Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 126: 126. Unfavoured Main Chick.

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"Mr. Song? It's Choi Yuri." 

"Yuri? Hey, how are you?" Paul asked, dismissing the nurses and walking into his office. "I didn't expect a call from you to be honest."

"Well I didn't expect to call to either, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Are you perhaps free? I would like to talk." She said.

"Sure, just tell me were." He said.

"I'm actually in your hospital right now, if that's okay with you." She replied. 

"Okay, I'll tell them to let you up." He said.

"How about you come get me, you see I'm not very comfortable with strangers." She said. 

"Fine, if that will make you feel better I'll  be there in a short while." He said curtly. 

"Choi Yuri?" He called out to the slender woman standing in front of the reception. She turned to look at him with a small smile. 

"Good day Mr. Song." She smiled.

"Call me Paul." He said pulling her into a small hug. "Come with me." He said leading her to the elevator. 

"You must be wondering why I'm here? You know after the whole incident last time." She said breaking the silence that fell on them in the elevator. As Paul opened his mouth to respond the elevator door opened. So they didn't say anything more till they were in his office. 

"So... I'm sure your mom must have told you what happened, I expected the whole arrangement to be cancelled." He stated bluntly. 

"We still need to talk about it don't you think?" She asked.

"If you're expecting an apology it's not going to come, I don't regret what I did because I wasn't wrong. And neither was my staff." He said.

"Well I am the one that will be marrying you now won't I? I believe that's my decision to make. My mother was in the wrong and I apologise." She said. 

Paul brow rose slightly, "really?" She nodded. 

"Then why do you look displeased. It's like your mad at me for something." He said.

"I am. While I agree my mother shouldn't have made a scene here, you can't really blame her. Her son's life was just ruined it a tough pill to swallow. But that's not why I'm annoyed." She frowned slightly. 

"Are you going to tell me why then?" He asked.

"You left abruptly in the middle of our date, if that isn't demeaning I don't know what is. Worse you left so quickly to come defend another woman, why would you meet with me if you're interested in someone else?" She asked.

"Excuse me?" Paul squinted. 

"Tell me Mr. Song? Regardless of what happened with my mother are you really interested in this relationship?" She asked again. "I will not be a side chick, or rather the unpreferred main chick."

Paul opened his mouth, then he closed it again, not knowing what to say. Somehow she managed to make him speechless, interesting. 

"First of all, I am sorry for leaving you like that, I believe I apologised. And a relationship? Is that what this is?" He asked, pointing at her then himself.

"What else would you call a marriage? I understand this isn't a love arrangement, but we could at least be amicable." She said. 

"So you're serious about this? About us?" Paul asked.

"Only if you willing, of course I can't force you to marry me or anything like that." She said.

"Fine then. Let's do it." He smiled sweetly at her.

"On one condition, promise me there is nothing going on between you and that doctor." She said. 

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"There's nothing going on between Katherine and I. She's my best friend, and I would die for her and she would for me. But that's it." He stated firmly. 

She scoffed. "That doesn't seem like nothing to me." She said shaking her head. "How will you lay down your life for her? I mean, isn't that too far?"

"Not with Katherine, no. I've known her majority of my life, she has been with me through a lot. We've gone through so much together." He said.

"Well I don't feel comfortable with her or your relationship with her. If you really are just friends then end it." She insisted. 

Paul frowned. "It seems you refuse to understand, relationships like that don't just end." He said, trying to convince himself more. As Katharine words echoed in his head.

'Let's stop being friends.'

"Trust me, we're just friends." He insisted as well.

"Fine then, I will hold you to your word. Walk me out?" She asked.


He walked her out of his office and they walked through the hallways of the hospital. 

"Director Song, hello!" Hannah chirped from the door frame of a room.

Paul stopped and turned to loom at her. "Hannah, how are you?" He asked her with a sweet smile.

"Great! Are you going somewhere?" She asked, peering beside him at the pretty woman standing beside him.

"Em. Just walking her out, where's ka-" 

"Why are you standing in the way? Come help me with this." Katherine said as she walked out of the room. She looked up at Paul and smiled before she could stop herself. 

"Hey" Paul greeted with a smile of his own, 'she seems to be in a good mood.' He thought. 

"Hello, Paul." She returned the greeting, clearing her throat and hiding the smile the moment she realised what she was doing.

'Paul?' Yuri wondered. 'She must be familiar with him to call him by his name.' She stepped out from beside him so she was visible to Katherine. 

Katherine frowned when she saw Yuri eyeing her with hostility. Paul noticing her line of sight opened his mouth to introduce the two women. The moment Paul glanced at Yuri her glare was replaced with an innocent smile and Katherine fought the urge to gag. 'Great another jealous bitch.'

"Um.. this is Katherine." He said out of habit.

"Dr. Park." Katherine corrected.

He gave her an awkward smile. "This is Choi Yuri." 

"His Fiancee." She also corrected. 

"Pardon?" They both said in unison.

"What?" She blinked innocently at Paul. "I mean it's basically already settled isn't it?" She asked Paul.

Paul rubbed his neck and glanced at Katherine. Why did he feel awkwardly saying this in front of Katherine? Somehow he disliked that she heard that.

Before he could explain any further Katherine spoke up. "Congratulations. If you would excuse me I have work to do." She said stiffly, quickly walking away.

"She seems nice." Yuri said immediately. "Let's go." She grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

"Dr. Park?" Hannah said cautiously as she trailed behind Katherine. 

"Don't you dare say another word Hannah." Katherine growled. 'Jerk!'

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