Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 127: 127. Intense.

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Tony watched his daughters play with happiness and contentment. They were his pride and joy, if there was anything he did right in his life it was the three little angels playing in front of him. But that was short lived because in an instant his vision was obscured and all he saw was black. He tried to struggle but a pair of strong arms grabbed his hands and put them behind his back. Before he could get lose they was a sharp force on the side of his neck and he lost consciousness. 

When he finally woke up, he struggled to keep his eyes open. Eyeing his surroundings slowly, a couch? Was he in someone house? He sat up slowly and saw a desk and a computer. An office, he was in an office. And someone was sitting behind the desk.

"You're awake! That didn't take long." 

"What the actual fuck Jason Kang!" He yelled. "You're behind this?!" He screamed. "Where? Where are my daughters? I swear if you touch even a single hair on their he-" 

"They are fine, still playing happily in the park. Don't worry, it's you I want." He said standing up and walking over to the couch.

Tony got up at an alarming speed and rushed towards Jason, but was interrupted before he could reach. "Where the hell did you even come out from?" He asked as the man twisted his hands behind his back and brought him to his knees.

"I have bodyguards in my office as well, trust me I didn't ask for them but now I see they are pretty useful. Plus they do a really good job of blending into the surroundings don't they?" He smiled. Walking past them and sitting on the couch.

"Does this seem funny to you?!" Tony asked with the anger evident in his voice. "It's illegal you know, I can bury you with this you know."

"Oh yeah? When I do it, it's wrong but when you do so it okay?" Jason asked looking honestly curious. "Tsk... this is discrimination of the upper class, don't you think?" He asked motioning for the bodyguard to let him go.

"But sir-"

"It's okay, he's a smart man he won't try to attack me again." He said a silent warning to Tony.

"When did I ever..." Tony started realising he was referring to when he kidnapped Jessie. "That was different." He huffed. 

"Why? You convinced yourself you were doing it for her good. Well that's the same case here, I brought you here because of Jessie." He shrugged, wiping and invisible stain of his expensive suit.

"Jessie? What's wrong with Jessie?" Tony asked, walking back to the couch he was sprawled upon just a matter of minutes ago. 

"I need your help, she's being... difficult." Jason stated. 

"And why the hell would I help you?" Tony scoffed.

"I should sue you for defamation Mr. Martell but I didn't so you owe me one." Jason stated bluntly. 

"Defamation? When did I ever?"

"Telling Jessie I was working with Patricia to jeopardize her? I'm still pissed at that, and I know it was you." Jason said with an uneasy tone in his voice.

"Did she tell you that?"

"She doesn't need to, so are you going to help or not?" He asked again.

Tony sighed. "I'm not helping you because you're 'pissed' at me. I have a feeling you'll keep me here until I do, and you can't blame me for not trusting my girls are doing well." He gave in.

"Well you're right I would keep you here. And don't worry about your daughters their babysitter. Was it Sarah? Susanne?" He thought aloud.

"Felicity." Tony said through clenched teeth. 

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"That one" he nodded as if he was close to figuring out the name. "She with them."

"How? She has school today." 

"Well not anymore apparently." Jason stated. "Anyway, back to the matter at hand. What do I do if I need to pacify Jessie? She's mad at me, for good reason but for some reason she is refusing to forgive me." He said with a small pout.

Tony wanted to laugh at the sight but he held it back, he didn't like Jason. "Why is she mad?"

Jason narrated the incident again, and what Katherine's told him as well. 

"Hmm... she's not mad at you." Tony said curtly. 


"She's not mad at you, she's mad at her situation.  Jessie is a reasonable person, that is when she wants to be but she's also extremely stubborn. What she wanted you do was ask her to the party anyway so she would decline. Plus how do you expect her to feel hearing Patricia is hosting it? I mean the person she hates the most, ofcourse she would have declined immediately but you had to order it." Tony shook his head. "Every woman hates a man that seeks to control them. Do you not know this?" Tony asked him as if he was an idiot. 

Jason glared at him and frowned. "So she is jealous about Patricia? I can use that to make her come to me?" He asked.

Tony pursed his lips and sighed. "I'm not sure I should tell you this but as much as i hate to admit it, I understand what you're going through." 

"I'll let you in one a little secret, you can get Jessie to do anything you want by involving Patricia. Those too are so competitive it almost funny." He said. 

"Really?" He asked and Tony nodded.

"But the only way to get out of this one, considering how deep you dug yourself is to allow her come to the party." Tony smiled mischievously. 

"You know I can't do that." Jason stated firmly. "She can't be seen in public right now."

"Well who said anything about her being seen? You're a smart guy Jason figure it out." Tony stated.

"You're not making any sense do you know that? You just said she wasn't mad at me, and now I should pacify her?" 

"What I meant was her anger is not from what happened but make no mistake it's directed at you. Plus you failed to inform her Patricia was hosting your ball." He stated bluntly. 

Jason sighed. "Fine, what exactly happened between the two anyway?" 

Tony laughed. "It was pretty intense."

Chapter 128 preview: All is well that ends well.

Jessie turned around to see a very angry Patricia walking towards her, before she could ask what happened her head flung to the side as the impact for Patricia plan stung her cheeks. Jessie eyes widened and she glared at Patricia holding her assaulted cheek.

"What the fuck!" She cursed.

"You did this, didn't you?"

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