She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 41: 41 40 Single scale of the army

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In an unstoppable applause, only one was angry, staring at the girl standing at the center of the venue. It's Kairos. I couldn't allow the lowest summoning technique in 10,000 years to stand out more than I did.

"Wait a minute, gentlemen"

Kairos, who boiled the business, leaps out to the center of the venue and opens his hands wide and raises his voice. Together, we stop and face the action. Kairos glanced at the guest seat with a damned grin that the murmur praising him other than himself had finally stopped.

"Don't you think it's a little strange? Do you think a child like this, who suddenly changed his representative on jury day and is not familiar with the school, can manipulate a technique that even Dr. Hinata can't use?

(... What is he saying?)

From Mira's point of view, what Cairos said was disjointed, but the judges were different. I was excited to see a sight that was clearly different from the summoning technique I had seen before, and the phenomenon, but every word of Kairos becomes a stone and spreads the ripples.

"Sure...... is that really a summons? Wasn't summoning a black knight or a white knight fighting instead?

One of the judges raises a question. That's one of the nobles I've only seen Hinata summon. It's a young generation who grew up without knowing their original subpoena. In fact, all the judges instigated by Kairos' words are younger than the mid-twenties. The current situation, however, will have a considerable impact on grading, as those generations make up the majority of judges.

"Don't you think it would be like a tower if there were more summoners than teachers from the best Alkite school on this continent? There must be some trick, such as being able to handle a child like that. I'm sure that around Dr. Hinata, who hated the bottom line every time, did something from behind, while attracting attention with that good-looking kid. You all remember the results of the subpoena review."

The judges, who raised questions and turned their gaze to Mira because of Kairos' words. The more fanned to this extent, the weaker the current position of summoning, Mira troubles her head and steps on the ground with her heart.

While Mira's strength was suspected, an old man, just like Mira, disturbed her head, banged her hand loudly to attract attention in the venue.

"If that's what you're saying, why don't we settle it in a game, not a review"

It was the director of the school who said so. Only for a moment, a twitch occurs, but soon a voice goes up saying, "That's a name."

The proposal was soon accepted unanimously and a special screening match between Kairos and Mira, who protested, was to be held.

Pinch a 15-minute break to prepare. But in the meantime, there is nothing to take a seat on, and everyone is excited to talk about it before an unusual game.

"It's a hassle..."

"I'm kind of sorry. It keeps bothering me."

Mira goes back to the wall first and squeals, and Hinata drips with sorrow. Then came the person who was at the source of those two.

"No, I'm sorry. But if I didn't say so, I wouldn't have been able to pack it."

It was Teng Himself, the school director, who made the cut of the game. With a long length wrapped around a grey robe, wrinkled at the root of his eyebrow, this one also has a sorry look on his face.

No, Hinata and the delegates stretch their spines to give thanks. The school director turned his gaze to Mira when he gently thanked her for it.

"I'm sorry, but I want you to hang out with me for a while"

That's what I call a grinning school director. Mira sighs heavily but says, "Well, that would help," and the school director returns to his guest seat.

The school director was lamenting the current state of the jury. Neither the recent downturn in the jury nor the inclination of nobility to know the art. However, there are a large number of leading aristocrats who fund the school, and those who do not know the turbulent times of thirty years ago (...) are emerging into society. That's where the quality of the magician overlaps, and now there's the school.

Not only the dean of the school, but a few of them, aged a long time, shook their hearts at the sight enchanted in front of them. That was as if we had returned to a time when the Nine Wise Men were in alignment.

The school director grasped Mira's strength just by looking at it. To the girl in front of you, you have to fight for yourself. And then, pinched in his little ear, rumors pass behind his brain that a Dumbluff apprentice has appeared.

(Appearance is consistent with rumors. And this strength……)

I thought maybe. He intends to use this matter as a good opportunity to identify the power.

If it's true, we might be able to break the situation in this school. That's what I thought, and the school director gave me the sum. A real magician, optimized in everything, like the magician of the former Alkite kingdom, who defeated Kairos, also a symbol of modern magicians. And he wants me to remember the playfulness that comes from that. I hope so, I suggested a screening match.

"Take one shot at him."

"You're the only one I can count on."

"From me, too, please."

After the school director is gone, one of the delegates speaks that way to Mira. Cutting it off, he flew encouragement around Mira so as to clear up the depression that the other delegates had accumulated. Those who are here are powerful men who are responsible for shaping the position of a month-long magician. It wasn't incredible, but I know Mira wasn't the only one who saw it. Cairos would have been able to judge that, too, but the insistence that the school was the strongest clouded his eyes. If we received what we saw, we turned away from the fact that our strength was as open as the heavens and the earth.

"Well, I'll take care of it"

When Mira answers that, she walks out toward the square.

The break is over and the two face each other in the middle of the square. A man in white stands between them as a referee, preaching the rules of the game.

Fighting with dignity, he said. Victory or defeat is confirmed by the referee confirming his incapacity for combat, loss of will, or will to surrender. It is forbidden to act like taking a life. And so on. Originally, there is no such thing as a review match, so the rules of the tournament match are applied.

"Somebody, keep an eye on Dr. Hinata. I don't want to be backhanded again."

Kairos deliberately urged no one to pay attention to Hinata's trends out loud. If there's any movement at all, I'm going to point that out and strangle you right away. And to the words, Kairos' entourage, who had shown them beforehand, raises his name and moves next to Hinata.

(The same is true now that it's over. Later, if you weigh in and tie myself up with this guy, that's it. I don't know what kind of trick this is, but the summoner's on track.)

When Kairos sends his gaze, his companion nods small. There was another thought in this fabric stone. Not only is Cairos going to defeat Mira, but he's going to make up injustice and discredit the Summoner completely. In Kairos' hand is a technique called < Cursed Iron Chain >. It's an operation where you release it to yourself just before the victory and at the same time your entourage complains of Hinata's wrongdoing. When Mira is about to defeat, Hinata is overwhelmed and obstructs the game. By making it look that way, Kairos turns his eyes black and cloudy when he can completely crush it.

"We will now begin a special screening match. Both, thank you."

As Kairos took an elegant gesture of gratitude, Mira also remembered Lettisha in an aggressive manner and praised her across both ends of her skirt. Then the guest seats are slightly obsessed with the adorable trick. Battle-loving Mira tends to weigh formats such as matches and single-hit names. Not knowing if there was a difference between a man and a woman, Mira imitated the Letisha she had just seen.

The man in white lifts his right hand high as he glances at both and then falls back and vacates a certain distance.

"Stand up.... start!

At the same time as the signal to start the game, Kairos moved. Bouncing back a lot, it builds magic in both hands.

"O fiery armies dancing in the sky, obey the king....................................!?

That was on the way for Kairos to mouth his mouth slowly. It was that, at the moment of blinking, Cairos was surrounded by six black knights, poked with six pitch-black blades to surround his neck.

"This is it!

The sight awakens in front of me, and a battle runs in the passenger seat. It was something that I couldn't grasp from a guest seat that looked out over the whole thing.

What happens is that it is a preliminary action before the operation is activated, such as chanting or convergence of magic powers.

Kairos jumped and landed behind him as he converged his magic powers on both hands. But in the next moment, a magic formation appeared around it, from which a black knight, wrapped in overwhelming calamity, waved its sword. The next time those who accidentally meditated on their eyes opened their eyes, the great black sword stood still at the neck of Cairos so as to shape a circle. And no one has been able to confirm Mira's preliminary motion.

(What... what is this? What's happening!? Where did these guys come from! Okay, that's him. That teacher!)

With his neck completely controlled, Kairos turns his gaze toward Hinata as he turns his neck to the limit. It was Hinata and the delegates, who were just as stunned as everyone else, and Kairos' entourage, who opened his eyes and desperately shook his neck to the side.

(Damn it! What do you mean? What the fuck did you do, you kid!)

Kairos stares at the girl in front of him in frustration. Mira, by contrast, doesn't even look at Kairos, but sticks around trying to encourage the referee to make a decision that remains rigid.

"What's the verdict on this?

The man in white who finally returned to me waves up his right hand to Mira, who says so and sticks his cheek out.

"Winner, Summoner Representative!

When that sounds like it, the applause goes up neglectfully. The seats are still filled with young people who still don't understand. In contrast, the older middle-aged and elderly had sent a heartfelt praise to Mira.

"Don't be ridiculous!

When the victory and defeat are decided, and Mira returns six Dark Knights, the liberated Kairos will raise his anger in the form of anger.

"What is it, Cairos Berlan? Is there something wrong with you?"

The voice of a calm school director echoes within a venue that is simultaneously quiet. But Cairos, who forgot to decorate and screamed with emotion, would not stop.

"Whatever you think of that, it won't be possible! There's no way we can summon six bodies without any preliminary motion! What the hell have you seen so far, there's no way a single summoner can do this! You see, it's impossible without these collaborators! Yes, it's a collaborator, you must have a collaborator! Where are you hiding! Show yourself!

Everyone on the spot turns a cold gaze at Kairos, who wakes up in the center of the square. The dark knights that emerged were intimidating enough to total fury just to look at them. Even if there were collaborators, it would not be possible to gather those who could handle that much subpoena, to the extent of a school teacher. And there are no such summoners in this day and age. If you think about it a little, you'll find it exaggerated.

"The coward! Who do you think I am! I... Huh!!

Still, Kairos continues to sue without acknowledging his inaction. But again at the next moment everything in the venue is swallowed up by the sight in front of it. And in an instant, the Dark Knight appeared as if it were a ghost.

"Ugh... Wow!!

When Kairos retreats unintentionally into fear, he falls like a buttcake by letting his legs be. Because in its front, twenty dark knights with great swords, sparkling forty red eyes, looked to Cairos.

"So far..."

As I admire it, the school director shrugs. Dark Knight's reaction to the high difficulty of multiple simultaneous summons at the speed of summons, and even to simultaneous summons and action. None of that was out of standard.

"If we get this far, we can understand the boulders, right?

Suddenly consuming Mana, Mira strokes her jaw tip with her fingers, feeling slightly tired.

Several steps are required to perform the summoning technique.

First, specify the appearance position. This is a radius centered around me, spreading with strength. In Mira's case, it can be summoned anywhere within twenty meters.

Next, the summons selection. Determine at this time what to summon to the designated position.

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Once you have decided on the summons, pour in the mana you need for the summons. This will make it available for summons at any time.

And last but not least, instructions. After summons, control the actions of the summons body.

This flow is fundamental. But this is a common stream of summoners, and Mira exercises it in one step. Dark Knight is summoned while already initiating action due to a theory of art built over time.

Simplifying the activation procedure is a technique that can be considered the gateway to the top of the magician in any procedure. The user is therefore also extremely limited, and the stranger will need to break it from common sense first in order to understand the phenomenon.

And this is only the entrance, and the one who has put this technology to the forefront is the Nine Wise Men.

Mira specializes in simultaneous summoning by devising a way there to specify multiple appearance positions and then summon the same weapon spirits in one breath. Suddenly, if you say you will be surrounded by a dark night waving down your sword, you will know the threat.


When the school director stood up and raised his praise, he would eventually send an overflowing applause to one girl as if the others had returned it to me.

Thereafter, the judges started tallying about each of them, and Kairos had disappeared with his entourage during the waiting period.

When Mira receives a huge welcome from the delegates, she is naturally pursued about her strength. I guess so, when I tried to say my usual excuse, a person visited the judging venue.

"Oh, I wonder if the jury is over by now"

"I see."

It was one man and one woman at a time who showed up. The man stretches his shining blonde hair to his shoulders, a beautiful young man in an elf wearing a blue and black robe. The woman is a magical girl style with an impressive red headscarf and this one is also a blonde girl.

They both look neat, but the venue's air changed more than that. When the school director and the teachers rush down to the square, the other faces also take an upright stance with a tense face. Among them, the change between Hinata and the necromancy representative was intense.

"Mm-hmm. What is it, Cleos?"

Mira turns a blind eye to the elf man and speaks out that it's been a long time. When the man turns to his voice and sees Mira, he walks over with a happy smile with surprise.

"Mira. I heard you were back, but I didn't expect to see you here."

Say so to Mira, who is mixed with the power of the delegates. Dumbleff's absence makes him the current Elder substitute for the Summoning Tower.

"Oh, you know him?

The girl with the red headscarf peeking into her face following Creos. When I stared at Mira with my jito eyes, I smiled just a little "Oh, sweetie," but the expression disappeared quickly. Mira sees the girl with the red scarf somewhere but can't remember, turning her gaze to Cleos and asking for answers.

"Speaking of which, I was the only one who spoke properly then. This is one of my Elder deputies. Managing the Tower of Necromancery, Mr. Amaratte. So, this kid talked to you before, Mira."

When Cleos introduces the girl with the red scarf to Amaratte as Elder's substitute, he also introduces Mira to that Amaratte. And Hinata and the delegates watched the exchange blindly. In that mind, why are you talking normally? Something like that.

"Oh, you. Nice to meet you, Amaratte."


After being introduced, Amaratte made a mild meeting when she left one step ahead. From there to the front of Mira, pay attention to the clothes that are wrapped around her.

"By the way, this one is very good. Can you tell me which one you picked up?

Amaratte is a little taller than Mira. He looks at Mira's magic robe set as she bends forward and remains faceless. She was also one of the magic girl freaks. And Mira's, magical girl style but smartly sophisticated and elegant costume intrigues me.

"No, is this it? This is the work of Lily and the others... the ladies of the castle."

"Castle samurai, Lily. You could have made clothes like this. Shall I ask for it, too? Thank you, Mira. It was very good information."

Amaratte looks up and smiles small and walks out to the school principals, who were gauging the time to speak in the corner.

"See you later, Mira. I'm just gonna say hi. Oh, and there's so much I want to talk to you about, it would be helpful if you could hang out a little bit."

"Right. I have a lot to ask you, too."

"Thank you. I'll see you soon."


After a few words, Cleos turns to the school director to chase Amaratte. Amaratte had already rendezvous with the school director who had rushed over and was talking about something.

After Cleos merges over there, Hinata finally breaks loose from the stiffness of not knowing how many times it's going to be today, and Mira eats it.

"Why! Mira, why are you so close to Master Cleos?!? Or what does it matter!?

Hinata is disturbed. But none of the representatives beside them will stop, nor will they forgive. Because it was something I wanted to ask myself.

"Because I've seen you before. Don't get so excited. More than that, don't you lords have to say hello?

When Mira says so, Hinata's cat ear stands against the pin, and the delegates say, "Ah." I was surprised and completely oblivious to it.

Hinata and the others rushing out to the school director in a hurry. Mira took out her apple ole as she stared afterwards and took a breather.

They came to see how the jury was doing because it was a corner. Cleos leads home those who wish to master summoning. Amaratte was cleaning up his errands at the castle before finishing his errands at the school.

The sudden appearance of the executive was temporarily disturbed, but the tally was still unharmed, and the summoning technique came first at the highest point in history.

The jury is then dissolved, each returning to their respective jobs.

Mira was currently sitting relaxed on the couch in the school room with the two proxies. Fun creos on the front, and a faceless amaratte. Next to Mira is Hinata, a cornered expression who is struggling to understand why she is present here.

Why, why is Mira so grand?

For Hinata, a teacher but also a magician, the two men in front of her are far apart. I felt like laying flat on the ground right now when I was awed, like facing each other with the same gaze.

Hinata trembles with nervousness, carrying the teacup to her mouth and leaning.


The freshly brewed herbal tea is still hot and Hinata unwittingly raises her voice. Mira soothes in her standing cat ear and tail, while offering a glass of water.

"Yes, sir."

Hinata receives a glass, sips chicken and water and cools her tongue. But at the next moment, remember your current situation where you are, and hurry to look around.

Cleos looks at Hinata with a grinning smile. Amaratte put her hand on her mouth and let her eyes glow.

Are you okay, Dr. Hinata?

"It's... it's okay. Pfft."

When Cleos calls out, Hinata answers with a bite as she widens her cat ears wide. Mira, bitterly laughing at Hinata's condition, took the tea treat cookie placed on the table and stuck it in Hinata's mouth.

"Here, Hinata. Why are you so nervous?"


Hinata rushes to chew cookies and flush them with water.

"Oh, more than that, why is Mira so flat?"

Hinata, just a little nervous, says to Mira. I was wondering how you could stay flat against two sage deputies.

"Whatever you say."

Mira tilting her neck as she says. To be honest, I still don't know who I am, so even if I were asked, I couldn't answer the question. I know the least, but first the king of the kingdom is his best friend, and Cleos, the sage deputy, is his former squire. It was also somewhat uncomfortable.

Think about it in the future.

Because of the well-rounded relationship, Mira began to wonder if she should wear the fold.

"Don't worry so much, Dr. Hinata. I've told you so many times, we're just proxies, so you don't have to worry so much."

"So... suddenly"

"What is it, Hinata? You've made me say it again and again?

It's Creos' sincere word, but Hinata says he can't suddenly change his attitude because he's the person he's been respecting since he was a kid. When Mira hung the chase there, Hinata stopped thinking with her eyes open.

I didn't change myself no matter how many times I was told by someone I couldn't get my head up. What a sin.

"I'm sorry - eh"

Hinata flattened out. When Cleos smiles bitterly, Mira grabs Hinata's collar and pulls her back to the couch.

"You're in trouble. As far as I'm concerned, I'd like to speak more normally. There are various summoning classes and plans for the future. I don't know why I can't talk to Mira when she talks normally."

With a slightly lonely look on his face, Cleos says, Hinata reacts to some of the words as she lays her cat ears down with sorrow.

"Huh? Um, what's wrong with Mira?

Why was Mira sent out there to make out? Tilting her little neck, Hinata sends her gaze to Mira. The girl in its sight is a very cute, very powerful summoner. If you look at it in strength, it's certainly not strange to lay flat. But they are adventurers. Adventurers value freedom and are unrelated to such things. Some have the right power if they are in the upper echelons, but they are also extremely few.

"Mira is Mr. Dumbleffe's apprentice. Probably better than me, too."

Cleos said with a slight enviable glance at Mira, Hinata, who heard it, would now be in complete suspension of thought.

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