She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 240: 240 239 How Fuzzy Dice Works

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Two hundred thirty-nine.

In some cases, there may be an option not to catch a thief. There is nothing much more wrong with Mira's situation, and the conversation turns to the operation on the day of the teaser.

"Well, this time, apart from not catching them, could you just stick with the planned measures once?"

After finishing the chocolate parfait, the director makes his eyes shine just because this is more about it. And with so many stories, a treat, and some backwardness, there was no air to turn it down.

"Right. Let's say we cooperate."

Mira agreed with that mouth that she had finished her crème brulee. Then the director said, "Thanks!," he smiled happily, turning the wheelchair, "Well, shall we go quickly?" That means it's easier to explain while checking the area where the operation is to be conducted.

"Hmm, okay"

Mira nodded and answered, following the director as she moved on. Behind that, Julius, standing up a little late, gently moves the empty container and spoon of the parfait before Mira was seated. Then, after the evidence that the director had eaten was destroyed, he silently joined the director who would make the payment without anyone noticing.

After leaving the Baron Hotel, Mira and the others were on a diagonal boulevard through the center of the city's northeast.

The neighborhood looks like a wealthy neighborhood with mansions lined up as far as I can see. The location guided by the Director was one of them, a certain large white mansion.

In front of the mansion is a plaid gate. A gatekeeper stood at both ends of it, but at the same time as the director approached him, he would come by to hinder it. And the gatekeeper coldly said, "What are you doing here?"

"It's just a tour. Never mind."

gatekeeper attitude as if to intimidate somewhere. In contrast, the director makes her shoulder clap in a small way, like, "Oh, boy."

"Well, this is the residence of the victim and defendant Doyless, chairman of the Doyless Chamber of Commerce, who was tipped off by Fuzzy Dice this time."

Whoever was targeted by that thief Fuzzy Dice was, until now, a bad man who worked evil behind it, all without exception. Therefore, being the defendant, the director hoists the end of his mouth. Then as soon as he did, the gatekeeper pointed his sight at the director.

"Whoa, was it too early to say defendant? Well, it's only a matter of time."

The director stares back at the gatekeeper with a look such as where the wind blows. Then the gatekeeper also cuts and throws away again, "Lose it quickly, I don't need it for incompetent detectives".

Mira asked Julius for an answer as to what had happened to the abruptly spreading air between the two.

The director and gatekeeper stare at each other violently. In the meantime, Julius briefed me. According to that story, apparently there was one stuffing between this Dores Chamber of Commerce and the Director before Mira came.

And the details were omitted, but Chairman Dores and the director seemed hopelessly out of line, and as a result, they were driven back just to get closer.

"So what is a gatekeeper and a bickering, of..."

"I'm sorry it was a bad habit of the director"

This also seems to have a childish vice to the director, either the recoil of the adventurer years he was spending without difficulty.

As the director and the gatekeeper speak, Mira recalls what she heard about the Dores Chamber of Commerce, waiting to finish.

Rumor has it that the Dores Chamber of Commerce suspects a connection to the Chimera Clozen. And from what Solomon tells us, there are many other sins. If it is also information from the King, the Dores Chamber of Commerce is infinitely close to black.

But they say that no one can get their hands on it now because they haven't found any evidence to show it. But this time, Fuzzy Dice will reveal completely hidden evidence without ever appearing in the world.

Its active, righteous hero himself.

What kind of place is the target Fuzzy Dice, such a righteous hero, and the mansion that would be the main battlefield?

And, where I was concerned, I also settled for a mouth fight between the director and the gatekeeper.

"I don't rely on detectives who have lost all battles. One win and then we'll get back out."


Apparently, the bickering ended with the Gatekeeper's victory. Julius said the director would start a verbal fight immediately, but he wasn't too strong.

"Look, I'm home, I'm home"

A gatekeeper who waves to get rid of it securely. Are you remorseful? The director looks at you with a wrinkle between his eyebrows. But we can't argue anymore. The loser only leaves. By Julius' hand, the director pointed every wheelchair that way.

First, let's get out of here.

The voice of the soggy director. Wheelchair moving out with it. And before that, Mira turned again to the other side of the gate to see the mansion she was concerned about.

Beyond the lattice-shaped gate. There were many visible guards on the premises of the mansion, either under the influence of a notice received from Fuzzy Dice.

"Ho, not boulders. Aren't some of them armed with considerable spiritual weapons? Besides, all that spiritual martial arts has come to shade"

The boulder is only rumored to have had a connection to chimeric closen. Mira shrugged unexpectedly, as there were guards wearing apparently powerful spiritual weapons.

Then the director reacts agile.

"Oh, you know what that's like just by looking at it? Hmm, there's Spirit Martial Arts in there..."

A director who stops moving and narrows his eyes so that he can peer across the gate visible beside the gatekeeper. Nevertheless, only the armed men appeared in its eyes, and it seemed impossible to judge whether it was a spiritual weapon or not.

"If you were a magician like me, you wouldn't have made it."

A drilled magician will be able to see spiritual powers as well as spirits. For this reason, discerning the power that resided in Spirit Martial Arts is nothing special or special for Mira, as she put it.

Only a magician called the Spirit Queen is a boulder.

The director, who just nodded at Mira and said he was impressed, went on to turn his face to the gatekeeper and laughed.

"I see, is there someone in that guard with shady spiritual weapons? Speaking of which, you've heard of it. The Spirit Martial Arts flushed by Chimera Clozen said it was all shady!

The director purposefully turns up his voice as if this were still the case. The guards use spiritual weapons, which are made of chimeric closen that is abominable. Is this a coincidence? The director looks at the gatekeeper with a gaze as if he were going to resist.

In contrast, after the gatekeeper gave a reluctant expression, he passed the director's gaze, as he sometimes gathered, even though it was not evidence.

"By the way, who exactly in there uses shady spiritual weapons?

Still from here, the director asks Mira as she shows behind the gate.

"The Shady Spirit doesn't possess weapons..."

Mira pointed to the person in question, briefly citing the characteristics. Then each time, the director's grin deepens, and his mouth hangs as if he were proud to win.

"I see, I see. Isn't there something really stunning in common"

After glancing at the gatekeeper on the top of the Buddha, the director smiled invincibly just to be sure of something, continuing to signal Julius, "Let's say we go to our next destination".

Julius nods small and pushes the wheelchair away from the spot.

Apparently, that only helped keep the gatekeeper quiet. Mira left the scene after the directors, turning a blind eye to the irritable and irritating gatekeeper.

Where the Dores Chamber of Commerce mansion has come to a place where it can be seen far away, the line stops and faces each other.

"The boulder is Fuzzy Dice. The Dores Chamber of Commerce was also black, as rumored."

The director groans with satisfaction, staring at the slightly visible gate. Apparently, the people Mira mentioned had something in common. And that was also the element that silenced the gatekeeper and conditioned the director.

"And what do we have in common?

Yes, when Mira asks, the director smiles proudly and speaks out.

It began with those who were on the premises. First of all, they say there are escorts from the Dores Chamber of Commerce and mercenaries hired in during this burglary riot.

In the meantime, those whom Mira pointed out as possessing shady spiritual weapons said that this was only an escort belonging to the Dores Chamber of Commerce.

The director shows reasoning all the time here. I'm sure the Dores Chamber of Commerce has been using its connections with Chimera Clozen to obtain spiritual weapons and distribute them to escorts to strengthen their defenses for a long time. That came up this time as evidence that brilliantly made me doubt the connection. The director, who explained so, smiles invincibly.

"Due to the rarity of shady spiritual weapons, it is unlikely that this many will come together by chance."

"Oh, you're right"

Convinced by the director's explanation, Mira turned now once to the Dores Chamber of Commerce mansion.

Spirit weapons are almost certainly made of chimeric closen. And about anyone connected to the organization, such as being able to arrange so many such substitutes. Looking at the circumstantial evidence alone, it seemed certain that the Dores Chamber of Commerce had a connection with Chimera Clozen.

But still, the director says, it cannot be an unshakeable proof of a complete connection to chimeric closen. A merchant who handled the spiritual weapons he had retrieved happened to be someone connected to Chimera Clozen. Because there's so little room left to escape the absurd saying, for example.

Judgment by law, among other things, the transboundary legislator wields, which even those royalties tremble upon because it is the very glory of the Church in which the Trinity is dominated. But the power of such a law is so powerful that definite evidence was an absolute condition in order to make it effective. With room left, we can't move a great deal of power just because it's unlimited and suspicious.

"It's not like suspicion clears up. But the necessary evidence is covered up, and the plea cannot be given again. Money and power are things we don't want to turn to our enemies."

The director groans in a sigh of sigh that the situation he has seen as he pursues Fuzzy Dice was all about these things. And that's why Fuzzy Dice laughed bitterly that he was being told as a hero.

Gold and power. For the general public, there would be no such thing as a portrait of a bad man.

"By the way, I can't get you inside, but what are we going to do with the operation?

Mira looks far into the Dores Chamber of Commerce mansion and asks the director. The gatekeeper's attitude was clearly hostile from the beginning. From a standpoint, the aim of catching Fuzzy Dice is likely to be a minimal cooperative relationship even if the sleigh doesn't fit.

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But what I actually saw was a door-to-door payment just like the word. The director said he wanted help with the operation to catch Fuzzy Dice, but there's nothing we can do if we don't get him in the field at the heart of it. That's what I thought, Mira.

But that was utterly worrying.

"Oh, there's no problem there. I just checked the starting point. My maneuvers are real after Fuzzy Dice does his job."

This meant that the director's operation would begin after the Dores Chamber of Commerce had decided that all the evidence would be stolen and brought to justice. The operation does not seem to protect the target from the thieves, but merely envisages confrontation with Fuzzy Dice.

I don't bother to move for a villain like that. Rather, that point supports Fuzzy Dice. The director, who went on to say so, abruptly turned to Mira and turned a challenging eye.

"Well, Lord Mira. Fuzzy Dice, who stole the evidence, wonder where he's headed next?

Apparently, it's an operation because we know that. Furthermore, the director added, as a hint, that it was also common in all past crimes.

"To where? Hmm, I mean, what are we gonna do with the stolen evidence?"

Standing head-on in response to the Director's challenge, Mira summarises the information so far to think about the answer.

(I do expose the evidence to the law, or something. to create a situation in which large organizations such as the country are forced to move by making them come into contact with the eyes of many people.)

"It's a big square."

When it comes to places that many people will see, squares with crowded boulevards. It was simply a response to that thought.

"I see, I see. That's the answer, okay?

The director looks at Mira with a peeping eye. At the same time, Mira felt, from its eyes, the willingness of the director as she had won. Instead, the director doesn't seem to be good at being a poker face. The look was obvious and even Mira could read enough.

"No, not yet!

Mira realizes that she is incorrect from the director's attitude, she withdraws her answer and rethinks it now. And scrutinize the information in depth for correct answers.

Mira used her head like never before. But right or wrong, there's nothing there. It's a little bit of a waste of time. But he showed the will of a man and confronted the challenge.

(If it's not a square...)

Mira thinking deeply. And I think back. I wonder how much attention it would catch for exposing evidence to the square.

Fuzzy Dice's way of doing things is so completely public opinion that people with connections behind them avoid getting involved. If we spread evidence of evil to the citizens of the city, would that be a force capable of breaking through the great darkness that lurks behind us?

Having thought that far, Mira concludes that it is difficult. Where there was noise in one city of a country, he said it was known.

And in the middle of that, Mira remembers fu. Tell him that the Adventurer Director and Fuzzy Dice have similar ways of punishing the bad guys. And most importantly, he said there were answers in previous stories.

"Cross-border magistrates…. It's not a church!

Instead, from previous currents, why I didn't know immediately. Reflecting on such a thing, Mira makes her expression shine just as she flashed. At that moment, the director frowned with some regret. Mira didn't miss it and said, "Is that okay with the answer?," he asked the director again, "Good!," he returned forcefully.

"... Correct"

The Church of the Three Divinities. The Church, which exists throughout the continent, also has a wide information network and a great deal of support from the people. It also possesses the power of a powerful law called the Cross-Border Magistrate. The Church has learned evil things, but at the end of the day, there will be notoriety all over the continent.

"Thief Fuzzy Dice heads to church for roofing after stealing evidence. This is something that we have in common with everything we've ever committed."

That's what he said, and the director sends Julius a signal. Then the wheelchair began to move towards the center of the city. Looks like we're headed to the next scene, the church.

Along the way, the director speaks of the anticipation of the route that Fuzzy Dice would pass, pointing to the roofs of the houses connecting them. From that roof to that roof. They cross the shortest route unintentionally through height and width, as if slipping.

That's more than enough to proceed while checking the route. Mira and the others arrived in the heart of the city.

Crossroads where boulevards intersect. There was only the busiest city centre, and there was a collection of buildings that were just so fine. Restaurants, martial arts, artefacts, and so much more in the hotel that you can see immediately that it's a big store everywhere.

"The thief always spreads the stolen evidence in the church. For that reason, the crime was decided, and it is a day of conservative ceremony that takes place every three months in the church."

The church existed in the corner of such a central city, and its style was one of the things that fell out of its head even as so many shops twisted together.

Haxthausen Cathedral Church. It is one of the leading churches in Grimdart.

"It is two nights later that the ceremony will be performed. Not only in the cathedral that day, but around here, people overflow. And when it becomes this big a church, etiquette will be immediately partitioned by the Archbishop. If so, the evidence revealed here, along with the voices of the people, will surely pass to the upper ecclesiastical levels."

The director laughs that all of them were in considerable flames as a result of previous crimes. The content of the evidence passes from church to church. As a result, those exposed to evil by Fuzzy Dice were hunted down to a state where they could not expect any help, and were eventually taken without resistance.

"Well, you don't deserve it."

Ever since I've escaped the law, I've been sipping sweet juice. It is a natural reward. Mira groaned so spicidly as she looked up at the church as if it embodied the glory of God.

"In contrast, the people applaud. Evil is destroyed by justice. That's what happens right in front of you."

To the people, the Church is a symbol of justice. It would be pleasant for those who believe that it should provoke evil.

Therefore, Fuzzy Dice, which helped, is also supported.

But that's not the only reason it's popular. Above all, the combination of the crime of banditry, or the evil act of stealing, which moves the Church, the center of faith, is of greater interest.

Cross-border Magistrate, guardian of the law who waves down the blade of sin in the name of God. Thief Fuzzy Dice uncovering evidence to let that power unfortunately be unleashed. Heroes and dark heroes. The director says this conflicting partnership is footprinting Fuzzy Dice as a more forceful thief.

"If you try to be a bad guy, you don't mean a horrible combination."

Break in and steal the evidence you need to wield the power of the law. Fuzzy Dice, which has nothing to do with the Church, substitutes it, which is absolutely impossible because of the philosophy on the part of the Church.

And all the evidence is submitted by the thief on his own initiative, so the contents are not such that the church can ignore them, and the law is enforced.

"From the church side, Fuzzy Dice, who works for stealing, also becomes a sinner who breaks the law, but when he's not willing to catch it at all"

According to the director's story, in fact, some of the cross-border law-enforcement officers are called anti-fuzzy dies officers.

The great thief who works stealing across the continent with his crotch. As a church that administers the law, it cannot be left alone. But everything about the theft is convenient for the church side. Therefore, it is said that the person in charge of measures is nominally the only one.

"Oh, you just can't see. Something like that during the meeting of the day."

After the explanation, the director turned his attention to a point in the church. I moved my gaze to match it, and there were five figures wrapped around matching costumes on a table set up beside the church.

It is somewhat lightweight to call it a coat of law, a robe in shades of white and red on black ground. That seems to be the mark of the anti-fuzzy dies officer. It should be noted that the five men always came to the church in the city where the notice was received, and that the director also knew each other.

"They're not discussing how to catch a thief right now, they're discussing how to receive evidence naturally and get into the Dores Chamber of Commerce."

Fuzzy Dice without the power of law. The Church, which has the power of the law, but fails to meet the conditions for waving it. Many villains are now being judged for using each other.

For that reason, he said his job as an anti-Fuzzy Dice officer was to make a minimal appeal to catch thieves working as thieves, while the rest were to arrest rogues as cross-border law enforcement officers.

"I thought it was more robust, but it's surprisingly flexible with the church."

It is God's ordained law that is absolute, and for whatever reason it is unacceptable to break this. Mira had such an impression on the church, but the fact that she actually saw it seems unexpectedly absolute.

And that was because of these unique reasons for the world.

"One way or another, maybe God is more flexible. From time to time, we talk about the witch of the Three Gods giving us an announcement. And it seems that the contents of it are nothing more than the law."

"How dare you... boulder!"

I give you a message from God. In words, nothing is more frigid. But in this fantastic world where there is magic and angels have demons, spirits, and so on, it is not strange that God is real again. And also as proof of that, Mira hears from the Spirit Martel of the Original Father that there is a vessel for God to descend. Furthermore, he is a friendly conversationalist with the Spirit King, who is even said to line up with God.

I thought, "God can interfere a lot."

When Fumi Mira speaks to his Spirit King, the answer returns, naturally.

"I hear you've decided not to interfere. He said that from time to time there are occasions to give a trust to a distressed believer in doctrine. Because if you leave it as it is, there will be those who distort the doctrine and run wild '

Boulders, fantasy. It seems that there is actually a little bit in the church that a subject of faith comes out of his mouth. And I guess that's why we're collecting the best kind of faith.

"I see. If that's all you can feel close to me, I guess it's comforting. '

A real image, not an idol. Again, fantasy religions are all different. Yes, again, when Mira was impressed, because it was a long time ago, the Spirit King began to talk about the Three Gods he hadn't even asked. That extends to the character of each of the three gods and their proximity to private life.

The Spirit King said telling Mira all kinds of knowledge is a recent pleasure. The voice of such a Spirit King was playing a little, and Mira laughed bitterly in her heart as she listened, speaking of which there was also a desire to speak here.

"So now they're watching the world from the moon."

You have a lot of similarities to people when it comes to God. Yes, just as Mira began to feel, absurd information came from the Porridge and the Spirit King. My God, the three gods who gather the greatest faith in this world are on the moon.

"Dear Sin. Could I have told Mira that?

After the words of the Spirit King, Martel's voice, which sounded instantly, appeared slightly distorted. Immediately after, you remembered something, the voice of the Spirit King called '... ah' continues. Apparently, you did.

"Lord Mira, please keep it the biggest world secret..."

"... um, I got it"

Moon floating in the sky. The secret of the world that the real Three Gods are actually there. It was also Mira, who laughed more than that by accident of the Spirit King, surprised to find out a hell of a fact.

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