Shock! The Real Daughter Made the Transmigrator Girl Cry

Chapter 2: 2

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T/n: I finally know that the word Hou from Hou Mansion in the previous chapter just means Marquess or nobleman, basically MC just called her family, the ‘nobleman house’. Sorry bout that and I already edit the last chapter. Thank you to those who comment.

When Jiang Changning pushed aside the curtain to enter the main mansion, she saw Mother Jiang walking here and there in the room.

  Seeing her come in, Mother Jiang had an awkward expression for a moment.

  ”Sister Ning is here, come and sit down!” A servant girl served them tea. Meanwhile, when Mother Jiang looked at the soft face in front of her, she instantly felt hesitant and didn’t know how to speak. (t/n: we Asian sometimes call our children a nickname based on who’s the oldest to the youngest, so the older child will be called ‘sister’ or ‘brother’ so their sibling will also call them that, also to show endearment)

  Jiang Changning saw Mother Jiang’s anxiousness but she just smiled slightly and started a conversation, as if she hadn’t noticed the abnormality, “Is there any happy occasion happening? The last time I saw mother use that pearl earrings was when elder brother was in middle school.”

  ”Yes… there is.” Mother Jiang unconsciously touched her earrings but quickly put her hand down.

  Jiang Changning has always been a smart child, so she couldn’t hide this matter even if she wanted to and honestly, there is no need to hide it. After contemplating this issue a couple of times, Mother Jiang decided to tell the truth.

  ”Sister Ning, you actually have a younger sister…”

  It’s here.

  Jiang Changning’s heart tightened.

  Once you’ve done with the first sentence, the next sentences will follow along naturally.

  Embarrassed, Mother Jiang told her about the fact that Jiang Luo will enter the house to get to know her real relatives after she had been wrongly taken years ago.

  Mother Jiang observed Jiang Changning’s expression carefully but was surprised to see her daughter stay calm the whole time.

  ”It’s a good thing that mother found little sister. Changning is happy for mother.” Jiang Changning’s words made Mother Jiang speechless.

The older woman gaped her mouth twice before saying dryly: “Even if your sister comes back, you are still my daughter.” She didn’t know whether that sentence was for comfort or just to appease the girl.

  Jiang Changning smiled slightly and didn’t speak. After sitting for a while, the guards outside the mansion came to report: “The young master carriage has arrived.”

  Mother Jiang stood up suddenly and saw Jiang Changning looking at her with concern before she realized that she had lost her composure.

  Jiang Changning got up calmly and took Mother Jiang’s hand: “Changning will accompany mother to welcome little sister.”

  Jiang’s mother was naturally very happy.

  A group of people walked to the gate of the mansion in a grand manner, and after waiting for a while, two carriages slowly appeared from the corner of the street.

  Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Jiang Changbai poked his head out of the carriage first. He saw Jiang Changning, very good-looking in her green dress, standing there waiting for the carriages to arrive.

  Jiang Changbai did not expect Mother Jiang would tell Jiang Changning about their missing daughter so soon, nor did he expect Jiang Changning to accept it so quickly.

  After all, the difference between going from a high-ranking young lady to a lowly peasant girl is nothing short of cloud and mud.

  What’s more, now the real daughter has arrived at their front door.

  Being watched by Jiang Changbai, Jiang Changning called out neither humble nor overbearing: “Elder brother.”

  Jiang Changbai nodded, and gave Jiang Changning an acknowledgement look, while at the same time feeling a little relieved.

  ”Brother Bai…” Mother Jiang couldn’t help calling out, she took two steps towards the carriage, and then stopped nervously.

  Jiang Changbai nodded solemnly, jumped out of the carriage, and stretched out his hand to the person inside the carriage.

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His tone was very gentle: “We’re home, sister.” The plain curtain was lifted, and a frail and boneless jade hand rested on Jiang Changbai’s arm.

  Then a small face like a flower and jade appeared in front of everyone.

  She is shorter than Jiang Changning in stature, but her appearance is comparable to Jiang Changning’s.

  If Jiang Changning is a beautiful peony, and this girl is a pure moon in the sky.

  Jiang Changning stared at that face, and she unconsciously gripped the handkerchief in her hand until it crumpled. It took all of her strength to hold back herself from doing anything out of line.

  The only difference from her previous life was that Jiang Luo in this life was even more beautiful.

  Jiang Changbai led Jiang Luo to Jiang’s mother, Jiang Luo was a little shy, she bit her red lips, and called out in a low voice: “Mother.”

  Mother Jiang answered tremblingly, and embraced the girl in her arms with tears in her eyes: “My daughter… how much you have suffered…”

  The two hugged each other and wept, which made the people around them also teary.

  Jiang Changning pressed the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief in response to the occasion, feeling annoyed with the sound of cries beside her. She was thinking about something in her mind, but when she was about to plan on how to deal with Jiang Luo later, a milky voice suddenly rang out into her ears.

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  [Ding! Congratulations to the host for starting the main mission line. Next, introduce the main character – Jiang Changbai. Character favorability is 50%. ]

  Jiang Changning froze there, she was sure that she had never heard this voice before.

  Then came Jiang Luo’s voice. “System, is that woman Jiang Changning, the lucky child of this small world?”

[Yes, as long as you successfully capture someone close to Jiang Changning, you can absorb her luck. Only in this way can we have enough energy to transport to the next small world. ]

  ”It’s not easy to get close to them. Did you use the appearance blessing item I asked?” Jiang Luo was still lying on Jiang’s mother’s shoulder, her mouth was slightly pursed, but her eyes were looking far away, without any certain focus.

  Presumably, she was talking to that thing called the system in her mind.

  [Beauty filter item. After using it, in the eyes of outsiders, the host’s skin will look flawless. 200 points per use. You are currently using it, host. ]

  ”So expensive?!”

  [That’s why the host has to work hard to capture the task’s target in exchange for points]

  The little milk has a very soft and innocent voice, but to Jiang Changning, it sounded like malice.

  Jiang Luo actually carried something that Jiang Changning hadn’t discovered before. During their conversation, she mentioned strategy, favorability and so on. So, this thing called the system can know people’s hearts.

  Jiang Changning paused, thinking of the abnormality of the people of the Hou Mansion in her dream. So… at that time, Jiang Luo received help from the system and managed to successfully capture them.

  It’s just that she couldn’t hear the conversation between the system and Jiang Luo at that time, so why can she listen to it now?

  Before Jiang Changning could figure it out, Jiang Luo had already walked towards her.

Finally! I can feel the anger when I edit this… MC just wish she can punch the living hell out of this mf


p/s: Happy Chinese Lunar New Year everyone!

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