She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 42: 42 41 proxies and disciples, one teacher

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As a result, it took Hinata more than a dozen minutes to regain her sanity. In the meantime, Mira discussed the status of her summoning mastery with Cleos, and advised her to turn some of it around to the material once she had paid for the assessment because she could make a magic seal blast stone. Cleos expresses his gratitude for his excitement and promises to work sincerely.

After that story is over, Amaratte repeats her questions about the Magic Robe Set, and Mira also answers the details in discipline. Hearing the effect produced by the Demonic Stone, Amaratte let his eyes shine and ate into Mira's clothes. Ultimately, I'll ask Lily if I can make Amaratte's share next time, so I'll calm down.

In the course of the three stories, Hinata finally restarted, but was unable to break into the story of Dumblrf's apprentice and sage proxy, etc., and remained silent to keep an eye on how it went.

(Master Dumbleffe's apprentice!? I've never heard of that. But I can use all that technique, and that's what Master Cleos says... Ah! Then Master Dumbleffe was hiding. You think I was investing in the development of my disciples?

I don't know, I've decided how to spend my expenses. Well, thanks to Mira, that's all right.... I don't know if it's a good idea to say Mira. But that's what Master Cleos calls it. Yeah, I guess it's because it's Master Cleos. So, Master Mira? I don't know...... it sticks unexpectedly. I guess it's because of that way of talking. It's pretty grand.

What is Amaratte-like clothing, a fashionable magic girl system? Is that it? That's so cute clothes. Mira...... Mira's has a slightly different vibe, but it's quite the same kind. Me too... no, it doesn't look good.

So why am I here?)

At the end of the grand tour, Hinata ended up distressed by the fact that she was out of place. The celebrity in front of him said it was because he was only a wise substitute for himself. But still, being the top magician on the continent doesn't change that it is the supreme force that struck down the demons that attacked the kingdom of Al Qaeda on the front line with Luminaria ten years ago during the Three Kingdoms defense. And the girl sitting next to him who said the person was above herself. One end of that force is certainly burning in the eye. Hinata is now in the middle of three such state-level battles. There's no way I can calm down.

"Hmm, it still looks like you need physical enhancement refineries to be more efficient."

"That's right. We can't put our students in danger. It's safe to use the gear I left from Mira, but I can't help but take some time because there are so many hopefuls. I tried collecting a lot of gear before, but I didn't have anything powerful."

The Mira and the others were back again, and now they were discussing the training of a new summoner. Its content is still a matter of contract difficulty and efficiency.

"Well, is that gear an added capability of the physical strengthening system?

"Mainly of strength and strength. But it's not going to be safe because it doesn't have much lifting effect."

"I see. Maybe we'll figure it out."

Mira concluded that she seemed to be able to do something with refining. Even less effective equipment can be extracted and condensed with refining if there is a number.

"Is that true!?

"Um, I'll take care of it."

When Cleos hears back with anticipation, Mira answers confidently. Hinata was listening to the exchange as if it were someone else.

After the rooms, the four Miras are currently moving through the college building to the Summoning Department warehouse. Finely crafted lighting and everywhere disposed conditioning are reminiscent of noble mansions, not schools.

Mira was interested in a variety of things that were somewhere different, even as the school appeared, while she taught Cleos and Amaratte about the history of the school and so on. Hinata, who clearly floated the color of the tension, follows behind those three.

Around it, the students, who saw a line, rushed to the side of the corridor to pay tribute. In contrast, Cleos tells me with a bitter smile that he is "sorry to disturb you". Because of this soft material waist and his character not to wear status as an umbrella as some aristocrats do, Creos is loved not only by the students but also by the people. And that's not just Creos. (ix) All the wise men's deputies were characteristic, but humble, and did not intend to take advantage of their position. But as a result, it is neglected by some nobles. Sage surrogates don't say that, because if Sage surrogates do this, they compare to something. But because of this, many of the nobles of the kingdom of Al Qaeda have gone through the core.

After a line passes, the students make a scene at once.

"I know Dr. Hinata, but who was the other girl?

"Oh, you were such a cutie"

"I like Lady Amaratte too, but I like that girl too"

"So, who was it?

Of course no one knew, and countless speculations flew by. Cleos' Hidden Child, Three Someone's Sister, Freshman, Tower Fellow, Amaratte's Magic Girl Fellow. They are all delusions without any context, but the students were entertained by the predictions.

underground of specialist faculties. When Cleos stops in front of a slightly dim room lined with warehouses of each art discipline, Hinata opens that door with the key she borrowed from the staff room along the way.

Inside the warehouse, it is fairly well maintained, has no dusty or obstructed air, just some metal and paper smells drifting thin. This is the result of Hinata regularly organizing and cleaning, making the most of her free time because she is a subpoena surgeon.

"Dr. Hinata. I was wondering if you could give me all the ornaments I brought you before."

"Yes, please wait a moment!

With his spine and cat ears in place, Hinata stormed into the corner of the warehouse. In the meantime, Cleos spreads to the center as he pulls out the platform he was standing on. Its surface is lined with countless symbols and shapes to create a magical formation. It's a refinery.

"Thank you for waiting."

Hinata puts the box with both hands on top of the table. There are countless rings and necklaces inside. The ingredients were common, but all of them had strange powers.

"Later... take this"

That being said, Cleos takes the sachets that were in the warehouse and arranges the objects in them on the table. It's countless gems like turquoise, moonstone, crystal, etc. It's one of the materials you need to refine.

"Hmm, so let's just get it over with. Can I refine all of this ornament?

"I don't mind."

Mira begins work by arranging the jewels at a predetermined location on the refinery table when Cleos accepts. When we gathered at the castle about the Accord Cannon, Cleos and Amaratte, who had seen it once, stared admirably at how it was still amazing. But I didn't understand what was happening to Hinata.

Hinata recognizes that refining is something she takes a long time to do, and that's what she taught her. It takes thirty minutes to turn multiple gems into refined stones.

And technology, which can be considered the pinnacle of refining, is anchored in the extraction of the special effects that reside in the equipment.

Mira is now finishing processing the gem into several refined stones to begin the next task. The task is to extract the effect from the ornament, where the force rises by one, and accumulate it in the refinery stone. By doing so, a magic seal stone with a condensed effect of increasing power can be created. Efficiency is not as good as adding up, but if you repeat it nonetheless, the effect will certainly increase.

Already turning about ten neck ornaments into sand, the refined stone had concentrated the effect of force rise.

(This is... refining, right!? I've seen it several times in my internship, but it's totally different! The mountains of sand are getting bigger and bigger...)

I'll do it.

Hinata says so, controlling the hands of Cleos, who is cleaning up the fruits of the ornament, and instead takes on the sand mountain removal.

When Cleos flaunts his shoulder that he has been "taken," Amaratte advises him with no expression, "Think about Dr. Hinata, too." Creos has a good temperament and tries to do everything alone, but if he does that to an overwhelming eye figure, the one below can't calm down. Amaratte has told me several times to turn around, and Cleos has figured it out, but it seems to be hard inside to change his temperament from birth.

Would it have been about thirty minutes since Mira started refining? All the ornaments had turned into sand, and twelve demonic sealed stones had been raised on the platform that condensed their effect.

"I knew it was amazing"

"Yeah, really"

I've seen it once, but once again, Cleos and Amaratte raise their admiration. Hinata is in the process of radically altering her common sense when she sees two sage deputies settling for phenomena outside of that common sense.

"This is strength strengthening, this is strength strengthening. After that, if it's a decoration that can withstand this, it's done."

"An ornament?... Oh, then it's definitely around here..."

Cleos fishes the biggest shelves of the warehouse, trying to remember something, and takes out some metal one or some working tool.

When a cluttered mountain can be made at your feet, Cleos returns with the little box in his hand that was at the far back.

The box was large enough to fit in both palms, and when it was placed on the table and opened the lid, there were undecorated elegant rings and necklaces in it.

It was created when Creos was exploring new methods of summoning mastery. The result was failure as I slept in the back of the shelf, but now the time has come for it to be useful.

"There's no glamour, but the material is pure gold, so I think it's enough for the foundation."

Gold is a material that has a high tolerance for refining additions and is treasured in refining equipment creation. As Cleos puts it, it would be sufficient as a base material for refined products.

"Hmm, sure. Then I guess I'll let it settle."

That being said, Mira receives gold rings and necklaces, carefully refining them one by one. When the accumulated effect moves to the ornament, the magic seal stone disappears with no color and dust.

The fixing operation proceeded smoothly and was repeated twelve times, and the refining equipment creation was completed.

"Thank you, Mira! Now a lot of hopeful people can sign a contract. Thank you so much."

Cleos smiles with great pleasure as he grabs his refining gear, thanking him many times. And this is a pleasure for Hinata. I couldn't understand what was happening in front of me, but I could still understand that the body strengthening ornament was completed to help me during the summons contract.

"I would also like to thank you as a summoning teacher. Dear Mira."

"... Hinata, what's wrong? Something's wrong."

"That's not true. Very calm."

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Informed of the fact of the shock that he was a disciple of Dumbluff, Hinata could not conclude how to deal with Mira, and the confusion had consequently manifested itself in words and deeds.

"Hmm, I guess it's my fault"

Cleos says with a bitter smile. Speaking of the original, it was caused by a word I said to Hinata who knew nothing about it without any concern.

"Hmm. In the first place, I don't have titles like these, I'm just an adventurer. You don't have to worry about it."

As Mira lowered her eyebrow end, Hinata remembers the cause of the matter with the word sentiment. I've been told many times by Cleos, but I haven't changed my attitude. My stupidity.

Worried for a while, Hinata never opens her mouth.

"Mira... honey..."


To Hinata's voice, Mira responds with a smile. Hinata has the title of teacher, and the weakness of being vulnerable to a child's smile. After I unwittingly loosened my expression, I immediately returned to me and pinned my cat ear upwards.

"Thank you, Mira. Good luck with class, too."

Hinata felt reassured that this was a good idea because of how satisfied Mira seemed to be, she regained her temper and thanked her again.

"Um, I can't overlook the status quo, either. Whenever you need a hand, call me."

Mira is willing to help. As a summoning magician, the development of backward movement is also a disturbing project.

And on this day, Hinata has yet to fully understand that she has made stronger connections than any other academic discipline. That's a little further.

"Mira, what are you gonna do after this?

On the way up the stairs from the basement to the ground floor, Cleos asks. Mira thinks only a little as she remembers the jury. Whether it was a thirty year achievement or the technique presented at the jury included something that Mira did not know. There are other techniques whose effects are changing, and Mira remembered the excitement, not least though the delegates are still immature. And it's natural to want to know about those changes in 30 years.

"If I could, I'd like to keep visiting the school."

When he heard the words, Cleos would gladly say, "Well then..." and stop. I tried to guide you, but I remembered Amaratte's words earlier.

"Uh, Dr. Hinata. You didn't have class today, did you? Can I ask you to show Mira around?

Speaking to Hinata with a smile on her face, she gives her expression that Hinata was asked directly by Kreos.

Thanks to Creos' current struggle, it will increase in a while, but now Summoning classes by Hinata are to the extent of counting them a week. There's plenty of time.

"I'll show you what I can do."

Hinata answered energetically, the cat's ears stood up to her exasperation.

Upon returning to the first floor, the two deputies broke up there. Cleos repeats his thanks many times before leaving the school building. Amaratte goes to another school building, saying "Good day," just in case she says hello to Lily.

Dropping them off, Hinata looks back to Mira in a temper.

"Mira, is there something I'd like to see? I'll show you anywhere."

Mira says what she would most like to see while soothing her cat ears and tail.

"If I could, I'd like to see some kind of technique, some kind of simulation."

"Real moves and mock warfare. Then practical training would be good. It's time for a magician."

"Wouldn't it be better? Will you take me there?"

Speaking of sorcery, it reminds me of Kairos, but in terms of charm, Kairos' sorcery was quite unique. It would be fair to say that things have changed dramatically in thirty years. Mira, interested there, stood up for Hinata trying to get there quickly.

"Yeah, this way."

That said, Hinata leads Mira to a training building built adjacent to the specialized faculty.

Break the first floor of the college of specialty to the opposite side of the school gate, and when you exit the back entrance, about half the buildings in the school building appear in the front. The appearance close to the gymnasium was making a slight noise of people's voices and surgery from the inside.

When they enter through the main entrance of the training building, they are greeted in a lobby like some event venue. There were countless simple chairs lined up and even shops where several students were buying drinks while wiping their sweat.

"Oh, Dr. Hinata. What's wrong? Did the Summoning Department have plans today?

As a middle-aged man approached Hinata from behind the lobby, he rang out so. There are simple questions and slight tensions on the average face with no possibility or impossibility.

But before that, there was something that Mira paid first attention to.

(In jersey, in jersey with no problems. It's okay, because there's no easier outfit.)

The middle-aged man wore blue jerseys up and down. During exercise, and room wear, and even a little shopping that far. Mira recognizes it as a very convenient piece of clothing.

"Ah, Dr. Siegfried. Good job. I don't have any plans, but this Mira wants to tour the school, so why are you showing her around?"

"Oh, did you"

The middle-aged man, called Dr. Siegfried, said so, turning his gaze to the girl beside Hinata.

(Siegfried in jersey......)

Mira, who had something in her pocket, looked away and laughed, thinking of her rudeness.

"That's right, Dr. Hinata. My name is a long one, so you can keep my name in siege."

"Yes, but teachers are much more senior than newcomers like me."

Hinata answers that modestly. This exchange was not just today. Siegfried, who wants to be nicknamed, and Hinata, who shy away from being awed.

Siegfried unfortunately drops his shoulder and turns his gaze to Mira again. Mira at the time turned to look around the lobby.

"Uh, was it a tour? But now, as you can see, the magician is training the technique, so is it okay? I think it might be dangerous for a girl."

Siegfried says as he shifts his gaze to Hinata. In fact, as he says, magic training is only an offensive technique, so even a tour can be dangerous. Nevertheless, to the extent that there is nothing wrong with Mira, Siegfried, unlike Hinata, who knows her strength, advised her to put such a pretty girl in danger.

"I'm not worried about the area. Mira, you're strong."

When Hinata answers confidently, she puts her chest up as if it were my business. So Siegfried recalls a report he heard a while ago.

"Oh, is that the girl who quickly became the representative of summoning and grabbed first place?"

With that said, Siegfried rushes over to Mira to offer her a hand.

"Nice to meet you, Mira. I'm a magic teacher, I'm Siegfried. I regret that the magician lost, but you did a good job."

"Ugh, um. There's nothing to say."

Siegfried in jersey with a person's good-looking grin. Mira responds with a laugh, shaking hands. As for Mira, the sorcery department has come second because of herself, so I'm just confused not expecting to be thanked. But Siegfried rejoiced as he did about himself, waved his hand, and turned to Hinata satisfied.

"No, congratulations, Dr. Hinata. Master Cleos seems to be moving a lot, and the summons is coming up!

"Yes, thank you. Thank you."

Hinata is pleased to thank Siegfried for his congratulations. And Siegfried blushes greatly at that smile directed at him.

Hinata, who is now in a weak position as a summoner and struggles with something, Siegfried cared about her like that.

Mira realizes how she sees it. Apparently, Siegfried is in love with Hinata. That's why I was so good at losing. I'm also convinced that if someone I like is at the bottom of every jury and depressed, they'll be worried.

"Well, then, if that's the case, it looks fine."

Mira's strength is certain. Siegfried admits to the tour.

"Thank you. Siegfried (...) Doctor"

Hinata graciously headed with Mira to the back of the training building, to the field of practice. Siegfried sighed heavily as he dropped Hinata off.

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