So, My Piano Turned Into A Girl

Chapter 26: Piano Sonata No. 24

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Part 1

I wanna cry.

Scarlet had dragged me alone into the entire Concert Hall with no one around beside William, looking on with pity. 

Charlotte had stayed outside, grinning at me. 

That was one of very often times where I wanted to snap the strings to her piano keys. 

Then, for the first time in a while, I had gotten the loudest verbal lashing of the century. You could gather an entire primary-school orchestral class that had only 2 days of experience, forcing them to play the loudest and most difficult piece in all of music history, and Scarlet would still sound far more painful to listen to. 

Her loud screeching voice sent shudders down my spine, shudders even a first-time violin player trying to play Canon in D for their first time wouldn't be able to do, and first-time violin players truly are horrifying to listen to. 

After 5 minutes of screaming, Scarlet calmly spoke: 

"Don't miss another rehearsal again, the next time you see me, it will be the performance day tomorrow."

She crossed her arms, looking away huffing out a huge sigh almost as if she was tired from screaming for 5 minutes straight. 

"I-I-I understand." 

I stood up as straight as my back could manage, standing stiffer than any steel reinforcement. 

"-We're performing this tomorrow?" 


I completely forgot.

"You even fucking forgot that?!" 

Scarlet quickly uncrossed her arms and screamed at me. 

Oh well, I can play the piece perfectly well. 

"No, no I didn't." 

I smiled, lying straight to her face. 

With that known, Scarlet sighed and nodded to William, as if signalling him to call in everyone for today's rehearsal, rehearsing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata

And with that, rehearsal began. 

Part 2  

Once rehearsal was over, I stayed sitting on the Grand Piano of the Orchestra. 

Scarlet had left to talk to William about something, and everyone either stayed where they were seated or stood up to talk to someone else. 

It was very reminiscent to school lunch in the playground, except for musicians. 

I didn't make much of a personal connection to anyone, so I just stretched my fingers and began to play Chopin's Etude Op. 25 No. 9, he called it "" (if you put the video on 1.25 speed, that's Arthur's speed).Author: "As a pianist myself, I can confirm that even playing Butterfly on normal speed is enough to kill me"

It was quite the short yet complicated piece, truly complicated. Any pianist would tell you that only after 10 minutes of practising, their hands would get sore from the constant jumps and technical manoeuvring. 

Chopin was quite famous for his very complicated works, but a newbie musician would look at the "Butterfly" sheet music and say "Heh, this looks quite simple". But, the pain of Chopin's Buttery wasn't its notes, it was its speed. And sometimes musicians gloss over the tempo when reading a score. 

Its speed was crazy, and to add to that there was a requirement to play the patterns and swings that was mechanically complicated became even more complicated and enigmatic the moment it was sped up, very chopin-like. 

If forced to learn this, Pianists would  want to chop Chopin's neck off dread.

But, to me, it was Elementary. 

As if to prove my stamina, my forearms were bigger than the usual mans', clearly from unreasonable finger training. With this, I could play the Etude that would tire someone in 10 minutes for hours and hours on end, without a break. That was the same as lifting weights for an entire hour without stopping, even for a 2 second break. 

I could crush someone's forearm bones with my grip strength. 

Also, complicated patterns weren't a problem for me, I could easily beat that problem down. 

I am Chopin's worst enemy. 

So, with that, I played magnificently without any sign of wear and tear. 

The Etude resonated throughout the entire Concert Hall, and it was received well by the very room designed for music.  

The Orchestral Musicians around who were chatting blissfully on their instrument seats slowly began to quiet down as they heard my playing, some even walking closer to hear it better.

Ah... I didn't mean to form a crowd... I just wanted to loosen my hands. 

I thought as I continued playing, the complicated base lines resonated in the ears of the listeners. 

Before I knew it, a crowd had appeared around me. 

"-That's... Amazing playing, he plays such a technical piece so fluently." 

"-If he wanted to, he'd be world famous with that playing. Why doesn't he expand?" 


I heard whispers behind me. 

From the side of my eyes, popped out a Charlotte, who smiled at me. 


Seeing Charlotte's smile made me smirk audibly as I played the last notes of Butterfly. 

A simple round of applause echoed the Concert room as I kept my eyes toward the piano keys. 

"-You're really good Arthur."

"-Yeah, that's amazing." 

Voices spoke out loud, it was my fellow musicians. 

I stood up: 

"Thank you, I appreciate it." 

From their point of view, I would perhaps sounded quite stiff and overly professional with my thanks how I presented myself with it. 

But ignoring this, Chad walked up to me. 

"Nice playing as usual, Arthur." 

"Thanks Chad." 

With Chad standing in front of me, the audience who had planned to disperse after my playing to pack up and continue socialising for a little while were pulled back to attention. 

"Say, some of us are gonna go out for some before-the-performance dinner, you should come with us? Charlotte is all the welcome." 

Chad said as he pointed behind him, the crowd nodded. 

It seemed like everyone here was going too, and was Chad's friends. 

"No I'm busy-" 

"Don't be like that, Arthur, you've refused every invite and offer ever since you joined this Orchestra. Come, just once, will you?" 

Chad was being very insistent.

I looked behind him, toward the crowd, they all looked expectant. 


Since Chad helped me a lot with that last incident, I decided to listen to him. 

"Nice, we're leaving now." 

"Wait wha-" 

No time to properly get ready-?!" 

Part 2 

Chad had a lot of friends, but only 13 were coming plus 2, Charlotte and me, plus Chad. 

So there were 15 people walking out of the Orchestra building, all still in their musical attires which was a suit or a very fancy dress. Nonetheless, we looked like business people. 

But at least to ease the feeling of "professionality", the guys undid their buttons, took their blazers off, untucked their shirt and rolled up their sleeves while the girls put on some jackets, or stayed the same. 

Normally, Musicians would walk out with their personal instruments, but today was a special day, it was the day before the performance. We would go back into the Concert Hall the next day and practise in the morning all up until the performance. 

Because of that convenience, there was no need for everyone to go home to put their instruments back to hang out properly. 

Chad led the group, he was surrounded by two guys, chatting. 

Charlotte was surrounded by all the girls in the group. 

"-Hey, how did you meet Arthur?" 

"-He's so handsome." 

"-Well sure, but Scar looks so hot. What do you think of Scar, Charlotte?"  

"-Do you-" 

And as for me, I stood beside the boys. 

"-Can you guys imagine if your instrument suddenly turned into a girl?"

"-I'd fuck my instrument right away." 

"-Woah, look at this puddle." 

"-I swear to God if you jump into that puddle." 

One of those comments was a pretty remarkable to hear. 

A musician, Chad's friend looked at goofy guy named Tom, who had just jumped into a large puddle, ruining the trousers of the boys. 

"What was that, mate?" 

Tom, a Cello player with short brown hair. He had a fairly big nose and was pretty skinny and short. 

He was the annoying guy. 

"-What did I just say?" 

The man who was acting irritated by Tom was Scar, a tall well-built solid man who had a body similar to Chad's, you can tell looking through his coat that he was big. 

He sported a military crewcut with a stubble beard. 

With such a badass name came his scolding and brash personality, similar to that of Scarlett, our conductor. 

"Eh? I didn't hear jack shit-ow!" 

"I bet you didn't." 

Scar punched Tom's stomach with a tight fist, since it was Tom being punched everyone just kept walking, all except Scar who stood back as we all walked a few steps ahead. 

But when Tom stabilised himself, Scar started to walk away as if he had finished checking if Tom was alright. 

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Scar really was just a male version of Scarlett. 

The short Tom jumped on Scar's back, but Scar just kept walking, as if he was carrying a bag. 

Despite their dynamic, Scar and Tom were best friends. 

"Hey guys, we're in public, let's not make a scene, okay?" 

Another man, wearing the same attire as me white buttoned up shirt and trousers, with an average height but long blonde hair with blue eyes meekly suggested. 

His name was Gabriel, he was quite a reserved man and sounded like he had confidence issues, he's a french musician. 

"Doesn't seem to be my fault." 

Scar growled as he walked beside me. 

"Yeah but... You're the one punching Tom." 

"Then it's Tom's fault for being a dumbass."

Scar spoke out loud since he had moved away from Gabriel and Tom and toward me. 

This entire time I kept my head straight, looking forward and toward Charlotte, who seemed to be having a great time chatting happily with the girls by her side. 

"Hey Arthur, why did you decide to come?" 

Scar asked with a neutral tone without looking at me, his head straight forward as we kept our pace in the sidewalk. 

"What do you mean?" 

I replied too in a cold cryptic tone with my head forward, not looking at Scar. 

We both looked like two cold men, well, we both really were. 

"You never decide to come, and you never participate in anything we do. Why?" 

"-Because of Chad." 



"I understand." 

Our conversation was as cut and dry as dried meat, none of us made any sort of expression. 

That was until:

"Ow!" x2 

Both of us winced in pain feeling a pointy object behind both our backs. 

"Fucking hell Tom, stop fucking around." 

Scar turned back to scold the cheeky Tom who stabbed us with his fingers.

"Beat him up."

I jokingly said with a small smile as I turned around to see Scar teach Tom a lesson, with Gabriel trying to stop him. 

Shortly after, the entire group stopped. 

We caught up with Chad's small duo, Charlotte and the girls. 

In front of us, was a Limousine, those extremely long cars that can hold a lot of people inside for drinking and partying. 

And in front of it, was a man dressed in a butler's attire, along with security guards. 


The butler approached Tom. 

"To dinner, Wayne." 

"My name is Bruce." 

The butler corrected. 


Tom said it again. 

"Sir, my name is Bruce." 

The butler corrected again, sounding more tired. 

"I know your name is Bruce, Wayne." 


"Yes, Wayne?" 


"-Wayne, drive us to the reserved dinner spot." 

Despite this, Tom ignored him and Wayne seemed had given up wanting to be called Bruce, so Mr. Wayne Butler went into the Limousine, having the security open the doors for us. 

"Get in guys. Let's have a great dinner party." 

Surprisingly, Tom was rich. Insanely rich. 

Part 3 

When we all got into the Limo, it looked more like a narrow party room with comfortable seats rather than a car. 

Across the entire length was the soft squishy seats that practically looked like a long couch with dark tinted windows behind, and in front of the couch-like seat was a black glass table of sorts that held wine underneath and glasses methodically placed, just waiting for wine to be poured into them. 

Just looking around, there was already a change of lighting with purple and red LED lights making the insides look like a disco room. 

It looked, insanely rich. 

We all sat down, Scar, Tom Chad, Gabriel and the boys sitting on one side, while the girls sat on the other side. 

But, immediately, we realised something.

"There isn't enough room. Oh well, that's not surprising, I wasn't expecting Chad to invite two more people to I specifically bought a Limo for 15 people, and an extra seat just in case." 

Tom looked at the girls, who were still standing up in his Limo, struggling to find a seat. 

"We'll find a way." 

Chad optimistically commented. 

He bought this? Not rented? And he's speaking like he has easy access loads of options. 

From the position of my seat arrangement, I was sitting right in the middle, next to the boys and the girls. 

By now, the girls had found their seats and excluded Charlotte by pure process of elimination, they didn't know her. So, everyone but Charlotte was sat down. 

We all looked at Charlotte, Tom raised his brow, thinking about what to do with her. 

For some reason, when he thought of what to say he paused. 

He was thinking of a joke to say. 

But when no joke came to mind, he simply sighed and straightforwardly spoke: 

"Charlotte, right? You can sit in the passenger seat at the front. Wayne is a nice guy, you won't feel lonely." 

"Nah, we don't need to do that." 

Charlotte said as she paced toward me, and suddenly, I felt a warm soft sensation on my thighs. 


I made an instinctive noise as I felt Charlotte jump onto my lap.

"This is my seat!" 

Charlotte loudly spoke, causing everyone else to laugh. 

I looked to my side, the boys were smirking at me. 

Chad, Tom, Scar and Gabriel had their thumbs up, smirking supportively. Almost as if they were congratulating me. Since Chad was beside me, he gave me a nudge too. 

"Does your seat feel good, Charlotte?" 

Tom snickered as he relaxed in his Limo. 

In response, Charlotte turned her body over to mine and leaned onto me, rubbing her face into the side of my neck. 

"It also smells good." 

Charlotte sniffed my neck, and licked it. 


I made a weird sound as a shudder ran down my spine, but the shudder felt... Good. 

"Hey hey, does the seat feel hard at all?" 

Tom made a sexual joke with a grin, looking at my crotch. 

Since my "member" was extraordinarily bigger than average, it was obvious to anyone who wanted to look to judge whether or not it was hard or not.

"Oi oi" 

I expressed a "No-no" tone toward Tom, glaring into his eyes. Disapproving with his comment. 

Why did you have to say that, you fucking idiot.

"Uh, yeah, it kinda does." 

Charlotte, taking astride Tom's comment moved her head back to look deep into my eyes, grinning mischievously.

"I swear Charlotte, if you start anything here, I'll-" 

I opened my mouth, whispering toward Charlotte. 

"You'll what?"  

Charlotte moved her butt down, rubbing it against my crotch. 

"When we get home, I'm cutting your piano strings." 


Charlotte giggled at my remark as she continued to tease me in front of everybody. 

From there, everyone decided to leave us alone and jump into their own conversations. 

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