't even seem to come with a bath. Looking around the dressing room to make sure all the female guests were alone, Mira began to take off her clothes, supposedly like that.

I just think I'm on my way. If I were alone, the director wondered if I would also have a hard time taking a bath.

(... no, maybe Julius is still in the bath)

I guess I leave it to the maid after helping the director bathe, and Julius enjoys the bath slowly. Mira believed so and opened the bathroom door.

"Even more gorgeous than I thought..."

The bathroom was made of gold and silver glittering full marble. The floors, walls, and tubs are all marble, and the faucets, showers, and chandeliers shine golden silver. Also, the enchanting female body was seen here. What a luxurious sight.

Mira laughs admirably, but to the true nobility, is he fulfilling, for example, those with such baths?

It should be noted that the Baron Hotel concept is only aristocratic for the general public. In other words, it was here that it took the form of a statue of nobility conceived by the general public who did not know the real nobility, not the real nobility.

Mira decided to enjoy the extravaganza just as much as she overdid.

Mira, up from the bath, wears a simple piece. This is a piece of hot water that Mariana had for me in her bag.

Then when I went back to my room, even though I was somewhat lost, I rang the bell and ordered a meal from the employee I called. It's a little late for dinner, but what a 24-hour response at the Baron Hotel.

That's how Mira finishes her aristocratic meal, relaxing for the rest of her time. I worked on what I greatly liked: looking at skills and research books, practicing "Consciousness Syndication" at Ket Sea, and discussing the upgrade of the Grey Knight.

And midnight. At last, when she couldn't resist drowsiness, Mira dived into bed with Rikko and began to take a nap.

The morning I picked him up at the Baron Hotel was a really comfortable one.

After waking up a little after seven o'clock in the morning, Mira slipped out of bed, relaxing and finishing her morning schedule. Then he drinks up all his coffee milk with drowsiness, and, as promised, he goes to the dining room where he had promised to meet the director at 8: 00.

The directors were already in the dining room. And I briefly finished my morning greeting and started talking about what would continue yesterday while we had breakfast together.

"I'm so sorry about yesterday. It was an errand I couldn't take off. It's already very important."

He was the director who said such an apology at the beginning, but he was suing me with that gaze. You must ask me what kind of errand it was.

"Eh, you were about to say something along the way yesterday, weren't you? What about the orphanage?"

Julius, who pushed the director away softly claiming that this was still the case, turned his attention to Mira to urge her to do so. And I don't mind ignoring this, I was just talking with my eyes.

"Uhm. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. As a matter of fact, I had a rumor in my ear that there was an orphanage that had gathered orphans from the war in a village that was not named deep in the forest northeast of Grimdart, but I wanted to ask if there was a suitable place in the director's office to look around."

Mira, more respectful of Julius' will than the director, quickly mouthed the question that would follow yesterday.

Whatever the case, the primary purpose is not to catch Fuzzy Dice, but to find Artesia. If we find out where the orphanage we're looking for, Fuzzy Dice doesn't matter anymore.

The director said he has seen many orphanages. Then the director may be seeing Artesia. Even if you haven't met him, if he's the director of some awesome detective, you might know something.

Yes. Mira looks to the director with anticipation. In contrast, the director, although a little unfortunate, immediately began to contemplate responding to it. But more than a dozen seconds later, he said, "There were several small settlements. But I never saw an orphanage in such a place," he replied.

Apparently, there was no place in the director's investigation.

"Mmm, well. Is it true that rumors were rumors after all..."

Grimdart Northeast Forest. We found out that there are several settlements deep within them. But there's no point without the orphanage at heart. Mira is depressed that it will be empty this time. But the director speaks kindly to Mira like that. "No, not necessarily," he said.

"The only orphanages I've looked into are all officially registered. if the rumored orphanage operated without filing an application for registration. It will not be investigated there. It would be quick to determine that there isn't."


To the Director's words, Mira regains hope.

According to the director, it is not mandatory to apply for the registration of orphanages. However, if the application is accepted, the children's medical expenses will be free at times of need. As a result, most orphanages are registered.

"There is certainly an orphanage that operates without applying for this. And these unregistered orphanages..., there are many places that are not even Roku"

Because this is the only advantage of registration, if there are people nearby who can handle it at times of need, they may also skip the registration process. However, it is not easy to secure such personnel on a permanent basis. Even more so if it's a small village.

Registration is normal if you think about it for your kids. Although registration can be laborious, it doesn't hurt one thing for an orphanage.

Reasons not to register like that. The director has seen several examples of this in the past.

"That was just when I was an adventurer..."

The director creased between his eyebrows and started talking again. It was a martial arts tradition of the Director's past, the Adventurer's days, but its content was not pride, but rather admonition.

As an adventurer, the director was active not only in the Earth continent, but also in the Ark continent on his crotch. Because of the breadth of such a range of actions, he was visiting countless cities, villages, etc.

Then, naturally, there are so many encounters that we see a variety of environments. And there were several orphanages, some of which had not been registered.

The director speaks loudly. Most of the unregistered were hotbeds of illicit trafficking in human beings. Besides, some of them were even abducted children, not orphans.

"Maybe it was the hardest time back then"

The director at the time, who had never been unscrupulous and made the corresponding requests, said that he had then crushed several human trafficking organizations.

The director said we never met from the front and attacked carefully from the back.

First, thoroughly examine the subject and gather evidence. Only aim and tie up when the executive is alone and ask for information. After that we have all the various legal evidence, we report it to the Church's Cross-Border Magistrate. They destroyed the organization by the glory of God.

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The director laughs that he attacked a number of other organizations in the same way.

"I didn't do anything unscrupulous, I gathered information thoroughly, but it still seemed like there was some adventure. And if that's the case, I think the know-how we developed back then is the best food we have now."

"After all, is adventure the key to growth," the director closed the story softly, staring into the universe to soak up memories somewhere.

"That's a brilliant trick. I've had a talent for detectives since then."

"Maybe this one was a natural."

Mira smiles really well as the director responds to jokes. Adventurers for a living and the detective business I started with my hobby. Although the actual entry is the difference between cloud mud, the latter seems to be more important to the director, and it seems less than full.

"Whatever it is, it's a terrible story."

If unregistered, it is ostensibly an orphanage but may be used behind it for human trafficking. And the history is now being extended to orphanage operators, he said, thanks to the work of the former director. In other words, an unregistered orphanage is suspected of involvement in a crime.

If you don't want to be suspicious, you should sign up. They're capable of such a tide.

And as a result, Julius supplements that such backward unregistered orphanages have been reduced. The work of the director, who will also leave an impact later. I would say it's a good deal.

"Wonderful. You're not a hero to the kids."

I honestly praised Mira that way. Then the director decides, "Though this is only a very small part of my history." However, were you happy that you were praised, the expression was subtly loose, and you never realized that the appearance was really not tight.

"But again, see you then. The way we gather evidence is similar to the way we heard about thieves."

The director who gathered evidence as legally effective as a detective and charged him. Fuzzy Dice, by contrast, steals evidence that works legally and exposes it to the public.

The shape is different, and the result is the same. In both cases, the bad guys are strictly judged by the law.

"It sure is. Nevertheless, there are limits to what an individual can do with such an organization. If you're going to do something about it, you're right to rely on greater power, like the state and the Church."

The evil things Fuzzy Dice has uncovered so far involved a large organization in all of them. Dealing with this is difficult, even with an aligned guild of A-rank adventurers, the director says. The organization behind these things has a wide horizontal connection, and because they come flat with illegal things, they're going to get stuck somewhere someday.

"Sometimes we need to bend our beliefs in order to protect what matters. And I think they're fine."

Did he recall anything, the director lay his eyes down with his mouth full of such things?

Stand up and face evil. You can rightly describe yourself as a hero. But the more noticeable the gap, the more it also creates. Especially if you get information about a righteous hero.

Will there be heroes who will do justice until they have sacrificed their families and relatives? The words said by the Director mean that.

"It's hard to do justice."

"Well, I guess the only thing that's so troublesome is if you deal with people"

Responding in a sarcastic tone, the director cheeks the potato salad all at once. And with his mouth dirty, he once again narrowed his eyes that Fuzzy Dice was a good enemy.

"Well, I'm going to the bathroom"

Mira, who has been holding the somnolence coffee milk, says so and takes her seat and heads to the bathroom.

And along the way, the private seats next door caught my eye.

(Oh my god, what is sweet threesome since this morning...... Hmmm...... see ya)

The person who caught the glimpse was a man without such characteristics as this, eating cream brulee looking delicious. Moreover, three finished plates are placed next to them. With all of that creamy stuff left, Mira wonders if the man is sweet enough to be comparable to the director.

Breakfast is held by the director, so Mira enters the bathroom door while thinking about what to make for dessert, etc.

And then a man with no characteristics stared softly at him.

(Hmm...... But well, a hotbed for human trafficking)

Mira recollects the director's story as she adds to her needs.

Director that justice was done thoroughly in the shadows. By virtue of that feat, unregistered orphanages, he said, have been drastically reduced. But still, there seems to be one somewhere.

It is not easy, but it is an orphanage where we can prepare this for ourselves.

Mira thinks. As rumors have it, there is a village deep in the forest northeast of Grimdart, if there was an orphanage there. And if that founder is what Mira expected, there could be enough unregistered.

Who Mira expects. It is Artesia of Zach, one of the Nine Wise Men, a saint.

Sacred art is a type of procedure that specializes in effects such as treatment, recovery, and adjunction, and if there is a vertex of it, it is no longer necessary to register an orphanage, etc. Where I registered, in my injuries, no one would be able to go beyond that of Artesia. Also, if she has high dispensing skills, it shouldn't matter about diseases such as the ineffectiveness of sacraments.

And naturally, it is completely unrelated to human trafficking, etc. Because if the troubled Artesia could not have allowed it, and there was such a place nearby, it would have physically destroyed it by touching its scales.

(This could really be it.)

There is a good chance that Artesia will be in the orphanage where I heard rumors. But the clue depends on Fuzzy Dice. Will there still be any information available from the Director? Mira stood up intently and raised her pants, returning to her seat in a whim.

"Lord Mira is trying to catch Fuzzy Dice in order to find an unregistered orphanage deep in the woods."

Mira's arrow tip back from the bathroom, suddenly the director said the purpose. From what Mira said and did, it was an easy reasoning for the director.

"Yeah, you're right."

I nodded honestly, Mira. Then the director seemed happy that he got it right and smiled, "Is it still true?"

"From what I've looked into so far, I'm pretty sure Fuzzy Dice is making a donation to the orphanage. Furthermore, the amount of damage and donations were calculated, and some parts did not fit. Until then, if you're putting it in your own pocket, but if you're donating everything, it's no surprise to think it's flowing into an unregistered orphanage. And if you're a thief, you're likely to know an unregistered orphanage. If so, there may be an orphanage that Lord Mira is looking for."

Yes, the director who spoke the street went on to say that Fuzzy Dice would almost certainly have a connection to an unregistered orphanage, considering it was a thorough fornicator.

"Hmm. If that's what the director says, it seems to me for sure."

Possibility acknowledged by the Director who would surely be most familiar with Fuzzy Dice. Until now, I've been after Fuzzy Dice with some thoughtfulness, but it's still comforting to get consent from others. Mira realizes that she is closer to her goal.

(But well, it's supposed to get popular too)

The director hails Fuzzy Dice as a thoroughbred thief. Mira also felt that way in listening to previous stories. That thief doesn't seem to be moving with his own personal desire.

The more I hear, the more I feel like a righteous hero. The impression of the Thief Fuzzy Dice. If the situation was different, Mira thinks she would have supported herself, too. And that's why it was believed that if something existed, such as an orphanage that collected war-affected orphans, it would surely have something to do with it.

If you meet Fuzzy Dice, you'll know something. When Mira was so sure. Mira was upset by the next word the director uttered.

"Does that mean Lord Mira has no reason to catch Fuzzy Dice as long as he knows where that orphanage is located?"

The director shoots through Mira with a detectively sharp gaze. Mira feels some hindsight in her gaze. That, too, should be, has so far listened to many valuable stories for the same purpose of catching Fuzzy Dice. Moreover, the situation is that all you can eat pancakes and soft cream with the luxury of the director.

But in the meantime, some conditions have given me a hand job of not catching Fuzzy Dice. What's more, when someone tells you that, it's a bad decision.

"Listen to a lot of things. I don't know what's going to happen."

Even with a moment of silence, Mira answered clearly. He said catching Fuzzy Dice was one of the means to know where he was going. Then the director, turning away from his sharp expression, loosened his cheek.

"No, I don't mind about that at all. Because I liked it and we just talked."

Apparently, the director doesn't give a shit. Moreover, he went on to say words like, "If I were in Lord Mira's position, I would have accepted it when he suggested I miss it instead of giving him information."

"Hmm, well. If that's what the director says, it would be nice."

"Oh, yeah. Never mind. And most importantly, as far as I'm concerned, the two men were happy to fully enjoy what was difficult to ask for. Thank you, Lord Mira."

That's what the director said, and the clerk who just came put the chocolate parfait in front of Mira. Apparently, Mira was ordering it when she was going to the bathroom. And after the clerk leaves, Julius gently puts the parfait back in front of the director.

"I've always wondered."

The director had a really happy grin when he plugged a spoon into a parfait like a work of art and carried it into his mouth. And by the way, the words "detective business is better off with a hard impression" and "likeability and detective business are surprisingly hard to connect." And finally, the director, who said things like, "Really, I appreciate it," from the bottom of his heart, smiled very well with Parfait in one hand.

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