Shut Up, You Fake Fan!

Chapter 14: CH 14

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Ye Jiuyue was dazed during class, which was very unusual. 

Even if this course was just an elective, and the knowledge wasn’t important, plus Ye Jiuyue had already understood everything through previewing. Even so, this still wasn’t like him.

It was just that while he was listening to the lecture, he couldn’t stop himself from daydreaming and thinking about the Shen Weixing he’d seen this afternoon; the Shen Weixing who quietly did study questions while leaning against the bed’s headboard. 

As expected, when his idol didn’t speak, he was still an idol. Ye Jiuyue felt like if he were a tyrant emperor, he would be the type to light warning beacons to prank the nobles in order to get him to smile. 

Sigh, it was just that the times where he didn’t speak were few and far between. 

Maybe it was because the fire had just been lit, but when Bao Weixing opened his mouth and spoke, this tyrant emperor stomped the beacon fire out with a stamp of his foot.

Lu Xinan, who rarely came to the elective course, had a complicated look in his eyes as he stared at Ye Jiuyue, who was beside him and was smiling gently with a strange fluffy pink aura. Gradually, he revealed an expression of slight distaste. “Did you exit singledom behind my back?”

Ye Jiuyue’s left hand was propped under his chin, his eyes trained on the blackboard, right hand holding his pen and swiftly making notes, all while still enveloped in a bubble of fluffy pinkness and gently smiling. He had not, in fact, heard what Lu Xinan said. 

Lu Xinan hesitated for a moment, then stretched out a hand and waved it in front of his face.  

After lagging for a few seconds, Ye Jiuyue snapped out of his daze. He turned and looked at Lu Xinan, quietly asking, “What is it?”

Lu Xinan asked, “What were you thinking about?” 

Ye Jiuyue said, “I was taking notes.”

“I thought that you were writing a love letter.” Lu Xinan got a little closer again, then asked in a whisper, “I heard you’ve recently been not returning to the dorm overnight? You got a boyfriend? We said that we’d do it together. If you exit singledom, you’re a dog.”

Ye Jiuyue thought about it. Shen Weixing and him weren’t dating, so he denied it without any pressure on his conscience, “I haven’t. A friend rented a place in the vicinity and sometimes I go over to study because the dorm is too noisy.”

“Then what about Sui Dong?” Lu Xinan continued to gossip, “I heard all about it. He’s for real this time, isn’t he?” 

“We’re in class.” Ye Jiuyue elbowed him and didn’t speak to him any further as he attentively listened to the lecture and took notes. 

Lu Xinan could only go back to lying on the desk and played with his phone with his head resting on his arm. 

When class was over, Lu Xinan asked, off-handedly, “We eating lunch together?”

Ye Jiuyue was just about to agree when he suddenly remembered Shen Weixing had said that he’d come to the school and pick him up, then shook his head. “I have some stuff to do, you go by yourself.”  

“Qtja vb sbe tjnf ab vb?” Oe Wlcjc jrxfv. 

“Rba afiilcu sbe.” 

“Kmt, wera yf atja sbe tjnf rbwf batfg vevf yftlcv ws yjmx.” Oe Wlcjc ibbxfv ja tlw klat vlrvjlc. “Yeg oglfcvrtlq lr bnfg, ogbw cbk bc kf’gf cba oglfcvr. Qf’gf cba oglfcvr jujlc ecali atf cfza fzjw.”

Ye Jiuyue’s movements were naturally slow, so when he purposefully was dawdled, he waited out the impatient Lu Xinan, who was in a hurry to rush back to his dorm to play games, as well as the classmates around him. It was then that he took out his phone and contacted Shen Weixing.

He very rarely contacted Shen Weixing first. Normally, it was Shen Weixing who would notify him to go to the apartment and meet up once he’d gotten time. Recently, there had been some other stuff, but it was still Shen Weixing who was taking the initiative to contact him first.

Ye Jiuyue got out his phone and held it as he stared at Shen Weixing’s profile picture for three seconds, then turned off the screen. He picked up his backpack and got up, slowly walking out. 

He changed his mind. He wouldn’t tell Shen Weixing that he was done class. Instead, he would just directly go over to the parking lot and give Shen Weixing a surprise. What’s more, it would prevent Shen Weixing from running over and carrying him. It was extremely clever. 

He’d told Shen Weixing ahead of time that he had a class in the afternoon too, so it was very possible that Shen Weixing had been in the car waiting this whole time. 

There actually wasn’t much wrong with Ye Jiuyue’s ankle anymore. When he got to the parking lot, however, he didn’t see Shen Weixing’s car anymore. 

Okay then, maybe staying right here for forty-five minutes would easily attract the attention of others too. Then, perhaps Shen Dada drove around the area and is waiting around somewhere. That’s what Ye Jiuyue thought as he took out his phone to contact Shen Weixing.

“I’m done class.” Ye Jiuyue said. 

Shen Weixing stopped for a few seconds before saying, “Oh, you go eat something by yourself. I still have some things to do over here, so I’ll come over later.” 

Ye Jiuyue paused for a few seconds as well. “Oh.”

“I’ll explain to you later.” Shen Weixing said. 

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In truth, there wasn’t any need to explain. Ye Jiuyue thought silently. 

Ye Jiuyue said, “En.” 

He put his phone back in his backpack, stayed in the empty parking lot for a short while, then slowly walked towards the direction of the cafeteria. 

Ye Jiuyue bought an order of Zhajiang mian, and brought it back to the dorm. He wasn’t in a hurry to eat it, so he first turned on his laptop and logged into Weibo. He wanted to click on a food video and eat with it, but just as he refreshed the Weibo page, the first post in his feed was from a big media corps account. It said that just now, there was a small accident at a set during filming, Xia Qiu fell down some stairs on set. Fortunately, the current info obtained was saying that it wasn’t serious. As for Xia Qiu, he was at a nearby hotel getting a check-up, in case of anything like a concussion. 

Xia Qiu’s looks didn’t really do it for Ye Jiuyue, but recently he was watching a show that Shen Weixing and Xia Qiu were both in. He’d laughed at Xia Qiu’s funny moments, so now that he saw this type of unlucky news, he was more or less a little concerned as he clicked the link to take a look. It was only when Ye Jiuyue saw that the staff members said that it was just a few scratches on Xia Qiu’s hand that he closed the article in relief, found a food video and ate the noodles.

Melon eating netizen: definitely Ye Jiuyue.

It was just, as he was eating and watching the food video, he suddenly pieced together all the clues. The fact that Shen Weixing looked out for and cared a lot about Xia Qiu wasn’t a secret. In actuality, Shen Weixing bringing Xia Qiu into sets with him was already a point being continuously brought up by Shen Weixing’s antis. They were basically sure that Shen Weixing had ‘that kind’ of relationship with Xia Qiu. 

Although Shen Weixing’s fans, the Satellites, protested and said that if Shen Weixing really were in that sort of relationship with Xia Qiu, then no matter how you put it, it was Shen Weixing who was losing out. However, this type of protest wasn’t very effective, the anti-fans would all express that who knows, maybe Shen Weixing likes this sort of type. 

Of course, Ye Jiuyue didn’t believe in the rumours that claimed that Shen Weixing had taken liberties with Xia Qiu. After all, he was very clear that if Shen Weixing had had someone to take liberties with, then he wouldn’t be so hungry, so ferocious, to the point of not being picky.  

Furthermore, at the start, Shen Weixing would always use his own virginal status to interrogate Ye Jiuyue, acting as if Ye Jiuyue had stolen his virginity and so he had to take full responsibility for this. 

Ye Jiuyue didn’t believe that someone like that had the courage to take sexual advantage of someone else.

In any case, Shen Weixing had a good relationship with Xia Qiu; no matter why, their relationship was good. 

The set that Xia Qiu was filming at was near the school.

Shen Weixing suddenly said that he had some stuff to do.  

Ye Jiuyue successfully came to the conclusion: Shen Weixing went to see Xia Qiu.

After coming to this conclusion that didn’t have much meaning, Ye Jiuyue continued eating his noodles.  

Xia Qiu’s injuries were no big deal, just his arm was scraped, and his leg was bruised a little bit as well.  

Towards the staff members that had come with him, he apologetically said,  “I apologize for making everyone so worried, and for delaying filming as well.”

“It’s fine so long as you’re alright.” In front of Shen Weixing, who had rushed over as soon as he got the news, the director had to say some civilities no matter what. “Switch the order of the scenes to be filmed. These few days you can just rest, your health is the most important.”

Xia Qiu was about to accept, when Shen Weixing opened his mouth, “No need.”

Everyone looked towards him. 

Shen Weixing said, “It’s not something serious. He’s the male lead and has a lot of scenes. Once the progress has been disrupted, it’ll be very troublesome, and will affect the whole process. It’s just a few scratches on his hand, the blood’s staunched. He can continue tomorrow morning.”

The director realized something. 

Shen Weixing was famous for being a workaholic, and it seemed that he wasn’t completely lax with Xia Qiu.

The director actually wasn’t very willing to delay the filming schedule. After all it was as Shen Weixing said, Xia Qiu’s the male lead, he has a lot of scenes and lines, if his scenes were switched, then the entire thing would get messed up; even one day’s delay meant huge amounts of money going down the drain.  

It was just that the director had worked with Xia Qiu for a while now and could see that Xia Qiu was pretty delicate and fussy. The female lead, Zhong Yi, was even willing to personally film dirty scenes or scenes suspended in the air by wires and such, but Xia Qiu would say he had a cold or that he was afraid of heights, and always found stunt doubles. But since Xia Qiu had such a ‘big tree’ as Shen Weixing as backing, the director could only say it like that.

It wasn’t serious if they offended Xia Qiu, but he didn’t want to offend Shen Weixing.

Now that Shen Weixing had spoken, the director inwardly let out a sigh of relief. Yet on the outside, he continued to slyly say civilities, “If it’s like this, then it’ll be a bit more difficult for Xia Qiu.”

Shen Weixing didn’t take it seriously. “We all did it like this. Xia Qiu can endure hardship.” 

Xia Qiu smiled. “That’s right, ah. It’s nothing big, Director Gu, I’m fine.”

The director only nodded then. “Okay then. Then, Xia Qiu, if you’re uncomfortable, tell me anytime.”

Xia Qiu smiled. “En.”

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