So I’m A Goblin, So What?

Chapter 12: 12- Third Strata

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Even with the back pack shielding his back, Oscar still got his ass cheeks pierced by the red spikes, hailing from the rat king running behind

'Fuk me! Why did this monster has to come after me without finishing its business with those adventurers first!' 

Gritting his teeths, Oscar pulls out the spikes with a tearful face. He cursed that monsters seven generations 

'Urgh! Give me a break!'

Running backwards, all the while carrying a heavy bag was eventually starts taking a toll on him

If not for that rat monster occasionally giving its motivational speech/squealings behind his back, Oscar surely would have taken a break or two... 


'No, no, no, not again! Yikes!!!' His previous tear hadn't dried yet, when a new one takes its place; just like the red spike nailing his butt cheeks behind

Wiping his tear before gripping the magic orb, Oscar begrudgingly looks behind at the merciless rat monster 'You will pay for this!'

With a focused mind, he tried to feel the blue magic crystal, like he did with those normal mana stones before. Only to get disappointed when he felt the crystal was empty...? 

Like it was missing a piece. Which, if goes by the description. He could somehow guess what it needs 'Mana... It needs mana! But...'

As he glanced at his status

'Urgh!' He groaned in frustration 

He was confused for a moment, but then he thought 'It just needs mana right? It doesn't say the mana has to be mine!'

Hopeful, he took a look below, at the orb overflowing with mana 

'Oscar! You can do it!'

Focused, he activated the Mana concentration and felt the overflowing Mana inside the orb, which felt like a running stream of water, compared to the limited glass of water in those small Mana crystals before

Gently, his mind was able to stir the same water/mana with ease, courtesy of it freshly unplugged from the eye of magic formation 

'Just like this!' 

Motivated, as he could feel some mana particles moving with the flow of his mind. Gathering around the point of contact, the rapidly moving legs

As some visible sparkles traveled upto his waist, in a spiraling motion. Rotating around his hands before swirling around the 'Orb Of Inferno', like an uncontrollable small magnet attracting the fine iron particles, it greedily sucks the mana without stopping, or more like it couldn't. Like a 2000watt electric capable latching itself to a small table fan, it kept pouring mana without abandon


Seeing the orb in his palms, glowing with the increasing temperature

Oscare felt a deep sense of accomplishment, which suddenly turned to a deep sense of concern for his burning hands

'Urgh! Hot! Hot! Hot!' 

Some fires crackles around the magic device, as he tried to hold it from one hand to another before finally losing its grip on it, leaving behind the burned marks with the sizzling skin as it dropped onto the floor 



With each bounce, the device burned brighter and brighter, seemingly overflowing with the amount of mana it wasn't intended to withstand 



'Huh?' At his back, the device blasted near the rat monsters face, with an ear piercing blast and terrible shock waves traveling far and wide, within the closed caverns

'I did it!' 

Oscar cheered as he screams internally out of joy, but not for long

From behind, he saw the monster 'raticulously' jumping right through the wall of fire with some furs missing around its face and few minor skin burns, Otherwise fine with all limbs still attached to it. As it continued to pursue him with a much greater fervor than ever before

'Fu*k! Give me a break!' 


With every thumping of the rat monster, the ground shakes, while all the other nearby monsters skittered away or hides at their safe spots

Leaving the little goblin, who was daring enough to challenge the boss monster with his measely level to fend alone

Oscar was more than certain, even if he ran on all fours to the best of his ability, he would still gets caught. And shredded like cheese inside a shredder

Fortunately, the floor of the caverns, he was going through was structured like downward slopes, giving yet another boost to his smooth travelling vehicle he was riding on

The mutation 'Foothold' was playing its role in more than just keeping him stick on top of the rapidly rolling orb

Oscar didn't even have to put more than necessary strength, as his legs keep moving in a rythm

Whenever one leg loses the ground, second leg takes its place before starting the cycle once again and again. Making him look like he was jogging, just backward

'One two... One two!' 

Even his mind was getting relaxed as the time passes, but not for long as the familiar deep squealing of the rat monster boomed, causing his sensitive ears to crige in pain yet again, before a loud noise accompanied by the shower of red spikes hailing at his direction

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Not again! 

You pervert!'

Instinctively covering his butt cheeks, Oscar activated the 'Elusive Dash' as his sense of awareness increases by a fold, with him pedaling furiously backwards like never before

"Swoop! Swoop!"

"Tink! Tink!" 

With a well timed jump, Oscar successfully dodged the attacks as the spikes hits the orbs glossy surface, sending tiny sparks to fly around

'Ha ha! See, I dodged it you idiot!' Feeling smug. He abruptly turned behind to taunt that rat, only to feel dreadful the moment his left foot overlapped with the right legs trajectory, resulted in his imbalance... 

'No!' Flailing his hands around, Oscar did his best to regain the balance



Rolling and bouncing countless times within a second, Oscar finally founds some semblance of balance, resulting him to sigh in relief

'Sigh... Huh?!' Only for the next moment to find himself running upside down; both hands paddling the orb like a unicycle, while his legs dangling overhead carrying the bag. Displaying a great acrobatics in a dungeon 

"Dum! Dum! Dum!" 

"Screeeeeee! Scre!-Scre!-Scre!'

The rolling of the orb, reverberated alongside the passage followed by the monsters gleeful squeals with a not so hidden cackling at the pesky goblins misery, before the rat monster increased its pace, seemingly decided to end this little game of chase


Horrified, seeing the monster catching upto him. Oscar consequently slapped at the orbs surface as hard and fast his strength could provide, feeling his upside down spine tingling at a dangerous level he even activated the Elusive Dash, ready to dodge any possible attacks

Forgetting the most important fact, that he couldn't see the road ahead of him

He keep blindly thrusting his hands, again and again, only to stop when he couldn't. As the giant ball accidentally dropped down without warning, flipping his world upside down. As the giant orb travelled from up to down in a downwards spiralling way, leaving the rat monster behind


Terrified beyond belief, Oscar stumbled on his back, left and right, crashing countless times, as his body thoroughly rolled, slammed and rammed against the hard bedrocks, before falling and settling down at last with a loud 


'Urgh! It... Hurts! damn it!' 

His body cried in agony, as his muscles aches in pain 

It took him a minute for his muddled mind to comprehend what happened to him, before he heard a beyond outrageous squeal of the rat king monster coming from a distance, seemingly echoing from above the stairs...? 


Alerted, Oscar shakes his head furiously, clearing his dizziness in an instant


Before he found himself crashed against some green bushes. And few meters away he could see a cave/gateway with a structure that most likely resembles some stairs going upwards, strangely big enough that even tens of giant monsters could easily pass through


"Bang! Bang!" 

The rat monsters squealings can be heard from above the stairs, but oddly enough a translucent barrier was stopping its descent, resulting it to bang against the barrier in vain, as its bounce back in return accompanied by its painful yet equally vengeful squeals 

'Oh...' After seeing the screen popping in front of him one by one, Oscar was able to make a guess on his current situation, and how he was able to stay alive

'So, the boss monster can't leave its domain?' 

He smiles, listening to its rage-filled shouts above stairs like a music, before turning around and finding the obsidian orb boring a hole against the destroyed giant tree, while the bag covering in dirt near him

'Sigh... You better have some powerful magic crystals like that one or some useful information about the outside world, else I will bury you alive right here' 

Although grumbling, Oscar smilingly proceeds to check his hard earned spoils, but stopped himself immediately, considering he was at a different dungeon floor he doesn't know about 'Safety first'

Nodding to himself, Oscar took one last look at the gateway for the floor above, before showing his toothy grin 


Standing at the foot of the stairs. Maintaining the eye contact at that boss monster floor bove, behind the safety barrier. Oscar peeks his tongue out  

'Khe! Khe! Khe! Come and get me if you can fatty!' 

Having his fill in making fun of the already frustrated monster. The goblin runs away with a dash, leaving behind a bloodshot rat king banging against the barrier wall, calling out to his departing figure to come back 


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