Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 108: 108. No.1 Fan.

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Jason was livid, he was so furious he could kill a person. So he banished Kevin, he didn't trust himself not to do anything drastic if he remained in front of him. He headed into the spa along with the bodyguards and now they were standing in front of him with a wig and a pair of heels but no Jessie. He stared at them, with nothing but terrible thoughts running through his mind. He could yell, he could break things but that wouldn't bring her back, the only thing he wanted was her before him. What he even thinking? Leaving her like that? These bodyguards were all useless!

Her last call kept replaying in his head, he never heard her sound so scared before and that on it's own made him incredibly terrified. What would he do with himself if she was hurt, or even worse. What if it was Patricia? He was so terrified it made him angry. He was practically the most powerful man in the country at the moment and yet, he was still powerless. 

He told her to stay put if she could, which meant she either couldn't or she was taken. He couldn't bare to trust this group of idiots anymore. He pulled out his phone and punched in numbers.


"Paul, I need your help." He stated curtly. 

"Right now? This isn't really a good time." Paul mumbled over the phone.

"Jessie missing." He said. 

"What? Again?" Paul asked in disbelief. 

"Yes Paul, again." Jason said through clenched teeth.

"I thought you had bodyguards with her, how did she go missing aga-"

"I don't know Paul! I guess I'm surrounded by buffoons!" He yelled. After a short moment of silence he spoke again. "I'm, I'm sorry for snapping, it's just, I really need your help." 

"I'm not sure what I can do Jason, you are the one with the connections." Paul reasoned.

"Yeah but I'm too emotional to give any reasonable orders right now, would you just please?" He asked.

"Fine, where are you. I'm on my way." Paul replied. 


"You really don't have to thank me." Krystal said slowly, afraid the words might come out the way they were in her head, jumbled up.

"Actually I do. I've been acting for almost eight years and the only thing fans do is demand demand demand. Sure they love and admire me, but when there's a scandal or rumour there are the first people that would turn their backs on a celebrity. I've seen vicious comments online, and I wonder, are this the people that say I'm the best? I don't know I just expected people to hate me so much that they would actually be happy to have me dead. But I guess I was wrong." Jessie said, laughing nervously. 

Krystal shook her head. "I would never hate you, I couldn't. And I'm sure that there are people out there too that feel the way I do as well. It's true that the majority aren't your true fans, nobody really has millions and millions of fans. But there are people that love you, truly, through thick and thin." 

Jessie smiled, "I don't know about people, but I know about you. You're amazing Krystal, for believing in me the way you do. I'm truly sorry for ending up in this situation, and for breaking the hearts of my precious fans that believed in me. But I'm grateful to you, that you still believe in me, your my no.1 fan." 

"Stop, my heart can't take anymore of this!" Krystal squeaked, blinking back tears.

Jonathan cleared his throat behind them, "uhm I hate to break up this beautiful scene and all, but the car is here, let's go." 

They both nodded. The drive to Jonathan place was short and the two ladies were occupied in a deep conversation about Jessie's career. 

"Boss, I thought you lived in your family mansion." Krystal commented as the walked into a building. 

"Oh I left, couldn't stand the old man anymore." He shrugged as he held open the door for the women to walk in. Seeing Krystal's excitement now he knew why she gave him that ultimatum.

"I will give you Jessie location on one condition, you allow me meet her."

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"Oh shoot. Mr. Kang?" Jessie turned around suddenly remembering she needed to make a call.

"Call me Jonathan." He said as he shut the door.

"Okay, Jonathan. Can you please lend me your phone? I really need to make a call." She asked.

"Your guardian?" He said with a small playful smirk.

"It's true, who is this mystery man you've been staying with anyway?" Krystal asked.

Jessie looked at both of them, wondering if she should reveal the information. "You'll find out once he comes to get me, so can I have your phone?" She said. 

Jonathan nodded "fair enough." He said handing her the phone. She thanked him and went into the other room to make the call.

"So who do you think the mystery man is? I mean he has to be bold and resourceful to be housing the dead actress, well supposedly dead." Krystal asked Jonathan. 

"I have no idea, it could be anyone. I know I would." He replied. 

"That's true, you haven't even told me why your so fascinated by the actress." She informed him.

"Do I really need a reason to want to help?"

"Jessie Marin? Oh yeah." 

"Well, I don't think that's any of business now is it?" Jonathan said slyly. 

Krystal brows furrowed in annoyance, and she pouted. "No fair! You promised to tell me if I came back to work!"

"He promised to tell you what?" Jessie asked as she walked back into the room.

"Nothing!" Jonathan replied quickly. "You must be hungry after all that running, I'll go prepare something. You girls keep yourselves company." He stated firmly leaving the room.

"What was that about?" Jessie asked with a small smile. "Did I walk in on something private?" She asked.

Krystal shook her head, then she eyed the expression realising what Jessie was implying. "Oh no! Oh no! Nothing of the sort, we don't have that kind of relationship." She vehemently refused.

"Okay, okay if you say so." Jessie laughed. 

After a little while the door bell rang, and Jonathan went to get it, wiping his hands on the apron he wore. Immediately he opened the door, a fist approached him, too starled to avoid it, it came in contact with his jaw. Making him stumble back a few steps.


He looked up and frowned. "What the hell Jason!" He yelled.

"I could ask you the same thing, what the hell are you doing here?!" Jason asked. 

"What do you mean by that? I live here? Since when do you greet people with blows?" He spat, touching his lips and looking down at the red that coated his fingers.

"What's going on here?" Jessie gasped from on top the stairs. "Oh my goodness, Jason?"

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