So, My Piano Turned Into A Girl

Chapter 9: Piano Sonata No. 9

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Part 1 

After catching Charlotte, I took the audio recorder and put in my pocket. 

We then proceeded to go on various rides in the amusement park. 

For the haunted house, instead of Charlotte clinging on to me, it was me clinging on to her. 

For the gun shooting contest, I won some prizes and gave it all to Charlotte. 

For the strength hammer, I failed miserably. 

For the roller coasters, I didn't go on them... Until Charlotte forced me to.

"Your face is pale, I'll get some water, don't die on me, okay?!" 

Charlotte ran to the nearest stall to buy some water. 

From the after-effects of yet another roller coaster, I was slumped back on a bench deeply breathing. 

To calm me down, I pulled out my earphones and put them in my ear. 

After putting on a song, I lean backward, resting my arms behind the bench seats and nodded upwards, looking into the sky. 


I could feel my heart slowly returning to a normal beat, I was becoming calm and tranquil. 


That calm and tranquilness seems to have shattered. 

I heard a familiar voice. 

"...Chad? Lucy too?" 

I tilted my head back to eye level, finding both Chad and Lucy standing in front of me. 

"Yo, anything cool happen between you guys yet?" 

"Well uh, I fought off this one guy, other than that, we've just been going on different rides." 

"Fought someone? Oh, that commotion? Was that you?" 

"Um, yeah." 

Chad's eyebrows raised in suspicion, Lucy's too. 

"I didn't think you had it in you to fight, but I heard some crazy angry piano playing right after, that was you too, right?" 


"Damn, asserting dominance after winning the fight. That's pretty cool, anyways, where's Charlotte?" 

Chad put his hand on his forehead, looking past the brightness of the sun and around, trying to catch a glimpse of Charlotte. 

"She's gone to buy water." 

I stood up, putting my phone and earphones in my pocket. 

"Well, that doesn't matter, you know, I heard that a mall recently opened beside the amusement park, why don't you go buy something for Charlotte?" 

After hearing that, my eyes trailed toward Lucy, who held bags with both her hands. 


Lucy inquired, as she tensed up. 

Wait, you guys actually left the amusement park to go to that mall and came back in to tell me? 

"Chad bought you some cool stuff, didn't he?" 

I noticed the contents within, games, posters, clothes and other miscellaneous items. 

Mostly games though. 


Lucy hid behind Chad. 

"Well then, we'll be off, since we're separated now, you guys can leave whenever you want."

Chad and Lucy waved me off, saying their goodbyes before walking away. 

"Buy something for Charlotte, huh?" 

I grasped the money in my pocket, thinking about what to buy. 

Part 2 

After a short while, Charlotte returned holding a bottle of water. 

"Here, drink up." 


I took the bottle, opened it and drank.

"Hey, I'm thirsty too, let me drink." 

Abruptly, after I had finished drinking, Charlotte snatched the bottle from me and drank too. 

"-Puaaahaah, that should be enough to hydrate me." 

I noticed she was drinking directly from the tip of the bottle, where I had. 

An indirect kiss. 

Well, that doesn't matter much. 

"Charlotte, there's not much to do in an amusement park made for children, and I heard a mall opened up right beside it, wanna check it out?" 

After hearing the word "mall", Charlotte's eyes lit up. 

"Mall? Are we gonna go buy stuff?! Yes! I wanna go! I wanna go!" 

She was on her toes, jumping up and down in front of me in sudden excitement. 

I almost forgot. 

Charlotte is a piano. 

She's never been outside. 

...Wait, then how did she buy a water bottle with ease? Did she watch me and learn from that? 

"Okay, let's go then." 

And so, we left the Amusement park, after leaving we noticed the huge building beside it, which was definitely the mall. 

As busy as the amusement park, the mall was chattery, sounds of people talking on their phones and hanging out echoed everywhere. The layout of the mall was impressive, it was spacious and generously lit up. Since we just entered, we were in the lobby of the huge shopping complex, with various stores around. 

"Where do you want to go-" 

"Uwah! So this is the true outside world where you could buy whatever you want! I always dreamed of this! It's much better than sitting in the same room for years and years on end only occasionally coming out to eat snacks and play games while nobody was looking! Also better than watching the TV when no one was at home!" 

Charlotte looked as if she just had a surge of happiness course throughout her entire body, her silky brown hair flew as she jumped the highest she could with an unwavering smile. Sparkles escaped from her eyes as she circled around, looking at everything there was. 

Wait, eating snacks and playing games? Watching TV? 

Was that why my snacks were gone every while or so?! Is that why when I logged into my games, things had been done that I didn't do?! Was it you who spent 2 million in-game currency on that stupid cute outfit?! 

Once again, I have solved a lifelong mystery, beginning when I was 5, but still continued even to this day in my apartment. 

What other things did she do without me knowing?

Leaving the petty things aside, seeing Charlotte in this euphoric state made me smile. 

"Yes it is, let's go shopping." 

I wasn't the type to go shopping much, actually, I would just walk in with what I need clear in my mind, buy it and get out. 

But I know some girls and some other guys prefer to head in and shop for leisure, which I'm sure Charlotte was the type too. 


We first entered a clothing store. 

"We need to get you new clothes, you've been wearing that combination for a while." 

Standing beside a large array of clothing, I pointed toward Charlotte's clothes, where I couldn't help but wonder where she got them from. That white blouse and black striped skirt, I've never seen her wear anything else besides my T-shirt for sleeping. 

"That's true, but you've been wearing a white buttoned up shirt and trousers for wa~ay too long, I remember the first time you wore it, you were about 16, and you took pictures of yourself playing the piano on it, hoping it would look good." 

"Let's not talk about that." 

T-That's true. 

I began wearing the set of clothes I was wearing today because I thought I would look cool wearing it as a pianist...

P-Please don't talk about it. 

"How about you look for clothes for me, and I'll look for clothes for you." 

Charlotte lifted her index finger up, coming up with a pretty good suggestion. 

"Alright, that sounds good." 

I went over to the woman's section of the shop, looking for clothes. 

Charlotte went over to the men's section. 

"...What do girls usually wear?" 

The moment I stepped foot within the section, my mind went blank. 

I pulled out a random top, it was a black sweater, I put it back. 

I let my eyes wander around, thinking about what to get her to wear. 

After a while, I close my eyes. 

"Aaaaah! What do women wear again?!" 

Even though there were women around me in the orchestra, I never really paid much attention to them. 

I pulled out my phone and went through my contacts. 

"... ... ... Hey, hey Lucy, hi, how are you?" 

I called Lucy. 

"[... ... ... I'm good, why are you calling me? You've never called me before.]" 

I heard Lucy's monotone voice from the other side. 

"I'll get straight to the point, if you went to a shop with a male friend who offered to pick out clothes for you, what clothes would you prefer?" 

After asking that, there was a deep long silence. 

It doesn't seem like she was responding. 

"[... ... Aah, you're with Charlotte on a date, oh well. She'll like whatever you get her.] Bzzt." 

Lucy hung up after saying that. 

Hey, why did you hang up like that?

She'll like whatever I get her, huh? 

With her advice kept close, I pulled out a hoodie that looked interesting. 

It was those long hoodies that extended all the way down to the thighs, but that didn't matter. What attracted me to this was the writings on it. On the front, it said "You Are My Piano" with an image of a piano underneath it and on the back. It was black and dark. 


After picking that out, I thought about other necessities, like casual clothing, comfortable clothing, summer/winter clothing, and most importantly, pyjamas. 

...Oh yeah, I'm guessing her size, hopefully I'm right. 

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Because of my tastes, every piece of clothing I picked out had musical references. 

Like, the pyjamas had musical notations all over, summer clothing had a violin texture and stuff like that. 

Maybe I was too much into music. 

But I walked back, finding Charlotte waiting with a set of my clothes ready. 

"Woah, you got so many clothes, how do I even try all of these?" 

Charlotte eyed up the bundle of clothing I got her. 

I too eyed up the ones she got for me. 

"Let's change and take a look." 

Handing over each other's clothes, we walked to the changing room. 


Charlotte got me a black buttoned-up shirt, a black blazer and grey jeans along with other accessories like ties, a belt, waist chain and such. It seemed normal at first, only until I realised that all of them too not only had musical references, but they all related to the piano. 

Excessively piano features on each article of clothing. 

The tie had the signature covers of a piano keyboard along with the blazer. 

She's trying to make me advertise that I'm a pianist. 

I mean, she is, a piano, so I guess it would be some sort of perspective bias? 

Well, I'm flattered regardless. 

Putting on the black buttoned shirt, piano blazer, grey jeans and tie along with other accessories, I look at myself in the mirror. 

Maybe it's because it's clothes that Charlotte picked out, but I think I look good. 

"Are you done yet~?" 

I heard Charlotte's voice from the outside, seemingly waiting for me. 

"I'm ready." 

I replied before walking out. 

"How do I look?" 

Charlotte did a nice pose as she showed off a set of clothing I picked out for her. 

It was the pink hoodie from before, the one saying "You Are My Piano" along with short jeans. She looked fabulous, even cuter and sexier than I imagined it to be, the musical references on her clothing made it even better. Her brown hair laid outside the hoodie, improving the aesthetic. 

Her sparkly blue eyes glazed over me, look for approval. 

"You look cute." 

I looked away, my face flushing.

S-She looked amazing. 

"You look sexy too." 

Charlotte's eyes glimmered as she analysed the clothes that she picked out for me, seemingly nodding as if it was how she imagined it to be. 

"That's good, now let's buy all of these." 

"No wait, I haven't tried everything yet!" 

She grabbed my hand, holding me back. 

"E-Everything? But I got you so much-" 

"Yes, I want to try everything." 

"Oh god."


Part 2 

After two hours, we were finally done with buying clothes. 

I could feel the weight under my eyes as I dragged myself through the mall, the life in my legs almost gone, although rating Charlotte's looks every time she came out was a little bit fun. 

But in contrast, Charlotte was in an energetic, playful and bright mood. Her vivaciousness outshined me, making me even more tired. She hummed a melody of a piece I knew as she skipped, swinging her shopping bags like it was a game. 

Girls are scary. 

"Hmm~ Hmm~ Mm mmm~ Oh look, a music shop, wanna see what's inside?" 

Charlotte noticed a music shop all the way down there. 

As a musician, seeing a music shop that I haven't paid a visit interested me very well. 

"Yes, let's go." 

We both entered. 

"Welcome, welcome to Albert's Music Shop, what we looking for here today? Pianos, Keyboards, Guitars, Violins? We have them all!" 

"We're just looking around." 

We were greeted by an employee of this vast shop that extended far down and wide, there was sure to be a vast variety of instruments and equipment laying around here. 

"Oh, then, please, take your time." 

Charlotte and I walked in, subconsciously walking over to the piano section. 

"Ah, a grand piano." 

I approached a grand piano. 

"This one is from an expensive brand as well, $15,000, huh? I'll just savour a taste by playing it-" 

"No, don't do that." 

Before I could lay my hands on the grand piano, Charlotte grabbed a hold of them. 

"What's the problem?" 

"The only piano you can play on is me, not those entitled stupid haughty grand pianos." 


Charlotte had an angry and pouty look on her face with her arms crossed, her eyebrows knitted as she glared at me with a disapproving expression.  

Aah, I really wanted to play the grand piano, but I'll hold back, for her sake. 

"Alright, but what about the piano I use for work at the orchestra." 

Hearing my reply, Charlotte closed her eyes, thinking for a while. 

"...Quit the orchestra." 

"I can't do that." 

Charlotte began to think harder but eventually gave up. 

"...That'll be the only exception, don't get too attached to it, okay?" 

"You got it." 

I stood up and began walking past the grand pianos and began to look at piano accessories. 

These accessories in the shop were the ones I already had or didn't need. There was sheet music for various songs, metronomes, piano stools, posters and even specialised headphones. 

But still, I focused my gaze on the shelves, paying extra attention for anything new. 


I heard Charlotte's voice calling to me from the side 


With my hands in my pocket, I tilted my head backward. 

"...Am I good enough of a piano?" 


What's with this sudden question? 

"What do you mean?" 

Charlotte played with her fingers. 

"You were looking at the grand pianos like you liked them, or something... But I'm an upright piano, not a grand piano... Am I good enough? ... Are you bored of upright pianos because you played me for your entire life?" 

This was a face of Charlotte that I've never seen. 

Her expression was riddled in uncertainty and self-doubt as she made eye contact with me a few times before looking back toward the ground, she had a nervous posture with her hands between her thighs. 

"...I know grand pianos have better sound than me, their range, dynamics and quality of sound are clearly superior to mine..." 




I pushed Charlotte against the wall, slamming both my hands beside her, allowing the pummeling shock to enter her ears. 

She shrieked in surprise, her expression in confusion.  

I could feel her warm wet breath brush against my face as I pinned her against the wall, her heartbeat audible and synced with mine. Along with her breath, her red-hot face created extra heat. 

From this close, I could see the tiny details of her face, it looked smooth, pure and white. 

It looked, perfect. 

I glared at her with my sharp emotionless eyes, piercing her pupils with my gaze. 

She looked away with an embarrassed expression, downward. 

"Compared to you, grand piano's don't stand a chance. You're the only one that's perfect for me."

As I said that, I could see the sudden shudders sadistically run throughout Charlotte's body as her shoulders quivered. 

Her muscles tensed, her face weakened as she felt her heart drop down to the pits of the underworld. 

She glared downward, toward my chest, firmly pressing against it with both her hands, but she found herself rubbing against my chest muscles, unsure of what to do. 

Her trembling was cute, especially with her hands. 

"...Do you understand that? You're mine, nothing else would satisfy me better than you."  

I moved inward, causing the back of Charlotte's head to finally hit the wall behind her and moved my mouth to her ear, whispering within. 

I could see the pulsations within Charlotte move up and down through her body, her eyes swirled chaotically as she made inaudible sounds. 

"Y-Y-Y-Yeah, I u-understand." 

Now her entire face was red 

"Good, let's continue checking out stuff." 

I pulled back, and with a warm smile on my face I led Charlotte out to a different section, away from the grand pianos. 

Great, I found a way to communicate something very important deeply. 

Now she won't have doubts about how precious she is to me. 


From the corner of my eyes, I could see Charlotte pressing her hands against her chest, breathing heavily with surprise and embarrassment written all over her face. 

"Y-You caught me off guard, that wasn't f-fair..." 

She muttered something under her breath. 

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