So, My Piano Turned Into A Girl

Chapter 8: Piano Sonata No. 8

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Part 1 

"Come on, this way." 

I dragged Charlotte around the amusement park, looking for fun things to do as adults. 

Unfortunately, there weren't many things for adults specifically, but I'm sure we can find something. 

Having gone over her prior embarrassment, Charlotte suddenly halted, stabbing her heels into the ground, causing me to stop. 

"What's the matter- Uwah! Charlotte! Charlotte!" 

Suddenly, my piano appeared right beside Charlotte, both her physical human form and her material piano form. 

Uwah! The hell?! Why would you decide now to be the best time to- Uwah! 

"-Hey, look, it's a piano!" 

"-Is there some sort of performance?" 

"-I wanna play the street amusement park piano!" 

Charlotte, looked at me with an amused look on her face and directed me to sit on the piano bench in front of my piano. 

My brown piano was broadcasted in the middle of the crowd, but no one noticed its sudden appearance, only knowing that it was there. 

"God damn it." 

I sat down on the piano bench and opened the piano lid, revealing the familiar ivory piano keys, the smell permeated into my nose. 

A small thin crowd circled us, looking on with interest and high expectations. 

Charlotte leaned over the piano from the side, and looked at me. 

"Play something the kids would like." 

How dare you put me on the spot. 

I went through my head, thinking of pop songs. 

And with the power of my Perfect Pitch, I began to press the keys on the piano. 

Greeted with familiar tunes, the children and adults behind smiled brightly, giving occasional cheers and also sung along. 

After playing for a few moments, I finished a song after which a kid approached me. 

"-Can you play Бигасс?" 


"Can you play Бигасс?" 

What was this kid saying? Is that Russian? 

"Of course he can play it, he's a Professional Pianist after all." 

Charlotte patted the boy on the head, reassuring him with a sweet expression. 

"Um, type it in here, I'll have a listen and play it." 

I pulled out my phone and went on youtube, directing the kid to type the song he wanted. 

After typing it in, I began listening. 

I have perfect pitch, I'll be able to translate this into a piano arrangement easil-


Oh god. 

After listening to a few seconds of the song, I realised something. 

"Бигасс" was a Russian rap song. 

Oh god. 

It's super fast too, wait no, it just sounds fast but not really. 

"I'll do my best!" 

I smiled at the kid as I listened to the rest of the song, ultimately turning to my piano, taking deep breath. 

"That sounded like a hard song to translate into notes, good luck~" 

Charlotte patted my head as if I was a kid. 

I took a deep breath, formulating my thoughts. 

This is a Russian rap song, putting aside the genre the melody sounds pretty simple. The song is in D Major Flat, under the Camelot Wheel system that'd be 3B, right? Its tempo is about 92 beats per minute making it Andante (Walking pace) so it's slower than I thought... Fortimisso, regular strong beat... Should I replace the beat with arpeggios? No that's too simple. How about I use Glissando? 


I'll recreate this as a classical piece! 

With the power of Perfect Pitch I will recreate this! 

Opening my eyes, I place my hands on the keys of the piano. 

And I begin jamming.

"Huh? It's actually pretty easy?" 

With the use of prior experience in playing music, I recreate the melody from memory. 

This will be a mix of the classical and pop-rap genres, arranged on piano. 

Hearing this jam, the crowd of people surrounding me cheered, and from the corner of my eyes, I could see the boys' expression light up, a wide-open smile and eyes of shock blank on his face as if he couldn't believe that someone could recreate a song just by hearing it one time. 

But I'd still appreciate it if no one cheered while I was playing. Oh well, this was a public space, I'm happy they're listening in the first place. 

And so, I finished the piece. 

"Nice, Arthur, as expected of Perfect Pitch man!" 

Charlotte praised me from the side. 

And then suddenly, a man pushed himself through the thin crowd. 

"Oho? A public piano? Oi you, get off, it's my turn." 

This man was slightly overweight, with clear double chins and a noticeable belly. He wore an orange Hawaii shirt and sunglasses with black slicked-back hair, covering his bald spot, it was clear he was reaching middle-age but was still relatively young. 

But worst of all, his attitude is horrible. 

"Excuse me?" 

I stood up, towering this man by almost a head difference. 

"You had your fun, you show-off, now let others play. For example, me." 


"What's your problem?" 

Charlotte, who was standing right beside the piano grabbed the man's shoulder, turning him over to face Charlotte. 

"Girls should stay out of men's business." 

He turned away from her, looking back at me. 

"What did you say-?!" 

He completely shut off Charlotte 

"Hey, don't talk to her like that." 

Seeing how he shut down Charlotte like that my eyebrows furrowed as I took abrupt steps closer to him, closing distance within his comfort zone. 

But he didn't budge. 

"Or what? What're gonna do?" 

"You're sounding pretty pathetic, just back off, you shouldn't treat her like that." 


I heard Charlotte's echoing voice from behind. 

"Ohh, we got a white knight over here, a simp, hah, look at this loser." 

I could feel my face contorting, I was just slightly pissed off. 

Of course, even the thin crowd didn't oblige to reply to his attempt of appeal. 

"Haah... You said you wanted to play on my piano, right? My answer is: no. Now get out of here." 

I sighed, shooing him out. 

"Yeah! Get out, don't even touch me!" 

Charlotte echoed from behind again. 

"Huh? Your piano? Aren't you getting too overconfident? Sure, you can play a little bit better than everyone else, but just because you're a genius doesn't mean everything's yours." 

A little bit better than everyone else...?

Just because you're a genius...?

Those words echoed through my mind. Even though this man was in front of me, I wasn't seeing him anymore. I was only thinking of those words, that phrase. 

It reminded me... No, no, no, no, no.


Get out of my mind! 


Stop, stop thinking about that-

My mind was in turmoil, a sudden different problem popped up. 

A storm was swirling within my head, I began to hyperventilate, my chest rising and lowering rapidly. The veins of my forehead pumped, following the rapid heart rate. 

I couldn't breathe properly- 

-I felt a tug on my sleeve.

It was Charlotte, she did that, seemingly worried. 

Noticing Charlotte look up at me, the feelings shattered. 

I was normal again, I was breathing properly, my heart was fine and my mind was empty. 

For some reason, seeing Charlotte look at me that way put my mind at ease. 

The earlier sort of panic attack completely disappeared. 

So I left the matter aside. 

I took a deep breath. 

Okay, let's analyse the situation! 

A man appeared, seemingly rude and wanted to play on my piano (Charlotte), I say no, he gets angry. Okay, he's just a pathetic person. 

"No, this isn't a street piano, this is a personal piano, and I won't let you use it." 

I planted my feet firmly in the ground, puffing my chest out and crossing my arms, putting on a confident stature. 

The man seemed to recoil a bit after hearing my firm and assertive statement. 

Even if this man wasn't acting all rude and haughty, I still wouldn't let anyone play on my piano, my Charlotte. It wouldn't feel right, almost as if, I'm the only one allowed to play on her. 

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"Lies, it wasn't there before and it doesn't seem to be easily transportable, so it's gotta be from this place. Now move, I'll show you my skill." 

The man completely brushed over what I said. 

He stepped forward and pushed me over. 

There was a sudden crashing pain in my arm as I fell over, hitting the concrete ground. 

"Arthur?! Hey, asshole! What do you think you're doing!" 

Charlotte paced over to the man who had already sat on the piano bench and grabbed his shoulders, aggressively shaking him. 

He ignored her presence, and opened the piano lid that I closed with caution earlier, he stretched his fingers, preparing to press down on the keys. 

No, don't. 

Don't do that!

Time stopped as the man tried to press down onto the keys, onto Charlotte. A steering burn raced through my heart, a molten feeling rolled throughout my entire body, looking at someone playing on Charlotte didn't feel right.

It made me feel weird, like something was about to burst. 

No, it's not that it didn't feel right, it was wrong.

No one can touch her. 

Only I can!

My vision turned red as something hot within me spiked. 

Clenching my fists and tensing my muscles, I rushed the man from behind, and before he could touch Charlotte's keys: 


"Don't touch her, she's mine!" 

The piano bench created a huge thumping noise against the concrete as it fell with the man, my fury sprang to life I had put him in a chokehold and jumped backward. 

I lifted my head, looking toward the crowd. 

Shit, they're recording. 

My career as a musician will be ruined if I'm caught as the antagonist here. 

It'll ruin my reputation, and no one would hire me...

Taking that into consideration, I calmed my nerves by taking a deep breath and letting him go. 

As soon as I did that, the man gasped for air, coughing and spitting. 

As I stood up, Charlotte rushed toward me with a worried expression. 

"Are you alright?!" 

"...I'm fine... Anyways, you wanted to play on my piano, right? Well, if you're able to play this, I'll let you play. But if you can't, then you'll get the heck out." 

I pointed toward the man before putting the piano bench back. 

I sat down, and closed my eyes, thinking of a piece. 

"...Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 4." 

I turned my head back, seeing the man completely stood up, he glared at me with a furious expression, his fists trembling in anger, but with the exposures of phone cameras all around, even he decided not to do anything else. 

"You're immature and childish, but fine, go on, play whatever that stupid song is. I'm sure I'll be able to beat it." 

"It's not a 'song', it's a piece."

There was something irritatingly wrong with what he said, but I decided to let my playing do the talking 

Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 4. 

It is fast, it is harsh, grating and unstoppable. 

Its speed is like sound, the confusion it creates with its musical sound is destructive, turbulent and horrific. 

I began playing. 

The ivory keys screamed out in panic as my fingers rushed up and down the keys. Like a natural disaster, everything in its path was destroyed, the sounds created through the rough, grinding and dissonance combinations of notes erupt into a harmonic yet horrifying symphonic harmonious piece. 

"Ah~ That feels good." 

I ignored the moaning coming from Charlotte from behind. 

The air was dry, cold. The sun disappeared within the clouds, creating a dark sinister view of where I was at. 

But despite this, the explosive sounds of the keys created a hot and chaotic feeling.  

The volcanic keys were being pummelled into submission, crying out in a delicate yet aggressive moan. The fiery, blazing, glowing and raging sounds of keys being put in their place stabbed the hearts of everyone around, especially the man.  

Everyone was silent, not even a sound beside the rides far off were heard.

Everyone present was enamoured by the trouncing melody. 

Their eyes peeled, glaring at every shining key being played. 

Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 4 is supposed to sound this way, fast, confused and chaotic. 

Nothing is in order. 

There is only a world of anarchy. 

No one will protect you. 

You must fend for yourself. 

That is what the piece is screaming out! 

I banged on the keys, making Charlotte cry in a soothing yet dissonant gravelly and grating ritornelle, consonating throughout the entire place. My hands were molten hot, and the once ivory keys began to burn and rage with calamitous wrath and fiery. 

My heart burned, my fingers crackled as I blew on the irate fire, making it greater and larger. 

Are you confused?! Are you unstable?! Are you-

"Mmmfffp! Unnf. Aaah, your fingering is godly... Mngh-ph! A-a-ahhmmn. Ah. Ah! I bet that other loser doesn't have the dexterity to satisfy me as you do~" 

Ignore the moaning. 

That's not part of the piece. 

We're not in the romantic era. 

Shut up Charlotte! 

I slammed the ending keys, releasing the tension into an ensuing climax of entropy and turmoil. 

"...Can you recreate that?" 

The fires went out, the sun came out again and the air returned to being breathy but the distinct smell of calamity and destruction still remained. ...Well, musically, there was destruction, but not in reality. 

With a victorious smirk, I turned over to look behind me. 

I was met with the red-faced, rage-filled angry man, clenching his fists as he glared deadly at me. 

He audibly gritted his teeth, but in the end, he barged out and away. 

Following this, I was greeted with a huge round of applause and cheering. 

Part 2 

"You completely destroyed him!" 

Charlotte locked into my arms as she laughed about what happened just a moment ago. 

"That... That was weird, I'm usually not like that." 

I'm not a confrontational person, not at all, what I just did was a first time for me. 

But seeing that guy about to touch my piano, my Charlotte, made me feel weird. 

It pissed me off. 

She's mine, huh? 

"Don't think too much about it, you were really cool, you know?" 


My cheeks flushed as I looked away. 

...And what's with this? 

When I was feeling sick and hyperventilating, just looking at Charlotte was enough to calm me down... Why is that? 

Huh, that's weird. 

What the hell's happening? 

"You know, you look so cute when you're embarrassed." 

Charlotte looked forward, squeezing her grip on my arm as she commented. 

My heart clenched. 

"What are you saying so suddenly?" 

"I'm telling you the truth." 


We continued to walk through the amusement park, silently. 

"...Thanks for not letting him play on me." 

Charlotte muttered under her breath. 

"It's only natural, I'm your owner, so I'm the only one that's allowed to play yo-" 

"[Don't touch her, she's mine!]." 

I was interrupted by a voice recording. 

Hey, I recognise that device. 

It's the device I use to record my audio- no waaait! Oi! What did you record?! 

By the time I noticed, Charlotte was about 5 meters away from me. 

"Please delete that! Please delete that right now!" 

I chased after her. 

"No! Puahaha! What's with this phrase? Could it be, you have feelings for me? Ah, what do I do, my owner loves me~" 

Seeing me run toward her, she began running away. 

I ran in pursuit, aiming for the recorder audio. 

"No I don't, no I don't! Delete that now! Uwaaaah!" 

"He pushed down the man with his muscular and manly arms away from me and screamed that, what could that be other than love...?" 

"God damn it, how are you so fast?! Haah... Hahhh... It's not love! You're wroooong!" 




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