So I’m A Goblin, So What?

Chapter 1: 1- Oscar Greets The Chief

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A Dim, pale magical lustre barely comparable to a low lit lampfire emitted from the uneven magical veins like structure that pulsates with a glow at regular interval. Illuminating the gloomy underpass that stretched and joined with different unknown tunnels. Creating a vast network that might seems randomly formed deep under the earths crust but if one gives enough attention to details they may notice, how well thought out and deadly the maze is, Build to trap who dared to come in its grasp


In one of its seemingly random passage. A tiny crack formed on its ceiling 

Small pebbles dropped down the hard muddy floor, disturbing the hollow air stream carrying distant inhuman, monstrous growls or cries seemingly coming from the deep abyss


Without notice, A small dirty green lump dropped down from the minor opening in the roof

The lifeless skinny rug twitched a few times in the chilly slow windrift before it barely opened its beady yellow eyes with a confused look

In a motion of picking itself up, he took his dark surroundings quietly without hiding his growing anxiety and most importantly confusion. As a deep frown etched on its broad, thick green forehead

This should have been a regular creature coming from the mother wall. Just like the countless ones before him. If not for the brilliant light shinning within his yellow eyes carrying some deep intelligent questions 

'Did I stepped in another man hole again?'

Ok some stupid questions

'Urgh! Why my head hurts, did I just falls on my head or what... Wait' 

Wide eyed, He froze at the sight of his green arms, green legs, green toes, green belly, green waist and the green pen*is?!

He can't be more greener than than the green itself

"Gehaaaa!" Running his hand around him, he  shrieked

'Did those bastards really poisoned me?' He thought in disbelief

Just then his eyes caught the sight of some blue text forming in mid air, inside of a translucent box


Blinking several times, He thought 'Is this what I think it is?' Before he pinch his skinny thighs by his sharp nails

"Ghaa!" causing him to whimper in pain but he had an unusual grin on his bulbous green head, showing his sharp jagged up teeths

'So... I really died'

He thought with a apathetic face remembering the warning his loan shark agents gave him yesterday and some after thoughts of his life with a distant smile

'Sigh... it was supposed to be a students loan that would give me a white collar job with a great future aspects that any jobless mob would envy but how it turned into a slave collar job with a dogshit aspects i didn't know. After giving interest per interest and the remaining pennies in the name of salary to pay my utility bills that i never even utilize in the first place!

I was left with nothing but an ever increasing stress of work that my coworkers left for me to do as they're busy with enjoying their vacations in guise of business trips and the constant threats from that fatty boss which I endured because I had a unrequited love for the promising promotion but alas it wouldn't be called an unrequited for nothing' 

His life was like a pet hamster on a wheel show, going in a never ending circle with no goal other than living for another day 

'Nice, now it all ends... I'm finally debt free!' He triumphs

For him, nothing matters other than getting away from a loan without paying the full amount, As for missing his parents? 

'I remembered me and my name was just the replacement of the spot left behind by their favorite pet dog, who died after severely beaten by them while drunk... Not that I got any different treatment though just because I was their child and could... Somehow think like a human and cry instead of whimpering like a mindless animal

But now...'

"Khe khe khe! " With a smile, looking more wicked on his ugly green face, He cackles amusingly

'Fuck! This really is the rumored game like isekai but... Why a standard goblin? No wait it's Adjark goblin, so what's the difference...'

After getting no response, he concluded

'Huh, Looks like I got no assistant 

Although, I do admire the goblins for the way they live in a fantasy world without a care of world and do whatever they want like a free spirit, I'm not liking the fact that now I have become exactly them... They're damn ugly! 

And see! I didn't even get a charisma stat, bet I have got zero charm... Urgh! Looks like I again got zero luck with girls in this world but what if it's a hentai world? Then.... Khe khe khe! Who cares of how ugly I am... But I doubt it would 

Sigh... and the other stats... Oh! these stats looks great! but even a kid knows how weak a goblin are in every damn story. I would have to first compare it with another human to know how strong I'm but this brings to another question... Where in the seven hells am I? 

Huh, Still no answer? 

And with no magic power? 

Great, I'm in a fantasy world with no magic power. Not that I have seen a goblin doing magic without being an evil shaman wearing skull necklace and worshiping some demons

Or does this system also works like apple store? Selling the phone but without a charging port... I remember have to pay double the amount just to unlock the charging port only to know the phone got no display screen, have to pay more to install the damn screen! 

Of course, the used money wasn't mine

And where is my all powerful cheat skill? Surely I would have gotten a useful one right?'

With his thought another window popped up, showing his all powerful skills... 

Taking a deep breath. Oscar controls his anger, 'Sigh why did I even get my hopes high, it's not the first time I have got disappointed in God right' 

With low expectations, he further checks his skills 

'Nothing surprising, a basic one for the sharp teeths like mine I guess' He thought, running his tongue around the teeths. Feeling the knife like shape and the large cavity unlike humans 

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'Finally something useful?' The tip of his three fingers and the thumb nail lengthens, becoming more sharper looking just like short grey knifes that can easily make his thick skin bleed with a single scratch

'So does it means, I can eat anything other than the things that are more poisonous than my own stomach? Including a rock?' He thought, rubbing his skinny belly 

Curious, he picks up a nearby small rock 

Closing his eyes, he thought 

'In the name of science!' 

But before he chew the rock. A strange squeals reverberated in the otherwise still atmosphere of the cavern, which vibrated his sensitive ears in a sync, abruptly halting his actions


'The hell!' Startled, Oscar frantically turns around with his shoulders slouched, spine curled. The second a piercing cry ringed near him, echoing within the Eerie passage 'wha... What was that!'

He wasn't being a coward but just being cautious of his unknown surroundings, the least he wants is to getting dead before he could even enjoy his second life/goblin life

His nose was picking on scents he didn't recognize at a glance but it did gives a feeling of strange sense of familiarity 


His slight shiverings interrupted by some dirt. Falling gently over his head, feeling curious but also fearful. He gazed overhead

'The hells!' Covering his mouth to stop voicing out, He swears in whatever way it came to him

Many pairs of Legs dangling, flailing helplessly in the air. Trying to find the footing with their skinny, fragile green bodies stuck in the opening, jamming it altogether. Like a race who's going to come out first, they kick any other presence they feel to lower the participants making the others squeal painfully accompanied by some deep cackling of the initiators


Like a spider web, The cracks spreads within the roof. Unable to support these violent green runts. It burst out, spilling them on top of the horrified first green newborn on the ground

'Run!' Oscar tried to run but his anxiety bested him making his legs flailing just after the step 

"Gha!" before he could even pick himself up and dash for another run after a shake of his head. He gets overwhelmed by the rain of green little runts who dropped right on top of him 

"Thud!... Thud!... Thud!"

In an instant, a mountain of green bodies takes place where he was standing 

With a grinding sounds of stones, the roof repaired itself after the last one jumped on top the mountain and claimed the kingly seat with a smug look whilst showing his razor sharp teeths but quickly realized how dangerous it was to stand 


Getting bitten by a naughty newborn near his foot, He squacked shrilly while rolling down the muddy ground

Shortly after, Every other newborns hissed and bites the nearest one to them. Breaking the mountain into a spilled green little runts over the rough floorbed without knowing who survived or not 

But it quickly came to known. Those who moved are alive and those who groans in pain are injured but not for long as some who gets annoyed by their cries ringing in their sensitive pointy ears silenced them with a chomp or gnashing their claws deep in throats accompanies by angry hisses of their own


With a shake of his head, Oscar clears the unnecessary dirt out of his uselessly long ears and saw the previously empty dark cavern was now filled with many little green maggots of goblins, twitching or flailing everywhere

'My brothers?' he instantly cringed on that thought

A goblin was jumping on another goblin like a monkey, making him spits his guts out. All the while cackling till the goblin under him stops moving, seemingly dead 

'Yikes! I don't like my relatives nor in the previous and neither in this life... They're all crazy bastards' 

Near him stood another group of goblins who are curiously lengthening or shortening their claw nails before nodding and comparing with each others in an obscure language that feels more likely an advanced language of monkeys to Oscar or a new sign language they have created in an instant, A truly intelligent species they're. If not for some goblins challenging others in a death match for having the largest nails or a pen*is? 

'The hell?!' 

As he was unconsciously moving away from that group of weirdos, Oscar bumps into another goblin 


This one looks and feel different... Standing 1ft taller than any other goblin present here, he gives a leaderly vibe

'A goblin chief... Maybe?' Oscar guessed based on his fantasy theory

"Gh... Ghe!" Raising his one arm Oscar, greets

'I mean hey chief!... Damn this different tongue... I'm not used to it. Can't even form some coherent words, not that he can understand english

Heck, I would be surprised if he could understand any language'

"Ghrrr?" Scratching his bald head, the chief wearing a roughly patched up leather armour covering his torso with a half tattered pants straping a belt around his waist filled with bulging toe bones of some beast and a wooden club with stone hammer, tilted his head. Trying to understand what this fella is on about

'Huh I didn't noticed but isn't this big guy looks too civilized for a newly spawned one?' Oscar noticed himself and the rest of the goblins were running around butt naked unlike this one 



Before the chief could reply and Oscar could question him using another sign language, An eerie but slow hissing noise reverberated within the cavern still air, flinching all the goblins ears straight up on alert

At the leftmost corner of the brown tunnel, the part which most newborn goblins have ignored and where a large boulder with an unusual shape was placed, stood a dark red and brown snake monster with dirty uneven rock surface  covering his every part of the body except his tail and the two holes at the tip of its snout which he guessed the nostrils and four chilly blue headlights as eyes mounting on top of its head

Locking his eyes at the two annoying pesky goblins who are trying to chew his tail, It hissed before bellowing loudly



'Shit!' Oscars all the favourablity for goblins hits a new rock bottom right at this moment as he cursed those idiots for provoking that damned thing right after spawning

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