So, My Piano Turned Into A Girl

Chapter 27: Piano Sonata. No 25

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Part 1 

"-What about you, Arthur? What do you do when you're bored?" 

With Charlotte sitting gleefully on one side of my lap, Chad directed the conversation he was having with the boys toward me, trying to fit me into the conversation they were having. 

"What I do when I'm bored, huh?"

I thought about it for a second, looking around the insides of this Limo. My thought process almost broke as I looked at the bottles of wine in front of me on the tables, the car windows that you could see through from the inside but can't see through from the outside. 

But I refocused, and answered:

"I practise my fingering skills on Charlotte, work out and compose new pieces on Charlo- Piano."

Ah shit. I accidentally said Charlotte instead of my piano.

"Practise on... Charlotte? I see I see." 

Chad smirked. 

"I'm so jealous, fuck you." 

Tom spat out. 

"Did you really have to bring that up here?" 

Scar crossed his arms.


Gabriel blushed, covering his face with both his hands, thinking about how the girls on the other side would think about my comment. What an overthinker. 

I was so used to seeing my piano as "Charlotte" rather than a piano that I spat out Charlotte. 

"He means piano." 

Charlotte corrected me. 

"Yeah, piano." 

They all looked at me with suspicious gazes.

"-Piano, composing new pieces, working out? That's not fun, do you ever take any breaks?" 

Tom leaned forward, pouring himself a glass of wine, which there was a lot of in this Limo. 

"That is fun though, what about you, Tom?" 

With an emphasis on "is", I answered straightforwardly before redirecting the question. 

"Oh, me, oh, anime." 


I repeated. 


Chad questioned, surprised. 


Scar growled. 

Everyone in here, including me, were normies. Tom was the only one who seemed to be interested in anime, although I admit when I heard of the Classical Music anime called "Your Lie in April" I was quite interested. I didn't think I would cry though, are animes supposed to make you cry? 

"You're still watching that garbage?" 

Scar with his back hunched forward and head facing down questioned. 

"Hey, anime isn't garbage. At least I have fun with my life, unlike you, you stiff bastard." 

Tom pointed toward Scar, refuting him. 


Scar didn't say anything, so there as an air of silence between the boys as the girls on the other side continued chatting on, also, Charlotte was apart of the girls conversation even while on my lap. 

"...Hey Tom." 

Scar looked up. 


Tom curiously replied, tilting his head. 

"Go fuck yourself." 

Scar threw an empty glass on Tom. 

Since this was clearly the quarrel between two old childhood friends, nothing was taken seriously 

Tom stood up within the moving Limo and opened a roof compartment, pulling out two long rectangle boxes. 

"What's this?"

Chad asked as we all looked at Tom setting the boxes on the floor. 

"Two Saxophones, anyone know how to play?" 

Nearly all the people here that were invited were brass players since Chad played the Trumpet and it was his closest group of friends. Scar played the Tuba and Gabriel the French Horn. 

Hell, nearly everyone here was part of the Brass section of the Orchestra, excluding me, Tom and one other person. 

But no one here played the Saxophone, some people in the Orchestra did but they weren't invited. 

"Why do you have Saxophones?" 

I asked, curious. 

Tom was a Cello player from the almighty fearful string-faction, he wouldn't need it. 

Like any instrument, Saxophones were expensive, costing at around $200 as extremely cheap, $2000 dollars for a beginner level one and an astonishing $4000 for a high skill level professional Saxophone. 

"Some friends who played the Saxophone came to my party a while ago, so I bought them this to borrow during the party, but as you can see, it's unused now." 

What a waste of money.

"So, anyone know how-da play?" 

"I have good experience." 

Chad, the Trumpet Player stood up and grabbed a Saxophone, seemingly with experience grabbed the Reed and mouth-piece." 

"Don't worry about soaking the reed to play, I already did that. Just put it in and play." 

Chad started experimenting with some notes, and only after a few seconds he got the hang of it and started playing some famous pop tunes. 

The girls stopped their conversations and watched interestedly. 

"Hey Arthur, grab a Saxophone." 

Chad stopped playing and pointed toward me and the other Saxophone.

"-Wait, Arthur can play too?" 

Tom shouted out loud, making what he said cement itself into everyone's head. 

"I can't play-" 

"Come one Arthur, play it if you can!" 

Before I knew it, the boys started pressuring me to play.

"Here you go." 

Gabriel giggling passed me the Saxophone as Charlotte got off my lap to squeeze herself beside me. 

I felt the coldness of the brass seep into my hand as I held the large instrument on my lap. 

I haven't even touched a Saxophone in my entire life.

I inspected the Saxophone, looking all over. 

"Hey Chad, show me where the notes are." 

I asked Chad for some help. 

As long as I know the notes, I could probably play this thing. 

Chad came over and pointed everything out to me, told me how to blow into the instrument, how to hold it and the necessary notes for a simple scale. 

That would have been nice, except that it was all explained under 1 minute.

This is great, I have 1 minute of knowledge about the Saxophone, and I gotta play something. 

Everyone looked expectantly toward me and Chad, who were now siting beside each other. 

Chad started playing a tune: 

"...He's playing by Michael Jackson, the Key Signature is F Sharp Dorian... So, that's the notes F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, E." 

I muttered, analysing with the little information I had. 

With Chad's advice in mind, I moved my fingers and quietly made the sound of each note in the F# Dorian Key Scale. 

Since I wasn't used to the posture of a Saxophone, my hands were trembling in its unfamiliarity, I could barely squeeze any notes out of this Brass instrument. 

"...Repetitive bassline... Baritone, I have to find the correct octave... There is a section in F# minor... 29 measures per minute, 116 beats per minute. It has the common time signature of 4/4, Camelot is 10A." 

From Chad's tune, I continued to analyse the piece as I memorised the notes, storing it all in my head. 

"Psst, Arthur, you forgot to press the octave key to hit F Sharp." 

Charlotte whispered into my ear from beside me as Chad made a show for himself, while I was struggling to find that one note on the Saxophone. 

"Ah, so that's it."

With that singular understanding fixed, replayed the notes from the scale, F#, G#, A, B, C#, D#, E. 

And I've figured it out.

I've figured out how to play it. 

A normal musician wouldn't be able to grasp another instrument so easily as Arthur just did so casually, but Arthur was an exception. He had an unparalleled skillset with his dexterity and unaware intelligence. 

His IQ is 170, but due to his trauma's he isn't able to live up to his full potential. 

Oh, but his emotional intelligence is awful though. 

Any other musician would watch their hands awkwardly around the Saxophone, forgetting where each note was, but Arthur memorised it, and how to hit it. 

In comparison, Arthur picking up the Saxophone and understanding it immediately after few thoughts and advice was the same as asking a monkey to grab a laptop and find a specific youtube video with only advice on how to press the "on" button by other humans. 

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Only a profound genius would be able to do what Arthur did. 

With my limited Saxophone knowledge, I started harmonising the song with Chad.

"So you really know how to play!" 

Chad shouted as he saw me standing up, combining our notes together into a harmony to the song

The entire Limo erupted into an excited cheer as we both played on the Saxophone, bouncing off each other with each note and phrase. I let Chad take the spotlight as he played the melody while I played the back up notes. 

And then, we switched. 

Shaking to the tune of the song, the Limo began to shake as everyone moved along. 

As we played together, our eyes met, Chad and mine. 

He looked at me knowingly, as if he was aware that I just learnt the basics all on my own with little guidance. 

You piece of shit.

He knew I would be able to get the hang of it and learn the Saxophone that easily, so he pressured me to play it instead of other Brass instrumentalists, who would had a higher chance of being able to play the Brass Saxophone. 

"You got this!" 

Out of all the voices laughing and cheering, I heard Charlotte's most distinctively. 

For the next dozens of minutes until we reached the dinner place, we all played. 

Part 2

The door had opened, and the butler informed us that we had arrived. 

Chad and I shared a smile as we put the Saxophones back. 

"You picked up the Saxophone so fast, how did you even do that." 

Chad spoke to me as everyone got out. 

"You told me what to do, and I did it." 

I replied.

In front of our group was a large dominating building that looked fancy. There were three arches that were as wide as 3 people laying on the floor and two times taller, the middle one hosted the entrance that had a fancy golden entrance. It was all made of yellow bricks with intricate patterns, similar to french architecture from the Colonial Era. 

Just from the outside, there were security guards and an employee standing outside holding a clipboard in front of a podium. 

Tom skipped toward the Employee with a goofy grin. 


The employee looked tired and worn out, must have been a long and hard day for him, he barely made eye contact and spoke in a monotone voice. 


"Tom what?" 

The employee rudely replied, he assessed Tom's outfit and noticed how scruffy and dirty it was along with his disgraceful posture and weird careless expression. 

It probably wasn't tiredness but disgust with the Employee's attitude. 

He looked at Tom as if he were a worm. 

"Tom Auclair Perrine Debussion." 

"Mr. Debussion?!" 

After hearing Tom's full name, the employee jolted his spine to a straight stiff posture, dropping his clipboard. He began to sweat profusely, his hands clearly trembling. 

"Oh, you know me?" 

"Of course I do, Sir! Your father owns this entire company and establishment! We were waiting for you, Sir, and your friends. Please, come in! Er- Oi, you, go tell the manager that Mr Debussion is here!" 

The employee staggered, fumbling around as he told a guard to run in and inform a manager about Tom, he then turned to Tom and invited him in. 

What kinda power...

I looked at Tom weirdly from behind as he turned around, goofily smiling at all of us. 

We were all walked in: 

"You're a few hours early, sir!"

"Well, rehearsal happened to finish early." 

Tom casually replied, seemingly used to this weird loyal dog treatment. 

"Such talent, sir!" 

The employee, or waiter did a straight 360 with his attitude ultimately turning into a hunched back dog, complimenting Tom whenever he could and being very hospitable. 

In almost an instant, more waiters and employees came over along with the manager to talk to Tom. 

"Woah, this place is amazing." 

Charlotte muttered from beside me as she looked around, seeing nothing like this before. 

"You're right." 

I replied. 

Neither have I. 

Around us was a large room filled with people dressed formally on comfortable cushioned red seats made from the finest wood with french carvings and art. The dinner tables within this room were covered in large white cloth, but the edges were golden with an insignia of the company logo in the middle. 

Tables like this were everywhere within this room all ranging from sizes to accomodate different numbers of guests. 

Within the middle of the room were pillars that looked similar to carved marble pillars from Ancient Greece, the ceiling was equally as amazing hosting golden Chandeliers 

The carpet we were walking on was red with a golden consistent pattern and the atmosphere within was warm and refined.

This world was completely different, the world of the rich. 

I wasn't expecting this when invited out to dinner. 


I looked at the faces of Chad and his friends, they didn't seem fazed, maybe because they've been friends with Tom for a while. 


A girl called out my name, it was one of Chad's friends. 

It was also the same girl that approached me before rehearsal today, the one that grabbed my arm and had blonde hair, blue eyes. 


I conventionally replied. 

"That was great Saxophone playing... I thought you only played the piano." 

The blonde woman seductively bit her lips and grabbed my arm, just like before. 

"Now it seems I play the Saxophone. Uh, what was your name?"

I asked for her name.

"You don't know me? Don't break my heart like that, Arthur. It's Leah, Leah Emfia."  

She wore a black short dress that shoved a lot of her cleavage, and she didn't seem embarrassed about it as she squeezed both her arms together to emphasise it toward me. 

"Leah, what instrument do you play?" 

I asked her.

"I play the Trombone... You really don't know anything about anyone, do you?"

"I'm sorry." 

I apologised. 

From the other side of me, I noticed Charlotte looking extremely annoyed, her eye brows were knitted as she glared into Leah's eyes, who was looking at me. 

I felt Charlotte grab onto my arm too, as if she was competing with Leah. 

I thought nothing of it. 

"Are we sitting within this room, with these people?" 

Tom asked the waiter as he looked around, looking at the other guests sitting and eating. 

"No! Of course not! We have a personal room booked for you and your friends, Sir!" 

We were led into this personal room, which looked quite a smaller and more private version of the large hall of people earlier. 

Part 3 

In the middle of the private room was a large rounded table with all sorts of plates and utensils that a common man like me wouldn't know about it. 

On the sides of the door were two waiters, specially assigned to this room. 

We all went for our seats. 

"Hey, no, that's my seat."

Charlotte primly grabbed the top rail of the wooden cushioned seat as she glared at the taller Leah, who too also grabbing the top rail of the same seat that was beside me. 

"Oh my, is your name on it? It's a public seat, and I got here first." 

Leah said with a smirk.

It seemed like Charlotte was trying to stop Leah from sitting beside me. 

On the other side, Chad had already taken the seat so the one Leah and Charlotte were fighting for was the only one beside me. 

"I don't care, this is my seat. Go find another one."

Charlotte sat down, crossing her arms frustratingly before aggressively sitting right beside me. 

"Now now ladies, there's no need fight over a seat, it's all the same." 

Tom teasingly said with a playful smirk, he knew what was going on but instead chose to tease them both. 

"Shut up Tom." x2

Both Charlotte and Leah retorted at the same time. 

Though in the end, Leah sighed and took a seat elsewhere. 

Charlotte however stuck her tongue out at Leah, like a child. 

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