Sold? Oh Please.

Chapter 136: 136. Too Arrogant.

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"Tell me the truth now, why are you still engaged to Patricia?" She asked.

Jason tilted his head, he had to admit he was surprised and taken aback by her question. Should he tell her? Could he tell her? If he told her he needed to remain close to the Lee family then he would have to tell her about Paradise. He could and wouldn't do that. Telling her about Paradise would not only make her a liability but put her in unnecessary danger. So he decided to subtly change the subject while giving her vague answers. 

"Why all of a sudden?" He asked approaching her, very cautiously. 

"You said you were only engaged to her because your father threatened your inheritance. Aren't you already chairman?" She asked.

"Is that really the only reason your asking me?" He asked and she gave him a puzzled look in return.

"That doesn't seem like the reason, are you perhaps jealous?" He asked in a low tone.

Jessie did not realise this at first, but somehow how? She had no idea but somehow he managed to trap her between him and his desk. She left the door open so she would get her answer and leave quickly, after their meeting this morning she felt... she didn't know what she felt but it was not good. And that was the reason she purposely stayed away from Jason all this while. She managed to stay away and she felt all that hard work was crumbling with each step he took towards her. Why did he make her feel this way? So jumbled up and nervous.

"Why would I be jealous?" She said gasping as she hit the table. She instinctively put her hands behind to stabilize herself and Jason took the opportunity. He walked quickly and trapped her against the table putting his hands beside hers as he leaned down to look into her beautiful brown eyes.

"I too, have no idea, it's not like you like me or anything. Or are you afraid of Patricia?" He asked.

"Why would I be afraid of Patricia?" She scoffed.

Jason gave her a funny look, "despite the fact that she utterly ruined your life?" He reminded her and she looked away.

"I was ignorant at first but I'm aware of her far she's willing to go because of a rivalry. But I'm not scared. Angry and vengeful yes, but not scared." She stated with a fire in her eyes. "And the fact that you're engaged to the woman that ruined my life it just doesn't sit well with me." 

Jason sighed and leaned closer to her, "And what I want to know is why? Why does it bother you?" He asked, luring her into his trap.

Jessie looked at him like he was mentally impaired. "I mean, I'm... I'm..." she paused. And like a sheep to the slaughter she fell into his trap.

"You're what? What are you to me, no. What I'm I to you? Why can't I be engaged to Patricia?" 

Jessie froze, her brain working double time, looking for a suitable answer, how had she never thought about this before? She couldn't just say benefactor, because it was just wrong. She couldn't say his girlfriend because they weren't dating. Ofcourse definitely she had feelings for him but did she love him? She looked up into his eyes, what was the correct answer? 

'Just say the word and I'll end it.' Jason thought desperately. If she would just admit her feelings. 

"You know what nevermind, I guess overstepped." She blurted out, placing her plans flat on his chest to push him away. Jason sighed in disappointment, until when was she going to continue pushing his away like this? He stepped aside to let her go, she walked quietly to the door stopping just right in front of it.

She turned around. "I know I don't have the right to tell you break of your engagement with her, for whatever reason it is that you are engaged to her. Bu-"

"What makes you say that? I've told you before you are the person I love." He said.

"Can you just please stop saying that!" She said forcefully, "I'm already confused enough as it is, just ... stop." She said.

Jason bit his lip in frustration, did she realise how much she hurt him? Why did she keep saying things like this? "Well it is the truth Jessie weather or not you want to hear it. I love you." 

"If you do why are you still with Patricia then? Why would you bring her here?!" She yelled. 

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'Is that what this was about?' Jason thought. Was she here because Patricia was in his manor today? 

"Well, if you want answers Jessie is not going to give them to you, she too arrogant for that. You have to drag it out of her." 

"Is that why your so mad? Because I brought Patricia here today?" Jason asked.

Jessie blinked and looked away again. Jason was starting to understand her mannerisms, she loved the long way around with things. It was not her style to be direct and when she was caught in any situation that would make her seem disadvantage she would react like any wild animal. Fight or flight. Looking away was a balance between the two, she was too disadvantaged to argue and too curious to flee.

"I already told you she's hosting my ball." Jason stated, pocketing his hands, he crossed his leg over the other and leaned on his table. The action causing his hair to fall down and cover his eyes slightly. He looked like a total meal. 

Jessie gulped and blinked. Why did he have to look like this? How could she be mad at him when he looked like this? 

"So how does that involve your manor?" She said her forceful tone gone.

"You don't know?" He asked sincerely, he assumed by now one of the staff would have informed her.

"Don't know what?" She asked.

"I'm throwing the ball right here, in the manor." 

Jessie eyes widened in utter shock, he couldn't throw the ball here! "Why is tha ball suddenly here?"

Jason wanted to pat himself on the back, she looked so surprised she was definitely pleased. But she wasn't. Infact she was incredibly shocked and angry, but she couldn't let him see that so she grabbed the door and dashed out of the room.

Running hers she picked up the landline by her bed and quickly dialed a number. 

"Hello? Jessie?"

"Abort mission, cancel the plans, whatever it is but the party is at the manor!" She yelled.

Preview 137: Hellish schedule. 

"Hey, Jessie what are you still doing like this? You have a shoot in thirty minutes." She heard a voice say from behind her.

"Tony!" She yelled running to her grumpy manager she wrapped her arms around him.

"What are you doing?" Tony asked stiffened at her sudden attitude. 

"Tony I can't believe you here right now, is.. is this real? Are you really here? Do I really have a shoot today?" Jessie asked Tony with tears pooling in her eyes. 

"Ofcourse, did you take your sleeping pills again? You're acting strange." He stated, cupping her face and touching her head to feel if she was hot.

"I'm fine, absolutely. I'll be ready quickly." She sniffled, running into the bathroo

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