So I’m A Goblin, So What?

Chapter 10: 10- Oscar The Stalker

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Barely slithering in the shadows of the cavern wall edges, Oscar crawls as sneakily as his small body could. Being careful not to alert the group of humans even by accident he maintained a distance of one whole cavern passage. Occasionally, peeking at them from the dark

'They didn't look like from earth' Oscar was now more than certain that he isn't in his own world, not that his world had some monsters hidden in a dungeon but maybe on an off chance. He thought an apocalypse or some crazy stuff happened, turning everyone some monsters just like him 

'You never know what would have come after that global pandemic and the upcoming world was 3' he shrugged, shaking that thought out of his mind he heard their voices, as they talks among themselves in a language he couldn't make heads or tails of it 

But that didn't discouraged Oscar, it only fueled his curiosity towards them. Prompting him to follow them out of curiosity and definitely not because that hateful orange haired women stolen his magic crysta, Oscar wasn't that petty man/goblin 

If he wanted he could have taken more magic crystals from the deep burrows 

'But after angering that Raticulous king, I doubt they would welcome me' not they have welcomed him before

Nonetheless, he had decided to go back after some time when the things would have calmed down a bit and those unicorn rats aren't that alerted of an intruder running in their mines. Giving him a free reign on hunting them again and leveling, risk free consequently


'Woah!' With sparkling eyes, Oscar was astounded as he saw, how the team had beaten a dog headed monster twice his size with a well coordinated attacks as swift as a wiper clearing the water. As the dog monster couldn't even put up much resistance

'Magic...' With eager eyes, Oscar takes out one of his own last magic crystal before trying to imitate what orange haired women did before a small fireball came out and dashed at that monster. But other than vibrating and glowing more furiously, it did nothing like he was waiting for 

'Urgh!' Frustrated, he put it back 

'Is something special about that wooden staff?' He didn't thought about it before, but maybe that '?' Shaped wooden staff did more than making magic crystal float inside the semi circle 'Or maybe those magic crystals aren't the same as mine?' 

His eyes couldn't see that far ahead clearly, hindering him from discerning any conclusive difference between that magic crystal and his

But they didn't spend much time on taking out the valuable parts from the monsters body before walking away, leaving behind an almost intact corpse/meal for Oscar to feast upon

'That's too good to be true, right?' After coming close to that monsters corpse he thought. As he turned left and right, checking any other presence near him before gnawing at it as fast as he could, fearing to lose their trails while he got busy on eating

Though not that appetizing as unicorn rats, it was still a delicacy and more so when it was freely delivered to him 

'Khe! Khe! Khe! Looks like, I didn't follow you for nothing humans' 

Giving a pat to his own back, he thought while dashing away before the humans could get any further away form his detection range 

The human adventurers cleared almost all the monsters they have encountered with much less struggle than Oscar could have imagined. Moreover they would leave most of the monsters meat intact, thus further convincing him to keep following them as he got free Gene aliments and the much needed protection

Even if he could only eat a small portion from more than each ten monster corpses, combining higher and lower leveled ones. Oscar still managed to stuff himself with a large portion of Gene aliment points, enough for him to view at least a dozen different mutations, making him wipe the drool off his mouth 

'Good work everyone!' He thanked those kind humans for the every increment in his Gene aliment points, Although he did also wanted to raise his level to see what will happen but he still appreciated it for getting the easy mutations 

Besides, that female mage had been a great motivation for him to finally increase his only Magic related skill in hopes to attain the fascinating magic powers. Prompting him to finally be able to glow the magic crystal enough that the air buzzed in a tandem 

"!!!" Suddenly, the female mage turned at his direction! Before prompting others follow on alert

'This...Sh*t?!' Feeling like cursing at his own stupidity, Oscar scrabbles in panic on all fours, dropping his last magic crystal at the ground that was still glowing ever so slightly like a beautiful ember


Not long before, the adventurers approached at his location with the mage in lead as she pointed her wooden staff ahead cautiously 

But other than the identical looking Mana stone, Julia had picked before. They didn't found anyone 

"Another Mana stone?" Julia said with a frown causing Rudeus to snicker behind her

"Looks like, that traitor Raticuls ghost was giving us a bribe to avenge him" 

"That isn't even funny Rudeus" Glaring at the snickering man, Julia gasped internally as she took two steps back out of the fear, at the possible ghost 

"Nicolas, any idea?" Shaking his head, Greyt asked the guy who claimed to be the most knowledgeable then them only to get disappointed when Nicolas shakes back his head in defeat, after taking out a compass like small device 

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"Somehow, there are too many magic signals interfering here" 

"But I certainly felt the Mana fluctuations and we didn't met any adventurers around here" Julia tighten her grasp around the wooden staff with an uncomfortable feeling 

"Here, no monsters are higher than Lv10 and normally they're not smart enough to run away from a fight. They will certainly fight to death, if we crossed their path" Rudeus reasoned with her, as it was normally impossible to find an anomaly in the first three Stratas 

"Yeah, "Normally" But I'm talking about what 'if'?"

"Then we still beat the sh*t outta that guy" Banging his trusty shield Greyt beamed before turning away, confident of his own strength and the party

"So, you heard" Shrugging, Rudeus followed him leaving behind a sighing Julia, who took out the map to check 'There's only one zone left to investigate' before pocketing both the Mana stones and the map 

Causing a certain goblin to scream his mind out at her 'Women! Why you stealing my last magic crystal' 

Coming out of his hiding, Oscar released his breath that he held for so long and glared hatefuly at that female mage but it didn't take much for his glare to take a mischievous turn when he saw the skinny guy to pass the back pack to her in consideration of his weak shoulders

'Khe! Khe! Khe! I always wanted to try this'

Rubbing his hands in anticipation, Oscar takes advantage of the fact that others were walking too far ahead. He sneaked closer and closer to her while taking note of where she had pointed her staff knowing how dangerous would be the situation should he gets caught accidentally 

When he approached just behind the small boulder placed near her, he nimbly flicked his one arm behind the said back pack with many pockets using his skill 'Strip' to the max of his ability. He blindly took out the first thing his hand grabbed and disappeared in the dark with a pounding heart before she could react 

"Huh?!" Abruptly turning behind her, Julia yelped in fear as her wooden staff was ready to burst multitudes of attack on sight of the enemy

"Hey! What happened?" Greyt turned back at her only for Julia to shake her head in return "Nothing!" Before she picked her pace and joined them with a shake of her head, not wanting Rudeus to make fun of her fear of ghost again

Somehow, Oscar had a feeling that this skill is much suited for this rather than skinning the monsters hide with ease

'Huh... Why does this magic crystal looks different?' he thought, feeling the smooth surface of the mysterious blue crystal, like a polished and processed marble which reflected back his face in a conclaved image making it look more horrendous than it already is. As he stares at those sparkling particles inside of it that looks nothing like the magic crystals he had taken from those rat monsters 

'A magic crystal that can actually do something, other than glowing more furiously?!' 

He got excited as he jumped gleefully, wanted to experiment it right away after taking a greedy glance at that mage carrying the bag pack

But before he could check further of its features, Oscar saw them taking another turn. As they came across the familiar looking cavern 

'Wait, isn't this leads straight to that Raticulous kings lair?!' He gulped in fear. As he saw those brave adventurers advancing straight inside of that monsters lair, thus turning his head Oscar questions himself if he should already starts running or should he wait for a while before running? 


'Better be safe than sorry' with a nod, he checks the available skills and mutations, to better aid in his upcoming run

'Hmm? No mutations but there's some good skills though' he saw the three skills that seems best to him and purchasable with his remaining 11 skill points 

'Leap... What's better than running for a while, or just simply jumps straight to your safe nest? 

But the problem is that, I don't have a nest, nor i live on a tree; even though I do feel like a monkey sometimes, and more importantly I can't use it more than twice a day and not considering my current environment being underground caverns nor big or straight enough for me to jump and hide with one jump. I would be dead after taking two turns, in an instant

Vanishing step has it all what I would want in a skill to run away from the enemy in stealth but the problem would starts when I "did" Gets detected, what if the enemy was too high level or I couldn't take a cover to activate the stealth

From my other skill, Sneak. I'm assuming it also doesn't covers me with darkness or some magical thing to make me invisible

Sure I can't run while in Sneak which is based on slow and steady steps it doesn't change the fact that I "could" hide by using the same skill and wait for the enemy to go away itself before coming out of hiding, which for me will works the same

While, Elusive dash sounds like a running slippery glass cannon that would be dead "if" Gets hit but, the skills main focus is all about not getting hit in the first place. Which compared to the above skills doesn't overlaps with my another skill nor limits me in any way as durations or the number of uses per day' 

Decided, Oscar selected the Elusive dash as he felt the same sensation running through his veins giving him a boost of confidence for what he was about to do

'Khe! Khe! Khe!' Cackling to himself, Oscar advances behind the human adventurers in stealth

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