Siren Song

Chapter 180: 177 Another day in heaven or is it hell

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As she promised Justin she took them all straight to their planned destinations, after he had made them a delicious breakfast, which she couldn't help eating all of again.

While eating the beautiful fluffy raspberry crêpes, he made in the morning, she couldn't help exclaiming while pointing her fork at him.

"Instead of being an entertainer, you should be a chef your talent is wasted Justin. What have you been putting in the food to make it so good, crack?"

"No just a little love and tenderness." Turning Justin winked and blew a kiss at Jian, seated beside her who was shocked and repulsed visibly.

"Hahaha!" Justin laughed out loud seeing his reaction. "Wel, l you don't need to be so put off, I've got a beau anyways."

Sipping her coffee, that he had brewed to a perfect robustness she closed her eyes and gave a contented humm. Capturing the moment she stored it away in her heart, feeling like the joyous moments like these would soon be gone and all she would have left would be memories. Like always.

The entire morning Justin was absolutely glued to his phone taking pictures wherever he could, the absolute image of an eager tourist,as she played the semi-educated tour guide. He even managed to bully and badger Jian into taking a picture of him and Chang posing in front of the Louvre pyramid for commemoration.

For all his excitement for the Louvre and to see the Mona Lisa, he was horribly dissatisfied to see how small she was and almost visibly wilted. She knew he had pictured it way bigger and couldn't help chuckling seeing his reaction.

After fighting through the crowds they left to take a tour of la cathédrale de Notre-Dame which had Justin about jumping for joy and excitement like a little kid again. Looking like a grin would slit his face he took a selfie with one of the stone apostles' toes in the background before going back to his almost maniacal picture taking.

Walking through the halls though even Justin quieted down and walked with a silent reverence through the place.

The stained glass roses of Notre-Dame Dame in particular were some of his favorites as well as hers and she was naturally drawn to one. Standing below it the beautiful art faded to the background in her mind.

All she could see was last night replaying its way through her head. Twisting through her thoughts and day like his tongue did last night with hers.

Chang had only been able to moan helplessly, at his mercy while he aggressively moved on her. She started to slide down feeling herself becoming weak. Only when she did, did he release her to pull her into his arms his nose grinding into her hair as his breath and lips tickled her left ear.

"I was afraid you were going to walk away again." Jian let his hands roam freely across her smooth skin partially sheathed with the smooth silk causing shivers up and down her spine.

'I might have.'

"Jian.. will you hold me as we go to sleep?" Her voice had came out a little hesitant and unsure as she looked up at his chiseled familiar face.

Immediately he had picked her up and tucked her into bed, before climbing into the other side. Fitting herself into his arms as his little spoon complete with arm pillow, she felt him brush back a few hairs on her head before planting a kiss on it. Snaking his arm around her he tucked his free hand above her heart.

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'I wonder if he can feel it pounding. This feels good but like I thought it feels diffetent now. Like there's something hollow and missing in me, something that seemed to shine out. I don't know this still feels good though, I should just sleep and think about it more tomorrow.'

Clenching the hand above her heart her breathing evened out and she slept peacefully.

Several steps away Liang Jian Amal looked at her as she gazed up at the giant stained glass window, her gaze soft and full of awe.

"Instead of hanging back why don't you go talk to her?" Coming up beside him quietly Justin whispered to the taller man.

"Just to look at her at peace is enough for me. I don't want to disturb that for her." Liang Jian Amal's tone hushed but gentle as he kept his eyes to her lone figure.

"Ugh you're hopeless but also pretty damn romantic. Just go talk to her, keep things rolling it's not like I didn't see her come out of your room this morning all sneaky sneaky." Pushing him forward from his shoulder Justin watched from where Jian had been standing as Jian approached to be covered in the light as she was.

Standing beside her and slightly behind he looked up at the vast intricate picture soaring over their heads. The red and blue panes alternating together created a beautiful haunting amethyst that bled onto its surroundings and painted her skin with its shadow making her look ethereal.

"Beautiful. "

"Isn't it, you know it took over a hundred years to build!" Even though his eyes were obviously trained on her Chang gushed over the art in front of her missing his obvious meaning. Slapping a hand to his face Justin watched him let her ramble on with no intentions to clarify himself.

'You two will never get anywhere if you did not have anyone to push you..'

"Hey whatcha doing? Oh stand there I have to get a shot of this." He had already got a shot of the two standing there, but coming closer he realized Chang would be a perfect model for another picture. Motioning for her to turn slightly towards him and pose naturally he took the shot and showed it to her proudly.

"Wow, you know what I take back what I said this morning, you should be a photographer instead you're so good!" Chang stared at the phone camera surprised the lilac hues on her skin, hair, and eyes added an indefinable melancholy and beauty to her image. 'Do I really look so sad all the time?"

"Only if you paint what I capture."

"I'm not where good enough to do your pictures justice."

"Oh please, girl, Jian has shown me the work you did at, what was the name of it again, oh yeah, Lahat." Snapping his fingers it took him a minute up recall the name.

"Wait. How do you know about the pictures I painted for my mom there? I never told you about that and I left them there." Looking at him with a puzzled look, he could see her connecting dots.

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