Side Note

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Shelter From The Storm

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As I thought, I love to serve people. I was born to be a maid. No, wait, that's wrong. I was actually born to be the connecting force of two lovers, who unfortunately both died. Now, I'm suddenly sad. Damnit dad, why did you die?! As for you mom, I don't care enough. You didn't give me that banana, and I hold grudges. That's all a lie, though. They're happily retired, living in the Dome, a city that almost feels like it's from another world. Spoiler alert: It is from another world. How do I know? I just do. Gut feeling. Unless they're not retired and I'm actually an orphan, I forget.

Anyways, I'm currently serving tea to the Entropy lady and her housemates. Turns out the Chaos Storm was caused by her Sacred Power and the reason she moved all the way to the edge of the world. Reasonable, however, if I were her, I'd let it rip in the big cities. Imagine all the chaos, the wild scenarios. It'd be pretty epic… for about five minutes. Well, I'm a very in-the-moment type of person, and I don't regret things, so I'd still do it.

Why am I serving tea? Because it's what I do best. They let me in their house, the least I can do is serve them. They're friendly, and the Entropy lady looks really beautiful. "It's Sally, dear." Oh yeah, sorry about that. Sally looks really beautiful. Too beautiful, in fact, that I can't even do my usual delusion of her. I just can't fathom the possibility of such things. Thus, my desire to fuck a daughter continues on. 

There are others in the house, but I don't see myself pursuing them. The first housemate is the literal personification of the Chaos Storm raging outside this house. I really don't like looking at it. Every time I blink, I swear a new thing is added to the Chaos Storm. Just today, I saw a house made out of pillows, a rapidly spinning apple, and a lich king playing chess against a zombie monkey. As for the personification, she's cute. It seems Sally has adopted it as her daughter, and I can see why. She's cute. Who would've thought that the Chaos Storm would manifest itself as an adorable child tiger beastkin? So cute.

The second housemate is the spirit of the tree next to the house. I've been told it's a Lemon tree. What's a lemon? A yellow thing that I was told is edible, but I'd rather not consume it ever again. I will stick to my stale bread and cold soup. I find comfort in familiarity. Apparently, it's a tree from another world. Sally was building her home here, back when the Chaos Storm was pretty weak when a God from a different world dropped off this tree and an unconscious boy next to her. The god said it found them floating in space and brought them to this world. I'd say this story was fake, but after learning about Entropy, it's very believable now. 

The last housemate is an old dude. Really messing with my perception of this place being a paradise. Unlike the tree or the storm, he isn't a product of a wacky event caused by Sally's Sacred Power. He's here because he could survive the Chaos Storm but cannot get out. Apparently, the Storm has taken a liking to him. He is nice. The beard is great to touch, too. "Please stop touching my beard. I'm trying to enjoy your tea." Ah, sorry about that. He also happens to be a Sacred Power holder. Most people only ever get to meet one or two in their lifetimes, and I've already met five, including the teleporting girl and myself. By the way, this is what popped up:


You are immortal. 

Side Note: I pity whoever gets this.

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