So I’m A Goblin, So What?

Chapter 2: 2- A Flight Without A Parachute

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Oscar did like any goblins were doing at this moment, Hiding behind the strong meat shield/The Chief 


Which was a mistake, As the dirt settled down. The chief bellows with a guttural roar before stomping the ground with his raised stone hammer, marking himself the biggest target on its own 

'This idiot!' Standing behind the broad back of the self appointed chief, Oscar cursed him for being too proud of himself 

'Anybody can tell that Rocky snake is bigger and more stronger than you!' As he saw the Rocky Snake swallowing the two goblin, who are chewing his tail earlier. As a whole without even chewing once, Oscar shuddered

Unconsciously taking several steps back, away from that monster


Yet another shout, The chief pounced on him with hammer raised. The nearby stunned goblins scurried away from his shout with a frantic look 

The brave Chief quickly gets near the Rocky snake only to get knocked away with a flick of his whipping tail 


Crashing against the cavern wall, the chief made a cookie cutter shaped hole which he emerged back without a breath away with just some few scratches. As the Chief taunted the snake monster by drumming the hammer at the wall 

"Hissss!" Annoyed, The Rocky snake turned at his direction, letting away that unlucky goblin under its jaw

'Somehow the chief looks cool... Hmm He must be a hobgoblin' 

Standing from a safe distance, Oscar hypothesized, as he watched on the chaos with the other fearful yet curious goblins. All the while smacking away the ones climbing on top of his head 

"Ghiii!" Behind Oscar, Some goblins gets scared just by watching them fight. As they should be, knowing the next target would be them if that big guy falls 

'Should I run, while I can?' Oscar contemplated, seeing the three goblins running at the opposite direction, without turning back 

'But I don't even know this place, only a guess of being somewhere underground like a dungeon, which in itself is a dangerous place. I wouldn't even know when I stumbled upon yet another behemoth of a monster just like that Rocky snake

Sticking to your tribe is the basic rules of survival for any goblin, I suppose' with a nod, he thought 

'But it's plain stupidity by just standing and watching them fight 

Better be ready... Just in case' 

Oscar slowly moves back from the jeering and cheering crowd of goblins, some are even throwing rocks at that snakes direction only to hit the goblins standing at front making them growling back at the crowd 'who's that bastard!'

"Hissss!" Back at the ongoing fight

Opening his mouth wide, a long stone spear like tongue sprang froth, embedding with a crash at the place, chief was standing a moment ago



With a swing, The hammer chipped away some of the stoney skin from its body but it didn't even make the Rocky snake whimper a little instead it let out a scoffing noise from its widened nostrils 


Like stone hitting yet another hard stone, The snake whipped at chiefs hammer, making him retreat ten steps back in an instant fortunately he didn't disappear inside the wall unlike before. But the next moment Chief looks ahead

"Hisss!" The Rocky snakes jaw snapped at his head, quick as lightning

"Ghaaa!" All the watching goblins, recoiled backwards in fear 


As the view gets cleared. The crowd saw the chief gripping the monsters gaping maw with both hands drawn wide apart, Stopping the monster from snapping its jaw right on top of him

"Ghaaa!" The crowd cheered for the chief, as more rocks thrown at the annoyed Goblins standing at front

'Great chief!... Or not...' Standing at the backmost corner, Oscar also cheered only to frown later, noticing the shift of the monsters two eyes 


A tongue shaped stone spear stabs the hobgoblin, at a lightning speed in the heart from atop. Making its victim spitting blood before it starting to lose the grip on the upcoming doom 


With a disgusting noise of bones with flesh grinding against the teeths, The Rocky snake snapped away the upper half of the hobgoblin. Leaving behind a fountain of blood flowing through the severed part of the lower body which dropped dead with a thud! Followed by a gulping noise from the snake and the deathly silence of the previously cheering naked goblins 


Oscar didn't even wait for the Rocky snake to make a triumphant hissing/roaring of victory 

He was all focused on his race against time and his fellow goblin brothers running alongside with him 'Guess I wasn't the only one with a back up plan' with this thought he felt less guilty of abandoning his one day tribe 'But hey! at least I waited for the chiefs death... Right' 


"Ghiiiiii!" Wherever the mountainous snake takes turn, The shrilly screams of frightened goblins followed. Accompanied by two or three flying naked goblins in the air only to land at the extended jaw that snapped at them, crushing their little bones or skinny flesh ending their short life of some hours 


As the snakes hard rock body slithered/grinds against the floor, It leaves behind the bloody splashes of its carnage 

'Fuck!' Without even Oscars notice, The snake monster starts targeting the run away goblins first by Rushing around past the goblins in middle, making sure to catch every one of its prey


As Oscar saw, another goblin falling inside the jaws of death. The five times their body size 

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"Ahhhhh!" He squeezed every bits of his strength in his stubby legs, making his short legs muscles throbs in pain 

Feeling the monsters scoffing and the blowing wind just behind his back, tickling. He knows right away that Rocky snake monster was out for his ass 

His ears flattened, feeling a cold shiver coursing through his back

His only thought was to 'Run! Run! Run! Oscar!'

'Which... Which skill I have?' His thought process became twice as fast as his running 'Bite? Already seen the result of biting its tail by those stupid runts

Iron stomach? No I'm an idiot for even considering it!


"Ghiiiiaaaaa!" Just then, he saw that Rocky snake doing his favorite move. Diving his monstrous head straight into the earth only to propping up itself bang, a few meters away. Just below the nearby goblin, propelling that unlucky goblin up in the air and waiting for it to drop dead in its snapping jaw with a playful manner

Oscar would have appreciated this great show only if it was done by a cute dolphin instead of a monster snake and more importantly... That unlucky goblin didn't caught the hands of Oscar, making him experience his first and last flight experience without a parachute


'Bastard!' Curses flew from his mouth as Oscar vision rolled tirelessly, like a camera thrown like a baseball

Hands flailing, legs dangling aimlessly. Oscar did everything to find a semblance of balance before kicking at that damned goblin in the face

'Damn you!' And before he could realise, he hand touched something he could grip? 

Feeling perplexed yet extremely relieved, He quickly extended his [ Sharp nails ] and digs straight in the surface as hard and quickly as he could 

It wasn't difficult to control his nails that's harder than a human bones, it's the lack of total fingers he was accustomed to. That makes him a little weird


'Few!' Moving his eyes, he saw that his hand was digging one of the many large stalactites hanging from the ceiling

'That bastard uses too much force in throwing us up here huh' below, the snake monster stood still with its jaw wide open waiting for its prey to fall. Meanwhile the surviving goblins didn't amount to much while the enormous tunnel like cavern was littered with bits and pieces of the dead goblins or soon to be dead goblins


Before he could think further on how to get out of that hungry snake, His nails screeched as he slids down a little, making him notice that damn goblin was hanging from one of his leg 

'Urgh! not again you idiot' he kicks his ugly face with anger and growing anxiety, feeling his grip loosening and sliding further down with yet another screech

"Khaaaa!" Snake was quick to notice his mistake,he had thrown his prey all the way to the top. Which makes him hiss in annoyance. As it quickly slithered towards an enormous stalactite that connects the floor and the ceiling before coiling around its thick pillar like structure, swiftly climbing and moving towards the two hanging prey in his four vision 

'Oh Satan!' Already tired of screaming gods name, Oscar tried another one only to get yet another silence and an upcoming giant snake for him fend off

'Fuk! You all are shit!' Decided to shake that goblin off him, he gives a final glance at that flailing goblin below his leg before he slashed with his knife like nails at that hand clutching his leg 

"Khaaaa!" With a scream the unlucky goblin falls down below, missing the part below his forearm as blood splashed around Oscars deadly palm and the leg 

"Grrrr!" He didn't even get to enjoy the skill upgrade nor was he able to grief for the fallen comrade by his own hands, not that he was planning to do so. When he heard the grating of stones, announcing the arrival of that Rocky snake towards his location 

"Ghaaa" With a shout, he started his rock climbing as falling from here wasn't an option and staying here was like asking for death 

The nails digs the solid surface easily, making him climb the stalactite more comfortable 

'If only my legs have the same functionality as my hands, it wouldn't be this taxing' complaining, he puts all his body weight on his two weak looking hands while trying not to move his legs as much as possible for balance 'Its good that my body is short and light or i would be dropping down with this hanging tile'

Quickly, he approaches the base and saw an opening near another cone like stalactite 


His plan was simple and clear, hide inside that small fissure seen besides some of the stalactite until the snake goes away but 


'Ah uh!' 

It didn't even give Oscar some breath before it hissed and coiled its body around dozens of stalactites on the ceiling for grip before it stretched its neck at his direction like a spring board


'For my future kids!' With a fearful gulp and getting blessings from his future kids, Oscar swings his body back and forth twice before he let go his hands 


His body dodged the upcoming assault by a narrow margin, being closer to the ceiling than the snakes upper jaw. He landed on top its "running" Body and without delaying a second, Oscar runs ahead making him what feels like running opposite direction on an escalator 

'Jump! Oscar! Jump!' With a frantic thumping heartbeats, Oscars stubby legs stomps heavily against the monsters stoney skin. His viscous yellow eyes fixed at the targeted deep cave like crack in the ceiling and soon as he feels like it's enough, he puts force in his leg muscle and jumps with all his might 


"Bang!" Just then. The snake banged his head against the empty place, eating dirt

Meanwhile, Oscar pulls his short body up and rolled inside the empty dark fissure, feeling the strength leaving his body. As he listened the angry growls or hissing of that nightmare hanging just below him 

"Haa~" He slowly puts his hand against his chest, fearing his heart will pop out anytime 

"Khe!... Khe!... Khaa! Khe!" Oscar laughed while coughing, wheezing for air at some point 

'That was... Great!' At this time Oscar learned, nothing's better than living and laughing after fighting/running from a giant monster

'Hmm?' After a moment, he felt the downstream air flow from up above him

'Is there a passage here?' Curious he picks himself up but his legs gave out 'Sigh... Looks like a rest is well needed huh' he thought with a heavy mind before closing his eyes

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