Siren Song

Chapter 179: 176 Tortured I + II

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Usually she didn't dream because of the pills she took to bring her to sleep, but she had forgotten to take them that night in her exhaustion. Or maybe it was from the satiation of having a warm full belly for the first time she could remember in a long time. As such it hit her hard and left her sweating and panting, her heart pounding as she sat up.

It seemed that Jian's words at the dinner table had been a catalyst as Chang dreamed of her last night in the Republic of Lahat; reliving her last night with him.

Chang had been desperately begging Jian not to go, worried for him. The horrible fear that he would be hurt, or worse be killed in the fight and that she would lose him too made her feel selfish. She didn't want him to leave and lose him too, her dad was already gone, her mother was leaving her soon, he couldn't too. She knew that he had responsibilities with his ties but when her words and tears didn't work she tried to use her body to make him stay.

Making sure the door was shut she pressed her lips to his placing one hand behind his neck to support herself as she stood on her tiptoes while the other hand worked at several of the buttons on the top of her dress. Once she felt that a good number of them were undone she pulled back from him as his arms started to wrap around her.

Staring at Jian who still stood with his arms open from where she had just been she pulled down her dress letting it pool beneath her feet. Seeing his Adam's apple Bob as he swallowed while staring at her hungrily, she flicked her thumbs under the straps of her white shift underneath and pulled it off. Standing before him she wore nothing except for her panties.

Reaching for the edge she pinched them while continuing to stare into his eyes she started to remove them before he grabbed her wrists. His dsrk amber eyes were almost smoldering as he looked at her his voice coming out as a low growl.

"Let me." Stealing her lips with a sucking kiss he then began trailing more southward following from the side of her jaw after her lips. As his mouth moved southwards, his hands slowly did as well uncovering her most private part for only a moment before his mouth recovered it.

The surprise from his sudden tender assault made her knees feel weak and she had to hold on to the top of his shoulders for support her fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt. As little gasps and moans escaped from her mouth in response to his every flick and kiss he hummed appreciatively deep in his throat.

Chuckling he looked at her with undisguised hunger and pulled it the rest of the way off before his pants. Grinning wolfishly down at her he continued what he started as she gripped the hard muscles in his upper arms as he slowly drove her mad.

By the time he entered her she was puddy in his hands all response to his passion and moans. Looking up at him as he stared down at her she couldn't help feeling tears prick her eyes again.

"Jian, please don't go." Clutching at his upper back, she wrapped her legs around his waist squeezing him tight causing him to gasp and groan.

"Everything will be fine, Chang just trust me, look at me." Putting an arms across her back he he held her tightly and tried to pull his head back to see her face.

Chang shook her head vehemently where it lay nestled in the crook of his neck her tears dampening the skin there.

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Sighing Jian grabbed a firm hold on her waist and rolled her over, causing her to release her hold as she tried to stabilize herself with the sudden motion until she found herself on top of him, her chest mashed against his, her eyes caught by his.

"I promise you everything will be fine. Have I ever broken a promise to you before?"

"Not that I can think of."

"So difficult," chuckling he kissed her wrinkled brow. "The answer is no. Set your heart at ease Chang, I've promised you and it will be so, sojust enjoy tonight and think about which position you like best. I don't want to see any more tears from you except for tears of pleasure."

"Ugh, you are just the worst-mm!" Lightly pounding a fist on his chest, she had her lips stolen as she gave a great moan as he pushed deeper in claiming her further.

In the end as sweat ran down her bare back, he held her firmly with a hand on her hip and the other on one breast squeezing it lightly, as she cried out her toes curling. Her long hair spilled behind her in long curls as she held onto his arms desperately for support and her legs straddled his.

"Beautiful.." That last thing she rembered was him murmuring below her, before exhaustion took her and she collapsed on his chest feeling his long steady fingers tuck some hair behind her ear.

Even once awake the vivid memories kept playing out in her mind and she could feel herself becoming agitated and uncomfortable. Feeling a bead of sweat trickle between her breasts and her heart pounding wildly, Chang got out of bed. Padding barefoot across the white carpeted floor to her balcony she opened the glass sliding door to her.

The sheer lace and silk from her Iight slip was easily penetrated by the wind and quickly took the burning from her skin. Looking from her view overlooking the Seine, Chang gripped the metal rail and let the chill air calm her senses a little before she went inside.

Feeling like her mouth was dry Chang unlocked her bedroom door and went to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. Opening the door to the seemingly empty house her gaze lingered on the closed door of her secondary guest bedroom, he was staying in.

Her feet started to shift towards it mindlessly but she stopped herself and finished her original mission downing three full glasses quickly

Quietly padding out of the kitchen she returned to the door and stood before it, shifting her bare feet her hand lightly resting on it, as she tried to sort her conflicted emotions and thoughts.

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