So I’m A Goblin, So What?

Chapter 11: 11- Oscar A Selfless Goblin

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"Greyt!" Julia shouted out of nervousness, standing behind the party she replenishes her spell orbs; fully loading-back her wooden staff within a second, before she joins back the ongoing fight against that monstrosity

She didn't think this monster was supposed to be present in this second strata. Even as the boss monster, it was too much for them, but on a second thought, it now makes sense at the disappearance of those rookie adventurers

As to how this anomaly even came to being possible, It was apparently as clear as the day. The cause presented itself in a form of the glorified giant hill of raw, low-tierd mana stones, possibly extracted in this second strata, which was as rare as a dragon flying peacefully over a human settlement 

Surely, these heaps of mana stone can bring a fortune to them, and she wasn't wrong at predicting the rats founding a mine, but what she didn't see it coming; was a giant monster of an impossible level for its own strata protecting it, making her regret on not preparing enough before coming 

"So now do you believe that traitorous, Raticul ghost has leads us here to avenge him?" Rudeus said with a chuckle, as he dodged the upcoming slash of those ten inch long claws

"You seriously wanted to bring this up right now?!" Julia wanted to smash his face, but first she has to blast the icicles at that monsters face before it could shred Rudeus apart

Contrary to her belief, her favourite attack did nothing more than putting up a scar near its eyes, causing it to growl more furiously just like its claws lashing at her

Fortunately, Greyt blocks that attack of the rat king with a shield that glowed on impact, as it absorbs half the damage for him, before Rudeus counter attacked whenever the monster shows even a slight opening 

Meanwhile, the Nicolas was seemingly dying inside silently after seeing those hoards of pesky rats tearing apart his both prizely summoned wolfs skin as they barely able to stop there advance. Courtesy of all those rats below level 5, else he didn't think his artificial bronze hounds could handle all of them, as his trusty team members had already leaves him on his own just like the other days

"Stop flirting! And do something!" Frustrated, Not taking their casual talks lightly and more importantly seeing how much money he would've to burn for his bronze wolfs healing later, if survives. He screams at Rudeus 

"You think, we're not doing anything? So how about we change the opponents and see how you fared against this stinky ass!" 

A black line streaked through the winds as it draws a red line along the monsters thick furry hide, accompanied by a shrill cry of the giant monster as Rudeus skidded through the floor, barely able to regain his balance, but before he could turn back in triumph, hoping to watch that newbies finally shutting his mouth after seeing his most powerful move, with a cringe worthy name 'Rudys Last Slash'; he named when he was a teenager back then and definitely won't admit it now

Contrary to his expectations, seeing the monster slumping down in defeat. He was bewildered when the monsters black fur turned completely red, save for his tail and already red eyes, while his neck tingles with the sensation he was all-too-familiar with... 'Well... Sh*t'


Countless red furry spikes, larger than his own dagger hailed at him, with a speed greater then the distance between him and the nearest cover 'huh ah'


'Fu**!!!... Hmm?'

After a moment, not feeling of getting impaled countless times. Rudeus opens his eyes and found Greyt blocking it all, with a tattered shield and a dangerously red spike deeply rooted at his forearm, causing it losen the grip on the shield making it drop with a clatter 


"Szi! Szi! Szi!" 

Just then, taking the opportunity, a sizzling ice covered the monster in its confines. Binding its movement in an instant before freezing it 

"Huuu!" Feeling the mana drain from her body, Julia almost falls out of sudden weakness, but taking the support from her wooden staff she turned to Rudeus, who supported the injured Greyt by his own

'good... Hm?' and just before she could take another breath of relief. The ice cracked, before spreading around like a spiderweb as the monster breaks out of the confines with an outrageous squeal!



Its ratty roars acompanied by another hailstorm of red spikes, that almost skewered her chest but instead, her defensive amulet breaks apart, taking the damage in her stead, but the rat didn't give her even a second to rest, as more spikes impaled her inner armor causing her to almost fainted by the sheer impact 

"Skiiiiiii!" Rudeus was busy trying to protect the already injured Greyt, while Nicolas was busy swimming in the rats festival, which leaves her alone with a mind numbing pain and the slowly losing consciousness

'Dammit!... This... Hurts... Huh?'

But before she could almost lose her consciousness, she saw a weird sight of a naked little goblin sneakily carrying a madeshift sack overflowing with the mana stones, sneaking to her side with its sharp toothy grin from ear to ear as he crouched down near her to take away her shiny diamond engagement ring from her weak grip before trying to snatch her wooden staff away but failed to do so, because of the defensive spell activating on its own, as some electric sparks zapped away his claws causing it to almost cry in pain as it rolled in dirt


'Fu*k me!' Oscar cursed her thousands of generations, feeling his numbed hands and the pain coursing through his body for another few seconds before he could finally stand back again

'Sigh... Gotta work fast before that thing could notice'

While the human adventurers were busy in fighting that monster with their lives, Oscar was working hard to collect as much as mana crystal as possible while thanking them for distracting that monster for him. He even sacrificed his dignity, the loincloth to be used as the carrying sack 

Picking up the dropped sack again, Oscar grudgingly glanced at that fainted mage and her wooden staff that could shoot all kinds of magic before trying to sneak away with the sack full of mana stones but stopped mid way when he found their back pack laying defenseless at the side as the adventurers seems busy defending themselves more 

'Tch! How careless, what if a random attack blasted away your bag' Although grumbling, Oscar gleefully puts his own sack and the magical looking ring inside of it, before picking the bag almost twice his size himself

'He... Heavy!' 

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It took his all not to stumble in his steps and fall flat-faced. Oscar did think of dropping some stuff but unfortunately the situation wasn't so peaceful to let him sit down and sort things out. Not that he knows what to throw and keep as it was all stolen brand for him


Hearing the shouts and the painful grunts of both adventurers going against the monster

Oscar could feel the approaching climax of the fight. Which seems as clear as blood to him, adventurers getting wiped clean before the rats could finally break the defenses of that guy that screams monster tamer or something according to his guess 


Not able to get in the small burrows while carrying a heavy bag, Oscar could only grit his teeth and take the risky exit just right behind those swarming unicorn rats 

So after making sure that he stays out of the monsters line of sight and those powerful looking humans are busy taking their beatings in turns from the Raticulous Rat king, Oscar slowly yet careful, takes his sneaky steps away from the scene while cheering internally for the humans to stay alive till he gets as far as possible 


Just when he was about to get near the rats. From the corner of his eye, Oscar caught the sight of a large orb glowing in a mysterious hue while resting besides the two adjacent walls blocking the mouth of side burrows with its mass alone. If not for him taking a detour alongside the walls, anybody could have missed its location 

As he gets near it, he could feel the oddness of the orb more thoroughly and an abundance of mana around it, making him feel giddy as even an idiot could tell that it wasn't just a simple giant mana orb and to prove it, the dungeon screen popped up right after


'Sigh... Figured that, it all leads to my damn core' with a defeated shrug, Oscar turned to his left, then right and found all the people or monsters in the cave busy in beating others or getting beaten till they couldn't. Not even a soul had taken a notice of his presence

'But it's... Heavy, I can't carry it' 

Frowning, he contemplated whether to take it or leave it, but after finding no reason as to why he should leave a treasure that shows 'rare' in grade like this here if he's able to take it away

So, he shrugged as he jumped on top of the orb before leaving the bag aside for a moment

'It better works'

Taking the support from one of the wall by his back and hands, he put the force into his legs to make the orb move 

'Neghhhhh!!!' but even when he put all his might, he could only make a slight shift in its position 

'Move! Damn it!' 

After few more seconds of struggle that felt far more than an hour  for Oscar, the orb finally gives more than enough gap between the wall for him to jump inside and push it from behind

'Ahhh... That was tiring' 

wiping his non existent sweat, Oscar pushes ahead with both palms swiping up in turns, consequently with each step taken forward

'Now, finally!'

After picking up "his" Back pack, Oscar was just about to stir away the giant orb towards the exit cavern safely from a corner without getting detected and going on his own merry way, when a flying human catapulted towards his direction before slamming against the wall ahead, with a noise loud enough for everyone to at least take a glance at


"Noooo!!! I just took that loan!" 

The man slumped down with broken glasses, hanging onto his nose. As he cried with a running snot while embracing a cracked bronze medallion with an engraved twin wolfs, when he saw a green blur approaching him through his broken spectacles 


Feeling all the stares of the rat minions, rat king and strong humans boring at his back. Oscar forgot to take his breath, stopping still as a statue caused the giant orb to roll ahead, leaving its pilot behind... All the while its rolling noise echoes in the stifling atmosphere, where the Rat King too has stopped in his action to squint at that all-too-familiar giant obsidian orb


Stiffly, Oscar turned to the culprit 

'You stinky ass!, of all the places you just have to land here and cry like b*tch!' 

Cursing under his breath, he slapped that crying human making him shut his mouth for once, and while everybody was busy processing what they saw, or why they saw 

Oscar jumped on top of the rolling obsidian orb with a start and started pedalling backwards in full throttle. Planning to get away as much as possible, fully knowing how big of a red mark he had inevitably painted behind his back, while unknowingly saving the human adventurers behind him

'Now, the hell is this?... Ah! Never mind just Go! Go! Go!' 

"Khrrreeee!!!" He ignored the screen, the moment a booming noise resounded behind him, accompanied by a very angry rat monster coming for his blood

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