Slice Of Life: Wife and Children`s System.

Chapter 3: Three: A Heartwarming Dinner.

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But, managing to grit my teeth and hide those feelings, I look at Celestia and Azura in the eyes.

"That's not true at all. You both are our one and only precious daughters… you could never be a nuisance to us. Therefore… from now on, you should rely on me. I'll do anything for you."

"I… don't need…" both said with a shaking tone.

"But we need you, Celestia and Azura. We're a family. Isn't that right? Alena?"

I looked over at Alena, who finally seemed like she couldn't hold herself back anymore as she pulled Celestia and Azura into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Celestia and Azura... For not giving you the attention you deserve... But even if it might be too late now, I too, need you ..."

"Really, mommy?" Both said in unison.

"Of course, because you are my precious little daughters.."

And with those words… I wonder if Celestia and Azura  couldn't hold it in anymore, as they clung to Alena's dress and tears rolled down their cheeks.

"Uuu… hic… Mama…!"

"I'm so sorry, Celestia, Azura … truly… I'm so sorry…"

Perhaps it was because they were mother and daughters? Both in terms of figure and personality they come across as slightly awkward at first, but the three of them truly are very kind. Reaching out my hand, I gently caressed both of their heads until they stopped crying.

It's clear to me now… these two are both the type that wouldn't easily share their burdens. The type that would let all their woes fester inside them behind a pained smile… the type that needed someone to stand beside them in support more than anyone.

Of course, as Alena is my wife, and I could support her for the rest of my life.

But one day, both Celestia and Azura would walk their own path… as in, they would marry. It would make do to be sure that the person they end up with can support them well… but, in the meantime, I should take advantage of being a Duke and Celestia and Azura only being three. Even if there are engagement talks, I could drag things out until I'm sure the suitor is right for them.

And I won't ever force them to marry someone they don't want to...

And I won't use them for my own benefits, political marriage is forbidden... Of course, forbidden by me...

Actually, the thought of letting my cute daughters become someone else's bride is… of course, it pains me as a father to let them go, but it would pain even more if I caused them to be unhappy by hanging onto them forever.

Since I love  Celestia and Azura with all my heart, I'd have to find Celestia and Azura partners that they can truly be in love with as well…

"Now then… what do the three of you thinking about spending some time together tomorrow, just the four of us?"

As soon as they calmed down, I made a spur-of-the-moment proposal. Of course, both of them nodded without refusing but… somehow, it looked like both Celestia and Azura wanted to say something more.

"What's wrong, Celestia, Azura?"

"Um… you see… mommy, daddy… I wanted to go to bed with you today… no good?"

"Of course, you can."

I answered straight away. With such a cute girl giving us puppy dog eyes like that, of course, there was no way either of us could say no as Alena nodded quickly.

Well, of course, time together as a couple was important too, but… even more important was spending as much quality time as we could with our daughters, to make up for how lonely they must have felt until now.

Ah, but… after a quick thought, I leaned close to Alena and whispered in her ear.

"Next time it will just be the two of us… I promise, okay?"

When I said that, a slight blush spread across Alena's cheeks, but she nodded silently.

Yeah… even in broad daylight, my sense of reason might be at risk if the kids weren't here, huh? It really would be bad to develop a hobby of getting a bit too lovey-dovey as a couple in front of my daughters, after all. In

And so, just like that, and from that day forward, the four of us started anew as a family.

After spending some time together as a family for the first time.

A maid soon came and announced that the dinner was ready...

Together we walked our way to the dining room, while we were walking I picked Celestia and Azura in my Arms up through the castle.

Both were happy and giggling all the time.

"From now on we will spend our time together... I pick you up in my arms, play with you, sleep together, and all the things you want..." I said to the twins while kissing them on the cheek.

"Really?" Both asked...

"Of course, I won't ever lie to my cute little Celestia and Azura..." I said as I kissed their foreheads.

Little Celestia and little Azura's happy giggles resonated in the whole castle, as I kept playing with them till we reached our destination...

As we reached the dining room, I put The little girls on the chairs, as I seated myself between them...

Little Celestia picked little  Azura`s hands and brought her to the table, and waited for my permission to start eating.

"Okay, guys, you can start eating.". I  said while picking up the knife and the fork.

After I ate some meat.

I started blowing at the spoonful of soup, as I held the spoon in my hand and blew some air on the soup in it. Then I brought the spoonful of soup to my Little Azura.

"Here you are, eat it Azura," I said.

She looked at me, stunned. After a few seconds, she quickly drinks the soup.

"Thanks, daddy. The soup is delicious.". Little Azura said with a smile and some tears in her eyes.

"No need to cry, from now on a lot of moments like this will happen," I said to her while patting her head.

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I looked at Celestia, she was clearly embarrassed.

"Does Celestia wants to be fed like Azura"? Also, I asked her, and I picked another spoonful of soup and put it in front of her mouth.

"Thanks, daddy" Celestia thanked me while also crying.

"What a crybaby you kids are," I said while creasing both Celestia and Azura's silky hair.

After both of them stopped crying I begin to feed them.

After I blew some air on the second spoonful of the soup.

"Here Little Azura. Say ah.". I said.

"ehehe, thanks daddy". said little Azura while giggling.

While I was giving soup to little Azura.

Little Celestia was eagerly waiting for her turn.

When another spoon come near her lips, she smiled at me with a cute and huge smile.

"Thanks, daddy. Celestia and Azura know how to blow, let me do it. You must drink your soup, or it will get cold soon.". Little Celestia and little Azura both said.

As I heard both little Celestia and Azura also ask for me to eat my heart dropped honey as I looked at their smiling face, and heard both of their giggling sounds.

"But you guys must drink and eat to become big Adults.". I said with a caring look.

I patted their heads and smiled while saying, Mommy will take fresh soup from the pot of soup before it turns cold.

"After you guys finish eating, I`ll tell the maids to prepare desserts for us.". I said while looking at one of the maids.

The maids nodded, then hurriedly walked out of the dining room...

On the other side, Alena was watching our interaction with a warm smile on her face, she also picked up the spoon and filled it with soup and moved it near Celestia, as she drink it, Alena filled the spoon again but this time she moved it towards Azura, as both Celestia and Azura drink the soup from the hands of their mommy and daddy, they thanked me and Alena...

I then filled my spoon and put it in front of Alena's mouth, who in turn was stunned, she didn't expect that I will feed her too.

"Eh? You will feed me too? But I'm not a child"

"I know, I just want to feed you to show my love to you, they are my daughters while you are my wife..." I explained to Alena.

I begin to take turns, feeding Celestia, Azura, and my wife.

"Thanks, daddy, my tummy is full". The first to finish was Azura who rubbed her stomach.

"Me too, daddy". Celestia also finished after Azura.

Second, after I noticed that the three, picked their spoons and filled them with soup, Celestia and Azura just said they are full, why are they filling their spoons again, I wondered.

But soon after, I found out why.

In front of my mouth three spoons filled with soup.

I quickly drink the three spoons.

"Thanks" I quickly thanked them.

That family atmosphere can even warm a cold killer's heart.

Quickly, kissing my daughters, who in turn smiled happily at me and giggled warmed my heart...

The three mother and the twins didn't stop feeding me until my stomach hurt...

I didn't want to break their hearts, so I kept eating and drinking what they offered me.

Soon after, the twin started feeding their mother.

I also joined them in feeding Alena.

A heartwarming family dinner, it felt like an eternity for me... remembering my mother and sister in my past life, I was about to cry, but I forced myself to stop, so as to not ruin our family time.

We spent the entire dinner feeding each other, me, Alena and our daughters

After a few minutes, the maids knocked on the door and entered the room with a tray filled with small desserts.

After we finished dinner and ate the desserts.

Celestia and Azura begin to doze off, seeing them like this, I patted Their heads and told them its time to sleep.

I lifted the twins and started walking to Their rooms.

Remembering their happy smiles while we were eating, I swore that I will protect their happy smiles till the end of my life...

After walking for a few minutes, I finally arrived at their room.

I entered the room, walked near their beds, and finally put them down to sleep.

I kissed their cheeks, patted their heads, and wished them good night as I walked out of the room...


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