Side Note

Chương 190: Chapter 189: Welcome Your New Overlord

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Hello, it's the former lover of fairies, Madeleine here. I am inside a wall. Not your walls, but Marigold's walls. How did I end up in it? I… actually have no idea how. It just sort of happened. I opened the door, I walked through, and a wall appeared. That's it. I'd try calling out for help, but I expressly remember this house is in the Void, and only Marigold and Croen lived here, which is troubling since I know Croen is a weird time-frozen demon statue right now, and Marigold is… I have no idea. I hear a little girl's grumbling, but I'm pretty sure Marigold can't make noises since, despite being an omnipotent ball of energy in the shape of a little girl, she also doesn't know what a vocal chord is.

Speaking of little girls who are not omnipotent balls of energy, I see one right now… why is there an actual little girl here? Specifically a little girl in a maid costume. Maybe I could teach her… except that maid dress is oddly like the one from the Maid School… oh no, an escapee? This isn't good.

"Hey there, girl of the little kind!" I tried waving my hand before remembering it was stuck in the wall. This is incredibly inconvenient, making me want to shake but not cry. Oh, she's noticed me. Her mouth is open, but she isn't saying anything… if only I knew how to explain talking.

"Ah… ah… ah… ahhh. Okay, got it." Looks like they've finally figured out how speaking works. Good to know. I hope they know how to get me out. "Let me do that real quick, big sis."

"Big sis?" She snapped her fingers and disconnected me from the wall. I quickly brushed myself and walked up to her, analysing her. I guess we have the same hair colour… but I don't remember getting a little sister.

"You're not my sister, but calling you Madeleine or Maddy feels weird. Unless you want me to say aunt?" 

"No way in Hell. You can call Mel aunt, though."

"My big sis dates my aunt?"

"Good counterpoint." Sounds like a story I've read before, but not something I'd personally take part in. I've met my aunties, they are not people I want to date. I may be insane, but I'm not crazy. "Who are you, by the way?"

She struck a pose while also not changing expression. "It's me, the omnipotent body of energy in the shape of a little girl, Marigold desu~" 

"Huh. Did you always look like that?"

"It's a recent development. I got it in an isekai adventure."

"Oh. Cool. How was it?"

"It was fun, although the nights were boring without my tablet." She started looking around the room. "Speaking of that, have you seen my tablet?"

"Medicinal tablets?"

"Technological tablet."

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"Nope. When did you last see it?"

"Hmm… I remember last having it before Eldra and Myka paid a visit."

"Maybe they stole it?"

"Pfft… there's no way…" She brushed me off with her hands before suddenly pausing. "Oh… that might be it. Eh, whatever. I can just make a new one."

"By the way, Marigold… can you send me to the next floor?"

"kk," and she snapped her fingers, starting the floor transfer. Wowie, no key needed.

Hello, it is me, currently frantically running for my life away from a scythe-wielding, mad-looking, somehow not time-frozen demon. It's Croen, everybody, it's Croen! Except rather than annoyed, he is, as said before, trying to kill me. I always knew he sort of disliked me, but this much… my heart is not wounded at all. I prefer my haters to be beautiful women! Okay, I'm bored of this facade. I thought having a good run would tire him out, but boy, does he seem persistent. Eternal Ice, come on!

"What?!" Croen looked down at the ice covering his feet and grew angrier. He started attacking it with his scythe, but unlike Wulfric, he left not even a dent. Good to know my Eternal Ice is still Eternal. By the way, it's a unique magic I made. I just thought, 'Why does the ice have to go away?' and boom, now it doesn't. "YOU FUCKING DARE DO THIS TO THE NEW OVERLORD OF THE COSMOS!!!"

"I do dare, loser."

"I had risen through the ranks of Hell, I had taken the powers of demons leagues above my own, I had even taken the powers of this world's God of Death. I am a traitor to my own kind, whose name will be remembered for aeons. THE POWER OF THE CREATOR WAS TO BE MINE!!! I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY A FUCKING MAID FROM THE MULTIVERSE'S EQUIVALENT OF FUCKING FLORIDA!!!!"

He threw his scythe at me… which I just sidestepped. I honestly could've ducked, jumped, or even caught it since scythes make for terrible projectiles, but whatever. This angered Croen further, which made him start glowing dark red. That doesn't look good. I immediately dash towards him and give him a good ol' kick to the gut, knocking the wind out of him. I then took the crown that was on his head (Why wouldn't I take it?), and boom, it turns out that was the key. It's been safe coasting so far.

"I have prophesied your arrival, Madeleine." I landed on a table across from a little girl with long ears who was drinking out. "My adoptive parents shall be your foes next. I recommend you rest here for a moment, but if you wish to continue, the key lies before you."

In front of him was a picture frame that held a picture of three people. A half-elf child, a demon adorned with jewels, and… a shadow clone. Huh.

Chapter namesake: Welcome Your New Overlord from Kirby's Return To Dreamland

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