Sins of a Space Emperorer

Sins of a Space Emperorer

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Sins of a Space Emperorer

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The Emperor's ancient augmented eyes gazed upon the celestial star chart, keeping conscious amidst the ever-monotonous clicking and whirring of the automatons around him, the search for new rifting worlds. For only a flickering moment, barely perceptible even to his senses, there was a subtle change to the air around him, as if it was statically charged.

How long had it been since he last felt that, the sensation of another System User? Was it when the last one besides himself had fallen to the dark denizens of those abyssal rifts? Amusingly enough, he hoped whoever this new user was that had now awakened would be able to grow strong enough in their journey to help save the planets which he simply could not.

The Emperor was timeless, beyond ancient, and his system was geared towards manufacturing, not rulership. He knew above all else that The Empire desperately needed a Hero.

What they got, however was not what they expected...

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