She Professed Herself The Pupil Of The Wiseman (WN)

Chapter 69: 69 68 Little Devil

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"Well, this is what a first glance would look like. The demons seem to be getting stronger as we go up there. Don't be alarmed."

"There's nothing wrong with that. Whatever comes, just slay him down."

Gilberto calls out as he retrieves the thrown arrow, and Heinrich answers naturally.

The dungeon called the staircase to the sky is divided into ten layers, where the strength of the demon also rises as much as its layer rises. At first glance, that's about C-rank or D-rank, but at the top floor, demons of B-rank equivalence needed to issue a pass appear.

"Well, Mr. Mira's prowess was more than I imagined. This dungeon is going to be a lot easier. Summoning is amazing."

Gilberto speaks of what he feels so pure as he tucks the lightly wiped blood arrow into the cylinder. It was a word to that extent. But Mira, stiff as she was struck by lightning, repeatedly blinking heavily, approached Gilberto to fly like a letter.

"What did you just say!? Say it again. Say it again!

"Nah... what the hell. Mira has more strength than you can imagine, huh?

A girl with one or more low heads comes straight with her eyes full of anticipation as if looking up at her first Ferris wheel. Gilberto turns away from something, but repeats what he said one time ago.

But that's not the word Mira wants. He makes a fist grip to sue, and eats even more.

"At the end, at the end! What did you say!?

"Last? Hmm, the summons is amazing, huh?


Great correctness and a smile reminiscent of an unprecedented large circle of flowers, Mira repeats, "Well, well, well." It was the moment when the subpoena of the petition was granted.

"I don't know, let's hurry. I flew through the sky and got there early, but I think I'm behind schedule."

That's what I say. Gilberto starts going up the hill. The two of them thought it might be because of that lecture, but they didn't put it in words and followed.

Behind the first floor, a staircase that also falls high, breaks down the stone wall and reveals itself.

It is also the beginning of a long, long task of climbing the stairs. With no one, the sigh leaked.

When Mira returns the blood painted dark knight, she summons a new black knight to jump on its shoulder.

The two of them and one another stepped to the first step of the staircase, which stretched far enough to appear scratchy along the way.

Aside from Mira, Gilberto and Heinrich's strength was a certainty, as were the large demons that fell through the second and third layers and waited on the fourth, the arms that swung up were ejected and stepped into Gilberto's feet were torn by Heinrich, and the throats that conceived anger and roared were pierced by the Dark Knight.

It is more overwhelmingly time consuming to go down the stairs than to fight.

"That completes the offense to the fourth level. Have you managed to recover the delay? Let's reveal the night on the fifth floor, as planned."

Gilberto tells Heinrich that he plans to do so by checking the time as he separates the big demons.

The staircase to the sky, which is a dungeon, is only lit by the swinging blue light, thus obscuring the sense of time if it is on the spot for a long time.

Mira opened the menu while keeping a large demon at the edge of her eyes, which was handy, indicating that the time was 8: 00 p.m.

"The meat around here looks delicious."

"Flank? Sure is a good shade."

Many of the demons that have been kicked on the road so far have been left without any particular dismantling. It's simply not going to be a big material, and it's to shorten the time. But big demons are different. It is a cow-like monster close to minotaur in fantasy, and its meat is also favored by adventurers as an ingredient.

Shortly before the battle, Mira also felt that Gilberto's words, "That's it for dinner today," were successful for the inhabitants of this world.

Okay, let's go.

When Gilberto wraps the demon meat in a large bathroom cloth, he uses the operator's bracelet item box to store it. The brilliantly dismantled demon leaves only a small bone, rolling on the floor. The scene is truly a complete crime.

The three main culprits did not look back, but left a good laugh of the economy and went up the stairs leading to the fifth floor.

About thirty minutes after the fourth layer. Mira and the others reach the fifth level. That's a very narrow place, unlike previous floors. In the center stood a stone column, with a red, rotten flame lit at its apex. Rising like a pompous and separate world, there, warm as a fireplace welcoming travellers, orange-dyed floors also do not exist the hidden gaps of demons. If you listen slightly, you can just hear the whispering water echo.

The fifth floor of the staircase to the sky was a safe resting point.

"All right, you've arrived on the fifth floor with no problem. We're gonna rest here today."

As Gilberto lowered his hips beside the stone pillar, he removed a set of tools for wild accommodation from the item box. Predominantly cooking tools.

"That was quite a heavy labor. This is the first time in a day that I've gone up all these stairs."

Heinrich, who prides himself on his strength, also seems tired of boulders, and when he removes his pebbled knife, he sits on his back as he leans.

"What a pity. I don't have a sore ass."

Mira lifts the corner of her mouth slightly and jumps from the black knight's shoulder to Heinrich's side.

Naturally, it was Heinrich who tried to raise his protest, but shortly afterwards, he tied his mouth like he could sew it up.

Earlier he looked up, from the sanctuary that stretched behind the inviolable boundaries wide open free from the wedges of gravity, the ultimate white without a scratch appeared like a blink.

Heinrich scratched out his words as soon as they sank between calm and passion, in front of a stunning view that he could not describe no matter how many words he took with him.

"What's the matter?

Mira, who sent Dark Knight back, leans her neck towards Heinrich, who gets up restlessly somewhere and stretches her spine. In contrast, Heinrich repeated "nothing" and, after wandering his gaze to chase even the invisible worm, left early enough to say "I'm going to help Gilberto" to escape.

A few minutes later, Heinrich, who had no trust in the cooking skills, only had to pump water, and after a few round-trips, it was over, and he sat down again without a location.

"What's wrong with your attitude? Are you mad at me? If you're dissatisfied, tell me. I don't know."

Mira walks up to Heinrich like that and sits in front of her. Keep your gaze straight, rather staring.

Heinrich, who had the illusion of being shot through, finally lowered his head and confessed in his heart when he perceived it.

"I'm sorry, Lord Mira. Earlier, when Lord Mira jumped over the Black Knight, he saw his underwear. Sorry!"

That was a brilliant dungeon. Besides, it's just wrapped around an armor helmet, rather it's so dusty that you can even feel things like a hall.

Mira double-checks the hem of a piece that would be classified as a miniskirt on her knees with her face to her lower abdomen if she were stunned by that unexpected word. And understanding caught up with me and smiled.

"Was that so? It doesn't matter. It doesn't diminish, it doesn't matter what you see."

I want to smash my lower abdomen with my palms as I say it, Mira. Heinrich's spearhead slightly deviates from Mira's appearance like that.

"Lord Mira, that's not true. Underwear on your stomach around your age, that's the contraindication. As for the awkward, garments as short as that are speechless. But that's not what the awkward can say. At the very least, it's the mountain of Sekiyama that tells you to love yourself!

"Uh, um... right. Let's remember."

Mira didn't have any sentiments about being seen in her underwear. Moreover, they do not understand what femininity is, so their indifference accelerates. Heinrich's words made him aware of the matter, but Mira did not seem so serious.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mira. Harry's sturdy."

Gilberto walks under the two with that word. The expression was clearly clear and seemed to enjoy Heinrich's appearance, which was not immune to women.

"Say what. If you are as beautiful as Lord Mira, you will find many people with unexpected thoughts. It's too late for that."

"But you saw it, too. Mira's strength is first-class. Besides, you're an adventurer, and you won't have a problem protecting yourself."

"Nooo... it sure is"

In the battle from the first layer to the fourth, Mira was proving her definitive power as a summoning magician. The bravery of the summoned Dark Knight was so exciting that Heinrich couldn't easily think of anyone who might cause Mira problems against him.

"Come on, it's more dinner than that. It's about time we had just the right grill."

When Gilberto, who cut up the story so, pointed to the side of the stone pillar, there was a cylinder similar to the seven wheels provided on a small table, which emitted fire from its center and broiled the meat chunks through the iron skewers in pieces. When the seeping oil drips onto the heat source that dwells in the center, it becomes a grain of red lotus and extinguishes.

And behold, it was certainly around the time of eating.

"Well, this looks delicious again."

The baking color spreads like a signal in the light shaking in the orange. Mira breaks her cheeks in its scented shades and rises up vigorously.

As the length of the skirt came at the end of his gaze, Heinrich also raised his hips as he panicked, making his tough face harder and leaking his sigh.

Unlike the meat around there, the large demon meat was slightly stiff but flavorful and went well with Gilberto's made vegetable soup.

That's how the three of them finish their meals, instead of desserting the apple ole that Mira behaved, exchanging bickering. It was mainly an adventure story between Gilberto and Heinrich, but along the way a reference begins to be made to Mira's summons.

"But, well, that's funny. In this day and age, I think I've heard rumors about Mira, but when it comes to rumors about a summoner I know, I can only remember that a Dumbleph disciple has appeared."

Gilberto turns so hard, turning his gaze only towards Mira as he explores the reaction. That took up the majority of interest, and the rest was something that also seemed to test my insight as a scholar.

"When it came to Dumblrf, were you the Nine Wise Men? Aren't you a phony again?

"That's it, rumor has it, I feel like it's real this time. And the disciple is a pretty girl."

There have been times in the past when magicians have appeared calling themselves disciples of the Nine Wise Men. But every one of them doesn't even show a single scale that looks like it, and if they realize it, it's gone like a bubble. Heinrich remembered the incident and said he was a phony, but Gilberto, who had studied it in detail, also caught a glimpse of a different aspect of the rumor.

Rumors accompany famous guilds such as Ecalato Carillon, King Solomon of the Kingdom of Alkite, and Cleos and Amarathe, the proxies of the wise.

"Was it? But what does that mean..."

With that mouth, Heinrich turns his gaze toward Mira.

"Rumors are fast. Sure, it's not about me."

Mira, who flips her chest slightly and is only a little good at it. Heinrich opens his eyes to great surprise, and when he checks the girl's entire body reflexively, he lets his gaze slip away when he sees the glossy thighs peeking from his skirt.

Gilberto had no particular reaction to what had been predicted, but rather chewed Heinrich's hasty grin.

"I've been wondering what fashionable people are doing here lately, but let's not pry into the wild? Either way, it's definitely a lot easier on the road than planned. At best, let's be careful not to damage your mood."

Gilberto starts cleaning up his wooden dishes, saying so.

"Also with a real sage apprentice. If you look at the strength of that knight, it certainly doesn't have to be compared to the fake ones we've had before."

Heinrich, who fixed his gaze on Mira's upper body, said so as he remembered the dark knights in battle. None of those who named the disciples who had spoken or actually seen them were seen as magicians in general or in particular.

But Heinrich, who fought with him, felt unknown about Mira's subpoena. That is also the factor that convinced Gilberto's reasoning this time around to be accepted.

Then, in the middle of such a story, Mira slowly sneaks up on her lower abdomen and turns herself into an unopposed sensation.

"Speaking of which, is there a toilet in the boulder? I wonder if I'll have to do it in the corner."

I look around squealing like that. When Heinrich apparently decides to remain silent, Gilberto points to a corner of the floor,

"There's a creek running around there, so you should do it there"

That said, turn your body in the opposite direction that you indicated.

"I see. Then I'm coming.... Not a peek, eh?

"Oh, I can't do that!

Reacting instantly, Heinrich raised his voice slightly up the range and distorted his face, covering his face with both hands and turning back to the same side as Gilberto.

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(After all, he's worth a tease.)

The pure late reaction appeared hilarious from others, with Mira and Gilberto smiling small.

When Mira makes sure she crosses the creek and adds up for it, the two men make their way to the creek so that they don't put it in, Gilberto starts washing the cookware on the upstream side as it is.

Heinrich, who came back earlier, threw his legs out and took a glimpse of Mira, who was indulgent, ready to go to bed. Even so, I'm just paying for a little stone rolling on the floor.

When Gilberto returned after the wash, the two began a consultation.

"Awkward was first last time. Mira, should I skip it?

"Oh, we'll just have to turn this place around as originally planned. Especially since you wouldn't be able to sleep with Mira awake, would you?

Gilberto answers as he takes out a bottle of powdered water ground with cups and coffee beans and prepares to boil water.

"Exactly. Okay, let's do that."

"What are you talking about?

Mira asks Heinrich, who nodded loudly, what her name came up in the conversation.

"We're talking about the sleepless number. Mira has nothing to worry about."

"Um, it's my turn to be awkward"

That means being alert while someone is awake for unprotected time while asleep. That sort of thing.

Well, you're gonna need that, too.

Knowing yet another change in reality, Mira also anticipated that she would never be in the wild again. But at that time, who would watch if I were alone?

At the same time that those problems emerge, Mira guides one possibility.

"Why don't you let him try it?"

At the same time as the words, a magic formation emerged next to Mira and an orange-lighted armor appeared gently. It is Holly Knight. The white knight, who just unwillingly refrains next to Mira, holds a shield similar to the large tower to symbolize his raison d 'être.

Unlike summoning techniques such as Pegasus, there is a characteristic of a martial arts spirit summons called time of stay. The consuming mana at summons remains the internal mana that shapes the Martial Spirit, and when it is consumed and zeroed due to destruction and regeneration, the Martial Spirit disappears. Another extinction condition is repatriation by the summoner and the passage of time spent there.

This length of stay can be adjusted at will.

"I'm extending my stay, so I'm supposed to be able to afford it until morning."

"Hmm, I see. But the signs are very different from those of the black one, but is this knight still strong, too?

From Heinrich's point of view, Holly Knight, whose main purpose was to protect it, lacked some force. Speaking of Gilberto, when you pay attention to the shield that Holly Knight holds, you nod as impressed. Because I've heard it before. The shield of the Summoning Holy Knight is the difference in size that represents strength.

"Then why don't you give it a try?

"Hmm, right. That sounds like fun."

When Mira agrees with Gilberto's suggestion, Heinrich entertains herself by putting a samurai temperament filled face on the table and pulling the knife out away from the center of the floor.

"Come on, it's a game! Contemporary battle!

When both sides were in position, Gilberto signaled to begin.

Heinrich's sword flashes, confronted by Holly Knight, crossed more, but were held back by its absolute barrier, and as a result, no matter how hard he tried, he could not escape that defense.

"Disciple of the Wise... What is it now?"

Heinrich sits in a depression of consciousness with his bragging sword deactivated. Sure, if you don't get through that blow while attacking in the beginning, you won't be able to either.

But it was different in Mira's eyes. Holly Knight is dedicated to defense and boasts an iron wall, but of course, it doesn't mean we can only protect it. Has a definite means of attack. But he had to defend himself against Heinrich's excess rush.

"It's not depressing. You've sealed my Holly Knight so far on the defensive side. It's fine."

From behind Heinrich, his hand rests on his shoulder, which shrunk like an airy balloon, and Mira speaks with a soothing expression, as if he were a parent who forgives the child.

Even from above the boneless armor, when exalted by the warmth of a girl who feels like a creep, melts its rocky face red like lava,

"Oh, was it?

"Um, it was a wonderful sword"

"Right, right, right!

Raise your voice and regain your confidence. In an upbeat mood, your eyes look up to Heaven, Heinrich. Gilberto was grinning bitterly at the appearance of a friend who seemed less than full of praise by a girl named Mira.

"I could have prevented all that awkward sword, I guess I could leave it to you without a problem."

Heinrich looks up at the white knight in his mastery. The signs of sinking to the previous moment scratched out the fine dust, and now he has a boneless smile.

"Well, sure. If that's what you decide, let's try to sleep fast. Tomorrow, before sundown, we'll be in the abandoned capital."

Gilberto said so. When he removed the leather armor and placed the arrow barrel, he took out the sleeping bag and spread it out on the spot. Next to it, Heinrich likewise takes off his armor helmet and accompanies it with a knife, spreading his sleeping bag on the stone-paid ground.

Mira, watching it, remembered what had happened at Fuji Silverside Station.

I got a new product sleeping bag for a merchant-style man.

Sounds like the time has come to help.

Because of the slightly tense size, Mira removes the sleeping bag a little further away. As the sleeping bag blocking that large area descended to the ground, the air rose to fan and stroked the backs of the two men.

The fifth floor serves as a relay point for the fold, and the airflow, which is as gentle as a thorn falling above the floor, flows straight into the next staircase, thus not reaching the center of the floor.

In a very warm space, a stream of air occurred that I had forgotten. Gilberto and Heinrich turn to nature and its direction. He then shifted his gaze to Mira, who would be the owner, with an obviously out of place object in his sight.

"Lord Mira, what is this?

Step by step and close, Heinrich gives in intriguing.

The sleeping bag lying on the spot in grandeur is about the size of a tatami and the table is covered with a blue cloth. As did Mira, it would at first glance be difficult to determine what it is.

"This is my sleeping bag. Well, it's the first time I've used it."

"Oh, my God, this is the sleeping bag. Doesn't look like it at all."

With that said, Heinrich tries to touch the surface with a view to see if the interest has been stimulated or eaten in.

"That's what I thought at first. Dealing with Adventurer Supplies... I managed to get it from someone named the Chamber of Commerce. Whatever, we're talking about a new product coming out next time."

Mira, who speaks a little boastfully, forgot the name of the Chamber of Commerce at heart. But if Gilberto tours his thoughts a little with those words, the name of the Chamber of Commerce, which is also close to common sense in this world, comes to mind.

"Hmm, a new product from the Chamber of Commerce that deals with adventurer supplies? Is that the Dinoir Chamber of Commerce?

"Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what you call it."

I recall, if you ask me, Mira pulled up memories close to such a hanging, letting her take the business cards she received out of her waist porch. Peek into whether Gilberto was also interested in that.

"Cedric Dinoir. Master of the Dinoir Chamber of Commerce. You know someone interesting again. So this is like a test piece?"

"What an envy that is. Can I touch that?

Heinrich, who is sensitive to something called a comfortable sleep, plays his voice innocently and imminent from the side of Gilberto, who raises his voice in front of his business card as impressed.

"Yeah, I don't mind."

Heinrich has deviated so far from the samurai temperament, but Mira pleases herself with a gentle smile at that loving look somewhere.

And with Mira's approval, Heinrich confirms to return the back of the sleeping bag that contacts the ground, stroke the surface, and indulge carefully. Heinrich's interest in bedding is endless without the opportunity to be exposed to new products before launch.

"The surface is incredibly slippery. Very good touch. Amazingly light on that."

"Right. It's still brand new."

"What's going on inside?

With that said, turn to Mira's face like she asks permission.

"You should take a look"

"Thanks.... and what am I supposed to do?

As far as I could see it was baggy, but I don't know how to open it. Heinrich wrinkles between his eyebrows and confirms it to Mira.

Mira turns her torso slightly forward and shows the gap in the sleeping bag with her fingers.

"Open it from the crack there. You should try it."

"Oh, here it is. Which one"

As Mira told him, Heinrich slid through the protrusion there as he put his finger in the gap. Then the blue cloth rolls up so that it is broken up, revealing its true appearance as a sleeping bag.

"Ho, was this what was happening? It's warm inside, and very soft. This looks comfortable."

"Well, well, well. Yeah, it's new. Don't make it too rough."

Mira smiled somewhere mean as she swelled her cheeks to include a little something in Shagu Heinrich's appearance.

"Absolutely. I won't be impotent. Oh, that's pretty deep. This doesn't seem like a problem for an awkward person."

"Spread it out so much. The Lord must be strong."

Mira distorts her mouth when she speaks to Heinrich, who was widening her sleeping bag mouth and checking her depth.

It was Gilberto looking at those two, but one big sigh leaked,

"Mr. Mira, it's time for you to give him a break. Harry's blunt, you won't notice."

Yeah, I pinched my mouth on the exchange between the two of them.

"Hmm, I just got out of shape, but I enjoyed it enough and it's good."

As Mira says so, she glances at the blunt man who continues to inquisite with a serious look, and Heinrich looks up at you for realizing it.

"Hmm, what's wrong?

"Yeah, that was your conversation earlier, but it was critical."

Gilberto, who advises as if he were half frightened. Heinrich ends up taking the word and silencing it for a while, but not getting to the truth just by making that look rude.

Again, Mira smiled innocently.

Heinrich asks me to let him sleep when he wakes up in the morning and dives into his sleeping bag.

Mira slipped herself into a soft blanket when she took off her coat, placing it on her pillow. The bristles that surround me are as comfortable as if they were being held by my mother.

Eventually, as Mira and Heinrich began to take a nap, Gilberto looked up at the white knight sitting there watching to make sure he could be trusted before slowly closing his eyes.

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