Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 109: 109. Half-brothers.

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"Jessie?" Jason breathed out. "It was you? You took her?" He sneered at Jonathan. Grabbing him by the shirt.

"Jason! Stop." Jessie yelled running down the stairs with Krystal right behind her.

"Jason, stop it, let him explain." Paul said from behind him, pulling both of them apart. 

"He's the guy?" Jonathan asked Jessie his expression etched in disgust. Jessie nodded at him and Jonathan scoffed, laughing ruefully. "Why are you staying with such trash?" He spat.

"Excuse me?" Jason said.

"You heard me." Jonathan replied. 

Before they could start fighting again, Jessie put herself in between the two men. "Both of you stop it, I don't understand, why are you acting like this? Do you know each other?" She asked. 

"The question should be why the hell you know him?" Jason spat.

"Why? What wrong with Jonathan?" She frowned looking at Jonathan. "Hello Paul, it's been a while." She said quickly sending him a quick smile.

Paul laughed at her response. "It's has been while. And do you really not know the relationship between these two?" He asked.

Jessie looked back and forth between both of them and she couldn't see anything thing. She shook her head.

"They're brothers" Krystal pointed out.

"Half-brothers!" They both snapped.

Jessie jaw dropped, Jason Kang, Jonathan Kang. "Really? Like seriously?" She asked in utter disbelief. 

"I know right, I'm nothing like that idiot over there." Jason scoffed.

"No, he's nothing like you." Jessie said. "I, I mean how can one brother be so selfless and calm and I end up with the hot-tempered one." She huffed. 

Jonathan smiled and Jason face fell into a scowl. "Excuse me?" 

"No... I mean apart from your last names you guys are nothing alike." She said. "He's nice and kind, and then you're... you." She smiled at his already frowning face. While the rest of the room struggled to stifle their laughter. 

"I spent the better part of this afternoon, worrying about your safety and basically almost going mad because I couldn't find you in that spa. And you're saying my brother is better than I am?" He asked.

Jessie chuckled, walking over to him,she slipped her arms beneath his jacket. Snaking her arms around his slim torso she laid her cheek aganist his chest hugging him. "Thank you, for worrying about me." She said.

Jason stiffened, the scent of Jasmine wafting into his nostrils so strongly. She always smelled of jasmine, but today it seemed stronger. And it made him heady, only Jessie would have such and effect on him like this. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder and placed a kiss on her forehead. Pulling her closer, this was perfect. 

Krystal was shocked at first at the scene playing out in front of them, but then it made sense. Now why a sweet beautiful and amazing woman like Jessie Marin would end up with that infuriating man. But just seeing both if them together just made sense. She looked up at Jonathan to his reaction and just like that she knew why he was so interested in Jessie Marin. 

The way his brown eyes held such an intensity, and how his fists were clenched tightly by his sides. How hard he was trying to keep his face expressionless, of course. Of course. 

But she couldn't be bothered by that right now, not while the man that made her brain jelly was standing right there in front of her, in same room. He seemed bored, of course he would be. She couldn't help the smile that permanently etched itself on her face, she wanted to see him again, who knew today would bring her such luck? First Jessie Marin and now, Paul? Wow, she was truly lucky. Honestly if she died today she would have no regrets at all.

"Let's home Jessie, it's about time we get out of Jonathan's hair." Jason said after she pulled away.

Jessie turned to look at Jonathan, who gave her a tight smile. She looked at the apron she he had on and felt bad about the food he started to prepare for them. Then she looked at all the bodyguards Jason brought along, no way he made enough for everyone right?

"Well, sure but I'm not going without my food." She said. 

"Your food?" Jason asked.

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"Em." She nodded. "Jonathan?" 

"You still want it?" He asked slowly. 

And she nodded. "Of course I want it, you said you were making something for me right. It's a shame I can't eat it here with you, but I'll take it to go?" She said. 

Jason frowned at her, why was she patronising him? Why would be cooking for her? Tch. 

"Sure, ofcourse if that's what you want." Jonathan nodded. 

"It is, maybe we'll eat together some other time?" She offered. 

"Never going to happen." Jason spat from behind her.

"Hey!" She jabbed him with her elbow.

"What? After your little stunt today, don't think you're leaving that house without me again." He whispered in her ear.

"What? Without you?" She whined. "What happened to Kevin?" 

"What do you think? I fired him, so now you're stuck with me." He said curtly. 

"You can't do that" she said lowly. She hated Kevin, and she definitely wanted him replaced, but not at the expense of Jason? How was she supposed to do anything with Jason always breathing down her neck?

"Watch me." He replied. 

During their squabbling, Jonathan had already gone and returned with a small foodwarmer. He put it a small bag and handed it over to Jessie. 

"Thank you so much Jonathan." She took the flask. "Wait a minute, your lips are still bleeding." She gasped, shoving the flask into Jason's arms she rushed over to Jonathan. 

Jason frowned handing the flask over to one of the bodyguards. He walked over to the chair Jessie had seated Jonathan on. "I'm pretty sure he can handle that on his own." He scoffed.

Jessie hissed at him. "How can you even say that? You did this you should apologise." She said. 

Jason pursed his lips, folded his arms and looked away. 

She rolled her eyes at his behaviour, leave it to him to be so childish. "Where is your first aid box?" 

"In the kitchen by the cupboards." He replied and Krystal went to get it.

Jason continued to clench his teeth and cough non-stop as he watched her tend to his brother's wound. The moment she placed the bandage on his lips he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the apartment. 

"What is wrong wit- oh my goodness!" She gasped. 

"Let's go, it getting late already." He said.

"So? I didn't even say goodbye." She frowned. 

"It doesn't matter, let's go." 

"She can't go, not right now." Paul said, leaving the house.

"Why not?" Jason asked. 

"Because she needs to see Katherine, something is bothering her and she needs a friend. She needs Jessie."

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