Side Note

Chương 191: Chapter 190: Greed

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A plain with golden grass that runs as far as the eye can see, with a light breeze blowing. The sky is a bright blue, with very few clouds, almost making me forget I'm inside a pyramid. The two figures I see off in the distance stand out amongst my quiet surroundings. A proud demon adorned with jewels that shine brighter than the false sunlight and the glistening grass, and a mirror image of me with raven-black hair compared to my… uh… is it orange or a weird yellow? Oh, I broke out of the whole serious thing. Whoopsie.

I was trying to be serious because this fight is probably one where I'll actually get hurt. I'm sure my opponents have been folks like the Hero or Croen, but they were clearly not actually trying to kill me, just severely injure me. Sure, they would dismember me, maybe even somehow cut off my head and preserve my life. Still, they weren't going to kill me until I angered them, but my point is that they only started having killing intent when they were angry, which is the easiest killing intent to deal with… I feel like I got myself confused there. Let me try again.

The ones I fought previously didn't have killing intent until I angered them (Or were already angry in the case of the telekinetic), but here… I can just sense the natural bloodthirst of a demon and the cold, calculative mindset the Maid School drills into you, both things I became very aware of thanks to the headmistress. They're going to kill me for real, and I probably shouldn't dillydally around in my mind. Welp, it's death fight time, I guess.

I think I'll use my shadow halberd, which might be the best option. It gives me some range, allowing me to somewhat deal with Ava while also giving me the option to split it into two different weapons should both Mammon and Ava approach me, although I have an inkling of an idea what they'll do.

Upon seeing me summon my weapon, Mammon quickly pulled out her wings, taking to the sky, while Ava took out two daggers and started her approach. I readied my stance, waiting for Ava's first move, when I suddenly got the feeling to dodge to the right. I quickly rolled and saw the ground I previously stood on charred. I turned my attention to Mammon and saw her preparing magic circles. Ah, I see.

The simplest of tactics where a vanguard approaches while a mage provides cover fire, although typically the magic fired is a distraction, with the real meat of the attack being provided by the hand-to-hand combatants… here, however, those roles are reversed. You're probably wondering why, and I'd love to provide, but I have an approaching shadow clone to dispose of.

Ava threw a dagger at me, which I easily deflected before she slashed with her remaining dagger. I sidestepped to the right while swinging the shaft of my halberd towards her forward-moving body, causing her to jump and roll over it. Using the momentum of my swing, I turn towards her and stomp my foot, creating a path of ice that she jumps to avoid. I need to incapacitate Ava before… shit.

I quickly rolled to my right… only to get ambushed by Ava, who followed my roll and jumped atop me. If I knew I would get straddled by a girl today, I would've preferred it to be Mel. Ava held my hands down, awaiting Mammon, who was slowly approaching with a sheening golden blade in her hand. It seems Ava, although clinching onto my Maid School training, is hesitant to strike me down. Too bad I suck at emotional manipulation. I'll just escape the old way.

I gathered up saliva in my mouth and let it rip, spitting right in Ava's eyes, who recoiled backwards, both out of surprise and disgust. I quickly rose, giving Ava a swift kick to the face, before using Umbrakinesis to bring my halberd to me and striking it on the ground toward Mammon, who was hastening her approach. A shadow spread itself across the golden plain, with hands made of darkness rising out of it, chaotically waving about. Mammon tried striking the hands, only to have her weapon stolen, then her whole body covered in hands, completely immobilising her. One down, one more to go.

Ava finally got up, rubbing the area I kicked her while wiping off some remaining spit. She quickly looked at Mammon, and her aura immediately flared up. I see… so that's how it feels. Ava immediately sprinted at me, throwing wild punch after wild punch, forgetting about all my training. Unfortunately for her, in this scenario, I am the superior combatant. I easily ducked under one of her punches, then wrapped my arm around her waist, hoisting her up into the air. She got confused by my action before realising I was falling to my back. Impromptu, unsafe suplex time. She comes into contact with the floor, instantly knocking her out. 

I sit upright and sigh. I'll rest here for a moment and get some answers from Mammy and Ava. Clearly, something has changed.

"Myka has gone mad," Mammon stated, with Ava resting on her lap. I'm jealous.

"Isn't she already insane like everyone else?" Mendass is the land of the crazies, after all.

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"She went on about how she could just make a narrative centred around someone else and extend that way, which is why she's trying to get you killed."

"Couldn't she do it herself?"

"Someone asked that, but she didn't answer."

"Huh. So why did you try killing me?"

"She promised us freedom." She started combing Ava's hair. "She even gave me Ava back."


She closed her eyes, taking a heavy breath in and out. "It's clear I can't do it. Take Ava."

"Didn't you get her back?"

"Myka cruelly made some of the shadow clones keys… and maybe she won't be retaken with you." She kissed Ava on the forehead before Ava rolled over to me, sinking into my shadow as soon as she came into contact with it. "If you make it back with Ava, I'll allow you to take something from my hoard. That's how much she means to me."

"Aye aye, captain!" And onto the next floor I went.

"Welcome to the Roundtable of Cosmic Entities, little maid!" A red figure with a malicious grin met my eyes… oh no. "I'm here to offer a deal. Shake my hand, won't you?"

Chapter namesake: Greed by Danny Baranowsky for The Binding of Isaac (Flash)

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