Shut Up, You Fake Fan!

Chapter 15: CH 15

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It was dark out already. The production crew had run into a little problem and finished for the day ahead of schedule. The unshot parts were pushed to tomorrow, and everyone returned straight to the hotel.  

Originally, Shen Weixing had just wanted Xia Qiu to go back to the hotel in the director’s car so that he could quickly go to Ye Jiuyue, but Xia Qiu said that he had something he had to say to him. As he was speaking, he just directly got into Shen Weixing’s car, and Shen Weixing was too sheepish to tell him to get out, so he decided to just drop Xia Qiu off at the hotel. 

Xia Qiu sat in the passenger seat, and very worriedly said, “I’m really afraid of affecting the filming progress ah.”

Shen Weixing glanced at him. “Buckle your seatbelt.”

Xia Qiu paused for a couple of seconds, then buckled his seat belt. 

Shen Weixing said while driving, “It’s fine, those wounds of yours are just little scrapes, it won’t affect things.”

“It’s still a little painful.” Xia Qiu said. 

“Later, before you go to sleep, put on some medicinal powder, then tomorrow morning it won’t hurt.” Shen Weixing said, “This is nothing, once you get used to it, it’ll be better. Some Seniors will continue acting the day after getting stitches. Acting is just like this, especially for the main leads, if you stall for a day, then the entire crew will waste a day. The whole crew’s waiting for you, they can’t afford to wait. Even if it’s a big injury, if you just let it keep dragging on, then it’s easy to give people an unlucky feeling, and will affect your reputation. In any case, you only have some scrapes, and it’s the first time you’re the lead actor, don’t give people things to say about you. Tomorrow when it’s time to film, it’ll be fine if you’re careful and don’t bump into things or touch it. I remember there are a few scenes where you need to go into the water, you should wrap some plastic wrap on the wound to prevent water from getting in. There shouldn’t be too many problems, but if your injury really hurts too much, then go tell the director, if they can move it back then do that, but if they can’t, then find a stunt double; the director’ll be able to understand.”

“Oh. Shen Ge, did you work so hard like this when you were acting back in the day?”

Shen Weixing laughed. “More or less.”

In reality, he really wanted to say that these types of little scrapes didn’t have any connection with ‘working hard’…..

“You’re so amazing.” Xia Qiu earnestly looked at him, and heartfeltedly commented. 

Yet Shen Weixing froze, thinking of Ye Jiuyue all of a sudden, when he said this same phrase during the afternoon, saying that he was very amazing.  

Yet the feeling was slightly, subtly not the same. 

Ye Jiuyue seemed to be complimenting his efforts in doing practice questions and studying on his own, and so he was–was a little bit happy. 

Shen Weixing couldn’t help but smile. 

Xia Qiu thought that he was happy because of his compliment, and also smiled. “Shen Ge, then do you have other things to do these few days?”

Shen Weixing quickly recovered. “What is it?”

“You seem to always have some stuff to do over here, but haven’t been staying at the hotel, I still want to practice lines with you~” Xia Qiu used a playful, joking tone to say, “I’m afraid that the injury will affect my performance, and I want to find a teacher to give me private lessons and get extra practice.” 

“Which part do you have questions about?” Shen Weixing thought about it, then said, “You can go to Zhong Yi, she’ll help you for the sake of saving face, there’s no competitive relationship existing between you and her. I’ve seen the things that she’s acted in before, she has potential. Plus, she’s in the same debut era as you, if you discuss with her, it might be easier to improve compared to discussing with me. The most important thing is, now that you two are playing a couple, interacting and getting along with each other will build up your chemistry. Don’t just cease speaking with each other once you’re off set, there won’t be chemistry to your ship.”

“En, alright.” Xia Qiu smiled again as he spoke. He took out his phone and flipped through it. “Speaking of shipping and chemistry, I just thought of something, I had planned on sharing these videos with you before. They were edited by fans, and they said that us two are really shippable, hahahahahahahaha, I think they’re actually quite well done, pretty interesting.”

Truthfully, Shen Weixing had already secretly watched this type of video a long time ago. It was all cut and made by the fans gained from that game show, and the content was gathered from the roles that Shen Weixing and Xia Qiu had previously played. It was also due to the editing purposefully leading to that direction by the studio. Nowadays, it was a popular practice to do so and attract CP fans.

Xia Qiu more or less relied on this to get a wave of fans from this show. 

Vtfc Qflzlcu atbeuta, oliifv klat rkffacfrr jcv rbggbk, P mjc bcis erf atlr kjs ab rjalros atf mgjnlcu, rlut.

Lf kjr jogjlv atja Wlj Hle kbeiv rff atgbeut tlw jcv rff tlr ecabkjgv offilcur, rb tf mbeiv bcis qea bc j mjiw jcv ecwbnfv fzqgfrrlbc bc tlr ojmf ktlif rjslcu, “Yt, atbrf ojcr jgf pera ilxf atja, atfs wjxf fvlar klat ktbfnfg P lcafgjma klat. Zf jcv Oe Dfl tjnf fnfc wbgf, lo sbe vbc’a yfilfnf wf atfc rfjgmt la eq.”

Although Shen Weixing personally really wanted to strangle the “XingLu” ship to death. 

He was going to die of envy of Lu Bei, they’d debuted around the same time, but Lu Bei  had already gotten awards and nominations, now they weren’t even on the same level anymore. Antis would often mock Shen Weixing and say that he was sticking himself to Lu Bei and ‘bumping porcelain’ through levels. 

Ha. Ha. 

Xia Qiu gave an “Oh”, then didn’t say anything more.  

Shen Weixing brought Xia Qiu back to the hotel, once they got to the door he said, “I won’t go in, it’s too late, I still have things to do. Remember to change the medical ointment and don’t let your wound get wet. If anything happens, call me.”

“Now I’m embarrassed, just this little injury and I’m still talking to you about it. I was afraid that you would see the news and be worried. Originally, I just wanted to just give you a heads up, to reassure you is all. Who knew that you’d run over here.” Xia Qiu smiled. “Shen Ge, you’re so good to me.” 

Shen Weixing paused for a few seconds, then said, “It’s what I ought to do, Professor Xia and Shiniang are very good to me. You’re their only child. In truth, they don’t want you to go into the entertainment industry, it’s messy here, but since you were so persistent, they agreed. They all spoil you a lot. They often tell me to take care of you. You have to work hard. Since you like the entertainment industry so much, then you should make something of yourself for them to see.”

Xia Qiu smiled. “I know. But you always act in a ‘just taking care of you because of your parents’ way. Then, if my parents weren’t in the picture, would I just be a stranger hmm?”

When he said this, he had a bit of an intimate, playful teasing air. Shen Weixing was used to it. Xia Qiu grew up in a honey pot, he was used to using coy tactics with the people close to him, and was always very well-liked. 

That’s why Shen Weixing would never flatter himself and think too much.  

This crush could only be a silent secret for his entire lifetime. Shen Weixing thought. This is already fine.

Shen Weixing smiled at Xia Qiu. “Of course not, I take you for a little brother.”

Zhong Yi’s hotel room was across from Xia Qiu’s. Thanks to Xia Qiu, she finished work early today. After she had finished her meal, she studied the script in her room. When she was taking a short break to stretch, she heard sounds coming from outside. She went over and saw through the door’s peephole Shen Weixing leaving. Then, she watched Xia Qiu go into his room and close the door, after which she rolled her eyes. 

Just now, the group chat for the drama’s crew had said that tomorrow’s shooting schedule remained the same. Zhong Yi was very annoyed. 

Tomorrow she would have to listen to Xia Qiu’s horrible lines again, which would occasionally have ‘one, two, three, four’ mixed in, shit. She practically wanted to advise the director to give Xia Qiu two more days to memorize his lines. 

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Shen Weixing went back to his car and immediately contacted Ye Jiuyue. “Where are you?”

Ye Jiuyue replied, “At the dorm ah.” 

“I’ll come pick you up.”

“I’m sleeping.”

Shen Weixing glanced at the time again. “It’s only eight, what are you doing sleeping? Have you gotten pregnant recently? Sleeping from day to night, all you do is sleep, didn’t you already take a midday nap today?”

Ye Jiuyue:“……” 

Shen Weixing said, “I’ll come pick you up.”

Ye Jiuyue replied, “I’m sleeping.” 

“It’s only eight o’clock, how can you be sleeping?”

“I don’t know why either, these past few days I’ve been getting tired easily.”

“Did you catch a cold?’

“I haven’t, yah.” 

“Then it’s the latent period of sickness.”

“It wouldn’t be, would it?”

“I’ll come pick you up.”

“I’m sleeping.” 

“It’s only eight, how can you be sleeping?!”

“I might have come down with a cold, yah.”

“Ye Jiuyue, you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?!”

“No~? You’re the one who said it.” 

Shen Weixing banged his fist on the steering wheel. 

Fuck, don’t think you’ll anger me to death! I won’t be angered to death by you, Ye Jiuyue! Before I’m angered to death by you, I’ll definitely strangle you to death first! Shen Weixing thought with gritted teeth. 

In truth, Ye Jiuyue had told a little, borderline lie. He was indeed lying on his bed, under the covers, but he wasn’t sleeping, he was still playing with his phone. 

Normally he wouldn’t sleep so early, but tonight he couldn’t muster up the energy to study. He didn’t know what was up, so he didn’t force himself and just laid under the covers while on his phone. 

After angering Shen Weixing—Ah no, it was after refusing Shen Weixing’s offer to fuck, Ye Jiuyue continued scrolling on his phone. The other three people in his dorm were all out on dates or out self-studying, so it was very quiet in the dorm. Ye Jiuyue only had a little table-lamp turned on by the head of the bed, after two hours on his phone, he gradually became tired.  

Just as Ye Jiuyue prepared to put down his phone to let it charge, he received a message. When he clicked to see it, it was a photo sent by Shen Weixing.

A picture of abs. 

It didn’t show a face, but was almost revealing the □□.

It seemed to have been taken just after a shower, there were a few drops of water that hadn’t been wiped away.  

Ye Jiuyue:“……”

Ye Jiuyue couldn’t stop himself from thinking: when men get horny, they really are capable of doing anything in order to have sex, huh.

Still in the sage mode, Ye Jiuyue saved the photo, then turned off his phone and plugged it in to charge.  

Shen Weixing smugly waited for ten minutes, his smile slowly and gradually fading. 

Unable to keep it in, he tried calling but the other party had turned off their phone.  


Shen Weixing nearly smashed his phone. 

Rinrin: aiyoooo hhhhh. Too bad, SWX, your ploy didn’t work this time (maybe woulda worked if you were there in person, gotta use the face with your abs for a combo move)

Sel: pffffft hahahahahaha 

Lastin: Nice try, but YJY is too smart to fall for it.

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