Sire Wolf

Chapter 13: New Kid

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I must have said something I shouldn’t. When I had asked Tegan about being with an alpha, she looked back at me like I had stabbed her with a knife. My words must have brought back memories she wanted to dismiss right away. For the life of me, I couldn’t imagine what had happened, my thoughts immediately thinking the worse. It made my blood boil seeing her so victimized by it, and I wished I was there to put that fucker in his place.

It was a bad experience I wouldn’t question her about again. During dinner, Bann came about five minutes late, walking into smelling like cigarette fumes, giving me a cross look. Not only that, he took a seat right next to me, super close, talking about no ill blood between us. While I wanted to believe that, I felt like I had ticked him off behind that wide phony smile of his. He wouldn’t let me see it, but I could sense it. Though, once I apologized, he relaxed on me, and that tension vanished sooner than he could slap me with a second serving of meatloaf on my plate.

It was a good thing, too. I hated even the idea of conflict. If something was bothering him, I needed to deal with it right away. After dinner, Bann and I talked about business, more of the family getting to know each other. I learned that he was a motor head, and that he had been in a biker gang a few years ago, bashing skulls for money. He was a heavy gambler and drinker, but he promised me those days were over. Tegan didn’t talk much about herself though, and when Bann tried to string her into the conversation, she made an excuse to wash the dishes and clear the table.

I had to imagine her off-tone had something to do with the question I’d asked her earlier. I was hoping it wouldn’t ruin her entire night. Maybe some sleep would do her some good, and after dinner, I caught me some, knocking out faster than that black and white monster marathon I had running in the background.


I hadn’t bothered with an alarm clock. Today’s class was in the afternoon. After my morning routine, I went into the kitchen for some coffee, noticing the clock on the stove reading ten am. I must have been exhausted, but I was ready to tackle another day of campus hunting. Though, I wished I was still able to realistically take my classes, instead of hopping from class to class, taking fake notes with my psychology textbook. Today I had Bio, and I was itching to go back home and snatch the rest of my stuff. I already felt out of place by quitting my job and abandoning my apartment. I wanted to lessen the blow by normalizing schoolwork, at least.

Just as I started to head back into my bedroom, I noticed Tegan walking in, ready to go out with her combat stick strapped on her backpack. Seriously shocked campus security hadn’t stopped her for walking around with that. She looked up to me with a timid smile, and I greeted her with my warm one. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” she said. “You don’t look like you’re ready to head out at all.”

“It only takes me a few minutes to get dressed. We still aren’t heading back to my place so I can gather the rest of my things?”

“No, it’s still dangerous.”

“So why are we heading out early? My one class today is at noon.”

“To scope around,” she looked away bashfully. “And you know what else.”

“Hunting for tail, too?” I chuckled. “We don’t have to just go to campus for that. Isn’t there like a wolf club or dating app? Swipe right for a bite?”

“Haha, very funny,” she sassed. “Just get ready.”

I did, under five minutes as promised. We took a bus ride to campus, the intel I gave Bann not good enough. He had a name, Blake, the alpha of the Lotus Wolves. But he wanted more names, every last one of them on campus it seemed. Though, I wasn’t prepared to bump into him and his crew again. I had something else in my mind, to grow my pack, where Tegan insisted I searched the Hall of Arts and Music on the west side of campus.

She promised me a bunch of artsy and horny ladies, her words, not mine. We went on the hunt, our efforts coming up short. Then again, it was Saturday, and there were less people on campus on the weekend. And after a solid hour of hunting, Tegan and I headed to the lounge to regroup.

“Well, this is depressing,” she said, plopping herself right next to me on that L table.

“Not as depressing and pathetic as you hanging around me while I find girls,” I teased.

“That question goes to show you that you haven’t been dating at all,” she insulted. “A guy looks ten times as enticing when he’s walking around with a girl.”

I smiled. “I thought that wouldn’t matter? Seeing as alphas and omegas are naturally attracted to each other?”

“It helps confirm the kill. Ugh-I-eh-mean, the catch.”

I chuckled. “Well, maybe you’re right. I haven’t really had many girlfriends,” I admitted, reaching into my pocket for a snack. “Pocky?”

“No, thanks. I need real food,” she said, getting right back up and heading out the front door.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“To get some real food. Just sit tight, I’ll be right back.”

“Boy, you sure know how to eat. We just left the house.”

Her face churned, Tegan slapping her arms at her hips. “Excuse me, are you keeping track of what I shove down my mouth?”

“You don’t want me answering that…”

“Pervert!” she huffed. “For your information, I didn’t have any breakfast. Now, unless you want to dive deeper into my diet, I suggest you mind your business, keep your head low, and stay put!” she said before she stormed out.

What a fun tease.

I had about twenty minutes until my class started, so I gave her ten for her to get back. But thirty seconds wouldn’t pass by before this empty lounge welcomed a visitor, my eyes looking up to a blond kid with glasses.

That chocolate Pocky stick dangled along my bottom lip, my eyes trying to adjust, feeling like I’ve seen this kid before.

Right, it was the same creepy dude from the lecture hall, the guy with the fade cut. I let my teeth snap into my wafer snack, my eyes shifting away from him uninvitingly. For some reason, I didn’t want him engaging in any type of conversation with me, that last impression I had of him offish. He kept with his shaggy look, his lanky frame approaching me unrestrained, his comfort level with me questionable. Again, no werewolf vibes, but dangerous ones, the red flags in my head telling me not to trust him.

“Bright out today, isn’t it?” he said, just as he took a bold seat right next to me. He was only inches away from me, the idea of personal space not an issue to this guy. Given my history, I should have been more considerate, more open to letting him in, but I wasn’t.

Even so, I tried to be nice, giving him a very subtle and fake smile and nod. “Yeah,” I said simply.

“Have any plans after class?” he asked, investigating about my day. His voice was placid and direct, like a car salesman, making me believe that he may have wanted something from me.

“No, um, can’t say that I do.”

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“Oh, my apologizes. The name’s Roger,” he introduced, offering me his hand. I entertained the forward handshake, his grip surprisingly strong for someone of his build.


“Nice to meet you, man. I noticed you in my psychology class yesterday. Figured I’d introduce myself and make some friends.”

“With me?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he chuckled. “Yeah, I know, it’s strange to say, but, I felt like you’d understand where I was coming from, seeing as we both came from the same orphanage.”


“Well, let me rephrase that. My mom worked at Sunnyside. I occasionally tagged along on the weekends to play with the kids. This was years ago, but your face, it looked familiar. So I thought I’d approach you and make the connection.”

“Heh, can’t say that I’m thrilled. The last time someone said I looked familiar, I paid a heavy price for it.”

He leaned his crossed arms over the table, that funny expression behind his glasses looking back at me confused but interested. I didn’t delve into it further to quell the questions running through his head right now. It was none of his business, and frankly, I wasn’t prepared to break code and let this guy know I was a werewolf.

Not that he would believe me anyway.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what was your mother’s name?”


“Barbara?” I repeated, that name not crossing my memory. “And a last name?”

“Stone. Barbara Stone.” He said, this sudden spine-chilling grin crawling on his face.

“I don’t remember anyone by that name working at Sunnyside.”

“Oh, she was there. You probably don’t remember. We were both young at the time. She was a teacher’s aide.”

“For what grade level?”

“Probably K through sixth grade. But hey, I was hoping that you’d remember me and we can hang out sometime. No point walking around these halls without a college buddy, am I right?”

It was an unrefined invitation to friendship, and I wasn’t sure. Not only did I not recall anyone by that name, but I also didn’t remember seeing this guy at all at my orphanage. Yet, he supposedly remembered me distinctly, enough to approach me about it.

Just when I was ready to decline this guy’s offer, the front door opened, and I was expecting Tegan. Instead, my omega walking in, the same omega I’d somehow forgotten to fucking text back!


She looked left, startled, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree when she saw me. I knew she wasn’t expecting to find me here, let alone on a Saturday taking classes. She gasped, ready to rush toward me, calling my name with an excited smile on her face. I was shamefully ready to take the heat for leaving her on read, but once I noticed who was trailing not too far behind her, I got off my seat quicker than I could shove that Pocky stick in my mouth.

Luckily for me there was a back entrance. I slipped my backpack strap over my shoulder and bucked it, leaving her, that kid, and Blake in that lounge room. But I didn’t get very far, my face running into a sharp jab as soon as I pulled my head in front of me.

The impact had my back hitting the wall, with my hand cupping my cheek. Before I could register what the fuck had happened, I felt someone snatch at my collar, pulling me into his face with a dark threat behind his eyes. Instantly my senses took over, and I realized I was standing inches away from a Lotus wolf, a beta I’d seen just yesterday with Blake.

“That Sire wolf smell sticks to ya, doesn’t it?” he grunted, that smug smile on his face not bothering me any. “You sent my brother packing, and still had the balls to drag your sorry ass back on campus? Well, let me tell you something, shithead—Blake is gonna to take his slow ass time carving you wide open! I fucking promise!” He chuckled devilishly. “That’s right, skin you right up. I can’t wait to wear your fur over my back as a nice little memento.”

“Or, I could just reunite the family,” I slipped under my wise-cracking tongue, that bastard’s smile tapering off. He looked back at me like I wouldn’t dare. Either that, or he had the impression I wouldn’t fight back. An alpha versus a beta—who would win? He had a confidence in him, leaving that pretty-boy face wide open for abuse. So I dished him some, punching him dead center, his head ricocheting back from my brave move.

That grip he had on my collar dropped, and so did he. To be fair, I wasn’t expecting my strike to do more than sting and burn, making this asshole fall on his ass with a broken nose. I had practically rearranged his face with one punch…

All of that power from just one omega…

I was having a hard time accepting how strong I’d gotten, the bastard flailing on the ground screaming painful tears. I guess his cry was loud enough for his boss and his two goons to turn down that corner, the head of the Lotus Wolves making his grand appearance.

“Shit, Chad,” he said patronizingly, that taunting smile on his face belittling his beta. “Don’t look too good, brother. Maybe you shouldn’t have disregarded my orders and gone at him all by yourself,” Blake insulted, and then his eyes looked up to me. I fixed myself up to defend, my pose hostile, just like that dark tone on his face. He licked the tip of his canine tooth threatening to elongate, his intimidating slow steps my way making me back up at his pace. “Matthews, take Chad to the ER. Lemme’ handle this one.”

“Yes, Blake,” the shorter guy replied, following his alpha’s command and dragging his pathetic buddy out of our ring.

“You know, fate has a funny way of answering a call. I had told myself that I felt like my dad left some unfinished business hanging. He assured me that all those little pesky knots were tied, enough for him to step down. I told him I didn’t think so. You know, you can never be too sure. And then, long behold, you came around, just when my pack was getting nice and cozy. My dad’s unfinished business.” He snorted. “Can’t say that I’m not impressed. You managed to call the blood moon, a half wolf like yourself… made alpha.” He cracked his knuckles, finally baring his fangs. “But your time has come. Allow me to beat the beast out of you.”

“I guess you haven’t been paying attention,” I boldly asserted, having absolutely no right to. I was bluffing. I knew I couldn’t take him on, not in this state. Blake was stronger than me by a longshot. I could sense it. The power in him surpassed mine. Which was respectable seeing as I was a newly awakened alpha. He on the other hand had been in the game for a while. And while I had no business being in this fight, I was being cornered. And it was a beast’s instinct to fight when being cornered.

I was no fucking different.

He fixed himself to fight me head on, his other goon stepping aside to let us fight one on one. In the hallway of a college campus with no one watching… Still, I felt like he was risking a lot here. Even though Blake hadn’t extended his claws like he did the first time we fought, there was no telling how long he could keep the werewolf inside him while we tangoed. I figured the restraint had something to do with what Bann had warned me about, those hunters in the dark. Blake didn’t want a bounty on his head, or a bullet of silver either. I had to adopt the same mentality, and force myself to play defense.

Too bad defense wasn’t my forte…

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