Slice Of Life: Wife and Children`s System.

Chapter 4: Four: Morning With My Daughters.

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After a few minutes, the maids knocked on the door and entered the room with a tray filled with small desserts.

After we finished dinner and ate the desserts.

Celestia and Azura begin to doze off, seeing them like this, I patted Their heads and told them its time to sleep.

I lifted the twins and started walking to Their rooms.

Remembering their happy smiles while we were eating, I swore that I will protect their happy smiles till the end of my life...

After walking for a few minutes, I finally arrived at their room.

I entered the room, walked near their beds, and finally put them down to sleep.

I kissed their cheeks, patted their heads, and wished them good night as I walked out of the room...

Once I walked out, I remembered that I promised Celestia and Azura that we will be sleeping together tonight...

"Didn't we promise them that we will be sleeping with them?". I said to Alena who was walking behind me.

"Ah? I forgot it... what should we do now? should we carry them to our room or should we sleep in their room?" Alena wondered...

"Hmm? Okay, let's sleep in their room" I said to Alena as I walked back into Celestia and Azura's room.

"Okay, I will follow you after I change my dress," Alena said as she walked out of the room.

I nodded at her, as I too needed to change my clothes...

Once I finished changing, I returned to my kids, and soon Alena returned. We cuddled with each other in the bed, to keep Celestia and Azura warm... and soon we fell asleep. And just like that, my first day after regaining my memories came to an end.


The dark sky disappeared from the sky above the dukedom, and a familiar bright blue appeared with all its might. A yellow sun appeared in the sky, Making everyone who is bathed in the sunlight feel the warmth.


A small sparrow flew towards the castle and titled its head as it continued to sing its melody, soon another 5 joined it in the conversation while tweeting and chirping.



In the castle, inside one of the rooms.

Two small figures with golden hair, a small pink nose, and red cheeks were cuddling with a light-hair young man and a woman who had the same golden-colored hair as the two small figures, while the sunlight started to slowly creep the room. Making the previously dark room brighter.

The rays landed on the two lazy bums who were hugging the young man, and the woman next to them.

Once the rays landed on the young man and the woman's faces they changed positions, not the right time to wake up.

It seemed they were in deep slumber...

The two small figures were sleeping with a serene look on their faces, with no signs of waking up... Seems like they were still dreaming and had happy smiles...

The room now is illuminated with bright yellow...

And at that moment the two small girls, Celestia and Azura had slight movements. They both wake up at the same moment. But once they woke up, both were stunned by the sight, they found that they were hugged by two big figures.

Celestia and Azura rubbed their eyes at the same time, looking around, noticing that they are in their room. They giggled. They didn't expect to find themselves hugging and cuddling Alena and Adam.

"Mommy and daddy slept with us," Celestia said while smiling happily.

Azura nodded and giggled happily with her sister.

"Yesterday felt like a dream". Azura said to Celestia who was playing with Alena's silky hair.

"Yeah, we had dinner with mommy and daddy, and they slept with us"...

"Ehehehe..." Celestia and Azura giggling filled the room.

They played with their mother's hair, touching her cheeks and kissing her forehead.

After they finished playing.

They moved towards Adam, who was peacefully sleeping on the left side of the bed.

Azura, with her tiny pinky, started poking Adam's cheeks.

"Woah, daddy's cheeks are so soft". Azura said to Celestia, who in turn started doing the same as her twin sister.

They moved from poking his cheek to poking his face.

Adam started frowning in his sleep, once they saw his frowning face, they giggled.

Soon after, they started blowing some air in his ear, enjoying it.

"Uaghhh" Adam whose sleep was interrupted, yawned.

After walking up, he looked at the tiny figures who interrupted his sleep.

"Hehe, daddy wake up". Celestia said while shaking Adam's body left and right.

" Good morning daddy". Celestia and Azura said as they saw Adam opening his eyes.


Once I opened my eyes, what greeted me, were my two adorable little Celestia and little Azura.

Seeing them the first thing in the morning made my day.

"Good morning my little princesses," I said, as they like the way I addressed them.

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"How are you now, cuties?" I asked.

"We are fine," both answered.

"Let's start a new day together as a family," I said to them.

Who both nodded and smiled happily at me.

Such a warm and happy smile made my heart warm.

"Cely, Azu, let's wake mommy up?" I said.

I don't know if they will like the nicknames I came up with.

"Cely? Azu?" They were stunned

"Yeah, your nicknames, do you like it? No?" I asked them, hoping that they will like their new names.

"Yeah, I love it" Azura giggled, and kissed me on the cheek.

Ah, it was an unexpected attack.

My heart...

"Me too, thanks daddy," Celestia said while kissing me.

Man, two attacks at the same time are bad for my heart.

"Cely", and "Azu" the two begin to mumble their nicknames with happy smiles.

Their smiles were warm like the winter sun. A smile that warms the body, mind, and heart.

I reached my hand out and creased their golden hair, which earned a giggle.

I approached their faces and started kissing them.

"That tickles daddy," Celestia said.

"We didn't even start, the tickle had just begun," I said.

I moved my hands from their hair, towards their stomachs, and started tickling them.

"haha", both Celestia and Azura started laughing hard.

soon, the room was filled with laughter.

"Hahaha, stop it, daddy... hahaha," Azura said.

I didn't care and continued with my tickling.

"Please daddy, tummy hurts... hahaha... I'm gonna pee, no more daddy."Celestia begged me.

"Just a few more, and I will stop, tickling you feel good," I said.

"I swear that I'm gonna pee on myself," Azura said.

"big girls don't pee on their selves". I said which in turn I earned the 'try me look' from both Celestia and Azura.

"Okay, time to stop Adam... You don't want them to be dirty... right? " Alena who just woke up said.

"Okay." I nodded, with a dejected look.

Of course, I didn't want to stop playing with my cute little princesses.

"Good morning, Celestia, Azura," Alena said while kissing the girls.

"Good morning, mommy." they returned the greetings while also kissing Alena.

"What about me?" I asked with a little jealousy.

"Good morning to you too Adam," Alena said with a helpless smile.

"Good morning Alena," I said as I kissed her on her cheeks.

"Let's go to the bath?" Alena suggested.

"Okay" Celestia and Azura nodded furiously as they kept mumbling 'Bath with mommy and daddy.'

"No, today it will only be girls' bath". suddenly, Alena declared that I won't be joining them, which I clearly understand with how embarrassed she looked. She kept glancing at me from the side with red cheeks.

"Ehhh? why?" both Celestia and Azura said with a sad look.

"No need to be sad, I have some things to do. so I will be going to the bath later." I said.

also, the twins nodded they still looked down.

"Next time daddy will join us. Okay," Alena said.

Once the twins heard her, they smiled happily.

"Okay, you can go to the bath now," I said.

The three nodded at me and moved out of bed walking to the bathroom.

The twins were jumping with happiness.

They are like cute little rabbits who need to be protected... Watching them jumping and running happily, my smile turned wider.

I too moved out of bed to walk to my bathroom...

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